www.ppsngroup.com | enquiries@ppsngroup.com Westminster Business Centre (UK) Wellington House | Wynyard Park | Tees Valley | TS22 5TB | UK tel: 01740 665 074 26-28 Trans Amadi Ind. Layout (NIG) Port Harcourt | Rivers State | Nigeria tel: +234 (0) 84 461 075/076 fax: 234 (0) 844 61587
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PPS NIGERIA PPS Nigeria Ltd was established in 1999. During the last decade PPS Nigeria has been active within the West African Oil and Gas industry, establishing itself as a trusted and successful provider of specialised services including; • Training • Manpower • Pre-Commissioning, Commissioning and O&M • Design and Fabrication • Marine – Rig Support • ROV Surveys and Operations • Power Management Systems We pride ourselves on being able to offer complete turnkey packages.
Full coordination of all aspects of a project by our experienced staff, ensures completion of a project to our exceptionally high standards and at a competitive cost. PPS Nigeria has the resources, experience and determination to take your projects from possibility, to successful reality. We are extremely proud of our reputation for excellence with major oil and gas companies, including; Shell, NNPC, Chevron and Exxon-Mobil.
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THE COMPANY Project Specialists (PPS) was established in 1990 to provide specialised services primarily in the areas of Commissioning, Start up, Operations and Maintenance. These services were unique in the fact that PPS provided in-house procedures and management on a turnkey basis.
After working in West Africa for several years, PPS set up PPS Nigeria with a Nigerian partner in 1999. PPS Nigeria is supported by PPS Group’s network of regional offices strategically placed to support clients directly from the principal oil and gas reserves worldwide.
In 2002, The PPS Group was formed and has established itself as a company that can provide competitive commissioning services to the service divisions of major oil, engineering and construction companies.
In 2009 Rovin Energy Limited, a Nigerian owned and registered company bought 85% of PPS Nigeria. Rovin has injected renewed drive and determination into an already successful and established organisation and is keen to see PPS Nigeria emerge as a premier indigenous company.
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PERSONNEL & ORGANISATION The individuals comprising PPS Nigeria’s management each have over three decades of local knowledge and industry experience and are recognised and trusted within the Nigerian oil and gas industry. At PPS Nigeria we are also extremely proud that our Management consists of over 80% Nigerian content. Our in-depth regional knowledge and experience creates a powerful platform, which enables us to deliver first class services for the execution of projects.
LOCAL CONTENT PPS Nigeria unequivocally supports the Nigerian government’s commitment to Local Content Development. We are fully committed to proactively and energetically pursuing the maximization of Nigerian Content on all contracts. It is our policy to employ as many skilled workers as possible from the host community and we realize the importance of training and technology transfer to the local population. Reducing youth unemployment is a top priority. The oil industry is key to the Nigerian economy and the disruption of it by those who are disaffected is a matter of great concern. The young are Nigeria’s greatest hope for the future and it is essential that they have real job opportunities through vocational training and job creation programmes.
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At PPS Nigeria we can provide tailored training packages to internationally recognised, industry endorsed standards at our purpose built Competence Assessment Training Centre (CATC) in Port Harcourt, and through our European partners.
PPS Nigeria has a comprehensive database of multi-discipline international and Nigerian personnel for the oil and gas industry ranging from technicians to senior level engineers and management. The recruitment process supports the identification, selection and vetting services required to ensure suitably experienced consultants are selected to meet our client’s needs.
The CATC was established in 2001 to facilitate Nationalisation plans that included rapid training and competency for Nigerian citizens. CATC is fully equipped with classrooms, workshops, an Operating Plant Training Unit and the latest training aids to allow us to provide a full complement of certified training programmes for all the major disciplines.
These services also include the management of mobilization, visas, medical and travel arrangements. • Comprehensive Manpower Database • Vetting Procedures • Recruitment • Medical • Mobilization
• Full Administration
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PRE-COMMISSIONING, COMMISSIONING AND O&M. PPS Nigeria has the capability to provide the following Pre-commissioning, Commissioning and Operation & Maintenance services to the oil and gas Industry. • Customised Procedures • System Turn Over Packages • Computerized Data Management Systems
DESIGN AND FABRICATION PPS Nigeria is proud to offer the following Design and Fabrication services: • PFD and P & ID Development
• Full HSE Implementation
• Control & Safety Design & Development
Our services include creating in-house procedures and guidelines for the following activities: • Mechanical Completion Verifications. • Method Statement Development Procedure. • Internal Cleaning Procedures. • Internal Loading And Filling Procedures. • Pre-Test Run Procedures. • Loop And Function Testing Procedures. • System Dry-Out And Cool-Down Procedures. • Instrumentation And Electrical Check Guidelines. • Equipment Start-up And Test Run Procedures.
• Hazop Reviews • PLC / SCADA Systems
• Pre-fabricated Process Skids
Our expertise is in providing fully integrated services, and transferring information and knowledge to the client’s personnel in order to support the learning process.
• Qualified Personnel
• Acceptance Check Forms. • Turnover Dossier.
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PROJECT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES • Control & Safety Strategy Definition • Instrumentation Engineering Document Development • Bid Analysis & Instrument Hardware • Control & Safety System Selection • Co-ordination of the Control & Safety System Department • Co-ordination of the Instrument Hardware Procurement • Co-ordination of the Factory Acceptance Tests • Co-ordination of the Pre-commissioning, Commissioning / Start Up • Verification of Plant and System Performance Prior to Plant Test-Run & Acceptance POST PROJECT SUPPORT SERVICES • Routine monitoring of the plant processes to promote safe and reliable operation of the units. • Regular control system tuning to maintain the highest degree of optimisation and to ensure maximum efficiency throughout the plant systems. • Planned maintenance to prevent lost production and revenue.
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MARINE AND RIG SUPPORT PPS Nigeria offers the following Marine and Rig support services: • Provision of marine and oilfield drilling and accommodation rigs. • Shipyard project management (new build, upgrades, conversions). • Supply of highly experienced and qualified project and drilling personnel. • Provide integrated and turnkey drilling services.
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In addition, we have the following vessel types available for brokerage: • Fast Crew Boats • Drilling Rigs • PSV • AHTSV • MPSSV • MSV • 120 man AWB Barges • 150 man AWB Barges • 150T Derick Crane Barge • Cargo Barges • AHT’s
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ROV SUBSEA INTERVENTION At PPSN our committed team of experienced and highly skilled personnel, utilise the best of modern technologies. We offer complete ROV Inspection, Repair and Maintenance (IRM) packages, designed to accommodate underwater intervention tasks in support of oil and gas drilling, construction and production activities. We provide tailor made packages to fully accommodate each of our clients’ bespoke needs, which can include: • Full NDT tasks • Platform inspection • Hull and mooring survey • Mechanical chain measurement • Riser survey • Full internal ballast tank inspection using micro ROV with CP • Emergency response • Pipeline survey & inspection • Dive support • Drill support • Seabed survey • Manipulator tasks • Subsea valve operations • Mattress laying • Debris clearance
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In addition to our power generation services, PPS Nigeria can operate electrification projects to ensure consumers are receiving power and also run real-time diagnostics to test the efficiency of the entire system whilst in operation.
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PPS Nigeria has extensive experience configuring and installing system power supplies, switchgears, generator synchronisation, power monitoring and management for peak and off peak loads. We offer comprehensive training of personnel to enable the safe and efficient operation of power management systems.
PPS Nigeria delivers top quality installation and implementation of major electro-mechanical construction/maintenance projects covering: • High and Medium Voltage Substations and Distribution • Gas Turbine and Power Generation • Panelboards: MCCs, LVGS, Synchronizing Panel, Distribution. • Low Voltage Distribution • Lighting • Switching Devices • Surge, Earthing and Lighting Protection • Telecommunication Systems, Security, Access Control and Fire Detection Systems • MATV and CCTV Systems • Building Management System
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