Six Things That Make a Servant Leader
Servant leadership has six qualities: stewardship, humility, dedication, respect for others, trust, and empowerment (Greenleaf, 2007) A strong sense of community, self-awareness, and a desire to learn from others are also needed.
A leader with these traits will be able to get their team members to act like good citizens of the company. (OCBs). This will lead to a better atmosphere at work, better ties with other workers, and more teamwork
This leadership style works well for companies with a lot of employee turnover and a need to encourage long-term loyalty and dedication from their staff This is because servant leadership encourages employee growth, allowing workers to get better at their jobs and feel proud of the company they work for
The view of Daniel M Hurt, The last 40 years, servant leadership has grown from its roots in Robert Greenleaf's ideas to become an important part of many companies on the Fortune 100 list of the Best Places to Work. Servant leadership aims to make workplaces where people are valued for what they do, not just for what they makeIt has also been shown that a servant leader's good example can change how their followers think about justice This makes people more committed to the group and happier at work High leadership self-efficacy can be linked to these positive effects. This is because it makes it easier for line managers to copy their HR manager's servant-leadership behaviors and use them to promote a positive sense of justice in their company