1 minute read
Go Fishing
In this activity, students are prompted to include functions and vocabulary in a discussion/conversation.
Select a topic for discussion, preferably a current event or a subject familiar to the students. Prepare slips of paper with the functions and/or vocabulary to be practiced. Identify the best cue to prompt students to “fish” for functions to include in their discussion. The cue could be a hand signal, whistle, turning off the lights, or the pausing of background music.
1. Place slips of paper with selected functions in a small fishbowl or container. 2. Depending on class size, split students into two/three discussion groups. If multiple groups take part in the activity, prepare the same set of functions and place them in different containers for each additional group. Each group should have their own set. 3. Write the statement or conversation prompt on the board. 4. Instruct students to take one item each from the fishbowl and explain that those functions and/or vocabulary items must be included in their discussion. 5. Tell students that they need to “go fishing” for new functions and vocabulary when you give them the selected signal. 6. Teacher (or students) can assign monitor roles to members of the groups to make sure everyone “goes fishing” and that items
“fished out” are included in the discussion.
1. The instructor could prompt the discussion by showing a brief news segment or video on the topic to be discussed. 2. After the activity, students could be grouped based on their views of the issue being discussed and have a debate. 3. Students could write a paragraph or essay (depending on their level) as a follow-up to the in-class discussion. 4. Students could conduct and record interviews with their classmates as a follow-up activity.
When to Use It
• To review vocabulary and functions • To practice fluency • To energize a class
List of vocabulary items and functions; bowl or other container
Preparation Time
10 minutes
Activity Time
10–15 minutes
Possible Functions/Vocabulary
I couldn’t agree more. I agree with…
In my opinion… I believe that… I feel that… I think…
That may be true, but… You might be right, but… I’m afraid I have to disagree with you.
How do you feel about…? Where do you stand on…(issue)? What are your views on…?