1 minute read
Me Too
This activity is a quick and easy speaking game that requires little preparation and can be used to emphasize simple verb structures (I can/can’t; I like/don’t like; I have/don’t have; etc.).
1. Have students stand in a circle. 2. Start the activity by having a student say something about him/ herself (e.g., I can swim). 3. If the next student in the circle can swim, s/he repeats the sentence. 4. The sentence will continue to be repeated and will travel around the circle until someone says the opposite (I can’t swim). 5. When that happens, the student who “broke” the chain will say a new sentence (e.g., I like chocolate), and the sentence will travel back in the other direction until someone says the opposite (I don’t like chocolate). 6. The goal is to find something that everyone has in common and that can travel all the way around the classroom.
1. For big classes, have the students stand up and let the sentence travel row by row. 2. For very big classes, the class can be divided into smaller groups.
When to Use It
• To reinforce simple verb structures • To provide fluency practice of simple verb structures • To build class rapport
Preparation Time
Activity Time
10+ minutes