Our Stardust History An #ExplorerMindset activity
Entry point: Stars of North Carolina poster ASKing questions: individual/group/classwise Sharing and discussion Curiosity Point: We are made of stardust & We're all made of stardust
Connecting stardust elements to our body elements (interactive): The Making of You and Me Use infographic of body elements & explore The Periodic Table (choice of format) Create a class poster/infographic body (grand format) with elements (%) and their functions for our body Art connection: Stardust Bodies classroom display - each student will creatively represents her/his body using an art media: collage/painting/drawing or mixed media Language connection: Create a poem/story/song - We Are Stardust
#ExplorerMindset Moments 2022 Danielle Zelin - @NatGeoCertified Photo Credit: Wendi Pillars - #EducatorExplorer