1 minute read
In 2018, Mercy Healthcare System and the KU Health + Wellness Institute collaborated to create an unique internship opportunity. As a sole proprietor of Voelkerding Design Services, I was hired by KU, who was hired by Mercy, to do research for upcoming system design guidelines.
On day one, I was told my internship was up to me. I could do research on surgery departments or neonatal intensive care units, and collect data and create reports on my findings. I engaged with NICU design, and specifically turned the attention to family accommodation as it pertains to NICU design.
A 50 page research document complied all of this information for Mercy to use when creating NICU Design Guidelines. This portfolio only contains a brief view into the diagrams contained within that document, and a focus on Mercy St. Louis’ NICU.
13' - 8 1/2" 13' - 5 25/32" Mercy St. Louis
184 SF
15' - 0"
Figure 5.3
nurse neonatologist grandpa visitng mom touring transport Figure 5.4 NURSE NEONATOLOGIST GRANDPA VISITING MOM TOURING TRANSPORT
cuddler nurses charge nurse nurse practitioner nurse manager respiratory therapy radiology audiology transport surgery family suport neonatologist administration MCarty Construction PD&C housekeeping CUDDLER NURSES CHARGE NURSE NURSE PRACTITIONER NURSE MANAGER RESPIRATORY THERAPY RADIOLOGY AUDIOLOGY HOUSEKEEPING TRANSPORT SURGERY FAMILY TRANSPORT NEONATOLOGIST ADMINISTRATION MCCARTHY CONSTRUCTION PD&C