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Group Reading Diary
This activity is a writing activity based on reading. Students share their comments on a text, but build off of previous comments.
Identify a text that is at a suitable level for your students. While students could write comments based on just about any text, the teacher should be prepared if the text chosen is too controversial.
1. Divide the class into working groups of four to seven. Appoint a leader. 2. All students within a group read the same text. 3. The leader of the group will write the first comment about the text on a piece of paper (or in a notebook or online). 4. The “diary” is passed on to a second member, who will respond to the comment above and the text as well. 5. The diary passes to each team member in turn for response.
1. Groups could select their own text under supervision and approval of the facilitator. 2. Individual entries could be fleshed out into longer essays. 3. The comments could be done as a Wiki/blog entry, with team members able to add comments in any order. 4. The comments could be done orally initially or after the diary has gone around the group in order to give extra practice.
When to Use It
• To promote interaction with a text • To encourage students to communicate opinions • To help students learn how to respond to opinions in writing • To practice stating one’s opinion and supporting it with examples
Preparation Time
5 minutes
Activity Time
10 minutes each day or for homework; orally, the debate could last for 15–30 minutes