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Disappearing Song
Students often want to know the lyrics of songs, and this activity can be used with many different genres to suit many tastes, but is better for those with clearer lyrics and appropriate topics. Depending on the song chosen, this activity can lead into extended discussion about a related theme or even prompt a grammar or vocabulary lesson.
Choose a song. Before the activity, write the lyrics on the board.
1. Go over the lyrics line by line with the students. 2. Play the song or practice singing the song with the students, line by line. 3. Erase approximately 10% of the words. 4. Draw a blank space under each erased word. 5. Practice singing the song with the students again. Make sure that they can remember and sing the missing words. 6. Erase another 10% of the words and follow the procedure in
Step 2. 7. Now erase an additional 20 to 30%, so that you only have about 50% of the words remaining. Practice singing the song again. 8. Finally, erase an additional 20 to 30% so that you have about 20% of the words remaining. Sing the song one final time.
Put up some of the lyrics first. Ask students to memorize the lyrics in 60 seconds. Cover up the last part of the sentence for each line. Check students on what they remember. Replay the song. Continue with other parts of the lyrics.
Note to Teacher
The number of words that you choose to erase and the pace at which you remove them will depend on the length of the song, the difficulty of the lyrics, and the level of your students. You do not need to erase a high percentage of words. Also be careful about singing the song too many times. You do not want it to become boring.
When to Use It
• To practice reduced forms (typically found in songs) • To work on pronunciation and intonation • To prepare for a discussion
Song as audio file in appropriate format for technology, lyrics
Preparation Time
Lyrics should be known and written on the board ahead of time. Any grammar, vocabulary, or follow-on discussion should be thought out ahead of time.
Activity Time
20–30 minutes
Possible Resources
Sing Out Loud: Traditional Songs https://americanenglish.state.gov/resources/singout-loud-traditional-songs Sing Out Loud: Children’s Songs https://americanenglish.state.gov/resources/singout-loud-childrens-songs