1 minute read
Song Bingo
This is a slight twist on traditional Bingo. Students draw the grid — either a 5x5 or 3x3 — and fill in the grid from a list of words. The words are preselected from the song by the instructor.
The facilitator should select enough words for the Bingo game card — at least 24 for the 5x5 and eight for 3x3. It’s appropriate to select more than eight for the 3x3, as students select the words, and the likelihood of different selections is encouraged. The facilitator should also know in what order the words appear in the song/text. That way, s/he will know whether the Bingo winner heard all the words on the game card.
1. Instruct students to draw the grid that will be used (3x3 or 5x5). 2. Give the vocabulary words selection (write them on the board or provide them on a screen). Alphabetical is suggested. 3. Tell students they will listen to a song. These words are from the song, and they are to cross out any words as they hear them. The first student to get them all vertically, horizontally, or diagonally will have Bingo and win. 4. When a student has Bingo, check the words s/he has heard with the word list in order. A student may have Bingo before the song is finished.
1. Give the words already printed on a 5x5 grid. 2. Have students select their “game board” by drawing a circle around the words they would like to select.
Sample Bingo Boards
5x5 3x3
When to Use It
• To raise students’ interest in a topic • To activate students’ background knowledge about a particular topic • To energize a class • To practice discrete listening
Words preselected from the song, paper for grid
Preparation Time
15–20 minutes
Activity Time
10–20 minutes
Possible Resources
Sing Out Loud: Traditional Songs https://americanenglish.state.gov/resources/singout-loud-traditional-songs Sing Out Loud: Children’s Songs https://americanenglish.state.gov/resources/singout-loud-childrens-songs