From celebrity protection to high net worth families and senior executives, Erimus Risk has a proven capability of working seamlessly and discreetly across the globe, ensuring your safety.
I am delighted to welcome you to Erimus Risk
assets and keep you and your family safe at
and to introduce you to the range of services
all times, whether on business, in your own
we have to offer. Erimus Risk was formed to
residence, conducting business overseas or
raise the standard of personal security and
while traveling on holiday.
risk management services available to private clients throughout the world and we have
I would like to thank you for your interest in
included within this brochure a brief summary
Erimus Risk and if you would like to explore
of our company and the benefits of becoming
how we may be of assistance to you, please
an Erimus Risk client. Erimus Risk provides a
do not hesitate to contact us and we would
unique service encompassing both domestic
be happy to arrange a meeting with you to
and international situations. With locations
discuss your specific requirements.
in North America, Europe, and consultants located around the world, we are well placed
Yours Sincerely,
to support your needs with timely and cost effective solutions, offering you peace of mind while you relax, or attend to your business. With Erimus Risk you have the re-assurance of an established global provider of personal security and risk management services
Glen M. Burton Dip CP Founder & Pre sident
designed to meet all of your requirements. Our clients consider us creative, responsive and reliable and we pride ourselves on forming close working relationships that are founded on trust, honesty and respect. Erimus Risk is designed to protect your most valued
With the ever-increasing need for specialist security and risk management support to business personnel and families traveling worldwide, we have the skills, knowledge and experience required to ensure that your business and family interests are protected.
ABOUT US Erimus Risk is a “boutique� provider of a range of specialized security services that are designed to mitigate loss through effective assessment and the delivery of customized, flexible solutions. Essentially, we are Asset Protection Specialists, with assets being designated as People, Infrastructure, Intellectual Property, Capital, and Image & Reputation. We are a leading global provider of integrated risk solutions for a wide range of potential threat environments. Our Consulting Team provide strategic advisory services designed to reduce your assessed key risks while our Operations Team facilitate the management of those risks on a daily or extended trip basis. We can identify risks associated with your business and lifestyle arrangements and through detailed assessment and careful planning will minimize your exposure to those risks, allowing you to manage your daily activities in a safe and secure manner. Erimus Risk is a dynamic, low profile company with the expertize to provide
From red carpet events in Spain, business meetings in Beijing, a family holiday in the Caribbean or a threat assessment on a remote facility, we have operated in both high profile and discrete situations all over the world.
OUR SERVICES Erimus Risk provides security risk mitigation solutions for high profile, entertainment / public figures, wealthy families / individuals and business personnel working in medium to high-threat areas. As a security consultancy, we undertake a strategic assessment of your requirements and provide a comprehensive plan that is tailored to meet your individual and specific requirements. Areas of Experience: • Security Consulting • Residential Assessments & Planning • Close Protection • Maritime Security Provision • Emergency Response & Special Projects • Surveillance & Counter Surveillance • Travel Security – Planning, Briefings, Assessments & Reports • Physical Asset Protection • Custom Training Packages Erimus Risk can handle all your security concerns, please contact us with your needs.
With experience in over 100 countries, Erimus Risk is well positioned to support you, your family or your organization with up to date expert advice and effective security solutions.
GLOBAL REACH Our capability is worldwide – there are no geographic boundaries. The team has carried out projects that include the protection of scientific researchers in Latin America, the repatriation to the US of a private family from an unexpected hostile incident in India, international red carpet events with high profile entertainment figures around the world and the design and management of protective programs for high net worth families in the United States, Middle East and the United Kingdom. Our people come from elite military and government backgrounds and have a vast amount of international experience in the private security sector. Uniquely for this sector, we also have significant experience of the requirements and sensitivities of working in discrete, low profile situations with wealthy families, business personnel and celebrities, at times when they may wish to keep a lower public profile but nevertheless require a seamless and effective security service.
Situation: Client requests full travel support
Erimus Risk allows you the peace of mind to
for a 10-day family vacation.
continue with your business or enjoy your
Location: Barbados, Caribbean
leisure activities incident free. We will ensure
Response: We supported one of our clients before and during a family vacation. We
that the services you receive are of the highest standard.
researched suitable accommodation options
Erimus Risk can provide you, your family and
based on the families specific requests and
your business with tailored personal security
liaised with resort management and staff.
support wherever in the world you may be.
We coordinated with our medical team who provided a medical report, a list of hospital locations and recommended appropriate vaccinations. We worked with the family’s private aviation provider to confirm type of aircraft, pricing, onboard food options, as well as arranging departure and arrival logistics and
• A highly experienced team of risk management specialists • A trusted and reliable partner to work alongside you and ensure your safety • A network of outstanding resources around the globe
onward travel. In addition one of our personal
To learn more about the benefits of becoming
security consultants traveled with the family at
an Erimus Risk client and how we can
their request, managing their day to day
support you, please contact us using the
logistics and ensuring they were able to enjoy
details overleaf...
their vacation in a safe and relaxed manner.
We take care of your safety so that you can conclude your business, or relax and enjoy your lifestyle. We have established a strong reputation for repeat business with those seeking to enhance their personal security needs due the caliber of our staff and our exceptional services.
Erimus Risk New York (+1) 917-289-1286 Los Angeles (+1) 310-684-3859