Regulation of III Festival de Cinema de Mogi Mirim

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Presentation The lll Festival de Cinema de Mogi Mirim will happen on Oct 13th through 22nd of 2013, such time being when we’ll promote short‐film production, discussions, the profisionalization and experimentation on the audio‐visual area, offering public exbits, debates, lectures, awards and workshops to the participants. A Vidraça Cia de teatro e PacoHubertsProduçõesinciative, with the support of Prefeitura de Mogi Mirim, through the Secretaria de Gestão Social ‐ Gerencia de Cultura e Turismo, with the goal of promoting the access to audio‐visual productions democratization, by means of propaganda and exhibition of short‐films. Divided in the categories Fiction, documentary, animation and studet’s projects, allowing the participation of producers and local, regional, national and international students. It will be a week where Mogi Mirimansit’s surroundings will have the opportunity to celebrate the 7th Art. All the activities and exbits will be free! REGULATION 1 ‐ GOAL 1.1 The Festival de Cinema de Mogi Mirim has as goal promote and disclose the production of short‐films in the local, regional and nacional scale, as well as encourage the discutions, profisionalization and experimentation on the audio‐visual area, offering debates, lectures and workshops to the participants 2 ‐ PRODUCTION 2.1 –With the caracter of exibit and free of charges or any other form of payment, the Festival de Cinema de Mogi Mirimwill be organized by the ProdutorasVidraça Cia de Teatro e PacoHuberts, with the support of thePrefeitura de Mogi Mirim, through theSecretaria de Gestão Social e gerencia de Cultura e Turismo. 3. INSCRIPTIONS 3.1 Will be allowed to participate all works from national and international territories. 3.2 The inscriptions will be delivered personally or through the mail, from Agust 1st to September 6th of 2013 III Festival de Cinema de Mogi Mirim Rodovia Deputado Nagib Chaib, 2255, Pq do Estado II, Mogi Mirim‐SP CEP: 13807‐684. 3.3 Will be accepted inscrptions of movies or videos with maximum duration of 20 min, including credits, not being allowed the participation of institutional videos 3.4 Every director can be selected for a maixmum of 3 movies or videos.

3.5 Will be accepted the inscriptions with the inscirption file anexed properly filled, with a copy of the movie, recorded in DVD. Each piece must be insciptedseparatedly 3.6 All the mailing expanses are of the sender responsabilty 3.7 The regulamentation of the festival, other than this prnted version, will be avalaible on the following websites from Agust 1st of 2013: or selected to the festival will be available from Octuber 5th of 2013, on the same websites and the local news. 3.8 Further doubts can be clarefied on the e‐mails or or the phone number +55 (19) 9218‐7013 withLuizDalbo. 4. SELETION, EXIBITIONO AND AWARDS. 4.1 TheVidraçaCia de Teatro, with PacoHubertsProduçõeswill name the judging comissionthat will be formed by 5 professionals of the audi‐visual and arts area, that will select the works to fullfill the festival. 4.2 Will be awarded 5 prizes with certificate and trofy: • Prize for the 3 short‐filmes that rank 1st place on the categories Fiction, Animation, and Documentary. Any production finalized from January of 2011 is allowed to enter these categories • Prize of Student Stimulu. Groups of students from public and private schools, NGOs and similiars are allowed to enter this category. • Prize for the popular jury, where the audiance gathered will have the opportunity to choose their favorite short‐movie. At the end of each nite the audience will be presented with a votting sheet with the name of each participant and the alternative to vote on their favorite. 4.3 The selctingcomision composed of 1 representatives of Vidraça de Teatro, a representative of PacoHubertsProduçõesand 3 guests will take in considerationto evaluate the following criteria: Criativity of the proposal, quality of the story contents, quality of image and sound, sound track, cast interpretation and good use of public image. 4.4 The exibitions will be between the days 13 to 22 of Octuber of 2013 in public spaces. 4.5 The program of days and times for the exbitions will be organized after the closing day of the inscriptions.The inscripts will be informed of the day and time of their exibitions and will be available from Octuber 5th 2013, through the websites:, and the local news. 4.6 The award ceremony will happen on Octuber 17th 2013, at 20:00 at the Centro Cultural de Mogi Mirimwhere the awarded will be announced.

5. GENERAL DISPOSITIONS 5.1 All material delivered at the inscription will be part of the collection ofVidraça Cia de teatro, in the form of donation, being it s use autorized to exibitions, with no fee of entrance for the period of 2 years, being prohibited the exibiton in other types of media. 5.2 The inscrption and signutre of such imply that the participant is fully aware and agree with this reguation. The resposable for the inscription states and takes all responsabilty over the making of movie or video inscript. All the responsability for the writer rights and/or the right of image is exclusive of the participant 5.3The ominus cases will be resolved by the event organization committee. 6 ‐ CONCLUSION 6.1 ‐ The Festival de Cinema de Mogi Mirim is totally free and will be a moment to strenght the cinema art in Mogi Mirim and it s surroundings and awake the will to comunicate through the 7th. Mogi Mirim, Agust 1st 2013 Vidraça Cia de Teatro and Paco Huberts Produções

FICHA DE INSCRIÇÃO INFO ABOUT THE MOVIE Title:________________________________________________________________________ Genre: ( ) Animation ( ) Documentary ( ) Fiction ( ) Experimental Student categoryl:______________________________ (Anexarcurrículo) Duration: ______________________________________________________ Age appropriation: ( ) R‐all ages ( ) Not appropriate under ____. TECNICAL FILE Synopsis: _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Direction:________________________________________________________ Screenwriter: ________________________________________________________ Photography: _____________________________________________________

Editing: _____________________________________________________ Executive production:______________________________________________ Sound track:___________________________________________________ Cast:_________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Other informations: _____________________________________________ DATA FROM THE RESPONSABLE FOR THE INSCRIPTION: Name:__________________________________________________________ Document: ______________________________________________________ Address.___________________________________________________________ TEL: ( )______‐_____ CEL.( ) ____‐ _____ E‐mail:_________________________________________________________ Ties to the prodution:_________________________________________ I have read and agree to the terms and conditions of the regulament. _______________________________________ Signture

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