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Question Quest

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In this activity, students discuss in pairs/groups to create questions to match the answers they are given. Students share the possible questions with the class.



Prepare the answers to be distributed to students as well as how you plan to distribute them — e.g., slips of paper to pairs/groups, slide to project to group, etc.

When to Use It

• To review question formation • To promote pair/group work • To energize a class • To prompt discussion • To activate students’ background knowledge about a particular topic


1. Select a song with questions in the lyrics. 2. Prepare possible answers to the questions in the song. 3. Distribute the answers to students on either slips of paper or slides. 4. Put students into pairs/groups. 5. Instruct students to create possible questions to match the answers they were given. Set up a time for the task to be completed. 6. After the designated time, have students share the possible questions with the class. 7. Go over the questions with the group. 8. Play the song with the original questions. 9. Compare the questions in the song with the ones provided by students. 10.Discuss the song and its message/meaning.





Answers to preselected questions, songs or other selected audio segment

Preparation Time

15–20 minutes

Activity Time

15–30 minutes


1. Students could match questions/possible answers on slips of Possible Resources papers to form pairs; then, they could discuss possible scenarios Talk show interviews and/or where the questions came from prior to the teacher playPodcasts ing the song. Video or movie segment 2. The questions could also come from recorded interviews, pod- Songs, e.g., “Are You Lonesome Tonight?” casts, etc. 3. If interviews or podcasts are used, students could be given the task of identifying who the interviewee is, where or when the interview took place, etc.

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