How does someone like Donald Trump become president of the United States? How does someone without political experience, establishment support, or detailed plans win an election? How does someone turn back the will of the majority with a minority of support?
I stopped in 1916.
1916: Great Britain and France secretly plan to divide Middle East to maximize spoils of war, using a rulerto draw straight lines through ethnic divisions. (Sykes-Picot Agreement)
1941: Until 1945: Communist nation states in the Soviet Union and, eventually, China shift U.S. consensus toward military and economic global engagement. The goal is counter the Communist threat and protect access to foreign oil and markets. (Iron Curtain)
1948: A U.N. plan to divide Palestine into an Arab state, a Jewish state, and two independent cities sparks the actively supports Saddam Hussein. (Iran-Contra)
civil war after the Soviet withdrawal, eventually restoring order by imposing a severe strain of Islam. (Taliban)
2001: Al-Qaeda terrorists hijack airplanes with boxcutters and use the aircraft as fuel bombs to destroy both towers of the World Trade Center. (Sept. 11)
2003: U.S. invades Iraq to depose Saddam Hussein, projecting the cost at $50$60 billion; 10 years later, costs related to the war totaled between $1.6 trillion and $2.4 trillion. (WMD)
2006: U.S. manufacturing slows significantly as low-cost competition from China skyrockets. American growth comes mostly from financial, I.T., professional, scientific, and technical services. The only bright spot in manufacturing is housing. (Bubble)
2007: Barack Obama is elected president with 53 captured 91 of the popular vote after saving the banking and automotive industries, cutting unemployment, expanding health insurance, killing bin Laden, promoting clean energy, but failing to bridge partisan or racial divides. Republicans block investing in infrastructure, retraining factory workers, supporting clean energy, and court nominations. (332)
2013: America bombs ISIS strongholds in Syria as rebel forces take control of cities. Assad uses chemical weapons against insurgents and civilians. America sends some aid, mostly nonmilitary, as rebel factions clash. (WMD)
2015: Russia calculates that bombing Syrian rebelsand civilians, hospitals, and aid workerswill keep al-Assad in power, maintain influence in the region, distract critics, and punish Western governments. Almost 5 million refugees flee the country in three years. (Alan)
2016: Eight years after the Great Recession, unemployment is at 5 in favor. (Brexit)
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