Child Center

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Centre dâ€&#x;Eveil de Richelieu in collaboration with Soroptimist International-Club of Port-Louis Caritas Petite-Riviere/Albion Ministry of Gender Equality, Child Development & Family Welfare Project Coordinator: Danielle ZĂŠlin (March-May 2011)

Summary of Project: I was appointed on the 21st of February 2011 on a 3-months contract, by Soroptimist International- Club of Port-Louis, as Project Coordinator for the creation of a “Centre d‟Eveil” at Cite Flamboyant, Richelieu. I had a ´Responsibilities and Scope´ scheme to follow. After evaluation of the rehabilitation and renovation work to be done on the building, the target date of the opening scheduled for the 1st of April had to be postponed. But to this date, the “Centre d‟Eveil” is fully functioning in respect with the security, hygiene and pedagogical aspects for the global development of the child. The building being prototype houses owned by the Ministry of Gender Equality, Child Development and Family Welfare, had some major renovation works and are listed down here:  Addition of metal roofing on the first veranda of the building.  Overall water proofing.  Opening and addition of 4 windows to create light and air circulation.  Installation of burglar bars.  Overall painting of building, inside and outside.  Removal of „macadam‟.  Landscaping restructured: ready made grass and pathways.  Floor dressing for verandas.  Repainting of windows and doors borders.  Inside Linoleum flooring.  Additional electric supplies  Painting of borders in yard Other internal repairs and renovation works were also undertaken:        

Insuring the functioning of toilets. Replacement of a broken window pane. Welding of gate. Addition of shelves for appliances and hygiene products. Kitchen furniture. Addition of a shower. Addition of a water tank. Replacement of broken taps.

Some other little tasks were gratefully done benevolently by people from Richelieu.

Following the legal procedures, we have the clearance of the Ministry of Health and Safety. Since the “Centre dâ€&#x;Eveilâ€?s of Caritas are not initially registered next to the authorities, no other legal procedures were proceeded.

Following are some pictures during the renovation of the centre:

After gathering different quotations from eventual contractors and particulars, our main partners contracted in the renovation work of the building are:  Mr. Jean-Francois Moutia form JFM contracting (metal roofing)  Mr. Sooriah from Sooriah Water Proofing (still not finished due to technical issues, which will soon be tackled)  Mr. Jonathan Rosa (opening of windows, floor dressing, linoleum installation and pathways)  Mr. Pascal Joumont ( internal repair of toilet, change taps, welding, installation of water tank & shower)  Mr. Clavio (burglar bars)  Medine Landscape & Medine Volunteer (landscaping and ready made grass)  Mr. Alain Elix (electric supply)  Nadine‟s team of Richelieu (painting)  Mr. Clency Foolchund (shelves and kitchen furniture) So far I am mostly satisfied according to quality of work; of course some postponed dates on the plan, due to weather conditions or unexpected issues. I would personally like to thank all those dedicated people helping us to realise that project.

Concept & Philosophy of the “Centre d‟Eveil” Following the same spirit of the different “Centre d‟Eveil” run by Caritas; I inspired myself from, in addition with my own professional experiences and knowledge in different educational contexts. The following document and pictures, after renovation, will give you a concrete idea of the concept created at the “Centre d‟Eveil” of Richelieu.

The Twos (2-3 yrs) At this age, children are making new discoveries daily. As two-year-olds begin to exert their independence, The Discovery Program opens their eyes to a world of learning, sharing, and exploring. The balanced approach in the classroom engages young minds with a blend of music, art, and movement, as well as the early education fundamentals they’ll need as they continue on to preschool. What The Child Will Learn The two-year-old will learn age-appropriate social, emotional, physical and cognitive/language skills. Social    

Practicing conversation skills through group story-telling and reading aloud Starting to play alongside others rather than alone Imitating the actions of classmates and teachers Learning to share and cooperate

Emotional  Identifying own feelings and those of others  Expressing creativity through art and music  Developing imagination and exploring dramatic play Physical  Riding tricycles, tossing balls, dancing, and jumping  Increasing balance skills using bean bags and balance beams  Developing fine-motor skills by pouring, cutting, drawing, and stringing  Practicing self-help skills such as hand washing and dressing Cognitive/Language  Learning new vocabulary and repeating words and short sentences  Indentifying numbers and counting  Using the senses to investigate the world  Problem solving and making predictions

The Twos Program The Discovery Program is in close connection with the Programme Guidelines Handbook in Early Childhood Development (Ministry of Gender Equality, Child Development & Family Welfare-Mauritius) The World of Twos reflects the transitional nature of the child's third year of life. The program is designed for each child to transition from the sensorymotor world of toddlers to an increasingly social world and the onset of symbolic thinking. Terrific twos are exploding in their power to communicate, to move purposely, to assert their independence and individuality, and to control their important bodily functions. The twos' experience is similar to adolescence in that it is transitional. In the same way that adolescence stands between childhood and adulthood, twos straddle the total dependence of babyhood and the more independent, mobile world of preschoolers. Like teenagers, twos are often frustrated with being "in between." They swing back and forth and often are conflicted by what they really want to do. Their imagination and desire often exceed their competence. Twos need manageable challenges and mastery experience designed for them as individuals. They need a relaxed environment that allows for frequent changes in moods, interests, and capabilities. Twos, in particular, need teachers to be learning consultants who accept them in their entire inconsistent behaviour, setting limits calmly and firmly when necessary. The twos learning environment is based on well-planned learning centres that allow for child choice and self-directed play, small groups, and supportive teaching that prepares children for future academic excellence. The twos environment recognized that two-year-olds’ need for movement and sensory exploration. Changes to the learning environment, activities, and projects reflect emerging interests and individual goals. Learning centres offer guided experiences that encompass all the skills and understandings necessary for optimum development and success in school. The Centres include: Language/Library

Action/Movement Vehicle Center


Discovery/Science Music

Housekeeping/Dramatic Play

Outdoor Learning

Table Toys/Manipulatives

Art/Creative Expression

Climbing Area

Sensory: Sand and Water

Learning centres are supplemented by any number of independent learning stations designed for use by one or two children, for example: Playdough Station

Body-image Station

Play Animal Station

Costume Station

Throughout the day, children make self-directed and guided choices, participate in small groups and projects, join in very brief circle times with the whole group, and reflect upon and document their learning experiences in developmentally appropriate modes. Children are guided to critical learning experiences that form the building blocks of healthy development. The knowledge of the children and families as a framework, teachers will use their talent and expertise to design, adapt, and invent learning centres that best serve the children in the room.

A day for a Two Time


7.30-8.30 8.30-9.00 9.00-9.15 9.15-9.35 9.35-10.00 10.00-10.45 10.45-11.00 11.00-11.45 11.45- 12.00 12.00-14.00 14.00-14.15 14.15-14.30 14.30-15.30 15.30-15.45 15.45-16.00 16.00-16.40 16.40-17.00

Welcome-Free play in centres Nursery rhymes-finger play-songs-poems-rounds in centres Toilet training-Hygiene care Snack time Sensory games- Outdoor games in centres(done in groups) Creativity- puppets in centres(done in groups) Toilet training- Hygiene care Meal time- Hygiene care Toilet training- Hygiene care Resting & Sleeping time Toilet training- Hygiene care Snack time Free play- Story telling in centres Toilet training- Hygiene care Songs-mimes-Nursery rhymes in centres Free activities in centres Departure- Evaluation of day’s work- Tidy up

A pedagogical file, available at the centre, has also been created for the „animatrices‟ or for anybody interested in, as a guideline of the concept and avant-garde understanding of Early Childhood Development. There are inspirational elements from the „Reggio Approach‟ and of „Multiple Intelligences‟ by Howard Gardner, which have been integrated. The „animatrices‟ have also been inducted for some weeks about the concept. I believe with their own talents and experiences, they will keep up the standard of the centre.

The Yard

Welcoming Area

Action/Movement/Music/Audio Visual Centre

Housekeeping & Dramatic Play Centre

Self Body Image/Costume Centre

Play dough Centre

Manipulative/Table Toys Centre

Language/Library Centre

Resting Area

Art/Creative Expression Centre

Discovery/Science Centre

School equipment and Pedagogical materials: The school equipments and pedagogical materials come from different CSR Funding, gifts vouchers (Courts Ltd), school (Clavis Primary School), Cite Flamboyant Fund and particulars. A very big THANK YOU for all those valuable partners.

Additional Pedagogical Support: Keeping in mind that education at Cite Flamboyant is „special need education‟, additional pedagogical support will be done benevolently by two qualified educators:  Ms. Marianne Anglaret: Teacher at Clavis Primary School, with „special need education‟ experience.  Mrs Evelyne Francois: Educator in „special need education‟ from Reunion Island. These two educators will be in touch with the „animatrices‟ as often as possible, to share and exchange information about specific issues that may arise or just to share their pedagogical experience in process.

Recommendations:  Concerning the building, I highly recommend that gutters be installed for eventual rainy periods as this may affect the good functioning of the premises.  Even though this particular project is on a temporary period till the new school is ready; I highly recommend that the centre continue its pedagogical activities (2-3 yrs) on a longer period, as it is a complete and fully adaptable asset to the demand and need of the community. This can even be extended as a „nursery‟ for the 6 mths-2 yrs, with an additional building specially made for.

Last words: I would personally like to thank Soroptimist International-Club of PortLouis and all the people I have met in the process, for their belief and trust in my personal talents, knowledge and experiences in Early Childhood Education. Indeed it was a fulfilling and intense human experience; but above all a real delight to have been of service to the Mauritian community where it was needed. My passion for the well being of the child is my drive and motivation to create opportunities for them to become fulfilled and responsible citizen of the World. And I believe that the „Centre d‟Eveil‟ of Richelieu is a blessed opportunity. Long life to the „Centre d‟Eveil‟ of Richelieu and may others be inspired to create more opportunities for the children of Mauritius.

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