My Monster book

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My Monster Book

Written by Elementary students

Can you draw my monster?

My monster is brown. It has eight eyes. It has one nose.

Can you draw my monster?

My monster is blue. It has two big eyes. It has one big mouth. I love my Stich monster!

Can you draw my monster?

My monster is purple. It has a blue nose and a big blue mouth. It has one big eye. My monster has two ears.

My monster

Can you draw my monster?

My monster is red. It has three eyes. It has two ears and a big red mouth.

My monster

Can you draw my monster?

My monster has three eyes and two teeth.

My monster

Can you draw my monster?

My monster is brown. It has a big eye.

My monster

Can you draw my monster?

My monster is purple. It has three eyes. It has many teeth. It has two arms.

My monster

Can you draw my monster?

My monster is green. It has four big eyes. It has two teeth. It has two ears. It has a big red mouth.

My monster

Can you draw my monster?

My monster is purple. It has two eyes. It has one big mouth. It has two hands. It has two ears.

My monster

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