2 minute read
Corner Name Tents
This activity involves students preparing a name tent with additional details on it (one item in each corner) to prompt conversation for a get-to-know-you/warm-up activity. The goal is for participants to get to know one another, practice asking and answering questions, and warm up for the session ahead. The additional information that is requested for the name tent is flexible and therefore can be tailored for the focus of the session.
Facilitators can prepare the name tents ahead of the session or do them along with the participants. Distribute the papers (8.5” x 11” or A4 will work) and markers (do not distribute hard-to-read colors — red, orange, yellow, etc.). NB: The name should be in large letters for all to read from a distance. The goal is to learn one another’s names, and having large letters is helpful.
1. Distribute the papers and markers. 2. Explain to participants that they will make name tents with several items of information. They should wait for full instructions before beginning. 3. Explain what should go on the name tent. Give an overview of all items before they start to write/draw. Then go through each item one by one, giving clear instructions. 4. Allow time for participants to complete each corner. 5. When participants are finished, they should turn to the person sitting closest and ask and answer questions about the pictures/words on the name tent. Give them five to seven minutes to swap information. 6. Have participants introduce their partners to the group and say something about one of the corners on the name tent.
When to Use It
• To build rapport • To get participants familiar with one another in a class or training • To help the facilitator learn names of participants • To informally assess level of learners/ participants
Paper for name tents, markers, tape
Preparation Time
5–10 minutes
Activity Time
15–30 minutes, depending on interaction among participants during mingling portion
Corner name tents can be folded and put in front of a participant if he/she is seated at a table or taped onto the front of the desk. They can be saved for use in subsequent sessions until names are known.
1. If participants are from only a few locations (cities/institutions), mix them up by not allowing participants from the same institutions/cities sit next to each other during step #5 above. 2. As the facilitator, you can participate in the pair work portion and model the introduction. 3. Depending on the length of the training, you can mix participants up later and have them swap name-tent information with someone else. 4. You can add to the name tents other items throughout the training and turn them into a type of evaluation of the workshop. E.g., Draw/write the activity you are most likely to use as a result of the training; the activity that you won’t use and why; whether you achieved the purpose of this training; etc. 5. Be sure to revisit the corner that relates to the goals of the training near the end of the event to see if the goal was reached.
This can be part of the evaluation at the end.