Book 3

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Diary Of a Year 5 Classroom

HELLO!!!! I hope that everything is going well !! I wish to introduce you all to a book me and my classmates wrote. The book contains a number of compositions which were done in class and some of the many interesting activities we did with our teachers. I hope you like the book.

Year 5.3 2017-2018

My life began eight years ago. I am Amy and I was born on the 8th of November 2008. I live in Fgura. In my family, we are three: me, my dad and my mum. I am a short girl and I am also very thin. I am a quite girl and I like helping others. I love the colour indigo and my favourite food is a scrumptious pizza. I like to practice gymnastics and my favourite subject is religion. I love dancing, swimming and reading. I go to school at Fgura and my best friends are Sherayne, Kaya Attard, Kaya Sultana and Kayleigh. My cousins are Tim, Alec, jamie, Matteo, Ryan and Kathlene. When I grow up I want to be a doctor because I want to continue helping others. Amy Borg

My name is Jake. I am nine years old. I live in a house in Fgura. We are four in our family, my mum Silvana, my dad Marco, my brother Miguel, and me. As part of our family, we have three dogs named Toya, Kelly and Max. I have also one bird and twenty fishes. I have brown eyes and brown hair. I am tall and not so thin. My favourite colour is blue. I like to play with my brother. I like to draw and paint. My favourite food is spaghetti while my favourite drink is sprite. Summer is my favourite season as I like to swim. I also like to dance and play football in my free time. I go to Fgura Primary B and my favourite subject is Maths. My friends are Kayden, Wayne, Kieran and Kayelle. When I grow up I want to be a lawyer. I wish that one day I marry and have children. Jake Baldacchino

Last Christmas My last Christmas was very fun and exciting. I do not think I ever had a better one. I woke up on Christmas day and went to open my presents. I got a drone and a nerf gun. I had a lot of fun. The next day I went to a Christmas party. My dad dressed as Father Christmas. Around ome days after Christmas, we went to Switzerland.. It was very fun skiing. I was very good at skiing but my mother was bad. I laughed each time when she fell. After a week, we went to Malta. I had a lot of fun this Christmas Happy Christmas !!

Kayelle Scicluna

I love the sea and diving. My dream is that one day I can go diving in every part of the world. I wish to dive and visit the titanic. The titanic is a boat which was going from Southampton to New York. It sank on hitting an iceberg. Unfrortunately, many people dieed day. The captain was Mr. Smith. The titanic sank on the night of the 14th of April Sherayne Muscat

Il-ħabib tiegħi jismu Alex u l-eta tiegħu hi ta’ disa’ snin. Alex joqgħod il-Fgura u jmur skola ilFgura Stess. Hu jinsab fil -5 sena. Alex għandu xagħru bjond u għajnejħ ħodor daqs il-ħaxix. Huwa qasir u irqiq. Huwa tifel bravu, kalm u qalbu tajba. L-ikel favorit tiegħu hu pizza u l-kulur hu vjola. L-isport favorit tiegġu huwa l-basketball u s-suġġett favorit huwa lPSCD. Il-passatemp favorit tiegħu hu li jilgħab fuq il-PS4 mal-ħbieb tiegħu.

Meta jikber, jixtieq issir attur u jidher fuq ittelevizjoni. Hu jixtieq li darba jsir famuz. Christian Zammit.

Il-ħabiba tiegħi jisimha Sherayne. Ghanda 9 snin u toqgħod il- Fgura. Tmur liskola ta’ St. Thomas More u qegħda fil-5 sena. Id-dehra tagħha hija helwa, qasira , irqiqa u għandha xagharha u għajnejha kannella skur. Ilkarattru tagħha huwa ferrieħi u għandha qalba taddebb. Hija tifla intelligenti u meta ddaħakni anqas inkun nista nieqaf nidħak. L-ikel favorit tagħha huwa l -insalata tar-ross. Il-kuluri favoriti tagħha huma rroza u l-aħmar. Sherayne tħobb tiżfen ħafna u l-iktar suġġett favorit tagħha huwa l-Istorja. Il-passatemp tagħha huwa li tizfen u li timmudella. Aħna nintaqgħu liskola u ġieli ninzertaw lil xulxin f’xi ħanut. Nintaqgħu ukoll l-mużew. Meta jikber tixtieq issir avukata għax tħobb titkellem u taqbeż għan-nies. Nixtieq li nibqgħu ħbieb għal dejjem. Jien inħobbha ħafna lil ħabiba tiegħi Amy Borg

Jien jisimni Sherayne u noqgħod ġo xmara mal-familja tiegħi. Fil-familja qegħdin tlett minn nies : ommi, missieri u jien. Jien żrinġ aħdar. Jiena zgħira ħafna. Għandi għajnejha ħodor ukoll. Huma listess kulur ta’ ommi u missieri. Jiena rqiqa ħafna, qisni spagetta. Inħobb niekol il-ħaxix u nħobb nixrob l-ilma tal-baħar. Jien nibża’ ħafna mid-dlam għax darba, meta kelli sena u nofs, kien se jikolni żrinġ xiħ għakka. Jien żrinġ ċajtiera u ferriħija. Jien kuntenta li jiena żrinġ għax dejjem nista ngawdi l-arja friska tan-natura. Ix-xewqa tiegħi hi li nibda nitgħallem niekol il-friefet.

Sherayne Muscat

Last week, it was Halloween. Everyone came dressed up in their costume. I dressed up as a witch while my friends dressed up as the Boogyman, the Chinese Ninja and a ghost. During the day, we went trick or treating in Valletta. There were a lot of scary costumes. we also had a competition to see who had the scariest costume. The boogy-man won. He won a bag fulll of candy and a certificate. Then we went back on the bus. Once in the classroom, we sat down and made a spooky mask. We had so much fun! We ended the day by explaining to our classmates we chose the costume we were wearing. At the end of the day, our parents came. The big surprise was that they were also wearing costumes. They had surprised us! Today was a great day at school. Kawtar, Jake, Christian & Alex

THE DAILY NEWS Year 5 - St Thomas More College

On August 30th, me and my family went to Rusky island. When we were there a huge accident happened. I went swimming far away. I was swimming back when suddenly, I was nearly hit by a boat. The boat driver was a man. He was going very fast and nearly hit me. With the shock I had, I swam to the shore as fast I could. So He came out of the boat and started screaming and saying that he was sorry. At the end, we became friends and he gave us a ride on his boat. I never wanted to swim again after that accident.

Alex Albanese

What I did last On Saturday 21st of April, I had an amazing day, The weather was sunny and everything went my way.. The day started off with a delicious and incredible breakfast. We ate Bacon and Sausages. Yum ! Then, we went to the playground where we spent half an hour running around and playing games. After, the playground, we went to the cinema,. We watched Peter rabbit. Once that was done, I went to my art lesson were I learnt new things and drew an incredible picture.

That was truly a good Saturday and I hope that every Saturday is similar. Alishia Schembri

A bear in the zoo I am a little polar bear cub. I am 2 years old. I don’t have a name but I am as white as snow. I am very energetic and I get bored very quickly. I also live in a zoo. In the zoo, it is very hot. I live in a big cage all alone. I feel very lonely. Apart from this, I hate it when all the humans stare at me, especially the especially the children. Sometimes there are even kids who start crying for no reason.

Don’t get me started how I ended up here in the zoo. I was simply taking a nap and all of a sudden I feel something in my arm. To this day, I still don’t get what it was but it was something pointy. Eventually, I went into a deep sleep and I found myself in the cage at the zoo. It sucked! Something I also hate about this place is that my neighbour is a lion. The lion always roars and it always smelling badly. It always stinks. I don’t want to be at the zoo. I want to go home, back in the Kawtar Ben Hussein

CarnivaL Party

It was Carnival and in our school, we did a party. All the boys and girls wore costumes. There were princesses, ninjas, queens, clowns and much more. Every student was given Candy and they ate all of it immediately. Apart from that, there was also sausage rolls, chicken nuggets, sandwiches, cheese and many more. The children were playing many many games like musical chairs and musical statues.

The children also had an art competition. The competition was that the student with the most decorative masks would win a small prize.

This event was so much fun. They simply can’t wait for the next party. Alishia Schembri


Bingo Buqara, Street Torri Fgura

15th December 2017 Dear Santa Claus, The weather in Malta is fine. Like you, I cannot stop drinking milkshakes. I know the elves are working so hard and the gifts they get me will be very nice. I asked my teacher what do they do in Summer and he always tells me that they are working on toys.

On Christmas, all the family go to my auntie. Then, they talk and eat the food. Then, I play with my cousins. I love Christmas because Jesus was born. Your Friend, Gackeen

A Year 5.3 Fgura Primary B Triq il-Kitba Fgura 9 ta’ Marzu

Għeżież Surmast, Kif int? Nispera li tinsab sew. Qed niktbulek din l-ittra biex nagħtuk ftit suġġerimenti kif aħna t-tfal nistgħu nieħdu aktar pjaċir fl-iskola

Dawn huma s-suġġerimenti tagħna: li darba fil-ġimgħa l -iskola tkun sa nofsinhar u li nagħmlu l-imwejjed tal-kulur. Nixtiequ li fil-bitħa tittranġa biex issir tapit artab li ma nweġġawx daqsekk meta naqgħu

Tkun ħaġa sabiħa ukoll li ikollna l-opportunita li minn eta żgħira nagħzlu lingwa u nitgħalmuha., niġu bil-ħwejjeġ li rridu kulju u jkollna kmamar tal-banju f’kull klassi Grazzi surmast. Nispera li tagħti każna u li tirrispondi lura. Nixtieq li jkollok ġurnata sabiħa

Dejjem tiegħek,

Kayden, Jayden, Luke u Ylenia

Ikteb ittra elettronika lill-ħabiba tiegħek Laura biex tiskuża ruħek magħha talli ma mortx għallfestin ta’ għeluq sninha. Lil: Suġġett : Ma ġejtx fil-festin tiegħek Għaziza Alishia, Skużani talli ma ġejtx fil-festin t’għeluq sninek ilbieraħ. Ma ġejtx għax ommi kienet ma tiflaħx u ma setgħetx twassalni. Biex tgħaxxaq anke jien kont ma niflaħx ! Imma llum qed inħossni ħafna aħjar. Jekk trid llum wara nofsinhar għal xi siegħa niltaqaw il-bandli tar-Rabat. Nispera li twieġeb lura. Dejjem tiegħek, Yasmine Briffa

Year 5.3 Fgura Primary B Triq il-Kitba Fgura 9 ta’ Marzu Għeżież Sur Busuttil, Kif int? Nispera li tinsab sew. Qed nikteb din littra biex nuruk kif fl-opinjoni tagħna l-iskola tisa’ tkun aħjar. Nixtiequ li jkollna iktar attivitajiet fejn aħna nistgħu niġru, nilgħabu u nieħdu pjaċir. Nixtiequ ukoll li liskola tbiddel ir-regoli u aħna nibdew niġu bil-ħwejjeġ taddar u jekk jista’ jkun jibda jkollna ftit PE kuljum. Nemmnu ukoll li din l-iskola ma għandiex bizzejjed rizorzi tal-Pe. Għallhekk nitlob biex titkabbar il-kamra tal-PE u ninvestu f’iktar affarijiet tal-PE Ħaġa li nixtieq ħafna li nirranġaw fl-iskola tagħna hi l-indafa fil-kmamar tal-banju. Nixtiequ li jkollna sapun, karti iġeniċi u anke borża taż-żibel. Fl-aħħar imma mhux l-inqas, nixtieq nirringrazzjak tax-xogħol siwi li qed tagħmel f’din l-iskola. Nispera li taqra din l-ittra u tirrispondini f’kemm jista’ jkun malajr Grazzi, Jake, Sherayne, Amy u Lordon

Year 5.3 Fgura Primary B Triq il-Kitba Fgura

9 ta’ Marzu Għeżież Surmast, Kif int? Nispera li tinsab sew. Qed niktbulek din l-ittra biex nagħtuk ftit suġġerimenti kif aħna t-tfal nistgħu nieħdu aktar pjaċir fl-iskola Dawn huma s-suġġerimenti tagħna: Issiġġijiet tal-kamra tal-banju jkunu akbar, ikollna aktar ħin fil-bitħa u niftħu inizjattiva fejn nibdew niġu bilħwejjeġ tad-dar. Nixtiequ ukoll li nizvillupaw sistema ta’ riċiklaġġ Nixtiequ ukoll jkollna iktar ħarġiet edukattivi u interessanti b’mod sġiss Grazzi surmast. Nispera li tagħti każna. Nixtieq li jkollok ġurnata sabiħa Dejjem tiegħek, Kawtar, Yasmine u Kieren

Bastion View, Flat 1 Block A Street Vincenzo Marcolana Fgura Għeżież żiju, Kif int? Jiena n-neputija tiegħek Kawtar. Jiena vera eċċittata li se narak għal lewwel darba. Int eċċitat daqsi?

Inti x’qiegħed tagħmel l-Awstralja? Hawn Malta tista’ tagħmel ħafna iktar affarijiet. Fosthom, toħroġ miegħi u mal-mama u toqgħod tilgħab miegħi fuq it-tablet. Meta tkun hawn Malta, jien se nagħmel ħilti biex inti tkun tista żżur kull post ta’ divertiment ta’ Malta. Ajma kemm jien eċċitata li ġej l-arjuport għax meta se tkun hemm, se nagħtuk l-ikbar sorpriża li qatt qlajt. Imma insomma, għalissa ma nistax ngħidlek xejn Jekk jogħġbok, għidli lħin li ġej u d-data meta tasal. Għandi ġenn biex narak żiju.

L-isbaħ neputija tiegħek, Kawtar

Djalogu bejnek u ferħ ta’ dragun! Narratur

Il-Ħadd li għadda, Kylie marret mixja ġo pjazza. Hi rat kaxxa mal-art u semgħet diversi ħsejjes strambi ħerġin minnhom.


Ħa niftaħ din il-kaxxa għax għelbietni lkurżita !


Kylie fetħet l-kaxxa

Ferħ ta’ Dragun

Ħellow! Jiena dragun jisimni Potter


X’biża. Qatt ma kont rajt dragun li jitkellem qabel

Ferħ ta’ Dragun

Tinkwetax. Minix se nweġġak. Ommi abbandunati u tefatni ġo din il-kaxxa.


Jaħasra! Għaliex abbandunatek?

Ferħ ta’ Dragun

Ommi weldet dragun ieħor u preferit lili milli lili.


Jekk trid nista’ nżommok jien!

Ferħ ta’ Dragun

Grazzi! Ħadd qatt qabel ma kien ġie jkellimna. Għandi xorti qed ngħix


Ejja ħa ntik ftit ilma u ikel u nixtrilek sodda komda

Ferħ ta’ Dragun

Grazzi. Għadni qas nista nemmen li xi ħadd se jgħini


B’hekk, il-ferħ tad-dragun għex ħajja komda ma xi ħadd li kien iħobbu.

Cedella Zahra

Djalogu ma’ Santa Klaws Ella

Kemm inħobbu l– Milied..aħjar inlesti ilgallettini u l-ħalib għal Santa


Ella marret tlesti il-ħalib u l-gallettini u imbagħad tellgħat torqod. F’nofs illejl Santa Klaws mar id-dar ta’ Ella.


Ħo Ħo Ħo ! Ara x’lestitli xi ħlew


Ella bdiet tisma’ l-ħsejjer u marret tiċċekja


Tgħid nittawal biex nara minn hu?


Ella ittawlet u rat lil Santa Klaws


Santa Klaws !!!

Santa Klaws

Ħo Ħo Ħo ! Kif qomt?


Smajt il-ħsejjes u ġejt niċċekja

Santa Klaws

Ħo Ħo Ħo ha jkolli –Milied ittajjeb


Ċaw u grazzi tar-rigali

Alishia Schembri

Djalogu bejn dragun u serp Serp

Bonġu, kif inti illum?


Mħux ħażin, grażżi


Jien issoltu. Dejjem nipprova naqbad likel għal ommi u missieri.


X’tagħmel. Mhux inti biss dejjem xogħol ta..għax jien il-ħin kollu jtini x-xogħol ir– re


Issa la xorta intqajna...trid nilgħabu ftit?


Mhux xorta. X’nilgħabu?


Ma għandix idea ta.


Mela għaliex qatli biex nilgħabu?


OKOK. Gietni xi’ ħaga f’moħħi. Trid nilgħabu logħba fejn min jaqbadl-izjed i ikel jirbaħ


Mela, ejja nibdew qabel jidlam


Tlaqna. L-ikel li naqbdu imbgħad nagħtuk lil ommok u l-missierek u r-re.

Siegħa wara Dragun

Vera qbadt ikel differenti illum. Ma naħsibx li qatt kont fortunat hekk.


Jien wieħed biss qbadt. Vera sfortunat illum.


Toqgħodx tinkwieta. Issa naqsmu kollox. Jien għajjejt għall-lum. Trid nibdew nimxu lejn id-dar. Tlaqna?


Iva ta. Narak għada mela



Lordon Galea


A BOAT FOR SALE I wish to sell a beautiful boat. Its colour is blue and her size is 100cm. The boat has a shower, kitchen, pool and a bed room. The boat is special because it also has a huge LCD TV. Each room has shower and a fully heated bath. All the rooms are fully air conditioned. The price of the boat is

$50000. Who is excited to see it, please come visit us at Valletta. We are open every day between 9am to 5pm.

Zion Zahra



Lars Muscat

PenCiLbox Hello, I am Gackeen Baldacchino and I wish to tel you about this special pencil box I am selling. This pocket is a

cylindrical masterpiece. It has over 6 spacious storage spaces and it is available in many different colours. There is even place where to put your mobile. It also comes with free pencils, pens and colours. If interested, please do not hesitate to contact me on 79232140 or

else visit our shop and Gackeen’s stationer. - Gackeen Baldacchino

Costa is a big boat. By pushing a button on its side, a speed boat can drop down. You can bring your family, your grandparents and your uncles. The boat costs 1 euro and if you are the first buyer, you will be given 100 fidget spinners free. It is 100% unsinkable. You can call on 79429312 or send an email on We can meet at Marsaxlokk to view the boat. The boat is in a garage between a pizza shop and Burger King.

Andre Costa Gouder

The Yaucht A yacht is now for sale. This yacht is huge and it has three floors. The first floor has three bedrooms and the rooms all have double beds. The second floor has the kitchen and it has a relaxing room too. It has a bar, games room, a beautiful view of outside, a library and a training room. The special area is in the back of the yacht and it has the flag of Malta and in the front there is a Jacuzzi. The price of this yacht is seven hundred thousand dollars. It’s situated in Vittoriosa marine

Autumn A nice sunny day, I was playing with my friend Under the bridge, there was a nice river There was a random door under the bridge. I was curious and opened the door. Under the bridge waves formed. Strong winds were coming out from the door. My mum was worried that I was lost. My friends told her I went inside a mysterious door. None of my friends ever found me. When I was inside the door, I saw nice trees and it looked like Autumn...and it was... It was beautiful. I spent my life admiring mother nature. Kawtar and Lordon

Mum, you are the wind that blows my cape in the sky, Your face is more beautiful than a rainbow

You are everything to me When I see your smile, I shine like a diamond in the sky I love you with all my heart And

Because of that, I have happiness in my life Your are a women that not even my greatest dreams can make I Love you From your little superhero

Insomma Insomma Insomma, insomma, insomma Il-bagalja f’idejk żommha Insomma, insomma, insomma Il-maktur tagħmlux fil-komma

Insomma insomma insomma It-tarbija tixbaħ l’ommha Insomma insomma insomma Biex tittewweb tiftaħ fommha Insomma insomma insomma Fjura tfuħ inħobb inxommha Insomma insomma insomma Jekk ħadt żball ħassru il-gomma Sherayne Muscat

Mum, have you ever noticed that you are the best mum in the world.

When you smile, I feel you shining like a diamond in the sky Your character is the one and only because

It’s sweet, beautiful and cute I love you so much HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY Yasmine Briffa

F ura



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