Precision Agriculture The wisdom of collecting and analyzing information from land resources and environment to manage production
JAN 2013 #2
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Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply
A letter to the reader
PRODUCTION: A REAL NEED Satellites, gps, sensors, software and other highly sophisticated components are usually related to precision agriculture. They are undoubtedly important instruments to ensure a more rational utilization of inputs and the sustainable use of our scarce natural resources. However, precision in agriculture–from the field up to consumers–requires much more than technology and innovation. More precision in agriculture is obtained by making joint efforts, including the use of cutting-edge technologies and the concern about wasteful actions in the field, in harvesting, in transport, in the markets, and, finally, in our homes. The cover story of this second issue – Science for Life magaof the zine shows how some experiences are in pursuit of a more rational, efficient output. They are in search of Precision in Agriculture. For such, minor details can make a difference, and the tacit knowledge of field workers is crucial as well. The research investigates elements to explain, for instance, which are the interactions of the soil with the grapevine of Vinícola Miolo’s Lote 43 that make such place so special to produce high-quality wines. Or, to literally understand the “complaints” and “demands” of a herd. Yes, this is one more finding of the scientists, which ends up acknowledging the remarks of producers who used to name their oxen in the past, because they knew each head of cattle had its own “personality”. The twenty-first century agriculture faces the challenge of producing more, better food, fibers and energy, with less and less impacts on the environment.
So, another subject closely associated with precision, also discussed in this issue, is the establishment of scientific parameters to measure the environmental, economic and social sustainability of the production. The issue number two of our magazine also discusses some impacts from decisions made at the Rio+20 conference in the scope of the international scientific cooperation, under the standpoint of the ceo of the cgiar Consortium, which gathers 15 international centers of agricultural research and in which Brazil takes part, represented by Embrapa. This is a cooperation that took a big step through the signature of an agreement which will insert Brazil in an international network, enabling this country to carry out a never-donebefore study, considered as the boldest scientific project in the vegetal field in progress. This is about the generation of a new rice plant, with higher capacity to make photosynthesis, and which can be more productive, more resistant to drought: C4 rice. And Brazil innovates upon using Nanotechnology to develop new edible films and coatings obtained from the pulp of tropical fruits such as acerola, guava, and mango. Published in an international magazine, this research has been one of the most accessed in the international scientific community. Have a nice read, please send us your criticisms and suggestions. Dear reader, we count on your participation to keep improving our magazine, Science for Life. Francisco J. B. Reifschneider Chair of the Editorial Board
A new view of precision in Brazilian fields.
22 Research challenges with C4 rice
Precision Agriculture: commitment and respect towards the use of the land
Interview with Frank Rijsberman
A Letter to the Reader
Farming research and its contribution to the sustainable development.
The world’s innovative scientific project in the vegetal field.
President Maurício Lopes
34 Plants and microorganisms
30 Research news
How to measure sustainability in agriculture Monitoring the productive systems from the environmental, economic and social points of view.
28 Edible packages
Executive Directors Ladislau Martin Neto Vania Castiglioni Waldyr Stumpf EDITORIAL BOARD Chair of the Editorial Board Francisco J.B. Reifschneider Members Alberto Cavalcanti Filipe Teixeira Kepler Euclides Robert Boddey Robinson Cipriano Silvio Crestana Zander Navarro Publication produced by the Secretariat of Communication Embrapa STAFF Editors Marcos Esteves Sandra Zambudio Art Editor André Scofano Graphic project Nayara Brito Design Radiola Design & Publicidade Revision Marcela Bravo Esteves Cover Illustration Radiola Design & Publicidade Printing Embrapa Informação Tecnológica Circulation 3.000 copies
Researchers are developing edible films and coating obtained from the pulp of tropical fruits. The search for communication mechanisms between plants and their associated microorganisms.
Parque Estação Biológica s/nº Edifício Sede 70.770-900 Brasília-DF, Brazil Fone: +55 61 3448 4834 Fax: +55 61 3347 4860 |
Agricultural sustainability is a world goal by Marcos Esteves
The Dutchman Frank Rijsberman is the new ceo of the recently established cgiar Consortium, a global partnership for farming research involving 15 institutions, generating innovations for poor people in developing countries. This civil engineer has a PhD in management and planning of water resources and civil engineering from the Colorado State University. With 30 years of experience in development and environmental issues, he led the cgiar’s Challenge Program on Water and Food (between 2000 and 2007), and was the head of the International Water Management Institute (2007). Frank Rijsberman was also programming director of the Google. org philanthropic team and director of the Water, Sanitation & Hygiene strategy of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. In this interview to the - Science for Life magazine, he talks how farming research can contribute to sustainable development.
Zineb Benchekchou
| The word agriculture is mentioned a couple of times in the final report of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, invariably accompanied by the word sustainable. However, the developed countries and the Brics had divergences on the definition of sustainability, notably concerning the social field. In your opinion, how will the topic sustainability in agriculture be dealt with by different countries in the world? Frank Rijsberman – One of the most important lessons cgiar has learned in more than forty years of research is that there is not only one single solution when you work toward sustainable agriculture. Different nations must adopt an exclusive set of practices and technologies which will improve agriculture, and which are specific for their own physical environment, climate and economic situation. For example, the highly mechanized agriculture systems in Brazil adopted direct planting broadly, as a measure to preserve soil quality. The sustainability challenges of Brazilians are quite different from those faced by small farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa, who were more successful by handling the fertility of the soil integrated in their region. The International Food Policy Research Institute–a cgiar Consortium member–is currently performing a research program which evaluates the potential benefits and inconveniences of such different agricultural technologies and where in the world they are less successful and more successful, what will this challenge.
However, it is important to remind that, in spite of facing several obstacles for sustainable agriculture, we are all working toward a common goal, namely, to find agricultural practices which increase production on a more robust basis, with minimum impacts on the environment. To achieve this, it is imperative both developed and developing countries share knowledge and promote synergies whenever possible. The Sustainable Development Solutions Network, launched by Ban Ki Moon after the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, illustrates the cooperation required to solve present environmental, social and economic challenges, once they are very complex for each country to solve them alone. | During the Rio+20, Brazil showed a series of sustainable technologies for agriculture purposes. In our country, the great challenge has been the conveyance of these practices to producers. Is this situation found in other developing countries? Yes, frequently. There is a quite significant yield gap between the productivity achieved at the research center, or even during field tests, and the average yield in areas of small producers. Many countries are struggling with “broken” extension systems. New approaches to narrow this gap have been tested, based on encompassing solutions, such as innovation platforms or productive chain approaches, which jointly provide different partners with solutions focused on the development of a local seed industry.
| The environmental issue is pivotal today in the development of research in the agricultural segment. What are the most relevant topics in the world? It is true we have been facing an unprecedented environmental degradation today, with climate change, scarcity of land and water, loss of agricultural biodiversity and of ecosystemic services, as well as a world population which keeps growing. Agriculture is quite involved in each of such issues, since it accounts for 30% of land use and up to 70% of water consumption in the world. Therefore, the cgiar believes it is fundamental we begin to deal with such environmental issues under an integrated approach. If the policies and programs related to water, environment, agriculture, biodiversity, health and climate change work together, instead of operating individually, we will have much better chances to advance toward a future with food security. This thinking is reflected on how the cgiar was reorganized. Our 15 research centers are now arranged in programs which approach these transversal issues. Our program of research on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security is a good example, since it considers these three sectors holistically. | Water is one of the most sensitive topics when it comes to agriculture. How does the research work considering the prospects of growth in world population, with the consequent increase in demand through
CGIAR Consortium
Agriculture is quite involved in each of such issues, since it accounts for 30% of use of lands and up to 70% of water consumption in the world. human consumption, and the reduction of such asset because of climate factors, as shown by some forecasts? We have just celebrated the World Water Week, in which we explored the unbreakable bond between water and food security. Both the excess and the lack of water to produce the crops which shall ultimately feed the population is a constant problem, illustrated by the monsoon season in Asia and the current "super-drought" in the USA, leading to a new food price crisis. The International Water Management Institute–a cgiar Consortium member–published a study during the World Water Week, which highlighted the significant impact the general8
ized adoption of well-known irrigation technologies at a small scale may have on rural communities. The use of small engine-run pumps or the collection of rainwater–to mention just some techniques–can increase the production by up to 300% and add one billion dollars to home revenues all over Sub-Saharan Africa and Southern Asia, protecting farmers from climate risks and enhancing food security. Investigations on crops with good output levels in harsh climates will be a key factor to feed a growing population with difficulties of access to water. Our Research Program on Dryland Systems has been working to develop droughttolerant cultures, with good output levels under water scarcity conditions, helping feed such 2.5 billion persons who live in dry areas today. | Issues such as the diversity of production systems, products, cultures and market relations are other factors with effects on the growth of agriculture with sustainable basis. How can research work on such differences? It is essential that our programs do not work on such differences only, but rather, they must foster them. The particulars of a certain area or local traditions will sometimes define the sustainable agriculture practices which will feed the populace and protect the environment. For illustration purposes, Bioversity International has been working with rural communities in East Africa with the aim of educating them on the benefits from the cultivation of traditional leafy vegetables, such as solanaceae and amaranth. Since they are natives of these sites,
they are adapted to the climate conditions and have a good yield. Further, they are rich in micronutrients, what means they are going to enhance the nutritional levels of the families. The Bioversity International project has operated in Kenya for eight years and led to a significant growth in output and increase in farmers’ income. | How is the international scientific cooperation being built in the agricultural industry? Are there new models? Which are the main players: governments or the private sector? The challenge we face is too complex to say that there is a main player. We need governments, the private sector and other parties in order to find the best scientific solutions for our planet. Cooperation is crucial to meet the needs of a changing world and take advantage of new opportunities. The private sector plays an important role as for scientific innovation, since it has the means at a scale sufficient to promote development efficiently. On its turn, the research at the public sector must focus on the needs of its populace and be driven by a development agenda. At the cgiar, we are about to reach the completion of a two-year reorganization process which transformed the style of international cooperation with our partners. In the present-day economic situation, private donors and public institutions are in search of an actual return to investments in research. Our new model will focus on results and in the financial return of the investment our programs generate. This model is aligned with the private sector approach, of performing the work effectively and efficiently, as - Science for life
| Brazil receives today frequent cooperation requests from Africa and Latin America. This is something relatively new for this country, which used to receive foreign assistance by means of technical cooperation not a long time ago. Do you think the model adopted here can be reproduced in other developing countries? The agriculture industry of Brazil is expanding strongly. It is not a surprise that its transformation in the last 40 years–from an importer to one of the main exporters of agricultural commodities–has made other developing countries regard you as an example and source of knowledge for advancements in their own agriculture industry. Brazil had made significant productivity breakthroughs in humid tropical regions, as well as in the cerrados– systems which also suffer due to the low agricultural productivity in other developing countries both in Latin America and in Sub-Saharan Africa. Just to give an example, Brazil’s Cerrado–once believed to be a dry, useless land–produces now 45% of grains in Brazil. Although the success model of Brazil cannot be fully used in the agricultural systems of other countries, certain lessons could be certainly shared and applied by means of proper strategic partnerships.
CGIAR Consortium
well as it is aligned with the public sector approach, i.e., improving the life of the weakest. Our research centers will operate with more autonomy, but they will also have to make reports about the goals to the audiences interested. We believe this is the formula for successful international scientific cooperation from now on.
Examples of Brazilian agriculture can be applied in other countries
| Brazil established a new flow of excellence in research. Whereas in the 1970s and in the 1980s Brazilians researchers used to go to developed centers to be in touch with cutting-edge science, the Country now receives scientists from all over the world to carry out joint projects. What are these researchers looking for in Brazil? In your opinion, what are the excellence areas in Brazilian farming research nowadays? Thanks to the commitments taken by Brazilian researchers since the 1960s, the agricultural productivity increased by 820% for grains alone, and the productivity per hectare of land grew by 290%. Brazil increased its meat exports tenfold in one decade, and has become the world’s largest sugar exporter. These are phenomenal achievements per se, and are only some examples. Therefore, no wonder scientists from all over the
world are now in contact with Brazilian researchers in order to learn from them and reproduce their success. As regards the current agriculture research in Brazil, the Low Carbon Agriculture Program is a symbol for the responsibility the countries with a high agricultural output must take, once agriculture accounts for up to 30% of the emissions of greenhouse effect gases. In spite of being in its infancy, this program has been implementing carbon-reducing strategies by means of agroforestry systems, improving soil uptake of nitrogen and recovering degraded pastureland. If the goals are reached, carbon emissions could be reduced by 170 million tons, what would be a fantastic legacy for such agricultural power. •
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Commitment and respect towards the use of land 10
- Science for life
precision agriculture
by Sandra Zambudio | collaboration by Viviane
Thinkstock / Embrapa
The Brazilian farming industry is beginning to discover a set of technologies fully capable of fostering significant breakthroughs in food production, with more quality and without harming the environment. These are practices, machines and inputs which, provided they are properly managed, can reduce the risks of losses in resources applied to the attainment of large crops. This is Precision Agriculture (pa), which is no more than knowing how to use all the instruments available to produce large crops wisely. In other words, it is precision applied to agriculture. Pa was once, a long time ago, associated only with satellites, sophisticated computer software or smart machines. Today, it is related to the management skills of producers and who know how to use the tools required for production of their fields and animals (machines, implements and other inputs commercially available) with precision. The philosophy of precision agriculture is defined perfectly by Ricardo Inamasu, a researcher at Embrapa Instrumentação (São Carlos, SP) and coordinator of the world’s largest research network in this field. According to him, pa is a form of plantation management which takes spatial variability into account. Namely, the differences found in the soil of each stand in the property. »
Zanella and Joana Silva
Ricardo Inamasu
Research Ricardo Inamasu is a researcher graduated at Engineering Mechanics by the School of Engineering São Carlos / USP. He holds a Masters degree on Engineering Mechanics by School of Engineering São Carlos / USP and a Ph.D. on Mechanical Engineering also by School of Engineering San Carlos / USP. Postdoctoral in University Nebraska, United States, in precision agriculture.
“We have to know how to respect field differences and aptitudes”, reflects the researcher, by reminding that the soils of a certain property can have variations. In other words: areas with higher outputs, others which are wetter, and others more fertile or more susceptible to diseases and so forth. Despite such differences, it is not unusual that producers who perform conventional agriculture deal with the soil under one single form, what certainly leads to the waste of the resources invested and environmental losses. It is exactly to correct this flaw that pa research at Embrapa is devoted to. “It is necessary to retrieve the tacit knowledge rural producers have lost with time due to the conventional use of equipment, without respecting field differences”, emphasizes Inamasu. At everybody’s reach
“All a producer must have to adopt pa in his property is some bread paper and a piece of charcoal,” jests Luciano Gebler, a researcher at Embrapa Uva e Vinho (Bento Gonçalves, RS). He was in charge of conducting experiments to apply precision agriculture in small apple-producing properties, and agrees with Inamasu by stating: “pa secret lies in the collection, storage and evaluation of the property data, whether it is large or small”. According to Gebler, regardless of using a notebook or a computer, the important is that the producer knows his property. He must have a map of the area, to which he can consistently add information such as the productivity of each section, results of soil analysis, occurrence of diseases, among others. He will be able to make changes based on the information evaluation. That was what happened to the apple producer Flávio Schrammell. His 5-hectare orchard, a small property in Vacaria (RS), was utilized to apply pa concepts, in a work carried out by his daughter Bruna–majoring in agronomy–under the guidance of the researcher Gebler. “We have evaluated the data and realized the output was very low in a certain area, causing losses. Then, we decided to eradicate it”, remembers the producer. Schrammel says he felt very secure to make this decision with the use of the Geographic Information System–gis. 12
Keystone / Embrapa
precision agriculture
The system organizes the data and enables comparisons, so that you can, based on history information, increase profitability and support the decision-making process. The use of the precision agriculture has been an excellent strategy to enhance productivity in the field without the direct requirement of expanding planted areas, what also leads to reduction in costs and diminishment of environmental impacts. The challenge now is to use it to improve fruit quality. National Reference Laboratory
The National Reference Laboratory for Precision Agriculture, in São Carlos (SP), is already at its implementation stage. It will have infrastructure to research and develop machines and equipment, carry out connection tests among different manufacturers, both in laboratory and in field, promote events to make connections compatible and integrate different systems, install computer and geoinformatic support systems for developers, perform field performance tests with integrated system, have plantations–in experimental fields–of cultures more important to the country, such as soybean, maize, cassava, pastureland (Agriculture-Livestock-Forest Integration), coffee, sugarcane, among others. The funds to implement the National Reference Laboratory for Precision Agriculture–R$ 7,144,081.00–have - Science for life
Soil analysis for finding the causes of variation
Spreaders and the corrective variable rates
Generation of yield maps
Harvesting machines with sensors productivity
Localized application of pesticides
Monitoring for mapping crop pests and diseases
been obtained with the support of the National Congress by means of parliamentary amendments passed in 2010. “This new space is to boost an area of the knowledge boundaries, extremely relevant to the future of the Brazilian agriculture, helping it be more competitive in a period in which globalization is leading to a fierce fight for markets, celebrated Embrapa CEO Pedro Arraes. For him, the new laboratory will create a point of connection among research, development and innovation activities in the precision agriculture, with infrastructure to support transdisciplinary activities. The Laboratory is to serve the entire network in this segment, and it also presents a management partnership model involving two research centers, namely Embrapa Instrumentação, which has been dedicated to this topic for more than two decades, and Embrapa Pecuária Sudeste, which is to have an important contribution to the field of Precision Animal Production and supplied the physical space to implement the laboratory, which must be completed at the end of this year. •
Thinkstock / Emprapa
PLANTING Planting at variable rates, according to the productive potential of each area
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precision agriculture
The Precision Agriculture Network
Embrapa has been developing pa research since the eighties. It began a project quoted at nearly R$ 7 million in 2009–out of which it invested R$ 2.5 million directly, to create the Precision Agriculture Network II. Such network involves 19 Company units, in addition to partnerships with universities, research institutes and companies, totaling 214 researchers and including 15 experimental units established in Northeastern, Midwestern, Southeastern and Southern Brazil, with research conducted in 11 perennial and annual cultures and about 100 Research, Development & Innovation activities. The Network proposes to work in order to define the proper handling of spatial and temporal variability in the production of several cultures; to make the use of sensors feasible for intervention in the production system throughout the culture cycle; establish an economic and environmental management system towards the specific handling of the knowledge in precision agriculture, and increase the transfer of precision agriculture technologies. According to the project leader, present-day agriculture must face the challenge of increasing the output as a response to the demands of a growing population. “For such, technologies related to remote sensing, geographic information systems (gis) and global positioning system (gps) have been allowing for pa development, what enables the specific handling of agricultural practices, in addition to more efficiency in the use of inputs, decrease in production costs and reduction of environmental impacts”. In accordance with him, pa has several approaches, but the aim is always one: to use strategies to solve unevenness problems in plantations, and if possible, to take some advantage of such unevenness. •
Georeferencing | Georeferencing consists in ascertaining the geographical coordinates of points, soil sections and plants, among others, by means of receivers positioned via satellite. In the case of the pu (Pilot Unit) of Grapes for Wine, the latitude, longitude and altitude of each grapevine was ascertained, as well as the vineyard contour. Soil electrical conductivity | The soil electrical conductivity (ec), obtained by means of contact, has been used as a variable which correlates to soil features. The relations between the ec measured and the granulometry, humidity and fertility factors, plot topography and grapevine productivity are investigated. Spatial variability | It is the variability found in the space, i.e., among the soil sections. It can be ascertained pursuant to electrical conductivity or other factors, such as structure, texture and physical-chemical composition of the soil. Temporal variability | It is the variability occurred with time, i.e., throughout the years. Due to different handling methods applied to soils with spatial variability, there is the possibility of the additional existence of variability of different variables related to the plant, such as strength, productivity, and composition of the agricultural product. Geostatistics | A branch of Statistics which analyzes the variability of soil and plant features always associated with the physical space. Thus, the similarity between specimens (objects or individuals) is controlled by proximity.
- Science for life
Thinkstone / Embrapa
Gains in cotton plantations
A partnership entered between Embrapa Algodão (Campina Grande, PB) and the Rio Grande do Sul-based SLC Agrícola, as well as nine farms in several regions of Brazil, showed the initial outcomes from employing pa techniques in cotton plantations. Several parameters have been examined, according to the researcher Ziany Neiva, from that research center, such as plant height, leaf area index, degree of strength and culture productivity estimate, through the use of innovating techniques which examine plants by means of nondestructive methods, such as satellite images, air pictures, and evaluation of how the leaves reflect sunlight, called spectroradiometry. With the results obtained, explains the researcher, it is
already possible to recommend fertilization in different areas of the plantation, with the purpose of increasing the culture yield. “The partnership with the private company was pivotal to have promising outcomes as for the aspect of the rational use of fertilization and productivity gains”, emphasizes Ziany. Based on data of Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento (National Supply Company) (conab), she found out that in the last 30 years–from 1981 to 2011, whereas the area planted with cotton in Brazil was reduced from 4.10 to 1.38 million hectares, the output grew at similar proportions, from 1.40 to 5.18 million tons, thanks to the use of new technologies, such as pa. •
precision agriculture
Farmers and researchers learn together
by Viviane Zanella
The wine-making process is entirely art-oriented, which requires two artists working as partners: the agronomist and the enologist. The former is responsible for the quality of the raw material, i.e., the grapes. The latter– the enologist–is in charge of turning such fruit into the beverage of the gods. The tools used by those skillful professionals require thorough knowledge on the soil, climate, terrain, vineyards, together with the “knowhow”. It is a mixture of empirical and technical knowledge. 16
This is how wines are made in Serra Gaúcha, a traditional, pioneering winemaking Brazilian region, which, even considering the whole domestic growth, still holds the title of the main producing region in Brazil. The possibility of applying the concepts of precision agriculture to viniculture was achieved when Embrapa’s Precision Agriculture Network Project began. Alberto Miele, a researcher at Embrapa Uva e Vinho, invited the Miolo Wine Group to be a partner at this project. The company
makes over 80 labels today, producing 12 million liters of fine wines in six winemaking projects in different regions of Brazil, as well as in association with international partnerships. The area selected to implement the works was in a noble region, not only because it is opposite the headquarters of Vinícola Miolo, at the heart of the Vale dos Vinhedos (Vineyard Valley), in Bento Gonçalves (RS), but because it is the original site of part of Merlot grapes, of which Lote 43– the company’s iconic wine–is made, - Science for life
Viviane Zanella
produced only in exceptional crops. In other crops, the grapes are utilized to make another top-quality wine, the Merlot Terroir, or other products, depending on the grape quality. Lote 43 is a section of Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot, with the use of the best production technologies. Its production adapts the concept of "raw", which refers to the special piece of land cultivated with a vineyard inside an area which is soon to be recognized as having an appellation of controlled origin. “We selected a 2.4-hectare area, made the georeference of 247 grapevines, and performed a thorough study of the soil (structure, texture, and physical-chemical composition). We have also resorted to several tools related to precision agriculture, such as soil electrical conductivity, chlorophyll and mineral composition of leaves, plant strength, output per plant and grapevine strength”, explains the researcher Miele. Afterwards, the vineyards were selected based on the different types of soil. A sample of grapes was harvested in each area to make experimental wines. “The main target of the studies is to evaluate which aspects are essential to ascertain the wine quality, by considering space and time variables”, emphasizes Miele. The data will be stored to allow for a diversified, conclusive analysis, by using geostatistics for such task. “There are no miracles. Everything depends on the raw material quality”, remarks Mário Luís Fochesato, the agronomic engineer in charge of Vinícola Miolo Ltda.’s grapevines in Vale dos Vinhedos, who has been monitoring the production in such
The researcher Alberto Miele and the agronomist Mário Luís Fochesato
area for five years. In addition to the care dedicated to the grapevines, the agronomist starts evaluating the qualitative potential together with the enologists when the grapes begin to ripen. “Depending on the grape quality, they are selected for the different product lines in the vineyard”, he comments. Fochesato’s experience throughout the years enables him to foresee how the plants are to behave, in case a certain year has been very rainy, for instance. “The work we have been carrying out in partnership with Embrapa is helping us explain scientifically what we learned in our daily
field operations”, he considers. The great expectation is that, through the survey, evaluation and discussion on the studies, the group involved reaches a consensus about which practices can be adopted in each class of soil to enhance the output quality. “We dream of making all the vineyards produce wines as good as Lote 43, or even being able of producing it every year”, comments Miele. This is an outcome which will be possible only through the use of precision agriculture and the joint learning between research and the producing segment. •
Precision Animal Production
Vocalization guides production The breakthroughs in precision technology may also benefit breeders of cattle, swine, poultry, and other animals. This is Precision Animal Production, the object of the scientific work of two professors from the School of Agricultural Engineering, Campinas State University (Feagri/Unicamp): Daniella Jorge de Moura (photo) and Irenilza de Alencar Naas. They lead the research group on Animal Ambiance and Precision Animal Protection. Daniella talks about their work. She says the precision philosophy applied to the animal production is not different from what we understand when we deal with agriculture from the standpoint of plantation production. All starts with the management of the breeding stock, by considering each animal as a single individual, with its own characteristics and needs. “In the case of smaller animals such as chickens, for instance, the ideal thing to do is to divide the birds into batches, and so the analysis also has to be differentiated for each group formed”, she explains. With the individualization of the animals, it is possible not only to detect their needs, but also take actions concerning them rationally and with the utmost efficiency. For such, it is necessary to work on a real-time basis. Hence, the importance of sensors, which, together with data sheets of each animal (in the case of the cattle and the swine) and the batches (for the poultry), which show information on the environment (temperature, humidity, gases), plus the data on feeding, water consumption and other handling items, enable an actual in-depth view of the activity. 18
Graziella Galinari
by Sandra Zambudio e Graziella Galinari
Precision Animal Production is not conceived today without sensors. To give an idea of how important these pieces of equipment are, it is sufficient to say that swine diseases can be identified through the analysis of animal vocalization (sounds). By knowing each individual or groups of them, the producer can have daily inspections on sensors installed in the field, what enables him thus to identify what is happening in the productive system and take actions in the breeding environment (ambiance), in the environmental comfort, and in the well-being of the breeding stock as a whole. - Science for life
Lucas Scherer Cardoso
Daniella emphasizes this is a simple monitoring, although able to promote the well-being of the breeding stock, with positive reflexes on the productivity and health of animals. The professor, who is also the chairwoman of the Brazilian Association of Agricultural Engineering, is excited with she talks about her work, developed together with
Irenilza. She tells the research group on Animal Ambiance and Precision Animal Production develops software which interprets the data collected and helps make decisions. The group developed a software (under patenting process) capable of interpreting the vocalization of poultry, swine and cattle, what enables us to evaluate whether they are cold, hungry
or afraid. The purpose is to ensure the meat quality, what is influenced by the well-being of animals, by the animal comfort. This software has been used to breed swine, which have a more varied sound repertoire. “Another tool we utilize both in beef cattle raising and dairy cattle raising is satellite data, very usual in precision agriculture”, she points out. »
Precision Animal Production
The idea is to track the oxen and optimize the use of pasturelands. An immediate association with the issue of traceability, electronic identification of the animals, etc. was common when the researchers began to talk about Precision Animal Production. According to Daniella, the precision in this field has a clear focus today: the increase in productivity. Growth incentives
Daniella has no doubts about the advantages and benefits of the Animal Ambiance and of the Precision Animal Produc-
tion for the field. She is not short of reasons to think like this. Brazil is a major producer of animal-origin protein. Both the consumption and the demand are growing, like the demand for food, for grains. Grains are the basic food for the production of animal protein too. Brazil is the largest beef producer, and competes against the USA for the position of the largest producer and exporter of chicken meat. In accordance with the Brazilian Union of Aviculture (uba), the domestic aviculture produced 13 million tons in 2011. The Brazilian output grew by 38% between 2006 and 2011, as a response to the strong demand. The consumption of chicken meat by Brazilians is increasing because the prices are affordable for low-income families. The consumption per capita of this meat surpassed beef in 2008. For this year, it is estimated at 47.1 kilos per inhabitant/year. The domestic consumption accounts for 70% of the national output. According to Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento (National Supply Company) (conab), the consumption of chicken meat is expected to grow by 3.37% (301.8 thousand more tons) and reach 9.264 million tons in 2012. On the other hand, the need to devise more techniques which make the production of meat, eggs and milk more reasonable is considerable. The difference in the details
Zineb Benchekchou
Daniella believes gains are in the small details, and then precision plays an important role. “That difference will make the whole difference later”, she says. There is no lack of examples of techniques that can be employed. The professor, who has been carrying out investigations in this area, mentions some of them: The image analysis is quite utilized, and is made by means of a video monitoring system, which can show feeding behavior, for instance. When examining the images, the producer can observe behavior patterns in accordance with different environments, with different food troughs. The behavior analysis enables to understand the animal better and then make more appropriate decisions.
- Science for life
The examination of the vocalization of these animals, by means of specific software which interpret these signals, can be associated with environment and handling conditions. In order to detect the sounds emitted, it is sufficient to have a microphone connected to a computer with a sound card and the software to examine the data. In the case of swine, poultry and dairy cattle, the data obtained may help find out whether the animals are stressed or not. For example, many producers know that chicks vocalize differently when they are cold. The secret for the success of such activity is the analysis and interpretation of the data collected. Other techniques can be added in order to obtain more precise analyses of the animal behavior. Video and preference cameras are currently object of research of the group headed by Daniella and Irenilza. In different sections and with variable factors (temperature, levels of ammonia), it is possible to examine the choices made by the birds, as for instance in which of the places they stay longer. This is important to identify places with ideal conditions for animals, i.e., the places where they can have better productivity. Another evaluation studied by them is related to chicken paws. These animals have been raised as meatproducing machines, but their legs did not evolve to bear the weight they reach. How can you solve this problem at the chicken farm? This is what the investigations have been attempting
to know by means of special mats intended to ascertain both the strength and the balance in the steps given by the animals. This is an efficient technique to evaluate the well-being of the animals. Examination of the ventilation systems with increasingly precise methodologies, such as geostatistics in the sheds and the use of cfd (computational fluid dynamics) to make a more accurate evaluation of the site have been also studied by Danielle and Irenilza, who are in search of the best choice for the well-being of the animals when they are transported. Other techniques they have been studying are: the development of systems to detect cows in the heat and the improvement in the performance of breeding stocks of endurance horses. The challenges
In Daniella’s opinion, there are many challenges to be overcome in the animal production. Both aviculture and pig farming are quite intensive already. They are at their limits in terms of intensification and increase in the animal density, especially in the aviculture industry. The huge bottleneck in animal production is related to ambiance, especially in aviculture and in pig farming, and without considering market issues such as price highs and lows. Many technicians and producers refer to ambiance in terms of site air-conditioning, what is something sensitive in production. However, for Daniella, the correct ambiance makes animals experience
well-being and express their full potential. The ambiance has reflections on both well-being and productivity. As for ambiance in Brazil, she explains producers have a lot to advance. In the case of aviculture, for instance, birds arrive at one day old to the aviary, and producers not always have the whole knowledge on how the site must be in order to foster a good initial growth. They are usually worried about good feeding. However, the quantity supplied is not always ideal, or it ends up being a source of excess of energy to supply the lack of heat on the site. In Daniella’s opinion, these are the moments where producers have to be more precise, by observing details and correcting failures. “The ambiance issue has to evolve more in Brazil, not only as for aviculture, but also for pig farming and dairy cattle”. Another bottleneck mentioned by the professor when raising swine and poultry in the intensive system is the insulation matter. “Our aviaries still use the same building material of 30 years ago. It is time for this industry to use materials which enable a more proper insulation for the animals, especially concerning temperature conditions in the sheds, resulting in more energy control and efficiency”. The issue of animal well-being is a requirement of the foreign market, especially the European and the Japanese market. The domestic demand for such condition is still small, but it exists, and this is the reason why we have to evolve under this aspect. •
SebastiĂŁo AraĂşjo
Rice: ambitious research and great challenges
by Deva Rodrigues
One of the few countries capable of producing significant surpluses of rice for the world market, Brazil is provided with an interesting opportunity to search new knowledge and scientific approaches about this topic, with Embrapa as the main player in 22
Latin America. The company is initiating a never-done-before work with the irri (International Rice Research Institute) which, among other benefits, gives the institute scientists the possibility of taking part in projects in which there had not been participation of
Latin American institutions so far. This partnership takes place in the scope of the Embrapa - cgiar Xchange Program (read the box). The irri coordinates a large multidisciplinary network to develop research on C4 Rice, which is considered as the - Science for life
Sebastião Araújo
boldest scientific project in the vegetal segment. Challenging, the focus of this work is the search of rice plants with C4 photosynthesis. “Rice is a plant with C3 photosynthesis. The transformation we are searching would be a dramatic innovation and, therefore, it would be a long-term project”, remarks the R&D head at Embrapa Arroz e Feijão (Santo Antônio de Goiás, GO), Flávio Breseghello. According to him, the benefits from rice plants with C4 photosynthesis are numerous. For instance, farmers would have higher output and productivity, because plants with C4 photosynthesis produce more biomass (or leaves), and are more resistant to drought. Corn, sorghum and sugarcane are examples of plants which undergo the C4 photosynthesis process. Scientists from Australia, Europe, United States and Canada have been taking part in such research network so far. However, the agreement entered with the irri allows for Embrapa to be close to such select group part of the consortium which is initiating its search for C4 Rice. There are also other projects in which Embrapa is expected to get involved from such cooperation with the irri, among them a world strategic plan for rice research named grisp (Global Rice Science Partnership). With funds of approximately USD 100 million per year to invest in research, GRiSP intends to boost the allocation of more funds for such purpose worldwide, through the collaboration of several players, showing donors that such funds are to be used
efficiently and with the greatest impact on low-income populations. The presence of Embrapa in this group is significant, because it is the only Latin American institution to take part in it. Another piece of information scientists have been taking into account is the forecast that not less than 771 million tons of cereal will be necessary to feed an 8.3 billion-people population in 2030. Investing in research and establishing priorities are required to reach such volume. At the agreement with the irri, the highlighted fields are: genetic resources, biotechnology, genetic enhancement, biosystematics, and genetic diversity. “The allocation of a researcher for the irri is a manner to enhance the relations with that center”, says the knowledge exchange coordinator of Embrapa’s Secretariat for International Affairs, Luciano Nass, when ascertaining the benefits this cooperation agreement with the irri brings both to Embrapa and Brazil, where rice
research is predominantly carried out by the public sector. A new performance model
The Embrapa-cgiar Xchange program is a new project performance model, with the prospect of Brazilian scientists working in groundbreaking lines of research, representing great benefits to cultures of global importance. Besides the project to develop C4 rice with the irri, the program is also to enable research in cooperation with the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (ciat), in Colombia. This agreement means the possibility of solving problems of Latin America, the region where both of them operate. The Xchange program sets forth the appointment of two Embrapa researchers acting together with irri and ciat teams, one in the Philippines and the other one in Colombia. Each researcher can stay for up to two years, with the possibility of renewing his stay for additional 12 months. •
The measure of sustainability in agriculture by Graziella Galinari
Every good farmer, with the minimum of information and sharp instinct, knows how to evaluate the conditions of the resources available for his activities, such as soil quality, water availability, the behavior expected from the climate. He knows how to estimate how much he must invest in inputs, his expenses on labor, adoption of technologies, machinery and implements, and how all of this is to influence on the price of his product. This set of ingredients follows a recipe aiming at the generation of wealth and which, like every human action, entails impacts too.
- Science for life
According to the researcher and head of Embrapa Meio Ambiente (Jaguariúna, SP) Celso Manzatto, only by developing proper methodologies for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of sustainability in its three dimensions, we will be able to guide the improvement of productive systems, as well as agribusiness processes and products. “The Brazilian farming industry has won an outstanding position in the world agricultural scene, and the driving force of such revolution was the adoption of
modern, bold technologies, developed by farming researchers”, he says. “If we repeat such achievement concerning sustainability challenges by means of a positive agenda, farmers will be the main beneficiaries, with a series of new technologies, products and processes at their disposal, which ensure the preservation of their business in the future on an environmentally clean, economically feasible and socially fair basis”. The enhancement in the efficiency of conventional practices, the inte»
No wonder that, after a history dating back millennia, the twentyfirst century agriculture is in charge of both the challenge and the responsibility to make such recipe even more rational, in order to keep producing food, fibers and energy more and more, with increasingly lower impacts. The output and productivity figures in agriculture are known already. The diffuse measure of sustainability, considering its main dimensions, namely, economic, environmental and social ones, is yet to be calculated. “We all want to be sustainable, but we need to show this in numbers, by monitoring and evaluating whether the Brazilian agriculture is reaching new levels and making new sustainability breakthroughs”, says Embrapa executive director Maurício Lopes. A challenge for the present-day science is to define suitable criteria, parameters and metrics, with applicability in different productive scales and contexts, which reveal if a certain activity in the field is evolving toward sustainability. Under the principle of “everything that can be measured has a tendency to improve”, sustainability indexes can represent objective, useful measures for furtherance actions, differentiation of products, certificates, development of public policies, in addition to offering the foundations for a more responsible, smarter management of natural resources available, without compromising the future.
Celso Manzatto: methodologies can guide the improvement of production systems
gration or the replacement with more sustainable alternatives and the promotion of a new agroecosystem design, based on a new series of ecological processes are some of the challenges highlighted. The implementation of quality management systems in the field, good agricultural practices, the development of biological inputs and new fertilizers, the Agriculture-Livestock-Forest integration, the territory organization, the assessment and payment of ecosystemic services, the knowledge and use of biodiversity, the search for certification and traceability are examples of answers the farming research and Brazilian farmers can give the world in the quest for a more sustainable production. “The use of tools and evaluations of the sustainability of the different agribusiness productive chains is the path to show these breakthroughs in Tropical Agriculture”, emphasizes Manzatto. The tools
In the opinion of the researcher and head of Embrapa Monitoramento por Satélite Mateus Batistella, geotechnologies such as remote sensoring, traceability and modeling techniques are indispensable resources when examining the radiography of Brazilian agriculture in all of its complexity. The geospatial dimension of sustainability is an innovative component. “In addition to measuring sustainability in numbers, you can map and monitor agriculture and the conditions under which it has been developed, showing 26
Graziella Galinari
Mateus Batistella: Metrics can monitor conditions in which agriculture is carried out
where the activities take place and their interaction with an entire environmental and social context”. Geospatial sustainability indicators have the potential to be applied, for instance, to examine advancements or recessions in agriculture, environmental laws, output enhancement, mapping and monitoring of production and handling systems, such as Agriculture-Livestock-Forest Integration and direct planting, and the dynamics of land use and coverage. Indicators for output conditions, defined by information and knowledge networks, integrated with the mapping of the planted area, for instance, could result in a sustainability map for agriculture. “Processing and crossing geospatial data with multisource indicators could give rise to a diagnosis system, for instance, through the monitoring of sustainability throughout the years”.
According to Batistella, some important outcomes are close to be reached, such as the monitoring of the area planted with grains, from the beginning until the end of the crop– approximately 80% of the soybean cultivated in Brazil–, with the use of high temporal resolution orbital data, with over 90% success rate. The challenge to generate estimates of carbon stocks in both natural and planted forests, mapping of soil properties and identification of types of cultures, plagues and diseases, and the monitoring of pastureland degradation processes, by using geotechnologies to extrapolate local measures, are examples of contributions promised for a near future. APOIA-NovoRural
In spite of many attempts to measure the impacts of agricultural activities - Science for life
still lacking scientific consistency, for the researcher of Embrapa Meio Ambiente (Jaguariuna, SP), Geraldo Stachetti Rodrigues, it is important that producers are able to analyze their own performance and give their contribution to the sustainable development. He is one of the persons in charge of developing the apoia-NovoRural methodology, with a direct approach on the rural establishment. “We follow the principle that this is where the decisions on processes concerning environmental management are made”. The Weighted Evaluation System for the Environmental Impact of Rural Activities began to be built more than ten years ago, and has today over 200 players in Brazil and in other countries. The methodology employs a multi attribute type metrics, with performance indexes of the indicators expressed in utility values, standardized between 0 and 1. There are 62 indicators for the environmental performance of the rural activity, organized into five dimensions: Landscaping Ecology, Quality of Environmental Matters (Atmosphere, Water and Soil), Sociocultural Values, Economic Values and Management & Administration. Indicators such as preservation of habitats and fire hazards; emission of pollutant gases, water quality and soil fertility; access to education and other basic services; income and property value; treatment of waste and institutional organization of the establishment are evaluated, for instance.
The systemic approach of the environmental impacts occurs via weight matrices built for each indicator. The data are handled automatically, and the impact indexes are expressed in charts, correlated to the environmental performance of the activity at the five dimensions. After reviewing the field and laboratory data, as the final result, a report is generated for the producer to make decisions on the steps to enhance the establishment performance, as a guide for environmental management of the rural activity, by adopting good practices with productivity and minimizing the negative impacts. The system has already been applied to several case studies, encompassing different activities and productive segments, social arrangements, including traditional communities and several environmental situations. There are studies carried out in small, low-tech establishments, as well as other experiences in larger establishments, from 3.5 thousand up to more than 100 thousand hectares, including production integration and agro-industries. “The outcomes gathered from different sustainability dimensions provide the decision makers with an integrated view of the positive or negative contributions of rural activities towards the sustainable local development”, explains the researcher. The methodology is available to be used by those interested in making R&D partnerships. “Our goal is the ongoing search for the learning on how to analyze sustainability and envi-
ronmental management objectively, grounded on scientific bases and mathematic consistency”. For those requiring certifications, the method supplies analytical and documental bases for audits by different certification systems. As for public policies, the indicator data presents objective measures for controlling and fostering purposes when the studies are carried out with groups of producers or productive segments. In Uruguay, the System was adapted for the Responsible Production Project, performed with the Cooperative Program for the Agri-Food and Agroindustrial Technological Development in the Southern Cone (procisur) and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (iica). The system has been currently applied by the Ministry of Cattle, Agriculture and Fishing as an instrument to diagnose, monitor and evaluate sustainability in medium and small rural establishments of different lines of business nationwide, funded by the World Bank and by the Global Environmental Facility (gef). For the researcher, methods which allows for evaluating, recording and managing properly these differentiated, sustainable production models, are important tools in the evolution process for the formation of an ethical, responsible market. “Now we have to foster initiatives intended to generate and consolidate such figures and measures in the entire farming productive industry, what requires efforts that are not trivial at all”. •
Coming very soon near you: edible packages
Two hundred and ten tons of plastic packages are produced every year in Brazil. This already accounts for 9.7% of all the garbage of this country. Plastic prevents water flow, delays the decomposition of biodegradable materials, and makes waste compacting difficult in landfills and dumpsites found in virtually all Brazilian cities. With the intention of offering alternatives to reduce such kind of environmental impact, Embrapa has been carrying out research with biodegradable packages in its Food Package Laboratory at Embrapa Agroindústria Tropical (Fortaleza, CE). Unlike conventional plastics, the natural degradation of which may take more than one century, biodegradable packages can be decomposed within months or even weeks when they are in contact with the soil. The researchers have been working on the development of edible films and coatings obtained from the pulp of tropical fruits such as acerola, guava, and mango. When applied to the food surface, these materials delay the loss of water and the gas exchanges with the environment, what extends the product lifetime. Another advantage is that this kind of film may become a promising manner to use the surplus of fruit output, contributing to 28
Cláudio Norões
by Verônica Freire
Henriette Azeredo and CNPq scholarship student Hálisson Lucas Ribeiro
reduce economic losses and favoring the whole productive chain. However, the benefits from the use of biopolymers–as the plastics obtained from natural products are called–have been limited, because they usually have fragile mechanical and barrier properties. In other words, when compared to the traditional plastics used by the people every day, the biodegradable films may be little resistant and not protect food so properly. Nanotechnology tools may be a good choice to solve these problems, considers the researcher Henriette Azeredo, from Embrapa Agroindústria
Tropical. According to her, the challenge to enhance the performance of biomaterials for use in food packages may be solved through the addition of very small reinforcement structures, such as nanocellulose or nanoclays. Another manner is the combination of compounds with complementary properties, such as starch and carnauba wax, since the former has a good barrier to oxygen, and the latter has a good barrier to water steam. The researchers Henriete Azeredo and Morsyleide de Freitas Rosa tested alginate films (a polysaccharide) and acerola pulp, reinforced with cellu- Science for life
lose nanocrystals. These nanocrystals enhanced the mechanical properties and the film barrier properties. Henriette Azeredo’s observations report that alginate films added with cashew nut tree gum make the material more extendable (stretchable). The properties of the chitosan matrix improved when chitosan films added with cellulose nanofibers were evaluated. For the time being, the use of nanofibers to produce edible films is restricted to the laboratory environment, because the impacts they may cause to health are not known yet. However, Henriette Azeredo believes the safety of such materials can be proven very soon and, afterwards, their commercialization can be authorized. A higher number of downloads
Investigations on nanotechnology applied to food packages have obtained good repercussion in scientific publications. The article “Nanocomposites for food packaging applications”, published in the Food Research International magazine, written by Henriette Azeredo, ranked as the tenth most downloaded article in 2011, according to the online publisher Elsevier. In 2009, the article on mango pulp films reinforced with cellulose nanofibers–also written by this researcher–was the most mentioned in the “Nanoscale Food Science” section of the Journal of Food Science. The study was developed during her postgraduate studies, carried out at the U.S. Department of Agriculture in 2008. She has studied mango pulpbased edible films added with different
Know more about the Package Laboratory The Food Package Laboratory of Embrapa Agroindústria Tropical also operates to develop products which include bioactive substances to promote food safety. One of the studies– conducted by the researcher Socorro Bastos–aims Socorro Bastos studies the development of packages based on the at developing addition of plant essential oils packages with antimicrobial action by adding essential oils of plants such as oregano, pepper-rosmarin, and basil. “These compounds already have antimicrobial action proven in laboratory, and may reduce the addition of synthetic chemical compounds”, she states. Another laboratory activity line aims at obtaining smart packages. Studies with biosensors have been carried out for such purpose. They are electronic devices which use biological molecules to detect substances of interest. According to the researcher Roselayne Ferro Furtado, the challenge is to associate the biosensors with the packages in order to make them smart. “Such packages may inform consumers whether the product is proper to be consumed, for instance.”
concentrations of cellulose nanofibers. The research showed the films became stronger when added with cellulose nanofibers, with a better humidity barrier and more heat stability. The Journal of Food Science is a scientific publication associated with the Institute of Food Technologists (ift), headquartered in Chicago (USA), which comprises several fields of Food Science and Technology. Such
publication is one of the most important in its field, in accordance with the Institute for Scientific Information (isi) ranking, which has one of the most comprehensive scientific information database in the world. • ‹ Link ›——————————— S096399690900091X Nanocomposites for food packaging applications
Keystone / Emprapa
Quality in the Brazil nut
Research activities conducted by several institutions are attempting to ensure the quality of Brazil nuts produced in the Country. The Brazilian product have been facing market restrictions, especially in Europe, due to the contamination levels caused by mycotoxins, a potentially carcinogenic toxin produced by fungi of the genus Aspergilus spp. Such restrictive measures caused a 90% reduction in exports. The vacuum left by Brazil has been filled by Bolivia, which has been investing in processing technologies. The contamination is related to the conditions of storage, drying and exposure of the nuts to the relative humidity of that region. Several actions are in progress to face the problem. The studies include the characterization of the productive chain in order to identify the stages which are the most affected by contamination and by the development of more efficient drying technologies. Researchers have been also using molecular biology techniques to identify the fungi which occur the most and those which produce toxins the most. •
Ten years of presence in Europe Some of the main research institutions in Europe began to receive Embrapa researchers to perform projects of common interest ten years ago. This is Embrapa’s Virtual Laboratory Abroad (Labex), an initiative which aims at generating knowledge in order to speed up the development of new technologies for the benefit of Brazilian agriculture. This partnership in the Old World involves French farming research institutes such as cirad (Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement), inra (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique), and several universities in the United Kingdom, the Rothamsted Research, associated with the Biological and Biotechnology Scientific Research Council (bbsrc), the Universities of Wageningen (Netherlands) and Belgium (leuven), and the Julich Institute, Aahrens, in Germany. The research topics of Labex-Europe in progress since its establishment are management of natural resources and sustainability, agro-food technologies, vegetal biotechnology, and plant-microorganism molecular interaction. LabexEuropa is to work on the development of advanced phenotyping methods in Germany in 2012. •
- Science for life
Fernando Oguido
Research loses an exemplary professional in biological control
The Brazilian agriculture lost on 2012 one of its greatest scientists, the agronomic engineer Flávio Moscardi. This researcher was one of the main responsible for the development of a biological control for the velvetbean caterpillar, which was used in 2 million hectares in Brazil. The adoption of such technology allowed for saving 25 million liters of chemical insecticides, and became one of the major world experiences on biological control. He graduated in agronomic engineering from the “Luiz de Queiroz” Higher School of Agriculture (esalq) and obtained a PhD from the University of Florida. He worked as a researcher at Embrapa between 1976 and 2009. After retiring, Moscardi worked as a professor at the Postgraduate courses of the Londrina State University (uel) and of the Western São Paulo University (Presidente Prudente, SP). Flávio Moscardi was recognized by both the academic institutions and the farming industry throughout his career. He won the awards: Jovem Cientista (Young Scientist) (1983), Frederico de Menezes Veiga (1991), Award of Distinction, granted during the XIII International Plant Protection Congress (1995), Award in Agriculture (1996), The Third World Network of Scientific Organizations, The Third World Academy of Sciences (1997), Scientific Merit Honor Degree (2001), São Paulo Medal for Scientific Merit (2001), and the Scientific Order Decoration (2002).• — collaboration
Research in Cerrado and in Amazonia Sustainability. This is the main focus of Embrapa Agrossilvipastoril, a research center the headquarters of which, in Sinop (MT), was opened in July. This Unit is established in the State holding the highest grain output and the largest beef cattle herd in Brazil, in a transition area between Amazonia and Cerrado biomes. Thus, the operations will focus on the generation of sustainable technologies for integrated farming production systems. Agriculture-livestock-forest integration (iLPF), pastureland recovery, biological nitrogen fixation on grass and sustainability indexes are some of the investigations proposed for this line of operation. The maintenance of genetic resources of native plants and the feasibility of options to use forest species with business potential will be other activities performed by the Unit, which is also to conduct research on agroforestry systems (safs), recovery of legal reserve, use of animal and vegetal waste in agriculture. Concerning the bioenergy segment, studies will be conducted on the production of biochar, in addition to the cultivation of palm oil to produce biofuels, and elephant grass for energy purposes. Other lines of research will be water resources, physics, chemistry and soil microbiology, emissions of greenhouse effect gases from both the soil and livestock. •
by: Carina Gomes
Arthur Mariante
Curraleiro and Pé-Duro Oxen are the same race
Pé-Duro and Curraleiro are the same race of bovine cattle. The doubt of Brazilian cattle raisers was solved through a genotyping study carried out in the United States by Embrapa’s researcher Geraldo Magela Carvalho, and Harvey D. Blackburn, from the American Research Service, a body of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. With the result of the analyses in hands, the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply–Mapa–is now homologating the genealogic records of the Curraleiro Pé-Duro race. The project was carried out in the scope of Embrapa’s Virtual Laboratory Abroad (Labex) in the United States. The study examined the genetic material of 142 bovines of Curraleiro, Pé-Duro, Caracu, Nelore and Gyr races. The research shows that the Pé-Duro and Curraleiro are part of an old herd which used to spread nearly all over the Brazilian territory. Today, the Curraleiro Pé-Duro herd in Brazil–an endangered race–is estimated at about 3 thousand head of cattle distributed over the States of Piauí, Maranhão, Ceará, Paraíba, Goiás, Federal District, Minas Gerais, and Bahia. • — collaboration by: Fernando Sinimbu
Russians know cooperation platform The experience of the platforms for Africa-Brazil (Africa Brazil Agricultural Innovation Marketplace) and Latin America and Caribbean-Brazil (Lac-Brazil Agricultural Innovation Marketplace) farming innovation can be used as a model for technical cooperation of Russia in Asia. The initiative was presented to the Russian government by the World Bank, one of the financing parties of this new operation model, which promotes the performance of collaborative projects and encourages the exchange of experiences among Brazilian, African, Latin American and Caribbean researchers. The other sources of funding for the platforms are England’s Department for International Development (dfid), the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; the Brazilian Agency for Cooperation (ABC), the U.N.’s International Fund for Agricultural Development (ifad), the Inter-American Development Bank (idb), and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (ciat). The research projects are selected by means of calls for tender, and aim at providing small African and Latin American producers with innovation and development. The operations are managed by Embrapa, by the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (fara), and by the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (iica). •
- Science for life
Cláudio Bezerra
Embrapa seeds are to go to a vault in Norway
The Svalbard Global Seed Vault, in Norway, has received the initial delivery of genetic material from the Brazilian Government. Embrapa sent 264 sets of maize and 541 sets of rice in the first week of September. The samples are part of the core collection of both species, defined as a limited group of sets originated from a vegetal collection, selected to represent the genetic variability of the entire collection. This initiative results from an agreement entered between Embrapa and the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Agriculture and Food in 2008, and sets forth a continuous cooperation between both institutions. The next agricultural culture to be forwarded to this Norwegian vault is bean. The choice of the seeds took into account their relevance for food security and sustainable agriculture, as well as traits of rusticity and adaptability to national conditions. The Svalbard Global Seed Vault has capacity for four million and five hundred thousand seed samples. The site can resist to climate catastrophes (floods, earthquakes, gradual warming, etc.), and even to a nuclear explosion. • — collabora-
RESEARCH IDENTIFIES POLYPHENOLS IN UMBU JUICE The exotic taste and smell of the umbu juice have won a new ally to win consumers. A research conducted by Embrapa Semiárido (Petrolina-PE) and by the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of the Sertão of Pernambuco (IF-Sertão) identified the presence of polyphenols in the product. According to medicine and nutrition studies, this antioxidizing substance helps fight radicals and cardiovascular diseases, in addition to preventing the formation of tumors and delaying aging. The data were obtained with a spectrophotometer and through a method which is more utilized to ascertain the Total Polyphenol Index (tpi) in wines. In some of the samples examined, the quantities found (tpi 36) were close to those found in grape juices processed from the Early Isabella (tpi 40) type. The next step of the research will be the measurement of the quantity of phenolic compounds with technical procedures used more frequently for its identification. •
tion by: Fernanda Diniz
Molecular interaction between plants and microorganisms
Alexandre Amaral
researcher do Labex-Europa Project: Molecular interaction between plants and microorganisms Biography: Embrapa researcher since 2002, he has a Post-doctorate degree in Molecular Biology of Plants from the University of Illinois (USA) and in Genomic Analysis of Pathogens of Bacterial Plants from the Instituto Agronômico de Campinas (Agronomical Institute of Campinas) (iac). He currently works for Labex-Europe, as a visitor at the Rothamsted Research, in Harpenden, England, developing projects with plant-microorganism molecular interactions and carrying out joint studies between Embrapa and other British and European research institutions.
Finding out what kinds of strategy a microorganism employs to recognize a plant as a host, to get established in it, and then cause a disease (in the case that it is a pathogen) or benefit such plant (in case it is a beneficial organism, such as nitrogen-fixing bacteria), is the challenge of the studies which are the cornerstone for the field of molecular interaction between plants and microorganisms. The studies to understand the relationship between plants and their associated microorganisms have been undergoing impressive breakthroughs with molecular biology techniques, which include especially the study of the complete genomes of the living beings which are part of such association. Bioinformatics is another extremely valuable instrument in this kind of approach which allows, with the aid of computers, to organize and analyze on a prior basis fantastic quantities of data generated from the set of genes (genomes), speeding up the identification of the proteins employed in the recognition and colonization process of plant tissue. The molecular interaction between plants and microorganisms is an object of several investigations at Embrapa. One of them is the “Study of the molecular interaction between plants and microorganisms”, a priority of the Labex program in Europe, fully active concerning its extension in the United Kingdom. The program research activities began in 2010, and its starting point is the Rothamsted Research in Harpenden, where research has been carried out in order to identify, by means of applied genomic techniques, what kind of biological tools fungi such as Mycosphaerella graminicola use during the
colonization and formation of lesions in a given plant–wheat in this case. The work aims to identify and study the fungal secretome, i.e., the overall set of proteins the microorganism “releases” (secretes) out of its cells. The main reason for such approach is the natural perspective that the proteins utilized by the pathogen to infect the plant have to be produced and then find the plant tissue in the external milieu. Testing which of these proteins are essential for the fungus to colonize the plant successfully is the focus of the study, and the strategy uses advanced biological and bioinformatics techniques. The investigation describes a select group of proteins which are particularly and intensively active in the initial stages of the infection, and which account for the formation of lesions and the resulting damages to the plant output. The fungus in question causes wheat septoriosis. Curiously, this microorganism does not cause damages to any other plant organ, only to the leaves, and it is specific to this host plant, i.e., it does not infect any other crop species. On the other hand, Mycosphaerella spp. is known as being the major genus of fungi responsible for diseases in plants, including those of economic interest, such as wheat. There are other species which cause diseases in banana, citrus, pines, passion fruit, among others. In sum, information generated from this study can help a lot of on-going research in other pathosystems of interest for the Brazilian productive chain. From the information generated and the observations performed, the ultimate purpose of the research is to develop techniques to block this interaction between the pathogen and the plant under attack, whether through the obtainment of plants. • - Science for life