1 minute read

Conversation Letters

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This activity allows learners to get into roles and act using intonation, volume, and emotion without memorizing or speaking any words.



Have some situation cards ready (police officer giving someone a ticket for speeding; two old friends meeting on the street who are happy to see one another; a parent scolding a young child for spilling milk; etc.).


1. Put students in pairs or small groups. Give them a situation card.

Students can also make up situations. 2. Pairs/groups decide on the basics of the scene (the person who was speeding wants to sweet-talk the police officer in hopes of getting a reduced fine, a warning, or no ticket at all, etc.). 3. They create a dialogue that only consists of the letters of the alphabet; no words. 4. Pairs/groups present their scenario to the class and the other students guess the situation based on intonation and body language.


1. Only allow learners to use one letter during their “lines.” Other students monitor usage. 2. One learner can only use consonants; the other only vowels. 3. Have learners imitate a textbook dialogue using only letters. 4. Add in the use of numbers. 5. Allow use of the Drama Box to enhance the dialogue.

When to Use It

• To give students practice in expressing intonation, emotions, and body language in situations without focusing on vocabulary/ pronunciation, grammar, etc. • To give less talkative learners a chance to practice with a lowered affective filter





Situation cards

Preparation Time

10–15 minutes

Activity Time

15–35 minutes, depending on groups presenting

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