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Architecture's birth is to solve the contradiction between internal spiritual needs and external environment.

1The 1The Structural Structural Slip Slip 2 City2and Citythe and “Valley” the “Valley” 3 A Children's 3 A Children's Inner Inner WorldWorld 4 Montage 4 Montage Facrorary-return Facrorary-return to everydayness to everydayness CATALOGUE CATALOGUE

environment environm

5 Light-Dark 5 Light-Dark 6 “YOU”-where 6 “YOU”-where the heart the heart belongs belongs 7 3D printed 7 3D printed body body architectuire architectuire


8 Other 8 Other Design Design


nature outer world

city activity

the sea and other people

slope roof


(the interaction)

surface structure


children’s behavior working atmosphere

1 architechture




the olds’s needs


internal spirit

body movement



4 5


montage factorary

requarements of living

sense of ceremoney

body architecture



varisble shape

city vitality

attitude yowards nature

informal urbanism


Cool air

Warm air

Example of typical cool homespace, veranda


Example of the effect of sunlight passing through a porous wall

POROSITY The firstoneis 3dimentional structural brick,We start from the mos t basicelement in architectural context and develop a 3d structure systembased on that,and at the same time we found that we can get a unique porosity from this 3d system, we want to keep it in our design. we use POROSITY as Keywords not just because it looks cool and interesting but also because it is functional, it can be a cooling down system, adjust the microclimate and change indoor radiation, we want to maintain all of these unique features in our design.



We tried different algprithm to apply the different porosity pattern on the wall.

We cut corners from the module and generate the wall in order to find the proper geometr

Form finding and structure optim

After comprehending the features of the compone optimize the whole system, in terms of structural b





ry and get the considerable porosity pattern.


ents made by each technique and their real feasibility about time, costs, accuracy, weight etc. we want to go further with the computational research in order to control and behaviour and the pattern of porosity.










The Genarative Pattern When you change the height and thickness and the position of the holes, the combination and pattern change with it but still maintain the best structural performance. so the pattern we get here is not random, it’s some kind of reflection of the force inside the wall and it’s automatically generated .

Target geometry

Target lines

FEM Result

More stressed

Structure Optimization In optimization stage,since this is ver y different structure from the 2d masonr y, we think the distribution of the force in the system should be reconsidered,The idea here the units can work as as a small truss, so we can triangulating the forces, based on the analysis data,the script will pick the most suitable brick and rotation from our data pool to the wall.Then we test it in karamba, the second wall is the rult from our script. The color means compresss tress and tension, the structure behaves better after optimization of the script..

Less stressed

Pick the most efficient geometry

Fabrication Procedure

1.Mix the slip

2.Pour the slip in

3. Pour the slip out

4. Partial drying

Slipcasting Components

Modular Unit

We used slip casting clay technique to fabricate component A and component B. We can control the thickness of the brick by control the time of patial drying in the slip casting stage.

The modular unit is made by componant A and B


5. Take the mould apart

Modular unit COMPONENT B

y 4 components from

Combination of Modules Different combination of the modules will form different porosity pattern and texture in the design.

The microclimate create micro -climate for spe fermantation

The microclimete created by porosity language

ed by the wall helps to create ecial function such as alcohol

Velocity(m/s) [ Pressure(Pa)] 19.599[ 103.413] 16.973[ 48.311]

13.859[ -6.791] 9.800[ -61.894] 0[ -116.996]

Red colors means the velocity of windflow i s h i g h e r. S o y o u can clearly see how our porous wall creats better wind environment.

Radiation Analysis kWh/m2 193.49< 174.14 154.79 135.44 116.09 96.74 77.39 58.05 38.70 19.35 <0.00

The screen will become a proper solar shading s y s t e m i n o rd e r t o meet the aesthetic and lighting requirements of the building.

Radiation Analysis Velocity(m/s) 3.167 2.742 2.239 1.583 0

This diagram shows how our wall creates better wind circulation compared to normal ventilation.

Detail Design Because of the geometr y of our brick components , it will create organic textures going around the wall. To emphasise this organic pattern, we designed a series of different textures to apply on the brick. As you can see from the rendering, the application of textures gives the wall more continuity and interesting effect. Imagine you can lean beside the beautiful ceramic wall enjoying the sunlight and mild wind go through.




Hollow comoponents Our final proposal is to apply this ceramic porosity language to skyscraper scale by the lhollow components. The reason is not only the better fire proof capacity of ceramic but also clay is a natural and truly sustainable material The screen will be supported by a metal frame behind connected to the wooden pegs in-between the components Imagine those elegant porous screens on the skyscraper made by natural ceramic will work together with nature to delight people inside



In this design, the curtain wall of t the "In-between"which contact the The curtain wall creates space atmo the internal space and build a outerspace.



the"CITY VALLEY" works as e architechture and the city. osphere of"curve","valley"to a good city view to the

With the increasing rising of height, skyscrapers have escaped the constraint of city land; however, as a monument of city civilization, skyscrapers should devote more to motivate the urban block it depends, thus become a creator of city culture.

General PlanÂ

City Valley The base is located in a chaotic block with a negative space atmosphere and a hazy site charactorastic.The Gucun Park is located in the south of the base while a lot of walled factories is located in the north.I aim to make the highrise become the CITY VALLEY which is able to hold a variety of urban activities while create a pleasent working atmosphere. Using The continuous turning of the "valley space" to break the closed interface of the north side while extending the existing urban lanscape In the vertical direction to create the space atmosphere of "curve"and "moutain".I hope the CITY VALLEY will give the original base positive spatial characteristics and create a good city view.



a ruined factory

A crossroads of chaos Continuous wall interface

Landscape view Gucun park and some road eside green space is on the south of the base while lots of walled factories is located in the north, which makes the space atmosphere negative.

SITE View extention extend the view in the south to the north of the base,Break the closed street interface, aimed to evacuate people and Build city vitality.

Vertical landscape Extend the landscape v e r t i c a l l y , c re a t e a i r h e a d gardens foe the working people,and some viewing platforms for city activity.

roadside green space Trees along the street

Grocery stores

Park waterfront landscape

Due to the closure of most of Shanghai high-rises, the connection with city is weak.While the "CITY VALLEY" provides new possibilities for city activity and working space.

Annex form

Double-skin Facade In this design, a double skin curtain wall system covers the tower, which makes an interlayer between the outer curtain wall and the building main body. Climate can be regulated by this system, which can also provide a pleasant environment for office staffs with some hanging gardens. There is a terrace covered by a curved roof on the skirt building, which is a stage for colorful urban activities.


section 1-1

section 2-2

Plan Design Continuous winding spaces, peripheral courtyards, staircases and galleries make the "valley" more active from indoor to outdoor.

1F plan

2F plan

second floor plan

B1 plan

3F plan

F6 plan

F15 plan


Double-skin Facade The Temperature and humidity can be regulated by the outdoor space between the workspace and the curtain wall. And the wockspace atmosphere is vivified by peripheral courtyards, which are created by the erosion of inner space.


This is a relatively introverted architectur aimed to isolate children with outside wo contact nature and people.


re, and the inner space isn’t orld, but encourage them to

The Slope Kindergarten The site is beside an urban arterial intersection in Kunshan, Suzhou. And beside the east and south site border, there are several residential districts. Three enclosing walls is used to isolate traffic noise to provide children. And an undulate hill is made in the unclosed boundary to echo urban terrain. Sloping playgrounds in different scales is provided for children by a continuous roof surface. And the enclosed central courtyard is a playground for the whole kindergarten.

A Continuous Platform I hope this kindergarten to be a huge platform, which is like an undulate mound. And the centre of the kindergarten is surrounded by variable terrain, so that a centripetal entirety emerges. With soil sealing and virescence, this undulate roof creates multiform landscapes and activity spaces in different height, which provide various possibilities of social intercourses and contacts with nature for children. Moreover, daylighting is solved by varisized courtyards, which also help outdoor nature landscape extending into indoor space. At last, a multiform internal world emerges.

1F plan

2F plan

3F plan

Communication and Activity Each of two classes share an interior courtyard, and each of four classes share a sloping playground. Different playground is in different height. There is a sunken plaza, which faces the only view in this kindergarten and acts as the shared stage for all children. This kind of space helps children to build up small social dealing circles, which can gradually expand as they grow up. The central playground is an enclosed sink space, which provide playing ramps in different slopes and scales. Different slopes provide possibilities of different events.

class unit 1F plan

class unit 2F plan

Penetration of Ecologic Space Landscapes spread from outdoor to indoor, so that children can feel rain, wind, sunshine and other nature elements. Shared cour tyard provides light and wind for the canteen. And it is also the central space of this kindergarten.

Children can feel that the green crust of the architecture changes from season to season.


A marginal community renewal experiment targets at returning to everydayness





remain architecture

remain architec

radiraditional Suzhou dewellings

suzhou traditio

informal production point

informal produ








SITE ANALYSIS The base is nearby ShanTangStreet block in Suzhou, China. It's the "inbetween" of the new city and the old town which currently shows a "fragmentation" and "collage city" picture: In the fringe of the city ,migrant workers are "occupying", "filling "and "transforming "the existing space of the city disorderly and dynamically . In this design, I use a "montage" way, the imaginary "community supporting the silk factory" as the core concept, the reconstruction of city landscape, and explore a new pattern of "home, production and tourism combination and new model of urban renewal and renovation of traditional residential areas in the big cities from the bottom up . The design is highly experimental and critical, with the aim of exploring the ways in which marginal communities return to real daily life. So called "A marginal community renewal experiment targets at returning to everydayness."".

A NEW PATTERN OF COLLAGE On the edge area of the city, the base presents a collage state. It is a collage of fragments printed with multiple imprints, and also a representation of informality and everyday life in the city.

The concept of "Montage" In most cases, this disorderly collage has not changed the quality of the life of city dwellers . But from the point of view of montage, the combination of such multiple fragments has great potential value. In the cinematic art, montage is a way of thinking method for the director to establishment a system of image pattern. In the design process, the director of the content to be expressed into different scenes and those scenes were f ilmed, and then according to the purpose of trying to express, these shots are reorganized into a new conbination which depends on a series of rhythm and logic, f inally a new artistic effect is produced. So, what if we try to use similar methods to extract and reshape the historical archetypes and spatial elements of the base, and f inally create a new order?

On the base, there are Suzhou folk houses and gardens, and workshops for migrant workers

Suzhou is an integration of living, business, music, integration in the acient time.

Return To "Everydayness" The fragmentation of the city scene are integrated, in order to respond to the demands of renewal and regeneration in the fringe area of the historical city, as well as make the collage of city view become a real city of everydayness

Montage community Isometric drawing

Montage of the original elements of the base collage, in order to form a new hree-dimensional Collage of "production", "life", and "landscape" .

Production unit analysis

The living par t also have the function of production, and the residents can use the production yard in the center to cultivate the silkworm. Through the study of Suzhou during the early period of spinning type houses, I generation two scale of grid of production space around the central courtyard, it can be used for two or four households to produce silk at the same time.

SOHO design area graph analysis

The SOHO design area is for exhibition, designer salon.Raw materials produced by the factor y, silk, fabric is recut and designed, then finished products can be used for exhibition and sale. This will let the production of the area could be supported . The architectural design is based on the traditional chinese garden space in Suzhou , so I designed the courtyard walls, corridors, in order to creating continuous conversion of space experience in traditional chinese garden.

Analysis of dwelling houses in Suzhou

SOHO design area

MONTAGE FACTORARY In this process, each production process are orderly display, the display is conbined with the production, which will greatly enhance the attraction to tourists at the same time. Family production can also provide accommodation and employment opportunities for local people. In addition, the integration of products from production to marketing also increases the chance of consumption, allowing tourists, local residents and producers to meet in the montage factory.

Communication and Activity I chose Suzhou silk reeling factory as the prototype of the Montage Factorary, through analysising the existing silk reeling equipment construction, I generated two center of the construction space: exhibition space and production space. The exhibition streamline and production streamline cross each other in exhibition atrium , the exhibition streamline intersect the theater then come to Roof garden platform, which connected with the community park. After concentrated production areas in the montage factory, cloth of the finished product is shipped to SOHO design area to be processed.

Montage Factorary Section

Montage Community Center & Nursing Home



1F plan

3F plan

2F plan

MONTAGE COMMUNITY CENTRE& NURSING HOME The montage Community Centre consists of community centres and an elderly day care center. Including the elderly lounge, nursing stations, medical care centers, community activities centers, education and training, multi-functional hall and other functions.

Montage of the relationship As a result of both the daily activities of the elderly and community residents, there are corridors and platforms that visitors may pass through. So it's the "event generator" in the community". It is a container to accommodate the diverse montage lives of community residents and the elderly.


section A-A

south facade

west facade


Opposite attitude

Dark house is derived from light house, which becomes an extension of internal spiritual need of the user, due to contradictoriness of characters internal and external here, the relationship here turns into a group of new opposite relation, new oppose to old, bright and dark, open and closed.



The Lake House Our design comes from the movie “the lake house”. In the movie, owner of the lake house Alex Wyler is a genius architect . The little house has a special meaning to Alex; it was the design of his father, who was a famous architect , the much transformed little house was totally left without anybody to care for it in Alex’s eyes; what made things worse was the house was too bright and it could not resist cold. But in eyes of his architect “father ”, the light house is a wonderful work for light and natural achievement. In the scenario of the story, opposite characters of Alex and his father run throughout the stor y and became a principle line. In this design, we made the imagination boldly: whether there could be a house grown from the main body of “light house” and become a new “house”, in order to meet Alex’s and his future wife’s all wishes, also made individuality of the light house more bright, and become a forever commemorating to his deceased father.

Plot analysis We made a lot of analysis to the stor y plot of the movie and got the conflict and contradictoriness with Alex and his father as the principal line, we hope a new house opposite to the existing light house could be de derived from such contradictoriness and through transformation to internal space to make character of light house clearer. To this end, we get the original module of “DARH HOUSE�. Contrariety and the contradictoriness of the two houses makes function of travelling faraway separated from a building. Light house become a light and bright studio at the surface of the lake. Dark house become a more comfortable house with more usage characters.



Just like clothesďźŒ architechture is the extention of one's inner thoughts Similar to light house, dark house also has a central yard, while the difference between the two was yard of the former one f loat on the surface of the water, but the latter one was hidden into nature.Such an opposite is also a metaphor to personal character.


the comstructure is different6

ARTERN Atmospher Creating Bright and dark house respectively depend on different environment to provide possibilities for different internal activities. In the structure, light house is column heaviness; re-built two-side wall in the internal is used to bear necessary function, which implies a chilly space atmosphere, and become a metaphor to the father ’s character. Dark house is shear wall heaviness; different wall thickness creates a different space atmosphere, application of rock wall makes building and terrain coincide with each other more perfect. Such an attitude towards environment is just Alex’s original intention.

the structure is different

Detail design A


Detail design B

front view of the skylight


Another important plot in the stor y is father ’s understanding towards light. We introduce light through skylight, what the difference is skylight in the light house is open-able, when it is opened, it become a “door” to roof of the house, while skylight of the dark house is used for introducing llight and creating atmosphere.

06 YOU - Where the heart belongs An individual person is not important any more, the key of the problem lies in the chemical reaction of people aggregation. In the environment created by “Fishbone Bridge�, individual is absolutely the same to the whole, reaccomplished ceremonial sense becomes the bailment of spirit for a second time. The bridge is also not import any more, but as a medium to activate potential city vitality by combining sound, light, water and electricity. There is no interior, just a pure concern to the external world.


The western new city is located in Jinan,Shandong province,It is the center city of the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow Riwer region.Ji'nan is a city famous for sprting views,the eastern side of the base also has a lot of spring water.


saying goesďźŒfairy makes the mountain famous; dragon makes the watermiraculous. So, even the water needs a media to be activated.There is spring and river in the site. So we would like to make "fish" as a media tocreate a waterfront public space for the city. On the one hand, water can provide people a space for recreation; on the otherhand, a ceremony hint brought, routinely, by the "openning" creature will bring newexpectations for the people who are living in a repeated life pace.

Horizomtal flip(the performence start) Vertical flip(the ritual start).In the city,you realize the existence of yourself rationally,but also aware of this sense of presence disappear with sunrise and the sink slowly.This means everybody is same.But the ceremony give different meaning to ordinary days.This sense gives people a sense of security,and makes a certain day different.It's also special for the group.

Three satges: As a ‘fish'swimming As a 'fish' jumping out of the water As a 'fish'turning its body With the help of special water generators,we create a miraculours change of the people. Establish a landmark here.


Interaction design :


Interaction1:Sensor devices Interaction2:Interactive lanscape devices Interaction3:Shadow interactive devices Interaction2

Illustration: Repeated fast pace life indulge people into normal life,lacking expactations. We tr y to make a large interaction device with the inspiration of fish,to illuminate the ebthusiasm of the city.



Human body and thermal mapping Using thermal imaging of the human body to map the different temperatures that are generated by the contraction of the body’s muscles.

Concept There's some similarities between clothes and architecture, which are both the "in-between" of human body and the external world. So what we define clothes as body architecture?Then we can use digital tools to explore how to establish a formula between the nature and human body? By studying natural patterns - such as growth, fractals, and filling - we learn the dynamics of expression in nature. According to some Grasshopper tutorials, we are able to generate patterns inspired by biology. The purpose of learning these geometries is to be able to understand dynamic material representations, such as straight lines or curvilinear motions. in this way. With digital design as the medium, we try to break the barrier between human thermal imaging and design generation.

Spiral Line & Fractal System Study of the evolving symmetries (Voronoi, spirals) that describe natural processes and approximate the same pattern in dierent scales. Interactive systems that can adapt to changing envi-

Chain Mail Exploration of chain systems and different models of connection and assembly of the units in order to achieve maximum structural flexibility

Method By loading the muscles of the human body movement thermal imaging, motion frequency muscle will interfere with the control unit and the density of clothes, according to the joint angle of human engineering in the scope of each unit to precise control of spiral height. The spiral line and the cell form is the source of the fractal system of nature, natural plant is through interference and the influence of the external environment, and growth algorithm based on their own to adapt to surrounding environment and ref lect their own physical characteristics

ARTERN Detail Design It's a custom - made, non - assembly garment that can visually adjust the occlusion of clothes through unit density, in order to visualizing human features. We also studied the flexibility between different types of Chain Mai structures, and finally decided that the structural units can achieve maximum structural flexibility. A printed garment is like a piece of spread cloth that fits comfortably into the surface of the body.

Spiral density viriations

Angle of body movement

Spiral hight viriations

Tempreture range


Design process




INBETWEEN - Flexible structure

SKETCH - Vornoi & Connection

Parametric tool: To use the tools that include Rhino and Grasshopper and the plug-ins including meshedit, lunchbox, weavebird, kangaroo, flowl, and rabbit plug-ins, finally design the STL print model fixes using Autodesk NETFABB.

3D printing Ultimately, we focus on the 3D printing process, with the aim of designing and printing the "body architecture" - the 3D print coat that will link the muscles of the human body with the movement. We use nylon SLS material and SLA photosensitive resin material to render print clothing. By understanding different materials, we will be able to produce flexible structural systems. In order to make the body building more flexible, we studied the methods of linking such as folding and link linking, and finally adopted the structure of chain mail.


When the space has porocit only interesting but also funct let the wind go through and down the air. Bassically, my is to create a inhabitable sp different kinds of porocity by power of HOUDINI.

ty, it’s not tional, like d cooling proposal pace with using the


Noise pattern

3 mm

I used to use robotic arm(CUKA) to do 6 axis and 3-Axis printing clay. Basicly control the movement of the robotic arm by the script. All the pictures showed the material research during my master degree in the Bartlett.

Human body and thermal mapping Using thermal imaging of the human body to map the different temperatures that are generated by the contraction of the body’s muscles.

Human needs is the source of city building and the creation foundation of indoor and outdoor surroundings.

DAN-LIANG PORTFOLIO Bechelor of Architecture for Shanghai University,China


Marster of Architecture for University College of London, UK


Spiral Line & Fractal System Study of the evolving symmetries (Voronoi, spirals) that describe natural processes and approximate the same pattern in different scales. Interactive systems that can adapt to changing envi-

INBETWEEN—— Internal Spirit And The External World For me, architecture is the production of “IN-BETWEEN” and the media to connect between people’s inner mind and outsider world. Therefore the emergence of architecture is to solve the contradiction. Its nature is far Chain Mail more than residential machinery. Just like a private house. You could even take architecture as externalization of the residents’ Explorationor of materialization chain systems and different inner mind. Just like clothes, architecture is fulland of assembly personality. hope I models of connection of Ithe units in order to achieve maximum structurcould make some practice and I have involved my own understandings in al flexibility this portfolio.

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