Queen Bee Brand Guide

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QUEEN BEE skincare & makeup


THE BRAND Queen Bee provides everyday skincare and makeup for the bold and beautiful woman. Our company knows every woman is beautiful in her own way and we would never dare try to change who they are. Queen Bee products keep skin looking healthy and add just that extra touch to enhance your already radiant beauty. Queen Bee is a makeup and skincare company devoted to keeping skin healthy. Makeup products only accentuate a woman’s already beautiful features instead of covering them up like many other makeup lines. Skincare products have two lines: one for women with oily skin, and one for dry skin. Most products are light, with a few exceptions for those really terrible days you need some extra help. Queen Bee’s makeup line is gentle on the skin and all foundations provide SPF protection. Audience The company’s primary audience is women ages 20-35 who like to keep their appearance natural and healthy. Queen Bee’s niche market is women looking for a skincare and makeup line that is not heavy, protects their skin and keeps it looking healthy and is minimal in appearance. In addition, the products are easy to use and do not take up a lot of time to apply or use. Branding Concept We wanted the brand to give an aura of sophistication with a little bit of a fun side. The most influential points from brainstorming notes were: Sophisticated yet feminine colors & patterns Wrapping/packaging that makes shopping experience feel personal and high-end; boutique experience Pretty – women want to be pretty, so their makeup should be too Evoke a feeling of elegance

INSPIRATION A lot of research was done to identify different types of branding styles in the cosmetics and skincare industry. There seemed to be two major categories: A. bright, bold and in-your-face branding or B. calm, sophisticated and classy branding. Queen Bee fits into the second category; inspiration was pulled from brands both in the makeup industry and from outside sources that fit the sophisticated yet playful look we were aiming for. Things we saw and loved: Muted, pastel colors Fine-line black and white illustrations Type enclosed by rectangles Single-color marks Pattern mixing Identifying products by specific colors and/or patterns

DESIGNING THE LOGO The concept behind Queen Bee’s logo was to create a sophisticated, simple and elegant mark that has enough versatility to work well with a variety of colors and patterns. Design Process Originally, most design concepts were complex and detailed. As development progressed, we decided we would be creating a series of patterns for different products that the logo would have to work well with. Further experimentation of these early designs proved faulty when mixed with the different patterns and colors. Back to the drawing board we went and came out with a simple, yet bold, mark that can be integrated with the various colors and patterns that were later designed. Usage & Variations The mark has two variations: one with the border and one without. The primary logo includes the border and should be used in all cases except in a few circumstances as described below: The border-less logo is generally used if the logo will be used by itself surrounded by an expanse of white space, i.e. cover letters and press kit folders. In both of these cases, the bee illustration is centered above the mark, and should continue to be used as such if another piece of collateral utilizes this border-less mark in the future.

In the first phase of design, most ideas were rather complex and detailed. After discussion about using a variety of patterns and colors, this plan was thrown out for a simpler approach.

Simpler and more geometric designs were explored in order to have a versatile mark that worked well with all colors and patterns.

This sketch is the basis for what became the final mark for Queen Bee skincare and makeup.

Early sketches in the design process show a progression towards a simpler and more versatile logo design. Ideas on the right were chosen to be digitized.

QUEEN BEE skincare & makeup





skincare & makeup

skincare & makeup


QUEEN BEE skincare & makeup

Several sketches were fully realized in the computer as seen on the left. The final logo was chosen because it fit the requirements we were looking for. It is sophisticated, yet playful when used in tandem with Queen Bee patterns. It has clean lines and is simple enough to not compete with busy patterns, yet is bold enough to be the main focus of collateral. A border-less version was created for use in areas where an expanse of white space surrounds the logo as seen on the letterhead. The bee was added to this variation after the bee pattern was finalized.

QUEEN BEE skincare & makeup

The primary logo with the rectangular border is to be used in almost all cases. The borderless logo should never be used if the logo will be surrounded by one of the Queen Bee patterns. *Font choice and colors are discussed later.

THE DETAILS One of the unique aspects of Queen Bee branding is the variety of colors, patterns and tag lines that are specific to each product. This section will explore the correct use of fonts, colors and patterns to keep the Queen Bee brand consistent. We loved the idea of our bee pattern so much we decided to extend the idea to each of our products. Each Queen Bee product has a unique tag-line, pattern and color associated with it. Every tag-line is based upon an idiom that references an animal and has a pattern comprised of illustrations of that specific animal. These patterns and colors work together to create the entire look for Queen Bee’s branding.


AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNn OoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz

Rawengulk (regular) Secondary

AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNn OoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz Rawengulk (bold) Secondary

AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNn OoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz

One Starry Night

Promotional, Embellishment

AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKk LlMmNn OoPpQqRrSsTtUuVWwXx v Y yZz

FONTS Primary Copperplate was chosen as the primary font. It is used in all-caps for the logo. This serif font is bold and clean with just enough character to give some interest to the name of the company.


QUEEN BEE skincare & makeup

Rawengulk (regular)

Copperplate is used in the logo and for major headlines or titles. Because of its bold nature, it should be used for text that is primary in the hierarchy scale only. Secondary We were looking for a very simple and feminine sans-serif font for the secondary typeface. Rawengulk matched both of these characteristics and came in 5 different variations. Rawengulk is used in the logo and for any body copy or small text because of its readability. Ultralight should only be used if it is larger than 24pt for readability reasons. Bold should be used for emphasis. Light and Demibold are rarely used, but can be utilized to create hierarchy. Other When creating advertisements and other promotional materials, we found the need for another typeface to really emphasize the fun side of Queen Bee. One Starry Night embodied the upbeat and lighter side of the company. This font should not be used in any official documents. It is for advertising purposes only and should be used sparingly.

COLORS & PATTERNS Colors Color choices began with the primary yellow. We chose yellow because of its association with bees. We chose a muted color palette because it fit the overall brand concept. We wanted a lot of colors to create a fun feel, but the muted palette made it more mature, sophisticated and delicately feminine.

155 C

365 C

Originally black was used for the logo and illustrations, but a charcoal was chosen instead to reduce the harsh contrast. Patterns & Idioms

290 C

196 C

263 C

440 C

Early on we decided to use detailed pencil drawings of animals to create the patterns based on a some of our inspiration. The drawings were scanned in and manipulated to create the patterns used for each product. Animals were chosen based on the idiom tag-lines chosen. The bee pattern is used for general branding and stationary. Bird pattern: used for moisturizers and lotions Tag-line: A little birdie told us you look beautiful today Whale pattern: used for cleansers and scrubs Tag-line: You’ll have a whale of a time Owls pattern: used for concealer Tag-line: For all the night owls out there Bug pattern: used for foundations Tag-line: You’ll be cute as a bug

STATIONARY Stationary items were the first designs that incorporated all the design elements set in the early branding and design process. Letterheads, envelopes and business cards were developed with a more professional approach than some of the other pieces which took a more lively and fun route. Stationary is the basis for all collateral pertaining to the company only and not its products. Yellow, charcoal and white should be the only colors used and the bee pattern is the only pattern that should be associated with the company as a whole for business purposes. The clean and simple use of these elements makes for an elegant and professional statement about the company.


QUEEN BEE skincare & makeup

The front of Queen Bee business cards reflects the designs of our packaging front panels. The logo is surrounded by the bee pattern on the front. The back is very simple with information in the bottom left corner with a little extra touch added by the small bee illustration. Emulating the packaging layouts creates a cohesive brand and easily recognizable business card. Name and title are in Copperfield. All other company information is in Rawengulk.

DANIKA OSTROWSKI, ceo danika@queenbee.com | 713.555.8888 queenbeeskincare.com

LETTERHEAD This is one case where the use of the border-less logo is used. Again, the letterhead is kept very simple and professional with a little flair on the back with the full bleed of the bee pattern.

2.5” from top

Margins should follow the left example exactly with a 2.5 inch margin from the top of the page and a .75 inch margin on either side.

QUEEN BEE skincare & makeup

Recommended font for letter copy is 12 pt. Century.

October 2, 2013 Mrs. Smith, I am writing on behalf of Queen Bee Skincare and Makeup. We would like to share with you our new line of products in hopes that your company will find similar missions and you may want to be an official distributer and seller of our products. Queen Bee’s mission is to change women’s self-image by providing them with healthy skincare products and light makeup that accentuates their own defining and beautiful features, not covering them up. We are devoted to encouraging women to stop trying to look like models in magazines and on Television, and start feeling beautiful because of their own unique features. We have two skincare lines: one for dry skin and one for oily skin. Both include a nightime and daytime moisturizer, face wash, and exfoliator. Our makeup line offers variations of foundation, concealer, and powders, as well as eyeshadows, eyeliner, mascara and lipstick. Enclosed are samples of some of our products. We hope you find them suitable to be sold in your store and will contact us for any further information you need.

Thank you, Danika Ostrowski

55 Crescent Ridge College Station, TX | queenbeeskincare.com | info@queenbee.com | 713.555.5555

.75” side margins

ENVELOPES Envelope design was also very simple with the return address on the back flap. The inside of the envelope is yellow. The front of the envelope has the logo in the upper left-hand corner and the bee in the lower right hand corner. Envelope design is based on a number 10 size regular envelope with a triangular back-flap. The return address is printed on the flap. Should other size envelopes be needed, the design should remain the same with elements adhering to the same margins as used in this template.

Queen Bee Skincare & Makeup 55 Crescent Ridge

QUEEN BEE skincare & makeup

PACKAGING Designing the packing of Queen Bee products was crucial in the branding process because the products themselves are what most customers will identify the most with. They are the most publicly visible piece of collateral and what most other designs are based upon. We established a basic template for how packaging would be designed to create a cohesive set of products despite their individual colors and patterns. All products are sold in a white, glossy container with a front and back label panel. Products are sold in boxes which also display the patterns and have a template that should be followed for all products.

To create the boutique buying experience, all products are packaged in beautifully designed boxes which also have the pattern associated to each product.

After the concept for packaging was established, the design phase came fairly quickly. It was decided to keep makeup containers glossy white with the pattern and logo on the front panel of each.

The shape of some containers was changed later in the design process. The overall concept however, is still heavily based on these original sketches.

Sketching for packaging brought together all the design elements previously decided upon into a cohesive group of products that fit the concept and look of the Queen Bee brand.

SOME EXTRA TOUCHES hello beautiful!

Thank you for choosing Queen Bee


Queen Bee wanted to create a brand that makes customers feel special and individually catered to. Special attention to details and a few extra touches make the Queen Bee buying experience truly special. Queen Bee takes pride in how we treat our customers. Every purchase made is treated with the utmost care and each box comes with a small inspirational thank-you note like this one to the left. First-time customers are always treated to a free samplesized gift. These small details are what creates the boutique buying experience associated with Queen Bee products. Left page: Final products show how the individuality of each piece still creates a cohesive line of products.

The color and pattern for each product type is placed around the logo with a 2 pt. charcoal stroke.


a little birdie told us you look beautiful today

daytime moisturizer

daytime moisturizer

daytime moisturizer

a little birdie told us you look beautiful today

a little birdie told us you look beautiful today

Skincare & Makeup,


paraben-free 100% natural product

6 oz/170 g

Sed et magna leo. Morbi aliquet ut diam eget aliquam. Quisque ornare quam orci. Sed vulputate vehicula luctus. Sed nisi magna, adipiscing vel ante non, consectetur vulputate mauris. Aliquam egestas euismod dui, vel laoreet lectus faucibus eget. Praesent mauris dui, tempus et facilisis a, hendrerit et eros. Suspendisse mollis commodo ante id blandit. Curabitur eleifend venenatis turpis, sed vulputate sapien pulvinar id. Proin ultrices, magna eu scelerisque suscipit, nisi ligula lacinia purus, sed ullamcorper enim tellus in ligula. Morbi tristique nulla ac risus.

The tag-line of each product is added 8 pts. below the product name in 8 pt. Rawengulk.

Queen Bee Inc. and/or


daytime moisturizer

ingredients Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

a little birdie told us you look beautiful today

Queen Bee daytime moisturizer keeps your skin from drying out and provides a base before you apply your makeup. SPF protection ensures you will be ready to face the day without fear of damaging your skin.

daytime moisturizer QUEEN BEE

daytime moisturizer, spf 15


d neck every morning after washing makeup. This product helps protect


For product labels, the primary logo is used with a few modifications. “Queen Bee” pushed upward 5 pts. “Skincare & Makeup” is replaced with the name of the product and moved upward as well.


QUEEN BEE skincare & makeup

copy on the UEENTheBEE

face wash secondary packaging

have a whale of a time

panel has a quick description in pore cleansing scrub Rawengulk of the megranate & grapefruit product followed by the directions in Copperplate. Ingredients follow in Rawengulk 7pt. Lastly, the company name and location are at the bottom above the bar code. This arrangement 4 FL OZ may change if the shape of the container does not support a rectangular panel (i.e. moisturizer), however the hierarchy remains the same.

face wash Queen Bee face wash exfoliates and unclogs pores to help keep your face acne free. You will feel refreshed and soothed while keeping away redness and other blemishes. directions Wet skin, and gently rub face wash in small circles on face and neck. Use once in morning and once at night before bed for best results. ingredients

ulputate mauris. Aliquam egestas euismod dui, vel laoreet lectus faucibus eget. Praesent mauris dui, tempus et facilisis a, hendrerit et eros. Suspendisse mollis commodo ante id blandit. Curabitur eleifend venenatis turpis, sed vulputate sapien pulvinar id. Proi

Manufactured for Queen Bee College Station, TX 77840

QUEEN BEE skincare & makeup

UEEN BEE face wash

have a whale of a time

pore cleansing scrub

megranate & grapefruit

At the top, the logo is placed without any borders or shapes, only “Queen Bee” and “skincare & makeup.” No pattern should be used on secondary panels,

face wash Queen Bee face wash exfoliates and unclogs pores to help keep your face acne free. You will feel refreshed and soothed while keeping away redness and other blemishes. directions Wet skin, and gently rub face wash in small circles on face and neck. Use once in morning and once at night before bed for best results.

The background of these panels is the same as the primary panels without the pattern applied.




Back face & flaps: These areas are left white to mimic the white containers. The inside of the top face has an image of the bee illustration.

Side faces: Both side faces are covered with the color and pattern specific to the product.

Front face: Includes the logo as seen on the product with a solid color background according to the product’s individual color. Further specification of a product, such as its color are placed below the logo in Rawengulk 11pt font.

PROMOTION & PUBLIC RELATIONS After establishing the design of the Queen Bee logo and products, advertising and promotional decisions had to be created. Presenting Queen Bee to customers required careful design and cautious planning to create the image we were looking for. We wanted our products to be taken seriously as sophisticated and classy, but we felt our brand still didn’t evoke just enough fun for our target market. A lot of our advertising and promotional efforts were focused on pursuing the more light-hearted side of the company. A new font was introduced along with some stellar design concepts. In the end we succeeded in creating a classy and exciting identity.


Sign Up / Login

QUEEN BEE skincare & makeup


Modules are set on a 4-column grid. Each acts as a link to a page it advertises. Some filler modules like the whale pattern and purple bee square are in place for aesthetic and spacing reasons. Modules can be interchanged as long as they are fixed to a width that fits in the grid.




This header remains stationary and content scrolls behind it so navigation tabs are always accessible.




out our new



The footer contains a navigation system and links to Queen Bee social media sites.


Where To Buy

55 Crescent Ridge College Station, TX 77840

Unite States

info@queenbee.com 1.800.555.5555


Shop Online Skincare Makeup

Follow Us

The concept for the website design is to have a modular home page with interchangeable blocks for maximum versatility. The idea is that when new promotions, products or deals come out, new modules can be put up and the website can be updated quickly and easily.

ACCORDION BROCHURE This brochure is used for promotional efforts and can be given out at trade shows, demos, and retail stores that carry Queen Bee products. Queen Bee representatives should also have access to the brochures to hand out to potential customers. The brochures is small and compact, but expands to be 17” wide. It gives information about the company and highlights Queen Bee’s most popular products.

“ best

Beauty is being



version of yourself on the inside and out



As our number one selling product, Queen Bee

Our strongest concealer is specially made for

daytime moisturizer keeps your skin from drying

those difficult mornings after a late night out.

out and provides a smooth base before you

Ladies, we all have those troublesome days, but

apply your makeup. SPF protection ensures you

do not worry for Queen Bee concealer will hide

will be ready to face the day without fear of

those dark circles under your eyes while

damaging your skin. This incredible product

supplying moisture so your skin will rejuvenate

comes in three varieties for oily, dry and

quickly as your day picks up.

QUEEN BEE skincare & makeup

extra-sensitive skin types.

A little birdie told us you look beautiful today!

This one’s for all you night owls out there!




Queen Bee produces everyday skincare and

Queen Bee face wash will make you feel

Queen Bee foundation is light and powdery so

makeup products for the bold and beautiful

refreshed and soothed while keeping away

you won’t even know it’s there, except that it

woman. We know you are beautiful and would

redness and other blemishes. Exfoliating beads

covers and smooths your complexion. Our

never dare try to alter your beauty, but let’s

unclog pores to help keep your face acne free.

formula is free of the pore-clogging and oily

face it: we all need a little help sometimes.

Our face wash has powerful effects, but is gentle

ingredients often found in other foundations,

Queen Bee products keep skin looking healthy

on your skin.

ensuring you will never be called a “cake-face.”

and add just that extra touch to enhance your already radiant beauty. Find out more at


You’ll have a whale of a time!

You’ll be cute as a bug!

havofe aa time you’ l beascutae Bug Whale

with Queen Bee foundation

with Queen Bee face wash

Queen Bee face wash exfoliates and unclogs pores to helf keep your face acne free. Queen Bee is dedicated to making you feel beautiful in your own skin. All products are light and minimal, ensuring your true beauty shines through.

QUEEN BEE skincare & makeup


Queen Bee foundation is so light and powdery you wouldn’t know it was there except for its ability to smooth and refine your complexion. Queen Bee is dedicated to making you feel beautiful in your own skin. All products are light and minimal, ensuring your true beauty shines through.

QUEEN BEE skincare & makeup



a littletbolidrduies...

Queen Bee moisturizer keeps you looking fabulous

The concept for print ads is based on the idioms used for various products. Each ad features a certain product and uses the idiom as the tag-line. The products were photographed in scenes based on the subject of the idiom. The reasoning was twofold: the unique aspect of animal idioms would be further emphasized and the scenes in nature would subconsciously allude to the fact that Queen Bee products are natural and environmentally friendly. One Starry Night is used as the main tag-line font. The bottom of every ad gives extra information about the product, the company and features the Queen Bee logo.

Queen Bee daytime moisturizer keeps your skin from drying out and procides a base before you apply your makeup. Queen Bee is dedicated to making you feel beautiful in your own skin. All products are light and minimal, ensuring your true beauty shines through.

Face wash was photographed in a sandy beach-like environment to reflect a whale’s habitat, the ocean. Foundation was photographed in flowers where bugs might be found buzzing around. Moisturizer was photographed in a tree above a bird nest. QUEEN BEE skincare & makeup


*Ads shown here are vertical 3/4 page ads (size based on local magazine ad spaces).

It’s nice to just





QUEEN BEE skincare & makeup


BEAUTY best is being the possible version of


inside and out

QUEEN BEE skincare & makeup

“lipstick on

Just have FUN


and keep putting

- Diane Keaton

QUEEN BEE skincare & makeup

In accordance with the concept of encouraging women to have a positive self image and see themselves as beautiful, Queen Bee decided to incorporate positive quotes about beauty in our displays. Using colors and fonts from our products, we created simple type posters with three of our favorite quotes. The logo is placed in the bottom right corner of each poster and type is framed by two rectangles. The stroke of these shapes are proportionate to that on the Queen Bee logo.

“lipstick on Just have FUN


and k eep pu tting

- Diane Keaton

QUEEN BEE skincare & makeup


55 Crescent Ridge College Station, TX 77840

Presorted Standard US Postage PAID Queen Bee

Queen Bee Membership offers:

Special Discounts Offers Before Anyone Else Free Shipping when you order online Access to premiere Beauty Tips on our New Beauty Blog Visit our website to create your account and start saving at queenbeeskincare.com

**********************AUTO**MIXED AADC 75757 Valued Customer 55 Forest Dr College Station, TX 77840






BEAUTY best is being the possible version of


inside and out

These 9” x 6” postcard mail out promotions encourage customers to sign up for a Queen Bee membership card to receive discounts and other special offers. The idea behind the design was to create something that customers liked enough to keep the postcard instead of throwing away the mail-out. We placed our inspiring beauty quotes used in our displays on the front of the post card. The concept being that people who receive them like the quote and keep it at least for awhile, increasing brand recognition. The back of the postcard contains information about membership benefits and meets USPS postal standards.

PROMOTIONAL VIDEO The concept behind the motion piece used for promotion and advertising of the company was to showcase Queen Bee’s various products and capture the essence of the brand while appealing to our key audience. The piece follows the bee which flies around and reveals the products which are drawn onto the screen and eventually fade to a photograph of the product. The bee ends up above a handdrawn version of the logo while the vectorized logo and pattern fade in. Music was selected because of the quirky and upbeat attitude it has. *The video can be seen on the disc in the back of this book.

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