2 minute read

Tense Statements

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This activity can serve as an icebreaker. The facilitator reads sentences about him/herself, and students identify the tense and guess whether the statement is true or false.



Prepare the statements ahead of time. A sample list of statements is on the next page.


1. Distribute the handout or have students create a sheet with the same categories as those on the next page. 2. Read the sentences aloud. 3. Students mark the verbs as past (completed action) or the present or progressive (action in progress). Remind them that there are two verbs in each sentence. 4. Students also mark the statements as true or false.


1. Use statements about a person or place that relates to the topic students are studying. 2. Have students design the statements about themselves and do the activity in pairs or groups. 3. Student-generated statements can be redistributed so that one student serves as a monitor of the answers.

When to Use It

• To review past/present/progressive verb tense • To get to know the facilitator





Handouts if the class is using them. Students can prepare the answers on a sheet of paper.

Preparation Time

5–10 minutes

Activity Time

10–15 minutes

Tense Statements

Sample handout for students (or they could prepare these statements at their desk):

1. I ride my bike to work every day, and one day, I rode my bike 110 miles.

2. I live in Chicago, but I have lived in Japan, France, and Spain.

3. I have two sisters, and one of them just had a baby last month.

4. I work in a high school with 2,500 students, but I taught university in the past.

5. I love pets, and I have several dogs, cats, and birds at home.

6. I play bass in a country band, and I play in a Latin band where I sometimes sing in


7. I like to eat in fast-food restaurants, and I just ate at one before coming here.

8. I am a teacher, and I have been teaching since 1987.

9. I have flown to many cities, and usually I fly in economy class.

1. a) past or present b) past or present true or false 2. a) past or present b) past or present true or false 3. a) past or present b) past or present true or false

4. a) past or present b) past or present true or false 5. a) past or present b) past or present true or false 6. a) past or present b) past or present true or false

7. a) past or present b) past or present true or false 8. a) past or present b) past or present true or false 9. a) past or present b) past or present true or false

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