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Finding stuck chewing gum on your shoes, clothes, or anywhere is not a good thing for everyone. Although it is one of the most common habits, there are a lot of negative things associated with chewing gum. But when you’re experiencing ulcers from the helicobacter pylori bacteria, you’ll find out the great benefits of gum.
Phosphatidyl Serine is one of the Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) that energises the brain and supports both short-term and long-term memory regardless of age. Experts consider Phosphatidyl Serine as one of the top brain nutrients that can answer problems on forgetfulness and other cognitive problems related to old age.
Depression is a devastating psychiatric problem affecting millions of people around the world. Most of them are convinced that the only way to improve their mood and relieve the symptoms of depression. Truth be told, there are several alternative herbal remedies that have been proven by studies to actually work in fighting depression.
After a long, stressful day, what’s more relaxing than having a cup of tea? Hot or cold, a cup of tea can help you fight stress and feel relaxed, while keeping your mind sharper. Experts say that your favourite beverage does not just quench your thirst, but actually nourishes your brain so you can remain calm and smart even during the most stressful moments at work, school, and home. All of these are brought to you by a very active ingredient that you can only find in green tea, called L-theanine.
MCT stands for Medium Chain Triglycerides, the primary type of fatty acid naturally occurring in coconut oil. MCT Oil is also made in the laboratory from the processing of coconut and palm kernel oils. The chemical structure of MCT oil is what makes them beneficial to weight loss, brain functions, athletic performance, and digestive health.
We’ve been taught that fats are bad for our health and that we should avoid eating fatty foods. But did you know that there are actually “good” kind of fats that your body needs to keep away from diseases? Well, Conjugated Linoleic Acid is the good thing about eating the good kind of fatty foods. This trans-fatty acid unlike their processed counterpart is good for the heart, weight, muscles, immune system, blood sugar levels, and the body’s anti-inflammatory response.
Over the years, we have been warned that taking Vitamin E or tocopherol in large amounts can be harmful. This claim may be outdated because recent studies confirm that Vitamin E does protect health and is safe even when taken above its Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA). RDA for tocopherol is 8-10 mg per day. According to recent studies, the body has natural mechanisms of eliminating excess Vitamin E.
5-HTP’s Mood Support Can Give You More Happy Days
5-HTP, short for 5-Hydroxytryptophan, is a chemical naturally present in the body used to make serotonin, the neurotransmitter that controls mood. It can also be derived from the seeds of the West African shrub called griffonia simplicifolia, from which 5-HTP supplements are produced. 5-HTP is known for promoting a healthier and happier mood because it helps the body manufacture serotonin naturally.
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