Race Briefing: Triathlon de Portocolom 2015 in ENGLISH

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Contents •  •  •  •

Before the Race Race Day After the Finish Regulations

Before coming to Mallorca Don’t forget •  Everything you need for the Race •  Photo ID •  Valid License from your Federation •  10 Euros (One day Licence)

Expo TriPortocolom •  Stands •  Opening hours: •  •

Friday Saturday

12:00 – 19:00 10:00 – 19:00

Registration •  •  •  •

In the Expo Village Know your start number Show your photo ID Show your triathlon yearly licence or buy a day licence •  Check your data •  You will receive your athlete wristband •  Pick up your Starter pack + Gift

Starter Pack Contents •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •

1 swim cap (blue for 111, yellow for 55.5) 1 start number 1 nylon bag for your STREETWEAR 1 vest for 111, and a t-shirt for 55.5 3 stickers for the bike 3 stickers for the helmet 1 Wristband Chip


_FRIDAY 10h30 •  BIKE official training (50km) •  Starting from the Finish Arch (meeting point)

SWIM Training!!! •  Wetsuit testing: Saturday 12h00 WETSUIT RENTAL •  Price: 35€ weekend (from Friday) Deposit: 150€ (mandatory for the rental). •  Finishline area, Portocolom bay •  Zoot 1.0 & 3.0 _ Aquaman DNA •  mallorca@evasionrunning.com •  0034 971666951

Bike Service •  0034 667441207 Mechanics •  0034 615821966 Information •  0034 616616920 Ciclos Gomila Bikes •  There’s a Bike Service at your disposal at Club Nautic in Portocolom Ciclos Gomila


On Sunday: FISIOPLANET free of charge for the participants!


Saturday 15:00 – 19:00 BIKE PARK & AREA DE TRANSICIÓN

Check-In info Saturday

•  Check-in on Saturday is mandatory for all athletes in the 111 race - optional for the athletes of the 55.5 race! •  Check-in finishs at 19h00! •  ONLY ON SATURDAY! RACE BRIEFING •  19:00 at the CENTRO CIVICO (EXPO)

Preparations for Check-In Saturday

•  Put the 3 small stickers on your helmet (in front an on both sides) •  Put the remaining sticker on your bike

Check-In Process Saturday

•  Bring your Bike and you ID card •  Come to the Bike Park Entrance With your helmet on your head, chinstrap closed •  Brakes and helmet will be checked •  Rack your bike (you can have you shoes clipped on your bike – nothing else!)

•  Do not bring your STREETWEAR bag, you will drop off on Sunday morning

Race Day


Before the race •  Have a good breakfast! •  Bring along the things you need for the race •  Don‘t forget your STREETWEAR bag •  Don‘t forget your timing chip. •  Park your car at the Toni Peña Arena

111 and 55.5 7h00 – 8h30 Bike Park open for ALL participants •  •  •  •

Pump your tyres Toilets in the Bike Park You must exit the Bike Park at 08:30 Do not leave anything on the ground in the Bike Park. Everything should be in your basket

Before Start •  Hand in your STREETWEAR bag. Between 07h00 and 07h45 •  Go to the Start Area •  Wear your Swimcap •  Place yourself in the Start section according to your swim level (Pros in first line) •  Warmup in front of the start. End: 08:30 •  Sandals / Shoes are not allowed in the Start Area •  Please, stick the number tattoo on your arm/wetsuit

08:45 Start Swim 111 11:00 Start Swim 55.5 •  •  •  •

Start 1km/0.5 km of Swimming START FROM THE WATER. 1 Loop Cut Off time for 111: 00h45 race time (09:30) There will be 4 orange bouys. Leave them always at your right.

STARTS SCHEDULE •  8h45 111 Men (pros & age groupers) •  8h47 111 Women (pros & age groupers) and Team Relays •  11h00 55.5 Pro Men & Junior, Sub23 and Seniors •  11h02 55.5 Veterans •  11h04 55.5 Women & Team Relays

0.5 km Swim map

1 km Swim map

Transition 1 Swim – Bike •  You must put your wetsuit in your basket •  Close the chinstrap of your helmet •  Pick up your BIKE •  Push it to the Exit •  Mount your Bike once you left the bike park

BIKE 50/100km •  •  •  •  •  •

1 loop for 55.5 and 2 loops for 111 495m climbing altitude 4 Energy Stations for 111, 2 for 55.5 No personal aid station Bike Service Car Cut Off time BIKE: 05h15 race time (or 13:45)

Bike ATENCIÓN •  Ascent/descent to Sant Salvador •  •

very narrow road two-way, keep at your right technical descent!

•  At 9.9km •

technical descent!

•  14.4km •

Slow Down! Cross road.

BIKE Energy Station 1 •  •  •  •

HIGH5 Energy Drinks (in bottles) Water Bars HIGH5 Bananas

BIKE Energy Station 2 •  Coke and Water (in bottles with a sports top) •  HIGH5 Gels •  Fruits

AWARDS •  Timed section for the climb to Sant Salvador. Who will be the fastest? •  Best 55 and 111 times at Sant Salvador male&female will get free inscriptions for 2015 edition *You have to finish the race •  Winners of the 55.5 male and female race will be primed with a stay (2 persons, 3 nights) at Hotel Cala Marçal in 2016 •  Winners of the 111 will get stay at Bendinat luxury resort (2 persons, 3 nights) •  There is a prize money of €4,000 shared among the (masculine and feminine) in both formats (55.5 and 111). Winners from both formats receive an IFC/Heliocare special care pack q  111 distance : 1st 600€ 2nd 400€ 3rd 250€ q  55.5 distance: 1st 350€ 2nd 250€ 3rd 150€

Transition 2 BIKE - RUN •  Dismount your bike before entering the Bike Park. •  Push your bike in the same rack you took it. •  Put your Bike gear in the basket. •  Start the 5/10km Run.



Corre 5 km •  1 lap •  1 Energy Station in both senses •  Cut Off time Swim + Bike + Run: 15:15

Corre 10 km •  2 laps •  2 Energy Station in both senses •  Cut Off time Swim + Bike + Run: 15:15 Every KM is marked for your information

RUN Energy Stations •  •  •  •  •

Water Coke HIGH 5 Gels HIGH5 Energy Drinks Fruits


Enjoy your last metres on the Finishline!

Relaxing Zone •  •  •  •  •

Get your medal Get your Finisher goodies Enjoy Massages Eat at the Afterfinish Energy Station For your comfort and your security, no friends & family in the Relaxing Zone, only Finishers!

Check Out

Sunday 14:30 – 18:00 BIKE PARK & TRANSITION AREA

Check Out Process •  You need your Start Number + Athletes Wristband to check out •  When leaving the Park, hand back your timing chip •  No Chip = No Bike! •  Showers at your disposal at Toni Peña Arena close to the finish area

Ceremony •  16h30. At After Finish Area •  Awards for the top 3 in each age group •  Celebrate your success with family and friends •  13h00 Flowers Ceremony for top-3 of 111 and 55.5 at the Finishline

Rules & Regulations FOR A SAFE & FAIR RACE

General Rules It is forbidden to: •  Cut or fold your start number •  Get help from third parties •  Get race provisions outside of the official Energy Stations

SWIM Rules •  It is mandatory to swim without your race number •  The wetsuit must be taken to the transition area . •  Stick the tattoo-number on your wetsuit/arm

BIKE rules •  Drafting is forbidden •  The helmet must be worn at all times with the chinstrap closed •  The race number must be visibly worn on your lower back •  Respect the rules of the road: - Keep on the right and Do not cut corners - Escorting (car, motobike, bike, ...) and assistance is forbidden

No Drafting •  The distance between two athletes (Drafting zone) is 3x10m (front tyre to back tyre) •  If you enter in this zone, you will receive a blue card •  You are responsible for going to the prison upon your return to the Transition Area •  If you do not go to the prison you are disqualified

Penalties / Cards = 5 minutes penalty in Prison = stop and go in Prison = disqualification

RUN rules •  Wear the race number visibly on your front •  If you use a start number belt, wear it on your waistline •  You must not run topless •  Escorting (bike, roller, runner, ...) and assistance is forbidden •  Don’t use headphones (iPod, mobiles…)

General Rule A referees decision shall be final. Or: Protests must be handed in before 16h00 to an official race referee with the provided form together with the protest fee of â‚Ź 50.


If... •  You have to give up, let a referee know you give up and give him your BIB number. Your family might ask us at the Info point – you are obliged to tell us what happened •

Also let us know if you return to the race area or if you‘ll be back at your hotel

You have questions? •  Before coming to Mallorca: please contact us at direccion@triathlonportocolom.net •  On spot: please come see our team at the Information booth at Expo Village at Centro Civico



Thanks!!! •  Thank you for looking at this Race Briefing •  Have a safe trip to Mallorca •  This is our new websitetriathlonportocolom.net •  Follow the Live Coverage on Twitter and Facebook @TriPortocolom & facebook.com/triathlonportocolom

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