Daniele Misani
About me
n obtained my university degree, cum laude, in Set Desig and a Monz in Arts the of ol Scho High ue” Sang imo the “Preziosiss including I live and work in Bellusco, Brianza. I am a graduate of 2009, I have worked as a freelancer in several art fields Since o. studi ese Milan a in ner desig set as ed work I D.” – Bellusco, Art, Architecture, at the Brera Academy. After completing my studies, Marco Locatelli, I inaugurated the exhibition venue, “B.A. artist and tect archi with n eratio coop in , 2013 In ics. design, painting, decoration and graph e space. are collections of thematic Design – that gathers various different “Arts” in a singl “Atlante delle Nuvole” (Atlantis of the Clouds). These s serie new a and es), dinat Coor cial (Spa iali” Spaz songs. Today I am exhibiting the series “Coordinate that Way), dedicated to the famous Fabrizio de Andrè’s ses Glas Make ll (We’ Così” iali Occh gli mo “Fare s al arenas. Notably, pieces, following my 2007 serie and collective exhibitions both in national and internation idual indiv both of part a been have s work my ns, a. In addition to participating in several artistic competitio ro Chia, Mimmo Rotella, Ugo Nespolo and Helidon Xhixh Sand rol, Wha Andy as such s name ious notor with I have participated in international fairs, Art as I see it ty poses to the artist. The are a response to a problem that contemporary socie art of s Work time. its of ct produ the ys alwa is , but need for what? Art, essentially being a mode of communications ot help but doing so. Art is a need more than a passion… cann He field. his in , nses respo g findin for ct instin al eptual options to artist has the internal push and etern passionate for investigating between technical and conc been ys alwa have I ; place al ration and tific scien a to organize and handle space, As far as I am concerned, approaching art comes from Arti has been – I later realized - an answer for a need Belle of emy Acad the at n Desig Set ying Stud n. t for Beauty. find new solutions for design and compositio l, but which contributes towards the fulfillment of the ques mera ephe t albei act, abstr thing some e creat to order in drawing, color, and volume to understand and investigate the concept of Beauty. t In short, I would say that my art stems from the need successful and fulfilling solutions, and taking an abrup ularly partic s acros ng comi een betw ate fluctu I ty, this quest for Beau ns. I consider my works to be like “speed bumps.” During and the object depend on the moment and my predilectio break the of time The . ughly thoro it ng tigati inves and of my work. Moreover, I have break to pause and converse with the subject, enjoying es and ways. One can say that they are the leitmotiv shap ral seve in them ting depic ed enjoy ys alwa have ng always upwards. Clouds have always been my passion; I , and passing my focus to humankind in flight - movi fields r flowe ting depic from ng starti , them it inhab can always painted someone who born. ach and from it the project “Atlante delle Nuvole” was Recently I have been working on a more conceptual appro THE SERIES "ATLANTE DELLE NUVOLE" , shaped by rays of generating from vertical motions in perennial movement ent, elem ging chan everan as eived conc d,” “clou gh the language of art. “Atlante delle Nuvole” is a conceptual search on the h for the possible solutions to describe this element throu searc a also is It . same the r neve it paint and s aim of this prolight that reach it from different angle sky, each work has countless installation options. The the in s cloud the to ar Simil s. cloud the of s name tific The series is composed of works titled after the scien becomes the protagonist. art and the space in which it is hosted and in which it of work the een betw Daniele Misani lation corre the tigate inves to is duction
Said about me... Daniele Misani envisages an alternative art, sprouting from the desire to recount, always in different forms, the Story of Man and his eternal journey. In the first quest, the history of mankind is the protagonist, reaching the destination with the elevation of man upwards; then the conventional form evolves and from there another series is born. Daniele’s is an Art to contemplate for long because it is innovative and smart where the tiny colorful characters, human figures or small stones, become points of reference, identifiers of a fresh art, unknown to the observer, and because of this, charming and engaging. The space takes a chief role in each research carried out. The clouds, the sky, and the background are keystones of the treatise, for every work is a story with a beginning and an end. Irregular works of art with similar characters and almost repetitive colors create huge sequences that call for scrutinizing more than observing, the viewer is surrounded by a marvelous invention expertly rendered The artist’s background in set design inevitably influences his production as well as the final result. When the work is completed, one has the impression that the theatre curtain is being drawn. Misani has captured the details of contemporary art, idea and innovation, and employs them with rare ability, without comparison, with the enchantment of engaging the observer with new, smart means. Anna Soricaro
cielo Sereno Oil on woods 60x180x45cm 2014
Pileus (2 ) Mixed me dia on w ood 90x200c m 2014
congestus (1) MIxed media on wood 120x20cm 2013
1) umulo ( ood c o b m e N w edia on Mixed m m 87x170c 2013
d me Pileus ( dia o 3 n wo ) o d 87x1 70cm 2013
Pileus (1) ood dia on w MIxed me m 40x220c 2014
Cumulus Humilis (3) MIxed media on wood 80x138cm 2012
Fr mixed actus (d etai media on w l) o 110x6 od 0cm 2014
Stratus (1) mixed media on wood 73x50x18cm 2012
(2) umulo od c o b m Ne wo ia on 0cm d e m 2 mixed 900x2 013 2
Cumulus Humilis (4) mixed media on wood 35x92cm 2013
The series "Coordinate Spaziali"
Senza titolo della serie Coordina te Spaziali mixed media on wood 30x110cm 2013
Senza titolo della serie Coordinate Spaziali mixed media on wood 120x120cm 2013
Senza titolo della serie Coordina te Spaziali mixed media on wood 20x40cm 2012
(DEtail) Senza titolo Spaziali della serie Coordinate oil on wood 150x50cm 2012
Senza titolo della serie Coordina te Spaziali oil on wood 200x100cm 2012
itolo Senza t ziali ate Spa od in d r o o o erie C oil on w m della s 50x200c 2012