Addiction Does Not Define You | Dan Markel | Entrepreneur in Addiction Treatment
Addiction Does Not De ne You by danmarkel | Aug 10, 2019 | Addiction, Blog
Addiction is a disease that has a complex e ect on the brain and body as a result of an uncontrollable desire to use one or more substances, even though there are severe mental and social consequences. Substance abuse changes the chemicals in the brain and no longer allows the individual to remain in control. Previously, many would associate addiction as an extension of one’s personality. Addicts would often nd themselves outcasted from social groups, labeled as delinquents with no ambition or drive. Thanks to science and extensive research, however, we know that addiction can happen at any time, to anyone – and it does not de ne you. Addiction was not in the plan you had for your life. When you were growing up, and someone asked you what you wanted to be when you were an adult, “addict” was probably not what you said you wanted to be. Yes, you decided to use an addictive substance, but many others have as well. The di erence is that your body and brain was more susceptible to craving that substance stronger and much more quickly than others. Your body associated the substance as a reward and eventually needed it to feel normal. This still does not mean that addiction is who you are. Addiction is a roadblock on a much longer journey. Recovery, on the other hand, is a life decision.
Addiction Does Not Define You | Dan Markel | Entrepreneur in Addiction Treatment
Everyone’s experience with addiction is di erent so tread carefully if you feel that you need to de ne yourself when interacting with new people. Despite the scienti c advances that have been made regarding addiction and recovery, some people still have preconceived notions about addiction. Describing yourself as an addict or addict in recovery may cause them to project themselves onto you and try to understand you based on their own experiences. They most likely won’t even come close. You are not a label so instead of giving yourself one, let your personality and actions do the talking for you. This will also allow you to focus on where you’re going rather than where you’ve been. Instead of limiting yourself as an “addict” or “addict in recovery” look towards to the future and focus on developing new identities for yourself, like a writer, listener, or a great friend.
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