NAHN Selection Criteria For Collaborative Organizational Partnerships and/or Strategic Alliances (DRAFT!) Partnership Criteria 1. Alignment a) Does this partnership further NAHN’s mission? b) Is this partnership aligned with NAHN’s vision and values? c) Will this partnership be well-aligned with our strategic objective priorities & activities? 2. Quality and Benefit a) Is this partnership likely to promote NAHN’s image, credibility, visibility, & reputation? b) Will this partnership contribute to the professional development of our members? c) Does the partner organization have an excellent reputation in the industry? d) Is the partnership likely to be perceived by members as worthwhile and valuable? e) Overall, is the broad-based benefit to NAHN as a whole clearly evident? 3. Purpose and Motivation a) Is the purpose of the proposed partnership clearly evident and well-defined? b) Does the partner have a core competency that we cannot or do not wish to develop? c) Have any potential conflicts of interest been disclosed? d) Are the roles, relationships, and obligations of the partners clearly defined? 4. Operational/Financial a) Is there a clear authority structure for the partnership? b) Is there minimal financial risk to NAHN? c) If this partnership involves the investment of financial resources, are the parameters, responsibilities, and expectations reasonably specified and clear? d) Is the anticipated return on investment reasonable? e) Does NAHN/CMI have the resource capacity to take on this partnership? f) Can CMI (and/or the partner) provide adequate resourcing, including staffing, technology, and support services?
No 1. 5. 9.
N/A 2. 6. 10.
COMMENTS 3. 7. 11.
4. 8. 12.
DRAFT -- For review by the NAHN BOD
Total # “Yes” Responses SCORING:
s Total # of “Yes” and “No” Responses
x 100
= Criteria Consistency Score
A Criteria Consistency Score of at least 90% is recommended to proceed with the proposed partnership.
DRAFT -- For review by the NAHN BOD