Martketing Segmentation

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Steps to follow to do a great segmentation: 1.Identify the market that we are going to segment. 2.Determine the variables that we are going to use to do the segmentation. 5.Check that the segments comply the 8 criteria to have a great segmentation. 6.We select the best segments that we have obtained.

3.Apply the variables to the market. 4.We obtain the results that are the different segments.

Variables Of The Segmentation

1.Purpose of trip:This variable indicate the reason of the travellers come to our country.Each traveller will prefer differents things of a trip,for example a leissure traveller want spending their money are more sensitive than the bussines travellers.This variable is used to separate the needs and wants of the travellers and the things that they want to so and consume in Spain.

2.Nationality:This variable indicate the country of procedence of the tourists that came to Spain.With this variable we can separate the abroad travellers in differents sector by their matern country,the nmost important segment with this variable are the English travellers.

3.Lifestyle:This indicate the life that the traveller wants to have in the place that he visits.A person that preferes a warm climate and a specific weather will not choose a travell that dont accomplish with his hopes,the travellers can be differenciated by his lifestyle because travellers can have differents objetives

4.Expenditure:This indicate that the money that a traveller spends in the services and products of Spain.This variable can segment the travellers according to the money emplpoyed in a travell to Spain and there are different levels done by the travellers that expend a big amount of money in our services and products and travellers that expend the necesary money to their travells 5.Age:The segments also can be differenciated by the age that a travell have because there are a lot of travells to the differents publics and specific travells to each type of travellers according to their age,for example the travells os Alsina with retired people.Also the travell agencies can have trips to children for exmple travelling to madrid to go to "Warner Bross" to their satisfaction.

Criteria For Effective Segmentation 1.Measurable:A great segmentation needs that their segments can be numerized and know if they are near to their objetives the segment can be great but the travellers are numerized in depence of variables aplicatted to them but they are numerized to know the people who accomplish his variable.

2.Substantial:To do a great segmentation the target markets must be enough big to separate them in differents segments.In dependence of the product it will have more or less clients that wants this products so there will be a segment more extensive or not in dependence of the costumers that want it.

3.Accesible:A great segmentation must be able to have access to the differents dates utiliced to to the segmentation.We need that the segmentation be accesible to separate the dates in groups of specifics costumers with the same need and wants.

5.Durable:In a good segmentation the segments must be enough big to work with them for a long time,a segment that will be finish in short time its not a good segment and it isnt used to the segmentation,a temporally product is a fad and we dont want it to the segmentation.

4.Defnsible:When a segmentation is created it must be able to defend it from the other competitors and it must have enough dates to defend him to the others segmentations.There are situation in wich a similar approach can be used with two or more individual target market,the segmentation must be ready to compete with another segmentation with our dates. 6.Competitive:In a good segmentation the segments must be competitive with the other segmentations then,the best segmentation will be that have the uniques products and if a product stand out by the rest,it will have best segments and more people than consume this products

7.Homogenous:To have a great segmentation the component of his segment must be different that the other and then it will have more sells than the other,the uniques products are more solicitated than the products that have all the segmentation.


8 Compatible:When a segmentation is created we must be sure that our segmentation dont conflict with the other markets in the area.The segmentation can fail if the another target market dont want yopur product.

The Importance of the Segmentation While there may be theoretically 'ideal' market segments, in reality, every organization engaged in a market will develop different ways of imagining market segments, and create product differentiation strategies to exploit these segments

In essence, the marketing objectives of segmentation analysis are:The market segmentation and corresponding product differentiation strategy can give a firm a temporary commercial advantage. Most market segmentations are the techniques used to attract the right customer. •

To reduce risk in deciding where, when, how, and to whom a product, service, or brand will be marketed To increase marketing efficiency by directing effort specifically toward the designated segment in a manner consistent with that segment's characteristicsMarket segmentation is a two of that process 1.includes:Identifying and classifying people into homogeneous groupings, called segments 2.Determining which of these segments are viable target markets.

Characteristics of Touristic Market The abrove supply is usually of british,germans,frenc hs and italians travellers above all in seasons of beach and sun like canary islands,the coasts and the baleares.The best concentration of this toourist are in Benidorm and Marbella.

National or domestic tourism demand comes mainly from Madrid, Catalonia, Andalusia and Valencia, since it also travels at Easter, weekends and bridges. Mediterranean coast and northern coasts

The excessive seasonality of demand is one of the main problems of Spanish tourism.Ski season and in summer in our country.

The importance of the segmentation in the characteristics of the market has alot ofimportance because if we dont accomplish this characteristics the tourism in Spain will be in descend and thismain characteristics are the main points to accomplish in each touristic segmentation.

3 main segments of tourism The segment (United Kingdom): The people who came to our country from United Kingdom (in the variable of nationality). This segment accompklish with all the criterias of the marketing segment and is the segment most important in his variable,this indicate that the best commings of tourists are from England. Reino Unido 15.006.744 23,1 % 4,7 The segment (Leissure and Holidays) : This indicate the people who has the purpose of the beaches sun and all leissure points of our country.This segment is the most relevant in the variable of pupose of trip,this travellers want this pointas when they come to our country. Ocio, Vacaciones 56.230.900 86,5 % 6,9

The segment (Hotel Ressidence) : This indicate the ressidence of the travellers that came to Spain ,they have differents ways to have a accomodation in our country:in property,in the resindence of family or friends and rental.The main accomodation is in a Hoel. Alojamiento hotelero 40.208 3,8 979 -1,2 144 -0,8 7 -0,5

Products-Serveces to the Segments To the people who come to our countru fromUnited Kingdom we have a lot of offersin the travell agencies and in the transport of the people who come from England. Also into the country we have differents offers to the travellers , the most variety of offers and serveces to the travellers are the areas of beaches and sun , for example Benidorm or Marbella. They spend a lor of money in our serveces and the form the best potence of tourists in Spain.

The people who come to our country searching a great holidays and have a time of leissure have already a lot of places and serveces destinated to the satisfasction of this clients,In Spain are a high disposition of theme parks and areas of sports and nature zones that will do the travelleres more satisfeed if they are searching to a leissure time.In the coasts and islands os Spain are the most economy potence of the country and the supose the atraction of a big part of the tourism.

The people who come to Spain have a lot of options to their accomodation,the main selected is the accomodation in Hotel,Hostal and apartments.In the Hotel chains are a lot of offers to familys and big groups of people that do to the travellers a travell with more satisfaction and the dont spend too much money in the accomodation.

Strategies on touristic marketing In addition to communication and marketing strategies developed normally through the promotion on the web, you must also create certain strategies specifically aimed at raising awareness, appreciation and preservation of existing tourist destinations in natural and cultural resources. The aim of this study is to analyze the best strategies to promote Web developed by different destinations. This has been studied the best Web sites of leading international tourist destinations in the ranking of foreign tourist arrivals in 2004. In this context, we have made some proposals and suggestions regarding the strategies to be developed in the promotion tour through the web offering a range of value added in the marketing of destinations. In this kind of segmentation are differents types of offers,rutes,and trips to the differents tourists that came to our country.For exmaple in this country there are offers to the travellers from England that has a holidays here,renting our accomodation and hospeding in our hotels.

Chains of hotels has complete holidays plans to the above travellers with trips,accomodation in the best areas,groups activities and events to the travellers that increase the satisfaction and the pleasure of the guests

Instruments in touristic marketing The 4p utilised in the marketing segmentation has a lot of importance: If the touristic companies improve their products or create a new products to the travellers this will do that the travellers will increase their satisfaction and the comings of above person will improve.the new ones and the improve of the touristics products will improve the touristic sector in the market.

The comnpanies have a competition in the touristic market with the places where they are going to act because the place of a hotel,a trip or acompany affect to the impresion of the travellers.The places more selected by the travellers will have a better profits and then the companies compite for them.

The travel agencies and the companies encharged to the travellers comngs have a competition into them for the tourist.The compite with different prices and differents offers to the travellers to persuade the travellers to choose their company and the work to increase their characteristics to the company more atractactive and then have more profits.The price is very different in depence of the wants of the traveller and the quality of the company. The promotion of a touristic area is also important,the way to do a better distribution of a touristic zone and the promotion of him is very important to the touristic sector.Communication with advertasing and the promotion of the differents options of hotels and accomodations has a big influence in the travellers.

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