==== ==== “Tap-N-Talkâ€? marketing? Check out how this underground marketer has CRUSHED it with Pay Per Call and Mobile marketing‌ http://www.makemoneywithchrisfarrell.net/mobilemoneybandit ==== ====
OK... I'm familiar with Pay-Per-Call. It is a cost-per-action (CPA) agreement between an affiliate marketer and a merchant. That I know. I also know that Ring Revenue acts as a "wholesaler" between affiliate marketers and merchants, and that Ring Revenue contracts with companies like Commission Junction to reach affiliate marketers or other publishers. And, I think that most of these merchant's offers are national; and that they understand and appreciate that affiliate marketers offer a unique and untapped venue to market their products and services. So, now I'm hearing about Pay-Per-Call Local Lead Generation. What is it? In a nutshell, it is a Pay-Per-Call system that pays a commission to an affiliate marketer for generating a call-in phone lead to a local business. It offers affiliate marketers the opportunity to develop relationships in a local market with local business owners to generate leads for that business. Pay-Per-Call Local Lead Generation appears to present a unique and new opportunity for affiliate marketers. It allows marketers to establish relationships with local businesses to promote that business for a negotiated commission for a call-in phone lead. There are literally hundreds of businesses that might benefit from these marketing services. In fact, any business that relies on call-in phone leads to generate a percentage of their sales might be interested for a number of reasons. Here are some examples of local businesses that might be interested in Pay per Call Local Lead Generation: bed and breakfasts florists lawyers dentists plumbers fencing contractors mortage brokers windows installers real estate agents home and auto insurance agents life insurance agents financial service professionals Many of these businesses already pay for leads. However, these leads are a bit different. These leads are collected and built based on specific needs or demographics. For example, fencing contractors, window installers, real estate agents, insurance agents and financial services representatives and mortgage brokers are very accustomed to paying for leads.
These leads provide information like name, address, phone number and the service desired. The particular business or their employee is then tasked to follow-up on this lead. This follow-up process is often tedious and non-productive. There are several things that can spoil the lead. Time is one. If the lead is old, that person might have already lost interest; or completely forgotten about their request. Or, the need has already been filled; or the contact information is erroneous; or the person simply cannot be reached. Purchasing these type of leads places all the risk on the small business who pay for these leads in advance. By comparison, Pay per Call Local Lead Generation is designed to produce a call-in lead. In sales terms, this is a hot lead. A live person has initiated a call in anticipation of filling their need. An experienced sales representative receiving this call-in lead knows how to handle this type of lead. Another major difference between Pay per Call Local Lead Generation and these more traditional lead services is that Pay per Call Local Lead Generation is performance based. With the more traditional lead services, I mentioned that these leads are purchased in advance. With Pay per Call Local Lead Generation, leads are purchased when a person calls a business. If this hot lead is not produced, the marketer does not get paid. The sales conversion rates are much higher for a call-in lead. The risk is assumed by the affiliate marketer, not the business owner. Pay per Call Local Lead Generation presents a new opportunity for affiliate marketers. Marketers should look for platforms that meet the basic needs of local businesses if they want to venture into this new marketing opportunity. And, at this time, there appears to be very little or no competition for this marketing service. Furthermore, small business owners might very well receive this performance based advertising as something that will significantly increase their return on investment and have a positive impact on their advertising efforts. And, why wouldn't they? Since this is performance based advertising, the marketer assumes the risk, not the business owner.
Rick Samara is a small business owner turned full time affiliate/internet marketer. Rick's unique background in small business with an expertise in providing small business owners consultative support, coupled with his writing and organizations skills position him as an excellent instructor in internet marketing. Visit his website to download free content ranging from video tutorials, PowerPoints presentations and e-books on Internet marketing. For More Information, Visit: http://acmepeoplesearchnews.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rick_Samara
==== ==== “Tap-N-Talk” marketing? Check out how this underground marketer has CRUSHED it with Pay Per Call and Mobile marketing… http://www.makemoneywithchrisfarrell.net/mobilemoneybandit ==== ====