Tl'r vi hlpD tTlraog, at quan tal thuy thu cua tulu duang hl!JD Lt Th.r!rDgKitt 4~ 41r0'c ngQ'i khen vA t1rc1na thuaog. Trong dip nAy HOi C11U Chi'n SI Hii QuAn cling hAy to Ibng 11'U j\ vat dc chlfn at tra v~. MOt !tng phhn t nghta 41 41rO'C Ong CIIu Tlch HOi C11U Chib Sf HO tTao cho vi TIr Ltnh Hi.! QuAn 4l chny~n l~ cho de chib .f vl'rI nen chlb thlng.
From the .hip", commander to the crew member. of the ship Ly Thuong Kiet. all are respectively praised and commended. During this occasion. the Vietnamese Navy Veterans Association e.rpresses itJ gratitude to the returning .,oldier•. A symbolic gift is presented by the Association'. Chairman to the Rear Admiral, Chief of Naval Operations, for forwardillg to the I,icioriou.f soldiers.
Ngay 31-1-74 Trnng C/)ng eta giao . Ira t,!-i Hll'<7ng Cang 5 trong .6 48 cbi~n' si h\ elm gifr trlti phep trong tr~n chi~n Hoang Sa.
In Hong Kong on January 31.1974. Red China released five of the 48 soldiers they detained in the battle of tlte Paracels.
Nlim DgIl'a! Ira .dg/lm 2 91"O;r 90ln vl6n HQ. 1 HSQ COlli Blnh ft 1 nhln vlen dAn 811 thuOc 9" Kht TIlV\lg Holng Sa. 89 4uO'c ct1!ng blo thA 40 c4c gl6'1 cbil'c quAn 811 ctOn tlfp l4i Tin SO'D Nblt nhll nhtmg anh htlng.
The five released men included 2 Regional 路Force Troop.~, I seaman, 1 Engineer non-commissioned officer and one member of the Meteorological Station on the Paracels. They receilJl!d an heroes wei com at Tan Son Nhut Airport from the Saigon population nnd personalities of the RVNAF.
VI ISm yEu, chiEn ai va 1 cbuy~n yj~n khl tuvng dll'Q'c dua ngay vao Tllng Y Vi~n COng Hoa di~ trj.
Because of their weakness, the filJe men wrre taken to the Cong 1I0a General Hospital.
NgAy 17-2-74, them 43 si VNCH bj Trung C~ng bAt IrAi phep Ir~n qulin cUo HoAng Sa dii dU'Q'c Ira vI!. t"i HU'Cmg ' cang. cbi~n
Nhfrog chi~n si aob hilng nAy da dap chuy~n phi CCI d~c hi~t v~ liri nn SCID NhlIt hulli chi~u clmg ngAy.
On February 17, 1974, 43 more RVN soldiers illegally detained by Communist China on I he Paracels archipelago were returned at Hong Kong. valiant combatants boarded a special aircraft and returned to Saigon in the evening of the same day.
T~i phi clng TAn S(YIl Nhlll hln/! ngAn dilng hl0 d~i di~n cIIc gim don mimg nhung aob hUng Ira v~.
At the Tan Son N hat International Airport', thousands of people were on hand to give [he heroes a warm welcome.
"Nhilng vong hoa chi~n thAng dllQ'c chollng len mlln ao tr~n trong khi thAn nhAn U(Y-nhilng n~ cllm mung nglly dolln t~.
Victory Ids were draped over the soldiers' shollidel s while they happily reunite with their loved ones.
Chien Si Hili Qu!n VN dli ghi chien Uch oai bUng ch6ng ngol).i xAm Trong Cl)ng t"i HoAng Sa. ToAn quAn toAn dAn !<houg qu~n nhfrng chilli sY (fii. h<i mlnh d~ gifr vfrn~ - tirng tbuac pdllt qu~ hllang gifr~Ltr}ing duang. Nhllt Ill. nbfrng khu~n mIlt di~n hlub ubu c6 Trong Til Nguy viin ThA, hl!JD tmang . hI) t6ng h"m NMt Tao. C6 Thi~u TIl Ngny~u ThAnh Trl. hl!JD phil Trong Si v~n chuy~n U vlin TAy. ~ Si I CCI kbi Biub HoAng Mai.v.â&#x20AC;˘. v.
The Vielname .. Navy men have recorded a valiant feat of arms in Ihe fight against the Chinese Communists at the Paracel islands. The entire People and Army are not forgetting those who gave their lives fo protect every inch of their Fatherland in Ihe open sea. The memory of men such as¡ the lale Commander Nguy Van Tha, Commander of the escort vessel Nhat Tao Lieu,le nanl Commander Nguyen Thanh Tri. Depuly Commander of Ihe ship. Transporl Pelly Officer Second Class Le Van Tay and Mechanic Male Dinh Hoang Mai. will remain forever in Ihe mind of everyone.
TRicH M¢T vAl DU' LU!N Q!I6C-T~, d!z6c N¢r L~N AN TRUNG-c6NG xAM LANG <lliAN BAo HOANG SA .
* Lien
Minh Dan C hD Xa Hl?i keu gQi LAQ va cac quo'c gia yeu chu9ng hoa blnh, C09g' ,. ,../ , t , yem AI A "A' f " ,. VN"'b' ' v~n I-h , Iy tren the-gull In! CU9C tranh uau ·cua dan t9c ue ao v~, s.t l toan an th"0 VN. Giao Sil NGJYfN N~ HUY thay mijt Chu TichfJoan L.IrIX:XH.
* C~c
I~c Hon, an TC b~t chtlP cong Ph8p q uoc aO' va lien Chdang LHQ dung bllO hlc cdap aO!'t quaD .dBO Hoang Sa thuQc lanh tho' VNC H. C\lOg dong tin hdu PGHH quye't t~ tich c~cI xd-dyng tAttVd kh& nang cua minh ae' ung ho• Chinh Ph~ VNC H thu ~f>i pl1"an a A't .,' quoc gia bi cuang ao~t. Ghio H9i PGHH.
* C~c
, ,
I~c a; cao tnidc dtl lu~ qtfoc te hlmh vi x7.m lang b\lO ngU~c cua TC vllo Hoang, . Sa va kIlO gQi H(}i-fJO~g Bao An LHQ. Toa an Quae t;; LaHaye cung cac nllde . y~ti-, ." chuQng hoa blnh lren the giili hily conhdng hlmh aqng li~h-cyc ~~' ch1\m ddlh$JIh,vi ,}
x6m-Iang b!lo ngu?c, lren a~ T..C.
* V~~~ung ~,qng
, "
.•.'...... .... '...' •".'.' , .:lJi~.;ehoO~JLtlifi1i:VI~Q H/VNCH
:;;Ci.' ,:jf<.: ': '.'-','- .'.' -:':.
xWn fh~ eh? quyen lanllthC: VN~f'if,~:I)I~r~UCa~ng eh? ~8n: dan ca. 2 mIen Nam Bae VNva stl vlpham nlly eho.Ih'lit·:~ IGg 'l'l'Img COng la ke thu cuanhan dan yeu chuang hoabi~h th;; gidi obi clldO& va ohan dan C8 2 ·mie~.Nam Bie VN obi ri~ng.·' . ... 1 ~
Tong "ongtban TV DoVN.
• The, Social and Democratic Alliance appeals to th8 UN and to peace' and Justice loving coun. tries the YDrld, to support the struggle of the ,Vietnamese people to defend the Integrlt.Y of
'the Vietnamese Territory. PlOf..sor NGUYEN, NGOC HUY Representing the Blending Committee
Socia! and Democratic Alliance We, the Hoa Hoo communit.Y, strongly condemn Red C bina ~ho, ,disregarding intelllationallaw and the VN Constitution, has used violence to seize the Psracel :Archipelngobe\onging to the Republic of Vietnam We ore resolved to use all our capabUi?es to support the Republic of Vietnam Govemment in taking back the, port of national land forcet'ully stolen by Red Chin .. •
The Hoa Hoo Buddhist Church •
We strongly denounce to the, World· the violent' act of aggression by Communist China against
the Psracel Islands aDd lIPIleal to the UN Securit.Y Council, the Intemational Tribunal at The Hague and peace lOving coun,tries in the Woo d to have energetic actions to stop this violent act of aggression by Red Chin ..
The Two Heuses of the National Assembly " Republic of Vietnam ' . Tlte Ollnese(bmmunist aggression against the '80~ereignt.Y of the Republic of Vietnam terri· lIllY shocksd the people of 'I;>oth North and South 'vietnam and clesrly showecl that Red China is the tOe of peace' loving p~le in the World in general and of the North and South Vietnamese people . In psrticulsr. VietnamGeneral'l):ade Unioll
tbe' cac dOn toe yeu cbuo~g cOng Iy va boa bi'nh tren th~ gi~li hay cddng qUye't len ~ hlmh vi chi~n tranh tho' b!,o cua TC, va buo.c TC ph~i tlic kh~c tri~t: thoai qU8n IUli ra khoi khu v~c Hoang Sa va Tnkl'ng Sa thuqc Ia-nh tOo' VNC H,
H9i flong flo Thlmh Saigon. tting tron vi. pham ch~ quyen va lanh tho' VNC H cua TC b~ng cach b~t than aanh chlem quan a~o Hoang 'Sa ngay 19-i- 1974 aa ch't1ng minh '1C Cong khai vi p ham thela ·tldc qu~C tE! cam-k~t viac b60 a8m .tem lai hoa binh cho VNCH ma TC Iii t h a'n hvien 1Iii' k~ Ite't VIlO thela- tidc' a6, .
* .Banh aong
HQi C~u quan nhan ~i Quan VN.
* .U•ng-h"9 VNCH trong
A • • c h'len .-' b'ao ' cong cu,?c uau lang cria Tnmg C?ng,
A v~.
' I' I'" .' . c h-ong an h .... ",0' quoe-gla xam
Giao Su Raimundo- GJerrero Chu T!ch Lien Minh The' Gilli Chong CQng the' Qua .Phu Td SlVN t~n toRn quo'c nguyen aORn ke't a,,' lam hau thufulCho chihhQuim. fl~i, dong thlli keu gQi Tru~g' C ong hay lii~o tr~' ngay cac aao va cac chie~ ,;r Q£NNC H llii bi bit gid va rfit quan khJi cac ndi ail XBm chie&'
* Tolm
ph~ Vl'{; H va
* Cuc
til sf VN.
I~c ph.i'n khtkg hooh aong xam lang ~g trOn cua Trung Cong vao chu Quyen Viet aao Holing Sa ~ It
N~ COng Hoa qua hanh 1I8~g ngang nhien aem ~ uan XBm chiem ~ nan tri ~. sau xa a~i vdi cac'chie~s1 il8\ Q Ulm VNC H aii xa than by
ngolP xBm
sinh chG'ng I\li quan ':
TOng HQi Sinh Vien VN t~i Uc.
* Cyc Iyc 1& an.hftnh Vi .x8m lang tOo.... ~ cUa 'l'C v80 cho quye~ 181m tOo' VNC H, qua vi~c x8m chiem ~ a30 Ho8ng Sa va ~UthuM Chinh Phti VNC H trong vi~c aOi lQi ch& quyen 181m too', ,
HQi Phs- Binh va Dan Pile' Lien Ket Tudng Trd VN tai Quin Khu I. ;'
I ,. quoc A' Ie'n' va'" quoc ,;., "'·";ti , rtl'~ a"" '" hanh '" To~, caO trd'dc dtl Iuan nOl nb nil tbam .vQng banh tung at:a81. ya ilQng x"am lang trh~ tron cua T~g C6n~ va thinb 'cau C hinh Phu can thiep 'v'di L H Q: btlqc TC ph8i ngdngn~ay cliC hRnha~ngvi ph!lffi chu quyen va s~ t000 v~n lanl), thO'cu'a VNCH. '" 1 , " Hai -Bong Tinh Phudc'. Long.
. * C~c
lye len an hanh aqngl\8m lang hie~ chiin ctla TC cong khai XBm chie~ ; q~an dao ~Ooog Sa, vi ph!lffi lranl'tl'Qng chri quy~n va lanh tho· VNC H,
VI~t .Kiiu
tpl AI Lab. '.
• All justice and peace-loving people in the I'brld should condemn the brutal act of war by Red Olina and force Red Olina to immediately ",thdraw their forces from .the Paraceis and Spratley Islands which belong,.to the Republic of Vietnam. SaigonC'l$'itiil 'Council • The blatant violation of th!! sovereignty and the territory of the Republic of Vieb)am by the sudden seizure of the Paracels . Archipelago by Red China on January 19, 1974 has proved that , Red China is openly violating the intemational agreement which insured peace for the Republic of Vietnam. Communist Olina was one of the parties signing the agreement. Association of Vietnmnese Navy Veterans .
We support the Republic of Vietnam in. her strnggle to protect her national territory against
Chinese Communist aggression.
fioressor RAIMUNDO GUERRERO Chai!!l!\ n of the World Anti-Communist League • All the war widows throughout the ccuntry pi edge to unite aud back the Republic. of Vietnam Government aud Army and calion Communist Chinatnretum immediately the islauds aud RVNAF soldiers captured as well as withdraw from the places they have aggressed. The VN War Widows Association
• We strongly protest the blatant aggression by Red Olina against the RepUblic of Vi<!tnam sovereignty through her occupation of the AlrlKlelsr Archipelago, We are deeply grateful to the Republic of Vietnam seamen who gave their lives to fight· against the foreign aggressors. , VN Students Association in Austratia .. • We strongly ccndemn the brutal aggression by Red Olina against the sovereignty of the ,Republic of Vietnam territory through her occupation of the Alracels Archipelago and we support the Republic of Vietnam in the strnggle to regain this sovereignty. .AIliedCiviliau aud Military Disabled Mutual Support Association, Military Region I • We denounce to local and world opinions the Chinese Communist ambition of expansion and their blataut aggression aud we request the Govemment to intervene with the UN to force Communist China to immediately cease their violation of the sovereignty aud integrity of the Republio of Vietnam territory. Phuoc Province Council
• We strongly condemn the warlike aud open aggression of the AIraceIs Archipelago: by China, violating the Republic of Vietnmn sovereignty aud territory. Vietnamese Residents in Laos
• The leadership in Peking has never given up their pelicy of hegemony in Asia aud Mao's false historical theory in which China has territorial mnbitions towards Mongnlia, Ko~a, Burma, Nepal, Bhutau and the Indochinese Nations. The Novol Vremia Weekly, Russia
nha Lanh £)\,o B~cKinhkh&ng h'e tl! bO chinh sooh' ba chu A Chau cua h 9 va thuy~t Lich Sd gia d&i Clia h9 Mao theo do Trung Hoa CO tham v9ng dii! dai lfoi vbi Mong Co', Cao Ly, Mien, Nepal, Bhutan va cacQ uo'c Gia fl8ng Dddng. 'Tuan b'o Novol Vreml a, Lien xo
* Cac
C~c I~c
phan d5i Trung C ~ng dung vo I~c chi3~ lIong qu'an IIJo Hoang Sa. t ' , AI, .. . ' . (Chu Tlch Uy Ban Quoc Phong va Ngo~I-Glao Quo~HQi Nam Dtldng Invol Rosjadi
nha lanh 11\\0 Trung S~ng lIil khong ngan ngtri dung vo khi iii.' ap a~~ ~ cua h9 d Dong Nan> A nhat la trong VI! Hoang Sa vii Trdung Sa. . Bao Pravda, ngay 10-2-74
* Ctic •
. . . .
y muon
• Cdc Idc cao trddc dd IUBo quo'c d hanh vi X8m 18ng cJa T C. vi phi'll> tiim trong chu q~yen liinh !lid OOa VNCH va kh~ thi't keu lIQi cac !loan the'lu'8t gi a tren' t-he' giili &h cuc ghip VNCH trong viac q~Bo aJo Hoang Sa. . ' "t8i lap chU qu~en ,tren , ni Cao Ph~p Vi;n VNC H
* Keu gQi toan th"~thanh ..,....
ni~n,sinh vien', hQc sinh ~i tien 'ao to qU()C va truyen . thong ,."...,., ',.'....,., '... , hao hung chong ngotri xam cua noi giong L\lc Hong hiiY aong 1000t adng len cam sunil tilm diet 'quBo X8m limg Trung .Cong. Ph~n H~I Phe' Blnh Hal Qusn VN \"",
nhien ~~ viac tranh chap Hen quan' 8~ <lu'8naao HoangSagida VNCHva Trunll C 9~g ail x~y ra almg vao then gian ma sic Kinh dqn !ldd~g III vao ()hie~ trd4ng quoe . ' .. II' .. I' B~ K'lnh':11uang no 0;: 1-' ..!t nen -,.: m9t . . quoc ,.r • d~ ,. ...' Ie ~a uung vao uc· ac \'C t", gta an uau trong so,.' nhOY ung quac gia .ogheo kho trong th~ gi~i tb'd 00.. va y~ti cau LHQ thdc hien mqi 1I1e'u co the' lam au~c nhht nllan ngua s~ sat nhap min nay cua cac atri . cd4n~ qu5c ao'i v tli ~ .... ' ,..' . m,?t lieu quoc. ",~: ',.;',.1 , , '~I 'i T~~a"kie~ ilpa~ Lao C~~l Th~ Glcll:
* Ngac
* Hanh' aqng XBm 1119<: qU~ri
aao .
in?t s~' mi~t
HoaRg' Sa cqW. lit· thi n~Rg';.e nen c~nll ph&p q~c t~.I,lO~. thq~hll/i\diil~;,\r9'l1l ,hila binh c6a nhM VN va cacdM t?C y~u chu9rilltW,do. tah't ... Illy va .k~u IIQi cac iltri H9C VN. hStf!! tinh th".m qlly~t chi3n c~liI,qll~a~i,,:~ ~ '~F.A~i, quan lam Id~c Trunll C 9nll. . , . . . 'nng H~i Sinh Vien Saigon . . " . ,\~
............... ,/
. ."<" . "', '. - , ' '," ::' \'Ie strongly protest the Chideseth.sts· forceful aggression of thi> -l'\Iraco;;ls, Archipelago. 'I'oo Honorable INVOI... ROS KA Dl " Ghhlrh.ari of the. Defim~e arid' 1'0reiiD Affairs: Commit~e.Indonii!l.n . NIdional Assembly . 'j
• .TheRedChinese.leadershipdid'not hesitate to use weapons to carry out 'theii. ainbition '. South East Asia. particularly in the area of 'the fllracels, \utd Spratley ArchlP\'lagoes•.
Pravda Newspaper. f'ebrulU'Y 2. 1974 ,,'
~ 'We~~ngly'den~.lncet<:UIie
World the Chinese (',ommunist aggression'whlch is critically vio-
lating the territorial8:bVerel~tYOftl)e~p~bli~ o;'Vie\n~and we urgentJ~' appeal to Lawyers 'World to activ~Y'n~s(stthe,i,pua.ic~'orVi~trirun in restoring her sovereignty, . AssOciations In , "f. ,l!WfllrllCels,ArchipOlsgO. ' ,'. 'I'oo RepJiblicoi'i Vietnam " ~'S u~rellJe,CQurt of ~ustice .
-<:' ,(
'.We~peal loan the Youth: students to;uJianiIhUu8Iy~tlUid tip,im'dtake arms against the Chinese thm~uni.tag~sion for th.. fut~;'orthe N~idn 'andui;hqld 'the herbi c tradition of struggle agai4l't foreign .gilr&99iO~ of the Vietn~~s~ ,People. ,', " . Vietnamese Navy Disabled Veterans Cltapter • We are surpri,sed to see that', th,e' dlspute,iibout the Paracels:Archipelago " ,'., , . '"
between the Republic of Vietn'" .nd Communist China happened at .a time "when Peking is pre. paring to enter the international scehe and, at the time Peki,ng is strivingtobeoome' a leading nation among the poor, nations ofth. Third. World. We request the UN to'uasall ineans possible to prevent this new annexation of a small country, by the supel1>oy,ers. World Labor General.'Federation "
• The Ghinese Colnmunist aggression of tbefllraceJs and Spratley Archipei~s i'-a strung dis, dain of international la"l a dis",gard of ,the peacetui aspirations of. the Vietnamese people and other peace and justice loving'peciple. We app~al to allVietnanleseUniversities to back the fj,ghtiag spirit of the RvNA F against the Ohinese COll1111imi~t 'iigil;Sssion, ... 'Sai'spn Students'Association
hi" I,i b.;tp bl o d' e "'~t ol _ p T'Ofti c~~c di ! ol d' D~ N ,o " CH..itp a,oh D t L . e!ho'_6"n i ".lIh .. .. I,i H 6t blo , d';'l chiE. " N "" l 1111'0.0, cho h. • • •• N 60 , d~ 0l hil Vi I' 'IP ,6- do lh 14 olll co~.. , I elc~. I~u~o 'V I. U p .~~ d,,9'c c!~ : V~. CUlt" ei .... • , N ht l Wit.
o, .. ,i o T "" ,·o , h'..Ie CH Illro oi V N o 16-; de Q~a:dc •• lh "t e 'iIA el e q~ b" C' e hf a h I. . eG h l.h 11t dl It I, 16 • h i. .. d " ell';'I • , H ol D ,-s N C H 'tOil, •• d r. ·ahT. do V 11, VIIO'ft, ••,. N ,o ,i T "'0 S. V N C H d, cl11co 'II H d" , S.l • Ito" O;c " .611,. e" II0
~I . :.0 I..,c
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c d, e/ro o de 'i. T'lro.., B. 60 , d~ ,it , ct.. j
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D.T. 270.709 --9"'630 --
TUYEN-CAO CUA CHANH PHU,,' VI~T~NAM-C¢NG.HOA . . ' ."".'.''. if ." .. ". :'.' . \ ' . ".: · V~ CHUQ![Y~NCUA VI~T.NAM C(>NG.HOA TUN NHO"NG f>AO (y NGOAI KHO'IBa BI~N. VI~T.NAMC(>NG·HOA (14·2.1&74) Nghla yu cao eft yA cilp thl~t rihlt cua m~t Chanh phu Is bilo v~ chu quyl!n. 40c I..p vA "Y' v~n toan lanh tbll cua q\l6c gla. Chanh Phil Vi~t Nam COng Hoa cllang quy~t lal)l tron nghra V\l nily. bilt lu.. n Ilhilng kho khln tra ng~i c6 tb~ g~p phai va · bilt chilp nhilDg 8Y' phlln 41Si kh6ng cln cu- dilu pMt xullt ta clAu.
Trultc vi~c Trung COng 11'40g trc)"JlxAm chil!mbAng vII IY'e qulin 4ao HoAng cua Vi~t Nam COng Hoa. Chanh Phu VI~t Nam COng Hoa tMy clln phM 1\1y~n cAo .lonS trQIIg b:llltc c6nglu..n thl! gilti cho b~n Cling nbll tbit bil!! rllrAng :
Quitn 4ao Hoan, Sa vii qulin 41\0 Trultng Sa IA. nhllng pbiln bilt kha pUn cua Illnh tbll Vj~t Nam COng Hoa. Cbllnh Phuvil nhtn dAn. Vj~t NaUl COng Hoa khOng bao gia chiu khullt. ph\lc I1'llltcb~o Ivc rnA ta M lilt ca hay mOt philn chil quyl!n . cia mlDh tr'n nhiln, qulin 4ao lIy. Chl'tnB nilo con mOt hon 4al1 thuOc philn: Ulnh thll ily cua Viet Nam COng Hoa b! nllltc ngoBi chi~m glil bAng b~o Ivc thl chang ily t;hAnh phu vA nhln dAn Vltt Nam COng Hoa cOn 41lu tranh 4~ khoi ph\lc nhilDa quyl!n Ivi chlnh 4Ang cua mlnh.
:i: '
. e+ tbl!
Ke xlm ehiilm phat chiu holm ioan trach nhi~m 'vI! mQi tlnh tr~ng. clng tblnB do 40 c6.
. . TrouB d!p nAy. Chauh.Phu Vi~1 Naill COlIg Ho.cll,\lBlo~g.t,r9I1g tal xac nMn c~u quyl!ft alia Vi~t NI\II1 COng Hoa. tt6n •. nhll,l)sltal 4a~<~Am "ll~o'lkbal. ba bi!!n 'l)"unB Phln vA blr bi!!n Nam PMn Viti tr\l:Q'lI Jill naYe,vAn duvo col Iii mOt ~ln Ulnh tbll cUa Vi~t !-iam COng, Hoa cln cu- tr6n nhll-ng dlti kl~n 4la It.. I!ch 81l. · philp ltv. thY'c t~lkh6ng ·ch6i·ciii dllC;o:c. . .
.>:, ,'.,,-:,. -.
Chanh Phil Vi~t Nam Cl)nIlHi>l\CIl~g ·ifityilt. bao . tr6n nhllns 4110 lIy bAng mQi .cach.
chu quyl!n qu6c gla
TrUng'ihilnh'vuichll.nh aach.hOa blnlic6 hllu cim mlnh. CMnh PhD Vi~t NI\II1 , .' '. Cl)nll JIM sin silng glaiquyEl b!ngdlllmgl61 thllanq IIlVI\g,nhllrlg V\l~. tral!Jt9bllp qu6c I' c6 th~ xly ra v~ nhlfng hll 4&0 ily, nbllng nhilt 4Inh),ho"ll vi ,th(~"m.'>6 chD qUY~D c6a,Vltt Nam C~DII Hoa'lr~n uhllng phln dilt nlly:' h, ,;"," ~ , -'
, : < , '
. 48
'l'h<! ,noblest
and most imperative task of a, (;o~ernment is to defend the independence and territorial integrity of the Nation. The Government of the Republic of Vietnam is determined to carry out this task, regardlrss of difficulties it may encounter and regardless of unfounded objections, wherever th,?, may come from. 8~vereignty,
In the face of the illegal military occupation by Communist China of the Paraeels , Art:hipelago which is an integral part of the Republic of VielnBm, the Government of the Republic of Vietnam deems it necessary to solemnly declare before world opinion, to friends and foes alik,,? that.: .
The Hoang Sa (Paracels) and Tnrcmg Sa (Spratley) Archipelagoes are an indivisible part of the territory of. the Republic ,,(Vietnam. The Government and People of the Republic of Vietnam shall not yield to force and renounce all or part of their sovereignty over those archipelagoes. lIB long as one single island 'of that part of the territory of the Republic of Vietnam is forcibly occupied by another country, the Government and People of the Republic will continue, their struggle to recover. their legitimate rights. The illegal occupant will have . to bear all responsibility for 8'1Y' tension arising therefrom., ' ' " . '
On this occasion, the Government of the Republic of Vietnam also solemnly reaffU'llls the sovereignty of the Republic of Vietnam over the islands off the shotes .of Central and South Vietnam; which' Mve been consistently accepted as a part of the territory of the Republicaf Vietilam, on' the basis of undeniable geographic, hlistorical and ' legal evidence and on accOunt of realities. ,
, The Government of the Republic of Vietnam is路 determined to defend the sovereignty Of the Nation over those islands by all and every means. .' , In keeping with its . traditionally peaceful policy, the Government of the Republic of Vietna:m is disposed. to solve, through negotiation, international disputes which may arise over those islands, but this does not mean that it shall renounce its sovereignty over any part of its. national territory.
TUYEN-CAO CllA B6 NGOAI·GIAO VNCH V~ HANH BONG GAy HAN CllA TRUNG.CONG (19 -1 -1974) Sau khi m~o u~n ngay II -1-1974, ehu q.y~ Iren hai quln lIao Hoang-Sa va
T~ll/'rng-Sa eua Vi~t-Nam C(\ng-Hoa, Trung-C(\ng lIiillla Hai-quin t6i khu v'!e Hoang-Sa,
va IIIl .b(\ quan Hnb !en cae ilao Cam-Tuy~n, Qulllig-Hoa va Duy-M(\ng. , L,!e hrVng Hai-quin Trung-qng glIm II ehi~n. ilinh thu(le nhi~ 10Ji va tr~ng Illqng We nhau, U es mvt lau I~i Komar co trang bi hOa ti~n. 9~ bAo v~ 8,! v~n toan linb th~ va n~n
an ninb quk gia tm6c eu(le xim lang
quan 8,! nay, cae I,!e IllVng Hiii-quan Vi~t-Nam C~g-Hoa tr~n ilong trong khu v'!e nay iii ra I~nh 000 bc;m xam n~p phAi rlri kMi khu: v'!e.
Thay vi tuau I~nb, cae :tau Trung·C(\ng, U 1Il·1-1974, lti Co nbii-ng hAnb lI(\ng khieu khleh nhll' ilam thlug v~o c8c ehi~1l /linb VI~t-NalD. . Sang ngay nay 19-1-1974 hili 10 gilr2(), m*t M-t6n1-~m T~ng-C9ng thu(le I~i Kronstildt iii khai Ma htn"ao. khu-trye-~m "11r1n-Kh8ilh-bu-» iDang a6 HQ·04 cU. Vi~t·Nam C(\ng-Hoa. 9~ t'! vK oae ehi~n h.m Vi~I-NINIl .lIa phan phao va gay hll' hti '. eho h(\-16ng-h,m Trung,C9ng. Cu(le giao tranh hi~n jcon, till' di~n va ilang gay thi~ hti v~ nban lDfDg va vit eMt ehc), iloi ben. '
Cae hAnh d(\ng quan s~ Olla Trung· C9ng I, hAnh vi um ph,m trlog trern vSo linh thlJ Vi~t· Nam C(\ng - HOa, va m(\t Iln nil-a trln chanb sach bAnb tm6ng III qu()e ma Trung-Cvng lien l\1e tIieo lIulli, iii iluvc' bl~ 1(\ quacu(le thOn Ifnb Tay. T,ng, cu(\e xam lang 9,i-Han va An;9(\ Im6c kia.
'! . ,"
Trung-C(\ng ngay~y xam ph,m linbthll Vi~t-N~ Cllng-HOa khong nbii-ng chI de d98 ehU quy~n va an nlnb cUa Vi~t - Nam ~(\ng' Ho., InA con Ja milt hi~ h98 116i v6i n~n bOa blnh va /lne6 eua 9Ong-Nam-A ~a toan 1M, gim. til' each m(\1 nil';" nhO bi milt g quk' v~ e6 tin eong, Vi~ - Nam C(\ng-Hoa keu g9i toan th~ ca'j din t(le yeuehU9n~ cOng If ~a hoa bloh tren th~ gi6i hay ellO'Dg quy~1 !en An cae hAnh vi ehi~n tranh th4 htc! co, Trung-qng nhlm vao m(\t quoe gia IIlIe ij.p va co chU ciuy~n II~ bu(le Trun$-Cllng pllM tu-c khte chim dd-t c8c ' hanh illlng nguy hi~ ilo. Um ::ngO' II~ eho T~ng-~(\ng I .....d.. ti~n .hAnh cu(le xim Irlng trqn nay la khuy~n khfch(Ite gAy Un ti~p 1\111 thea ill1lli chanb each bAnb tm6ng eua chUng Va ..... ki~n nay lie d~a8"" a6ng con ella inhii-ng +~ nho. 4Jc bift la nhii'ng. nll'6c 0- A- C h i u . ' : . j, .
Trong 8u6t lieh sii-, dan; t(leVi~t-Nam iii. 44nb b.i nhi~ cu(le ~i xiIn.Ngay nay, ehanh·phU Va nban din Vi~t - Nam qDf - Hoa ~iiD~ obit 4jnh hio v, '" toan v~ OIia linh thll quk-gia.), i •
Subsequent to its preposterous claims on January 11, 1974 of sovereignty over the Vietnamese archipelagos of Hoang-Sa (Paracels) and TnlOnll-Sa(Spratleys), Communist China has sent naval units to the Hoang-Sa area, and landed troops on the islands of Cam Tuyen (Robert), Quang-Hoa (Duncan) and Duy-Mong (Drummond). The Communist Chinese naval task force is composed of eleven warships of various types aud tonnages, including one missile-ship of the KOMAR type. In the face of this military aggression, and in orde~ to defend the territorial' integrity and national security of the Republic of Vietnam, Vietnamese naval forces stationed in the area summoned the invaders to leave. Instead of complying, .the Communist Chinese vessels chose to engage since January 18, 1974 in provocative maneuvers and attempted to ram the Vietnamese ships. this morning. January 19, 1974 at 10: 2Q !tours, a Communist Chinese escortship of the Kronatadt type opened fire on the Vietnamese destroyer «Tran Khanh Du» HO - 0<&., Vietnamese units returned fire in seIC. defense and damaged the Chinese vessel. The engagements are still going on causing casualties and material losses on both sides. . The military actione initiated by Communist China constitute an overt awession against the Republic of Vietnam. They Once again point to the expansionist and imp~rlalistic policy consistently pursued by Communist China, as illustrated by its annexation of Tibet, invasion of Korea and at\a4u against India. The present aggresaion against the Republic of Vietnam not only threatens the sovilreigntyand security of the Republic of Vietnam, but constitutes also a peace and stability of Southeast Asia. andI the entu·e world. . danger to . As a small nation unjustly attacked by .a, big military power, the Republic of Vietnam appeals to all justice - and peace . ' loving nations of the world to resolut~ly condemn the brutal 'acts of war by Communist China against an independent !K1d s0Vi'reign nation to compel Communist Chin~ ,so as to imme<\ialely .desist from its dang~rous conrse of action. To allow this. brazen aggresaion to go unchecked would (lnly enoourage the aggressor to persist in" its expansionist policies which would threaten the very exhi,lence of the small nations, especially in Asia. , In the course of 'tlieir history, the VietU4mese people had defeated many foreign "aggressors. Today th¢ Government and pe~ple of the Republic of Vietnam' are no 'les8 det.~lned to defend the integrity of their national territory.
.Text and Presentation
Hinh ~nh
. Photoaraphs
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