Kate Bakes


Steps Collection Extended Code Unit 1 /ae/

Kate bakes a lot. She makes bakes of all shapes, such as cakes, cupcakes and tray bakes.
On this day, she makes a bake with dates.

She must add eggs and milk.
Dad can not wait till it’s baked so that he can taste it.

Kate cuts the bake and Dad has a bit.
‘Must I pay for the cake, Kate?’ says Dad with a wink.
Mum wakes up from a nap and makes her way to the cake.
‘Yum, Kate!’ Mum calls. ‘Jay, you must taste this!’


‘Mum!’ yells Jay. ‘Kate made me wait to have the cake!’
Kate gives in. ‘Jay, you are such a pain. Take a bit of cake and buzz off to play.’
Kate brings the date bake for her mates to munch at lunch break. ‘It’s great, Kate!’ say her mates.


As for Kate, she hates dates. She is not a big fan of the cake.

Kate’s next plan is to make plain cupcakes with pink whip on top. Yum, thinks Kate with a grin.

A Sounds-Write book for the Extended Code Unit 1 /ae/ from the First Steps Collection. Students may need help with the following words: taste, gives. Kate Bakes Sounds-Write Ltd. Text © Sounds-Write Ltd. 2022 Illustrations © Jess Bolam 2022 FREE E-BOOK