3 minute read

Manifesting What's In Your Heart

Rashelle Butts

Owner of The Breadbox Woodworks, LLC




N.A.I. Magazine: What motivated you to start The Breadbox Woodworks, LLC?

Rashelle: God did and this is how He did it: I have Zelma Owens to thank for the start of The Breadbox Woodworks. She is, among other things, a prolific artist and had (then) just recently started an embroidering business. I was talking to her about it, and she told me how easy it was, where she went to get it done, how much it cost, etc. I was curious and that same week went to visit the small business administration website where I read about how to start a business, what types there were, and decided to start a sole-proprietorship business. First, though, I had to come up with a name (and see if it was taken!), and I gave that some thought. The whole thrust of Breadbox is to be a place where people can come when they have something unique in their heart that they want to give to someone. What we do is manifest what's in your heart into your hands. Naturally speaking, a breadbox is where people go to get sustenance. They're hungry for something, and the breadbox has what they need in it - it is a resource to get that need met. That made perfect sense and so captured my personality, character, & spirit and thus the Breadbox was born!

N.A.I. Magazine: Describe yourself in 3 words and tell how these words have been instrumental in the success of your business.

Rashelle: Manifester [of] heart dreams. God's creations were spoken into existence from what He saw. When people start telling me about the item they want and describe it, God will show it to me - completely finished. From that point, I know it will come from where it is - a dream in that person's heart, through me, and into their hands. The gift of being able to see what's in a person's heart and then create that thing in the physical is instrumental to the success of my business because the person gets exactly what they saw/described/wanted. It's always an awesome and extremely humbling experience.

N.A.I. Magazine: Who is your greatest entrepreneurial example and inspiration?

Rashelle: Currently, I have two: Vanessa Smith and Danielle Pope. Infinitillionares in the making. Their innovative thinking, hardworking, no holds barred, no prisoner taking, ‘quit’ not in their vocabulary, strong desire to do what God has called them to do helps me to realize that I, too, can DO that and BE that.

N.A.I. Magazine: What advice would you like to give up & coming entrepreneurs?

Rashelle: **Recognize your dream - if you notice something is always a desire, a drive, stop and look at it. Explore it, write it down. **Find others who have not only recognized their dream(s) but look at what they are doing to make it come to pass or how have brought it to pass. Look at what they've done, read about what they have done and implement what you can of those things into your own journey. **Don't ever give up! What you can see is subject to change, thus it is unreliable and cannot be counted on.

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