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LSK PROJECT The Language Adventure

Vision Experience English or French as a lifelong adventure. We are social beings who need to communicate and express for our own evolution. We use different kinds of communication styles and language is one of these. We primarily use our mother tongue, but to connect with our actual global village, mastering 2 to 4 foreign languages is an opening to other life experiences. Each language carries a story and each story helps us see the world differently. We, at LSK believe that giving that opportunity to the young generation at an early age, is a valuable asset to become more creative, outgoing and responsible citizens of the world.

Mission Offer the child stimulating and holistic opportunities to express freely in the foreign language chosen. Young Learners need stimulating and engaging hands-on experiences to give meaning of the world surrounding them. At LSK, we provide a child-centred environment which corresponds to this natural learning process. Their eyes will open to a world of learning, sharing, and exploring. The balanced approach at LSK engages young minds with a blend of music, art, games and creative movements supported by holistic methodologies. Transforming the language being learnt as a fun and exciting adventure. Nurture their language skills creatively at an early age Learning a second language at an early age is easy and fun; as the Young Learners have the advantage of assimilating more easily pronunciation, intonation and accent. Their minds at that age have enough space to gather linguistic information, register properly and then connect that information to everyday life. Thus bringing them to a better mastering of the second language they will choose.

Values Learning styles- The Child as a Unique Individual The well renowned psychologist, Howard Gardner believes and experienced the human being as having different kind of intelligences known as ‘Multiple Intelligence’, helping each unique individual to understand the world around. At LSK, we promote each child as a unique individual with skills, intelligence and talents urging to be expressed. And at the same time, expose them to other skills to be developed. Thus nurturing and respecting learning a new language in different styles. Learning through play Play is the natural way children learn, explore, express and experience daily life. This way they are better positioned to go through an ongoing stimulating and effective learning process. Since play is experienced in so many ways in the child’s world, playing at LSK is the core of our values. Mutual respect in sharing experiences Each child comes from different backgrounds, environment and with personal experiences. LSK promotes these valuable assets by sharing experiences in mutual respect, making a rich learning adventure and cultural discovery. Freedom of expression We all need and have the right to express freely who we are. Giving opportunities to freedom of expression at an early age is creating confident and free individuals. At LSK, we believe that offering that treasured opportunity is part of life experiences. Creativity Unlocked Creativity is the sole heritage of an individual and is expressed in different ways. Giving a child the opportunity to create in an engaging environment, will lead him/her towards developing a creative mind. Having a creative mind, means to analyze, think and find his/her own/new ways to interpret his understanding. That is why at LSK, we put emphasis on unlocking the creativity of each child through playful, creative and appealing language activities.

The concept

The LSK Planet Once upon a time a planet was discovered, the LSK Planet. Language Space Kids (LSK) invites children to take an adventurous language trip and discover a colourful, stimulating and fun space to be. English or French is the language code to access to LSK planet. Different stations with exciting missions are proposed like Target Drawing, Story Code, Game Space, The Musical and much more. The language adventurers are in a crew of 10 and age levelled: 4-7 yrs old and 8-10 yrs old. Welcome onboard!!! Ready for the adventure???!!! A trip to LSK Planet Each trip to LSK Planet is about one hour. During those hours, different playful and stimulating language-based missions (songs, games, dance, role play, story telling & much more) will be proposed so that the adventurers use new language codes acquired as much as possible to accomplish those missions. The Language Hostesses and Friends will accompany the adventurers during each trip. How do Young Language Adventurers learn at LSK? Children (as from 6 months till 10 yrs old) are natural language learners. To the contrary of adolescents and adults, they don’t need translation from their mother tongue to the foreign language. At those ages they observe, imitate, play and are able to associate the new words learned with objects/persons/actions and animals they experience on a daily basis. Researchers all around the world agree that, children have that incredible capacity of learning different languages at the same time, under the condition of being exposed as often as possible to the language in a fun and creative way. This is why at LSK; Young Language Adventurers learn the language through play, miming, stories, poems, creative art & crafts without the use of their mother tongue. To have a better understanding about how children learn a foreign language, please follow the link below from The British Council:

You can have the Latvian version of the article, if you subscribe to the British Council site.

LSK English Friends

Inky Mouse, Snake and Bee from Jolly Phonics are the English Friends on LSK Planet. They invite the adventurers to play and discover the letter sounds through exciting & fun missions. Jolly Phonics is about learning the 42 letter sounds (developing phonological awareness) through a variety of creative activities. Each sound is connected with a movement, a character and a story behind. After mastering the 42 sounds, the children will use their acquired knowledge to blend sounds together to form meaningful word. At LSK, a letter sound will be smoothly introduced with connective language-based missions in each trip.

Connect to the link below to have more details about our English Friends‌

LSK French Friends

Next to LSK Planet, there is another planet called ‘La Planete des Alphas’. There live funny and colourful letter characters singing the French letter sounds. They help the adventurers to sing, listen, dance and tell stories about their planet.

Le gentil


Raising a child to read by giving the ‘déclic’ or consolidating its gains is the goal of this method. Recognised by UNESCO, Les Alphas is a successful reading process methodology in different countries. Through the fantastic tale of ‘La Planete des Alphas’ (book, cartoon and audio CD), the child will make the discovery of strange characters from another world: Les Alphas. The child will quickly realize that these little beings have friendly and fun special features: they have the form of the letter and sing their sounds. Thus, following Les Alphas in their adventures, learning to know and recognize, by building strong emotional relationships with them, the child will spontaneously and intuitively have the ‘déclic’ and enter the world of reading. You can visit the Planet of the Alphas at the link below:

The LSK Language Hostesses Svetlana & Danielle are the language hostesses on LSK Planet. Both enjoy the language codes (English & French) of the planet and are the guides of the language adventurers during the trip. Those two fun and qualified hostesses have knowledge, talents, experience and skills to make that language adventure an unforgettable trip. Danielle ZĂŠlin: Danielle from Mauritius Island is bilingually educated and is passionate about children and languages. She masters both English and French languages. She is a qualified and experienced Early Childhood Teacher in both languages, for15 years now. Having a very rich and diverse professional experience with children, she has encountered different educational systems, in her home country and abroad. She created the LSK Planet Concept (pedagogical and environmental), putting together valuable and effective methodologies experienced in her teaching career. She has recently been certified as a TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) Teacher form INTESOL Worldwide Ltd, UK. The combination of her ongoing expressed passion with her professionalism makes Danielle an open-minded, bubbly and communicative hostess to the Young Learners. Svetlana Basangova: Svetlana has a teaching experience of more than 16 years. She is graduated from Latvian University - MA in English and Pedagogy & BA in Russian and Literature, including Russian for Foreigners. She has a varied teaching experience; teaching adults, university students and young learners. She also encountered teaching children in England for three years, thus enriching her professional career.

Being adventurous by nature, French has been of colourful interest for Svetlana. She taught Basic French Language in Moscow and Jurmala. Her enhancing and enticing nature makes her a valuable experienced hostess on LSK Planet.

LSK PLANET WEEKLY SCHEDULE Model 1 TIME MOND TUES 10.3011.30 12pm1pm 3.30pm- Crew A1 Crew B1 4.30pm Crew A2 Crew B2 5pm6pm 6.30pm- Crew A3 Crew B3 7.30pm




SAT Crew F1 Crew F2

Crew C1

Crew D1

Crew E 1

Crew C2- Crew D2 4-7 (Eng) Crew C3 Crew D3

Crew E2 Crew E3

A month trip: 15 ls Model 2 TIME MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Crew B Crew C Crew D Crew E Crew F 4pm- Crew A 10am6pm 12am

A month’s trip: 30 ls Please feel free to contact LSK to book a trip for your child. Each crew will be constituted of not less than 3 and not more than 10 children.

Language Space Kids Dzirnavu Iela 37-14 Riga, Latvia Contact: Tel: 25417375

Gallery of LSK

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