Daniel Stewart's Interior Design Capstone Project

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Thefollowing project addresses thefollowing questions: Howdoes onecreate asenseofpermanencyina temporarylivingspace? How doesone createa typeof grand lifestyle people aspire of?

Thefollowing project aimsto designluxtury short-term rentals thatsupport personalization, the pleasures and aspirationsof the high-end business traveler. The apartmentswill be accompaniedalongsidea varietyof amenitiesincludingafitness cententer, banquet room, business center, housekeepingand 24 hour staff.

Inaddition, thisprojectadressestheway peoplelive inones space, ways COVID hasaffected thehigh-end traveler, theimpacts oftravelingforwork andthe importanceofa homeIlivingspace.


7. Research 13. Location

35. Development

59. Final Design

14. The User 29. Concept


(Statistics / Trends, & Expert Interviews)


Discovery: LiteratureReview/Problem

The Business Traveler, Temporary Living Spaces & Residential Satisfaction

The Business Traveler:


-Tripsdisrupt welnessefforts including, healthy eating, exercise and sleep

-Improving ones work life balance is a top priority

-An association can be seen between work family conflict and emotional exhaustion amongst business travelers which can lead to several health issues including stomach/ muscle issues

Jet Leg:

-Jet Leg can cause poor performance during the day time, negative subjective changes, gastrointestinal disturbances, disturbed sleep, difficulty concentrating, sore muscles and stomach issues


Temporary Living Spaces:

About a Home:

- People must experience a sense of permanency andpeople must be able to maintain day-to-day routines that contribute to a sense of predictably.

Home Away From Home:

- People are not looking tostay in a hotel but are looking fora full house rather than a small room.

-There a greater interest now when it comes to work life balance or friends going in together to rent. People want change andstrive fora better quality of life.

-Americans are giving a boost to the short term rentalindustry to so called "vaxications" that combine remote work anda want for new scenery.

Residential Satisfaction:

What is a Home:

-Ahouse is not a home but rathera physical struture. Home is a rich set of evolving cultural demographic, andphycological means people attach to a physical structure.

Environment & Behavior:

-Home leisure is very important in ahomeas it provides relaxation and entertainment butthisto canvery based upon the size/ design of the home.

Preference & Choice:

- Personalinfluences include age, socioeconomic status, gender, values anddreamsof the future.

-Socialinfluences include neighbors, norms andthe shape ofprivacy/ security

- Physical influences include housing quality, housing form, architectural style andinterior design

Stress & Well-being:

- Housing greatly influence well-being andis beneficial when it promotes physicalandmental health. Adapting to a new residence can be beneficialornegative.

Americans spent an average of 98% of their day at home during the pandemic (Statista)

During 2021 about 24% of bookings made via Airbnb were for stays of 28 days or more, up from 14% in 2019


About Short Term Rentals:

The rise ofremote work is ahuge game changer forour industry. The pandemic accelerated analready underlying trend of work places becoming more flexible. Vacation short term rentals can literally make onefeel at home and allow one towork/ travel anywhere they want. They also provide the business travelor with a more confortable home like stay.

Typical Locations:

Remote workers often wantto travel to typically so called "tourist" destinations such as Floridaor anywhere they have always wanted to go. They also often tend to bring family or friends along with them. The Business travelor however, is oftentraveling tolarger cities with booming economies, or cities which are work specific. Cities with large econmicgrowth include: Nashville TN, Austin TX, Jacksonville FL, Orlando FLand HustonTX.

Short Term Rentals, the Remote Worker & Interviews


(2 E Bryan St. Savannah GA 31401)


2 E Bryan St. Savannah, GA31401

Building Organization:


Location: 2 East Bryan St.

Complex Johnson Square Business Center

Height (architectural) 225.00 ft_

Floors (above ground) 15

Architecture Style neo-classicism

Structural system applied masonry I steel

Location: 14 East Bryan St.

Complex Johnson Square Business Center

Height (architectural) 137 50 ft

Floors (above ground) 10

Architecture Style modernism

Structural system reinforced concrete

The Johnson Square Business Center consistsoftwo buildings 2 East Bryan St. and14 East Bryan St. locatedin Savannah's North Historic District.The two buildings are connected on levels 1-10 and then2 East Bryan St. continues to go up (floors 11-15). 2 East Bryan St. is the tallest building in Savannah and isthe last ofits kind due to zoning laws. For thepurposeof this project I willfocus in on 2 East Bryan St. as the top three levels are where I will implementsaid design.

Elements of Design:

Both the Interior and Exteriorare made upofgeometric shapes and forms which createsa type ofgrid system. Thisgrid can be seen throughout the buildingscolumns, windows and detailing. In addition, an axis of symetryruns through three sides ofthe buildingcreating a sense of balanceand theme.

2East Bryan St. East Bryan St.
oLevel 13-15 Base Floorplan
Levels 1-10 6,480 SF
Levels 11-15 4,300 SF
South Elevation Levels 13-15
Building Fire Safety & Structural Systems: - Overall Diagonal is 114ft. Oln. - Exit Separation is 42ft. Oin. - Building is equipped with automatic sprinklers - Due to the 1/3 rule exit separation is satisfied Exits Entrances ■ Building Building Columns Windows □ Structural ■ Plumbing Columns Systems ■ Load Bearing ■ Building Walls Core Non-load Bearing Walls Building Envelope & Massing: I II II II II II I I II 11 I II I I II II II II II I I II II II II II I I II I II II II I I II I II II II I 1111111 II111II --� IIIllII ,,,,::, II/IIII 11•:,,, IfIll11 ,,;,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,,, ,, ,,, ,,,,,, 1111,, .,,,,, ,,, , ,,,,11,, Level 13-15 Base FloorplanG Protuding Masses and Planes Recessed Masses and Planes NortheastView


E Bryan St. Savannah,
31401.. �-.._ •• ·r • i_,.._\. ;ta( u

Savannah, is locatedonthe northern portion ofGeorgias coast line andispart ofwhatisknownasthe Low-Country. TheSavannah Riverbordersthe North Historic Districtanditsneighboringdestinations include Hilton Head Island, Tybee Island, Charleston and St. Simons Island.

Georgia's deepwater ports andinland barge terminalssupportmorethan 439,000 jobs throughoutthestate. Savannah's tourism and hospitality industryaswellastheSavannah College of Art and Design aresomeofthe largest economic drivers in Savannah.

Savannah, asouthern coastal gem, is knownforits natural beauty and its numerousbreathtakingsights. Rich history, toweringmoss-draped oaks, stately Georgian mansions anditstotalof22 squares / parks laidoutonagrid throughoutthecityarereasonsforitsapeal.

Located in the Heart of Historic Downtown


The Johnson Square Business Center formely known as the Savannah Bank Building, was the city's first "skyscraper", built in1911. Johson Square is known as the financial ditrict, or banking square, and many of the City'sfinancialservice companies are locatedhere. 2 East Bryan Street also known as theJohnsonSquare Business Center, overlooks and is dirrectly along the north side of Johnson Square one of Savannah's many squares. Johnson Square isSavannah's largest and oldest square. This location provides users convenient access to countlessrestaurants, bars, shops, historic buildings, museums and isjust two blocks away from City Hall and the Savannah River.

DEMOGRAPHICS @ Current Population (@) No.ofHouseholds @ Avg.HH Income ® Daytime Employees @ Total Businesses RiverWalk 1 Mile 11,047 4,254 $79,693 21,706 1,562 Vic's OnThe River CityMarket aySt City Hall � Regions Ellis SouthstateBank 3Miles 63,373 24,766 $58,786 40,405 3,157 Square I 1fqhnson United CommunityBank Uare Ide Pink House � Uare / I I SuntrustB i!;, BB&T Broughton Street f 111. Jepson �c5 5 Miles 111,155 41,431 $61,060 73,289 5,885

15th Floor

Incredible viewsof City Hall, Savannah River, Talmadge Bridgeand overlooksJohnson Square

2 E Bryan Street has unobstructed views ofthe entire city and river. The buildingis over two times higher than the average downtown building which isusually 4-10 stories high. The site is organized ona square like grid system with parks every two blocks.

Winter Solstice: Summer Solstice:

During the periods of winter, natural light is high-concentrated on the southern / eastern side ofthe buildingand during the periods of summer, natural light is high-concentrated on the southern/ western side ofthe building. This will cause these sides to be warmer and havea lot of natural light coming through its windows.


(The High End Business Traveler & Remote Worker)


User Research:


The High-end BusinessTraveler, The High-end Remote Worker & Luxury

Rental General Manager

Jeremy Smith:


Jeremy Smith is 34 years oldand is an Influencer, Blogger and Entrepreneur. He is marriedwith 1 kidandis planning on staying in Savannahfor 5 months withhis family. He makes 105 K per year andhis personality type is ESFP which means he is outgoing, friendly andenergetic.


Kathryn Bigelow:


Kathryn Bigelow is 69 years oldand is a US film director, producer andscreenwriter. She is divorced with no kids andis planning on staying in Savannahfor a film projectfor afour month stay. Her salary is 950K per year andher personality type is ENFP which means she is enthusiastic andimaginative.

Shanon West:


Shanon West is 39 years old and is a Luxtury Rental General Manager at2 E Bryan St. Luxury Rentals. She is married with 3 children and lives in Savannah, GA. Hersallary is 85K peryear and her personalitytype is ENFJ which means she is warm, outgoing, loyalandsensative.




The High-end Business Business Woman

Shelongs for the night to never end as the sunbegins torise.

Sheisconsumedbyherwork, neverallowing an outsider into her space.

Sheis an executive woman who leads a strenuous double life.

Her evenings are filled with adventureand relaxation.

Her days are consumed with work and stress.

Production Team: Katie Miller, Priyanka

Sonavane, Shihyi Ching, Yufei Wang & Huxian You

Models: Christina Greifenstein, Tess Maltagliati, Olivia Reap & Daniel Stewart

Photographers:Walker Kori & Julia McCarthy

Hair & Makeup: Violet Feng

Photos From: SCAD Luxtury & Brand Management Photoshoot



Highlight: Conversation / interview as to how to best make the space feel like home and how to customize it to suit ones needs

Highlight: Flawless check in with front desk and door man will experience a peaceful atmosphere to come home to after a long day of work. One may decide to cook

Highlight: Beautiful apartments with high-end finishes, quality, craftsmen-ship and maximum comfort High Apar a lar priv;; dinner, watch the sun set, watch tv, or take a bath. If one chooses to continue to work they can inside the office, or could even host

The high-end remote w1 will experience a peacE from without ever havh, more time for pleasure! go on adventures. One 1 friends to stay with the a small get together of employees in the buildings conference room.

The high-end business traveler

ell .. C ·o D. .c u ::I � ell .. .c .2' :E .2' :z:: Qj u C Qj 'C: Qj Cl. >< w .. ell Qj :I C) EXTENDED TRA\ Arrival Travel Relax ---------Knowledge

light: ·tments with ge, inspiring 1te office

Wine/ Dine





Amenities including a fitness center, 24 hour front desk, cleaning services, banquet room with an on site kitchen, business center and balcony Highlight: One has the option to invite and entertain friends/ family

Highlight: One leaves having experienced a type of grand lifestyle people dream of


The front desk personel

tful yet exciting atmosphere to work as well as the luxury rental general manager will guide and assist all residents ensuring a luxurious and aspiring experience.

1g to leave their apartment. One may have ; and want to entertain, work out, site see and may also travel with family members or invite m.

Adventure Work


(The Greek Templum)



The Greek Templum


The GreekTemple isatimelessarchitectural motifseen throughouthistory. Classicalordersespecially Greek orderscan be seen on2 E Bryan Street'sfa<;ademost notable onthetopthree floorswhicharesimilarto a temple cap. The ancient GreekTemplewasnota place ofworshipbutrathera dwelling place forthe 12 Greek gods. This isvery similarto the high-endtravelersof2 E Bryan Street'sluxury shorttermrentals. Onewill arrive and besurroundedby the finest balance between both classic andmoderndesignpresented in amoreformal, grad and layered way. Onewillfeel ofthe utmost importance and dwellamongstthefinestof detailsmost notable in thebuildingscustomization, highendfinishes, comfort andcraftsmanship.

Circulation Studies

Inspired by Elements of the Greek Tempium

CLASStC: LA·�te.��t>: BA-LrkNCE:

"Balanceis the idea that well-made furniturewith "Layering is the artof when you walk into aroom, detailingsuch as inlay and finding the right mix of everything has itsplace carved or turned legs, as color, shape, texture it'sthe visual calmness well as pieces with ornate and shape to create in a room. There are two detailing, sometimes with the depth and richness ways to achieve balance: a floral or fauna influence" of a room." symmetry and asymmetry."


' ' '


(Sketches, Diagrams, Concept Ideation, Building Program & Perspectives)


Adjacencies & Block Diagrams

Levels 13 -15

LGsc:.\ 15 ophon 1.

Floor Plan Sketches

Levels 13 -15

G Level 14 Floor Plan Scale:1/8" = 1'0" G Level 15 FloorPlan Scale:1/8" = 1'0" ' I __1' �-----PJll,-\AR� IEDRo0o'\

Ceiling Plan Sketches

Levels 13 -15

8'-o"Aff L.,...,._� ---�::::::;c:=::::;-i ""'�·�·.."'·� l\e.:G�•O., pe�l<. G Level14RCPScale:1/8"= 1'0" 11•� (c;1,,,-------- 'Ui-t), C�+,a"""' P101a;,,:)s I @) I q'-d'AFF I 4 G Level 15RCPScale:1/8'=1'0" @) 1'o''AFF® S-n,,s ® -lal -®<il 8!.D"AFF 8'-<>"AFF If) @) ' @ q!.ou AFF 1i"·o"AFF (i) ____....,.___ 8'-o''/IFF S'-•''AFf s··o",-ff STAIRS 1,'·l,.MF @ I --'.:- ---------.....__ * � I --:-tt---ll•i.SeJ C<,1•11� W;+', -➔ -,.,'-d' AFF ' -_J ----\ , � --- .,.;,, ,.....,. a'-o"Al'f 8'-<>"/tff * 8'--o"AfF C�to,n Al�•,s K<-J: ©11a�� ea,, li�n+* c"•nlc:li� @ k.ccMC.) (2-' Ii.,...,.., * Cl1>�cllo(

Concept Application

Organization, lighting & materials

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TheFitness Center

Key Material Selections

Work Connect 1;9 IL�::11. =··: I -� ,o·
SW7551 Greek Villa


Key Material Selections

Work Connect


Connect Wine / Dine

Key Material Selections

Connect Wine / Dine

ResidenceSpaces: LivingRooms/ Study



Key Material Selections


Greek Villa



Personalize,Arrival, Relax, Work& Connect


Users arrange details of theirstay priorto their arrival. Anything about the space ortheneedsof theusercanbecustomizedjustfor them. Eachpersongoesthrough asurveyand answers questions allowing thespace toreflect themselves and theirneeds.


Arrival will be a seamless check-in process as guests will checkinon theirphones. Peoplewill be awaiting to move in all of ones personal items.Asyou enter a loungewill await you as well as an office space where staff will always belocated 24/7. staff will always be located.


A custommade bed, high endfabricsthroughout and a bathroomwith finishes that functionlike that of aspamakes theapartmentsvery relaxing. In addition, assoonasyou walk in towels and everything you may need is already out and ready.


EachApartmentwill have a designated work space. This spacecan be used as an office or a guest bedroom and can be easily closed offfromtheliving spacefor added privacy. Itwill featurea custom desk as well as custom bookshelves.


Agrand Banquet Room will be available to anyone. This space will allow guests toentertain along side friends and family and create lasting memories. It will feature several seating arrangements, anon site kitchen, bar areaand loungearea.

•• •


(Furniture Plans, Ceiling Design, Renderings, FF&E & Design Theories)


Furniture Plan

Level 13

Furniture Plan

Level 14
I LJ --71 r:-.:::-:J-�r:-�--

Furniture Plan

Level 15



Ergonomics aimsto create safe, comfortable and productive workspacesbybringing human abilities and limitations intothe design of a workspace, including the individual's body size, strength, skill, speed, sensoryabilities (vision, hearing), and even attitudes.

Throughoutall of office spacessuch asthe apartmentstudiesand business center adjustable chairswith adjustable heights will be used allowing the user to experience true productivity and comfort. In addition, alldoorswill have leaversand all furniture will maintain standard seating heights.

Colorsand materiality will also createvisually enduring environmentallowing one to relaxas well asbeproductive andefficient. Lastly, a close attention todetailwill be applied tofabrics allowing for positive sensoryexperiencessuch as silksheets and velvet pillows.

Leaver Door Handlles Velvet Pillows (Soft Materiality) Adjustable Office Chairs Silk Sheets (Smooth Materiality)

DesignAnalysis: SenseofBelonging

Senseof Belonging

Astrongsense of belonging will be veryimportantasthe userwill be stayingin thespacesforanextendedperiodoftime. Priorto checking in atypeofinterview /survey will be filled out informingthe buildings management ofthe usersneeds. Theusercan customize thespace tofittheirneedsandeven hang/ bring personal items/furnishingsifwanted. Thus the buildingstorage is akey componentto this allowing forfurniture to be easily changed.

Inaddition the buildingsamenitieswill create a positive atmosphere where onecan beproductiveand work, entertainaswell asexercise/maintainahealthystateof mind.

Colorswill beneutral andcalmingindesignated spacesyet bold and exciting in spaces where one needs to feel inspired/ productive.

Designatedspaceswithin the apartmentsuchas designatedliving, dining, sleeping and work areaswill also help the userfee in controloftheir space.

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DesignAnalysis: Safety


Theuserssafety isvery important. Starting withthe elevatorsonemust scan a card againsa sensor similar to that of ahotel in order to move from level to level. Cards will only begiven to staffand residents.

In addition, the doors to the stairs can beexited by anyonehowever in-orderto openthem from a stairwell one mustalso scan said card. Allapartmentsalsohave a second set ofdoorswhich can be locked in thefoyerfor added security as well as privacy.


DesignAnalysis: Sustainability


Suitabilityisseenthroughoutthespaces.Startingwithfurnitureanemphasison reusingpreexistingfurnituresuchasantiquesisveryimportantasthecarbonfootprinthasalreadybeencreatedratherthanwhenbuyingnewanentirepiecehasto beextractedandbuilt.Inaddition,dualflushtoiletsandlowpowerfaucetswillhelp savewater.

Nextallmaterialswillhavehighratingssuchasfabricsthatdon'toffgasandlow VCTpaintwillbeused.Inadditionallmaterialswillbecrueltyfreesuchaspillow insertswithoutfeathersandfoleathers.

Locallysourcedcompanieswillalsobeutilizedintheconstructionandinstallation ofproductswhichwillhelpreduceshippingandextendedtravel.Forexamplerather thanchoosinglargercompanieslocalcompaniessuchasSavannahsurfaceswill provideandinstallalltileandstoneworkaswellasantiquesbroughtfromlocal storessuchasJeresAntiques.

Local Products

Water Saving Selections

FurnitureFromJeresAntiques FurnitureFromJeresAntiques TileFromSavannahSurfaces DualFlushToilets LowPowerFaucets



2 E Bryan street is accessible to all user types. Egress stairs, and three elevators and corridors that meet universal design standards and dimensions allows one to travel through the space smoothly.

In addition, two gender neutral ADA accessible restrooms will be located on the same level as said public spaces such as the fitness and business center. One apartment will also feature an ADA accessible bathroom with a sink one can easily go under, a large turning radius, shower with a bench which is flush to the floor and grab bars next to the toilet.

Lastly, all doors through the spaces will have leavers rather than knobs making it easier to open for those with disabilities such as arthritis.

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When designing for acoustics the selection of materials and layout of spaces was considered. Spaces that will cause more noise most notable the public spaces on the 14th level are all grouped together allowing residences to be more quiet. In addition the business center was placed adjacent to unit #2 rather than the fitness center as the fitness center will create more noise.

Lastly, acoustic wallpaper will be placed throughout the banquet center as well as rugs allowing for noise to not bounce off of surfaces as the spaces within are open to each-other. VCT flooring is also used in the fitness center and storage areas as it is very sound absorbent which will cut back on any jumping or dragging of furniture from below.

Notable Noise

Quiet Spaces

Acoustic Materials

vtfT1'1rAI VCT Flooring "" ..... .......,..,

DesignAnalysis: ColorTheory

Minimal Neutrals

Natural tonesof beige, off-white, creamand khaki are timeless. They transcend trendsand aresynonymous withtasteandstyle-the ultimatedesirefor aesthetics.

Warmneutrals willbethe main colorthroughoutsaidspaces. Warm colorsoften make aspace feel moreintimate andcozy. Many of ourassociations with warm colors are cheerfulones, when placedina room these colors tendto makeus feel hopeful, happy and ready forfun/enjoyment.

Prints Charming

Thecolorpalette Prints Charmingrefersto asense ofhistory and tradition, while at the sametime introducesa playful co-mingling of traditional themes and modern-day usages.

Bold warm colors will be accented throughout most notable on accents such as pillows, decorfabricsand wallpaper. In addition, bold/ bright colorscan cause one tobemore productive, inspire and creative. Due to thiseachstudy within each residential space will be pained a bold color such asa green or blue tone.

PANTONE 19-0303 Jet Black PANTONE 11-0105 Antique White PANTONE 17-1641 PANTONE 19-4037 Chrysanthemum Bright Cobalt PANTONE 18-1246 Umber PANTONE 17-1635 Rose of Sharon PANTONE 12-0825 Popcorn PANTONE 13-1016 Wheat PANTONE 16-5810 Green Bay

Building Entrance / Reception

Level 14

Key Furnishings & Materials

The Banquet Room

Ceiling Plan & Design

Level 14

Key Furnishings & Materials

The Fitness Center

Key Furnishings & Materials

Level 14
... I � 6 The Fitness Center ...____::. • ,<;

The Business Center

Key Furnishings & Materials

Level 14

The Business ceffi


Key Furnishings & Materials

Level 15

Primary Bedroom

Key Furnishings & Materials

Level 15
• • � .• --�,' -...,.V: I �\ .. .\ . 9
Primary Bedroom

Living Room

Level 15

Dining Room

Level 15

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