Portfolio PortFolio pastor:ARQ.

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CV DANIEL PASTOR ARELLANO FUENZALIDA 620 Huron St. Toronto, Canada. M5R2R9 647-303-7897 d.arellanof@gmail.com Professional Architect of Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, with one year of experience in design and development of houses, buildings and public spaces. Creative, pro-active, self-taught, fast learner, with great adaptation skills and a strong capacity for teamwork. Excellent adaptation to different task and learning abilities. Meticulous, tidy, close to the people, outgoing and friendly. Technical Summary Proficient in: AutoCAD 2D y 3D (High) SketchUp (High) Photoshop (High) OS MAC and PC Familiar with: Illustrator (Basic) InDesign (Basic) V-Ray Renders (basic) 3D Studio (basic) Languages: Spanish (native) English (intermediate) Italian (basic)

Professional Experience 2013 2012 2012 2010 2009

Head Architect in charge of the design process of a 119sqm. Family house in Alto Jahuel, Buín, RM, Chile. Álamos, Reyes, Butazzoni Arq. Y Cia Ltda.: Architect. In charge of Design and development of buildings. ELEMENTAL S.A. Architects: Collaborator in Nuevo Horcones Project, in charge of Design and development of mitigation measures. Mias Arquitectes, Barcelona, Cataluña, Spain: professional internship, in charge of development of models. Head Architect in charge of the design and construction process of a 250sqm. family house in Casablanca, Valparaíso Region, Chile.

Education 2007 - 2012: Architecture, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Santiago, Chile 2010 - 2010: Exchange program at Università degli Studi Roma Tre. Rome, Italy 2005 - 2007: Architecture, Universidad Diego Portales. Santiago, Chile Publications, awards and prizes 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 2010 2009 2008

Best Final Project Award2010 UC School of Architecture. Academic Excellence Award, 2010 UC School of Architecture. Final Project Model exhibited at the “Intervalos UC” Exhibition, Chile. Final Project Model exhibited at the Chilean Biennale, Chile. Final Project Model exhibited at the Venice Biennale, Italy. Final Project selected for the NAAB International Accreditation, UC School of Architecture. Project exhibited at “Intervalos UC” Exhibition, Chile Project published in the 2010 UC School of Architecture annual publication Project published in the ARQ Magazine No. 72, Urban Rivers, Ediciones ARQ, Los Navegantes Nº 1963, Providencia, Santiago, Chile: ISI Work selected for RIBA (Royal Institute of British Architects) Accreditation process, UC School of Architecture.


01) 2009 - ARELLANO FUENZALIDA FAMILY HOUSE in Casablanca, Valparaíso Region, Chile. 250sqm. 02) 2010 - MODELS PROFESSIONAL INTERNSHIP Mias Arquitectes Studio, Barcelona, Spain: Footbridge in Palafolls, Barcelona, Spain. 03) 2012 - CONVENTION CENTER HOUSE SAN FRANCISCO DE LA PAZ, Casablanca, Valparaíso region, Chile. Final Project Architecture, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. 04) 2012 - ELEMENTAL S.A. Architects Studio: a) Photomontages in Nuevo Horcones Project. Arauco, Chile. b) Deaft Project: Community centers / Schools Nuevo Horcones Projects. Arauco, Chile. (work in progress) 05) 2012 - Álamos, Reyes, Butazzoni Arq. Y Cia. Ltda. Architects Studio: a) Draft Project Andersen Tower. Santiago, Chile. (work in progress) b) Deaft Project Renato Sánchez Towers. Santiago, Chile. (work in progress) 06) 2013 - Design ZEGERS QUIROGA FAMILY HOUSE in Alto Jahuel, Buín, Metropolitan Region, Chile. 119sqm. (work in progress)

01) 2009 - ARELLANO FUENZALIDA FAMILY HOUSE in Casablanca, Valparaíso Region, Chile. 250sqm.

Design and construction, along with Pedro Arellano, second family house to the Arellano Fuenzalida family. Is situated in San Francisco de la Paz’s field, Casablanca, Chile. Is located atop a hill with vew to the Porvenir lagoon.

It has approximately 250 sqm. and is a design based on the traditional Chilean house.

Its main materials are wood (oregon pine) and reinforced concrete in exterior structure.

02) 2010 - MODELS PROFESSIONAL INTERNSHIP Mias Arquitectes Studio, Barcelona, Spain: Footbridge in Palafolls, Barcelona, Spain.

Part of the work done in the Mias Arquitectes studio of Josep Miàs in Barcelona, Spain, in 2010. The project is a pedestrian bridge situated in Palafolls, Barcelona, which was the winner of a public competition and built finally in 2012. Its prefabricated steel structure. The model was made of ​​ wood to facilitate work in the construction factory.

03) 2012 - CONVENTION CENTER HOUSE SAN FRANCISCO DE LA PAZ, Casablanca, Valparaíso region, Chile. Final Project Architecture, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

The project consists in the creation of spaces for meetings and activities for corporations, foundations, organizations and independent groups, in which the goal is to encourage and facilitate, from architectural gestures, personal encounter, interpersonal and small group or communities. CONVENTION CENTER HOUSE SAN FRANCISCO DE LA PAZ seek to build the act of the meeting, which will be reflected in spaces related to nature, where instances generate a variety of relationships and encounters promoting internal / external, personal / group, being the landscape, topography and vernacular nature, scenarios that provide the context for the gestation of these various types of encounters. Is located in a rural area in the district of Casablanca, Province of Valparaíso, V Region, Chile. This field is characterized by its connectivity and proximity to Santiago, Viña del Mar and Valparaiso, but at the same time, by its isolation and disconnection of the urban and all that goes with the frantic pace of the city. This area is one of the few that have not yet been tapped, keeping intact its exuberant natural beauty and preserving the land from contamination. The morphological conceptualization is the consequence of the existing topography and local qualities, where they developed organic architecture “tectonic”, inhabited since the landscape, the interior space to the outside and encouraging the transition between both.

Being a project embedded in the topography, the pursuit of natural light is one of the key factors, which condisionan architecture and its spaces.

The architectural style depends on the location in space and territory. Whether stemming the ground using concrete, or lifting in space, where the steel allows lightness.

The resulting morphology in its whole, is a consequence of the terrain. What generates organic and sculptural volumes.

Carved wooden model (oregon pine). Esc.1:100

the project seeks to internalize and blend into the landscape. Be part of it and generate little visual impact.

Model in balsa wood / MDF.

materials seek to represent the vernacular. Concrete and wood mainly.

Private Space view

Common space view

Program. The spaces vary between public use areas for work activities and exhibitions, places of recreation, leisure, and private use areas more chords to personal privacy and reflection. It will have 21 rooms with private bathroom and high standards, sheltering 42 users in maximum capacity. (approximately 2.500 sqm.) All these spaces under a very subtle architecture, low visual impact and fully integrated sustainable energy to existing landscape.

Ground floor

First floor

Second floor

Roof floor

First floor / Common Spaces

Second floor / Private Spaces

Slice Terrain / The insertion in the ground

The insertion in the field and its projection over the project, allow the camouflage into the landscape.

Slice Terrain / Relation between parts

Is a project dispersed in the terrain, therefore, seeks to create a relationship between the differents parts and spaces.

Construction detail

04) 2012 - ELEMENTAL S.A. Architects Studio: a) Photomontages in Nuevo Horcones Project. Arauco, Chile.

In Elemental Chile Studio, worked in New Horcones project, which consists of a large plan to mitigate the environmental impact of the Arauco Cellulose Company in the commune and province of the same name. Presentations were made to the community living in the area, to work in a participatory design architectural interventions in public space and corporate buildings. The investment is 2,300 million in the factory and the towns of Arauco, Laraquete, Horcones and Curanilahue. What includes: Modernization and Expansion of Plant Arauco (MAPA), Plant Biomass, Wind Park, Nursery and Improvement Project Complex trailhead.

Laraquete Riverfront

Laraquete Firefighters

The method consists of exhibitions in public forums of digital photomontages showing the existing spaces and then the futures views and interventions. The projects include riverfront and seafronts improvement, public space and streets, as well as in multiple activities Community Centers for neighboring citizens.

San Pedro’s School

I worked on creating photomontages, development of ideas and initial volumetric propositions. Currently the project is in development.

Horcones Water Tower

San Pedro’sElSchool Pinar School

Edelmira Vergara’s School

El Pinar School

San Pedro’s School

The area was visited and we did a cadastral of spaces in disrepair and vacant, and made photomontages with clippings and renders.

04) 2012 - ELEMENTAL S.A. Architects Studio: b) Deaft Project: Community centers / Schools. Nuevo Horcones Projects. Arauco, Chile.

I was charged an initial design of the community centers, which consisted of training spaces and recreation for the neighborhood community. The design had to be cheap, appropriate to the needs and rapid construction.

The project was created from the repetition of a structural module or wood truss, coated OSB panels and oregon pine tongue and groove.

The program consists of activities and training rooms, bathrooms and areas of sport, which opens to the street creating a new public space.

05) 2012 - Ă lamos, Reyes, Butazzoni Arq. Y Cia. Ltda. Architects Studio: a) Draft Project Andersen Tower. Santiago, Chile

Initial sketch of the architectural proposal.

I was charged the initial design a mixed-use tower 21 floors high, located at a major intersection of streets in Santiago de Chile. The design project is still in development.

“The idea is to design a building integrated to the public space, which exposes a novel morphology without decreasing sqm from exposure of the irregular structure in the perimeter, which is support for the growth of vegetation and allows differentiation in context , acquiring capital gains and positive externalities “

05) 2012 - Ă lamos, Reyes, Butazzoni Arq. Y Cia. Ltda. Architects Studio: b) Deaft Project Renato SĂĄnchez Towers. Santiago, Chile

I was charged the initial design volume and morphology of a group of buildings built together. The project consists in creating a harmonious whole that will have residences, offices, equipment and public space. They will relate the different uses of a dynamic and integrated manner, respecting the diverse and antagonistic morphologies.





Natural light and views are the key factors in the distribution and geometry, generating volumes that face neither prevent the arrival of the sun.

06) 2013 - Design ZEGERS QUIROGA FAMILY HOUSE in Alto Jahuel, BuĂ­n, Metropolitan Region, Chile. 119sqm. (work in progress)

As independent architect, was commissioned the design and construction of the expansion of a second family house in Alto Jahuel, Chile. The client’s intentions were to incorporate a new contemporary white volume (100 sqm), the house preexitente Chilean colonial style. The initial proposal is to separate of the existent house, due to architectural differences, and also, the extension of its existing volume. Vegetation would be the unifying element between the two parties.

Common spaces, living room

new volume between the trees

Private area, master bedroom

Roof terrace

The second proposal made ​​ by a readjustment sqm and budget. The new morphological idea is a white volume with two floors, where it reduces the structural stress and the composition is created by the folding of a continuous element.


The work currently under development at the stage of drawing details and definition of coating materials.

Ground floor 1:100

Second floor 1:100

Section A-A 1:100

Section B-B 1:100

Isometric View

Daniel Pastor Arellano Fuenzalida Pastor ARQ.

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