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Summer 2011
Interview with tourists | Wicklow Gaol | Ghost Stories & more..
IMG by:Flickr.com
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Leap Castle is one of Ireland's most well-known haunted locations and was recently featured on the "Ghost Hunters" television show. This medieval building has a history of chaos and murder that is both intriguing and tragic. It was once owned by the O'Carroll family and that is where the terror began. Upon the death of the patriarch of the family, brother turned against another brother (a priest) in a bloody battle for control. The "Bloody Chapel" is famous for its history and there are plenty of scares for paranormal enthusiasts at Leap Castle.
The Bloody Chapel is the home to many of the spirits of Leap Castle. People passing the Castle at night have reported bright light streaming out of the upper windows. This occurrence has been reported since the time of the Darbys. When the castle was left a burnt out shell after the 1922 burning, this event was also reported by passers by. Even now, neighbours have telephoned the Ryans and informed them of the Chapels illumination. Strange smells of rubber have also been reported during peoples visit to the upper hall. One of the most well known is referred to as the O’Carroll priest. After the death of Mulrooney O’Carroll in 1532, a fierce power struggle developed within the remaining O’Carroll family. Brother fought against brother to gain Chieftainship.
Legend has it that an O’Carroll murdered his brother, a priest whilst performing a mass in the upper hall of the Castle. It is believed that the priest started the mass before the arrival of his brother and this was considered to be a great insult. The angered O’Carroll then flew into a rage and slaughtered his brother where he stood. The Priest has been seen on many occasions in the Bloody Chapel. This spirit has also been seen lurking on the stairway below and also leaving the chapel via the western door to the bartizan and down the northern stairs.
“Owner of leap castle” by: Sarah Carroll
@ “The Oubliette” Is a hole in the floor were people were thrown in and forgotten about
THE OUBLIETTE One of the more sinister features of the Bloody Chapel is the oubliette. The oubliette is a small chamber located in the North-Eastern corner of the Bloody Chapel. It is thought that the original use for these chambers was to store valuables. They were also used as a place to hide in the event of a siege. The O’Carrolls however, used this chamber for a more sinister purpose. They modified this chamber to serve as a small dungeon where prisoners were thrown in, dead or dying. The entrance to the chamber is a narrow hole originally fitted with a form of trap door. The name is derived from the French “to forget”. Once someone was thrown into the oubliette, they were simply forgotten about. The O’Carrolls were said to be an extremely cunning and brutal clan, stopping at nothing to achieve domination. Legends tell of several occasions where the O’Carrolls would employ other clans as mercenaries to kill off nearby threats. Upon completion of the job the mercenaries were invited back to Leap Castle for a celebratory feast. Unfortunately for the mercenaries, the feast was poisoned and their throats were cut. The corpses were then thrown into the oubliette. 39 of the O’Neil clan are said to be disposed of in this fashion. In 1599, another deadly deed occurred at Leap Castle. Charles O’Carroll, the last chieftain at Leap, was at war with the Earl of Tyrone and hired the MacMahon clan, from Monaghan as mercenaries. After they had fought for him, the O’Carrolls held a feast for the mercenaries. They were then murdered in their sleep Quisque ultrices pretium dui, ut egestas arcu
The MacMahon clan are said to haunt the great hall at Leap Castle. During the occupation of Leap Castle by the Darbys, the oubliette was cleaned and the contents removed during some of the renovations carried out. It is said that three cartloads of skeletons were removed from the oubliette during this period. Some believe that since this gruesome discovery, an emotional shockwave was sent through the castle and the many spirits including the Elemental were woken from their dormancy. Sean Ryan speaks of a man who seems to live in the oubliette. He leaves the Bloody Chapel on occasion and wanders down to the lower levels of the castle. The MacMahon clan are said to haunt the great hall at Leap Castle. During the occupation of Leap Castle by the Darbys, the oubliette was cleaned and the contents removed during some of the renovations carried out. It is said that three cartloads of skeletons were removed from the oubliette during this period. Some believe that since this gruesome discovery, an emotional shockwave was sent through the castle and the many spirits including the Elemental were woken from their dormancy. Sean Ryan speaks of a man who seems to live in the oubliette. He leaves the Bloody Chapel on occasion and wanders down to the lower levels of the castle.
Charleville Castle
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Im scared now i can just imagin how scary this place would be at nightâ&#x20AC;? Tourist at charleville castle
Stairway to castletower !"#$%&'(%)#*+,%
One of the houses
Charleville Castle is regarded as one of the most haunted buildings in Ireland it is located near the town of Tullamore. The castle is situated in Ireland's most ancient primordial oak woodland, once the haunting grounds of Irelands druids thousands of years ago. The castle was built in 1798. Abandoned in 1912, for unknown reasons, it was not until 1971 that the new owner Bonnie Vance began restoration work on it. It may have been the restoration work that disturbed the spirits at the property because it was at this time that the ghosts at the castle started to become active.
On the Castle grounds was once the site of an ancient burial ground inhabited by druid Celtic priests in the 6th century. The Oak was the Sacred Tree of the Druids and in the grounds of the castle is a Druid's Initiation Circle a constant reminder that this was a Sacred Ritual site. When the plague hit Ireland it was widespread during the middle ages, many of the local sick people were buried alive to prevent the sickness from spreading. Many believe that their spirits continue to haunt the +$6,02!=.-;8:6@
There are many local rumors that the man who built Charleville Castle, Charles William Bury practiced devil worship and chose this site for its paranormal energy. The castle was designed by Francis Johnston for Charles Bury . Both Francis and Charles were followers of Sacred Geometry and the design and layout of the Castle and grounds reflect those beliefs and practices . Two of the Earls of Charleville were Grandmasters in the Freemasons of Ireland .That is why the towers were designed with the eight point star construction . The castle was purposely built on Electro Magnetic Ley Lines in the earth that past civilizations had discovered here long ago.
J There are many local rumors that the man who built Charleville Castle, Charles William Bury practiced devil worship and chose this site for its paranormal energy. The castle was designed by Francis Johnston for Charles Bury . Both Francis and Charles were followers of Sacred Geometry and the design and layout of the Castle and grounds reflect those beliefs and practices . Two of the Earls of Charleville were Grandmasters in the Freemasons of Ireland .That is why the towers were designed with the eight point star construction . The castle was purposely built on Electro Magnetic Ley Lines in the earth that past civilizations had discovered here long ago.
Harriet youngest daughter of the third Earl of Charleville, tragically died on the main staircase of the building at the age of 8 in April 1961. Her presence in the castle has been reported many times by many diďŹ&#x20AC;erent people. Singing in the middle of the night, laughing, screams. Visitors have also said to have seen an image of a little girl with a blue and white dress, with golden curls with blue ribbons in the hair. The ghost of a small boy occasionally joins her and once, when he was around three years old, Bridget Vance's son went missing in the castle. Fearful of the steep stairs and precarious drops around the property, the family began an anxious search. They eventually found him at the bottom of the stairwell where he told how "the little boy and girl" had looked after him as he came down the stairs.
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;the hauntingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; by:Peter donnelly
Bonnie Vance awoke early one morning to find a ghostly cavalcade in her bedroom. The ghostly gathering included the ghosts of Charles Bury, Francis Johnston, a woman in a black hood, a little girl and a group of around seventeen "monks or druids" who encircled her bed and appeared to bestow a blessing upon her. There are two main areas in the castle where the paranormal activity seems to be focused, the old dungeon and the library. The dungeon, a dark damp place, is said to be
the haunting grounds of the entity of a sadist. Over the centuries many prisoners are said to have died down there through torture, some of these torture devices are still present. Paranormal investigations that have taken place down there have often to be cut short due to members having their faces scratched and in one case a cameraman that was dragged halfway down a corridor.
Charleville Castle
Any one that enters the castle is asked by the owner not to go near the balcony overlooking the library. When a paranormal team conducted an investigation at the Castle, their medium immediately picked up on a figure up on the balcony. He studied the figure for a moment and then asked the team to leave the library. He explained afterwards that what he had seen was an 'elemental', a collection of spirits formed as one. Very powerful, he felt, and not to be approached. Not totally evil, but certainly not good. He advised the owner never to leave anyone up there and never to try and banish it, just leave it be.The door to the balcony remains locked at all times now. Other ghosts and entities sighted at Charleville Castle include a white mist which encircles the ruins and a hideous, evil eyed figure that roams the castle walkways. Paranormal activity recorded in recent years includes the sound of clock chimes where there is no clock; chairs rocking with no occupants; the sound of a child crying; disembodied voices and footsteps are often heard throughout the night. Charleville Castle holds various events throughout the year including Halloween. Overnight stays are organized in exchange for donations towards its restoration project to help save the building. There are still however, some areas strictly off limits to visitors. Charleville Castle has appeared on Living TV's Most Haunted and ABC Family's Scariest Places on Earth and Ghost Hunters International. Img:Flickr
Cleo one of the local residents scared the bejesus out of us while we weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re taking a few pictures
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?2005*.2!H0;7 So you have heard of the hellfire club but wonder what it is? Or at least I do having never heard of the hellfire club or seen it I didn’t know what its was, so first things first what is the hellfire club, the way I read it is that the hellfire is an exclusive club just like nightclubs in these times and we have all had bouncers that wont let us in (arg!)
The clubs These clubs were only for persons of quality (high ranking) these members were usually involved in politics and in these clubs they could release a bit of stress in sometimes a sick way as the hellfire motto was Fais ce que tu voudras (Do what thou wilt) do what ever you want and that could have been immoral acts as well but the activities nor membership of the club were easy to get access to The hellfire club here isn’t the first or only one the very first one was found in London in 1719 by Philip, Duke of Wharton and a handful of his high society friends but this wasn’t famous or know very well, the more infamous club that was associated with that name was the one set up by Sir Francis Dashwood they met irregularly from 1749 to 1760 possible all the way up till 1766 in the later years of the hellfire club it was more associated with Brooks’s which he established in 1764 after this is when more of these clubs were giving the name the hellfire club and most of them were set up in Ireland through-out the 18th century after the Whartons were dispelled. The man behind the hellfire club was a very prominent politician and he had a double life his first on to many was a man of letters the second one was the one he
kept hidden for after dark… A drunkard, rioter infidel and a rake, Most of the members of the hellfire club are not know but most historians believe that members would have been Wharton’s immediate friends the Earl of Hillsborough, Wharton’s cousin the Earl of Lichfield and Sir Ed O’Brien aside from these it’s everyone’s guess who the other members are but you can bet there all prominent and high ranking. William ‘Speaker’ Conolly the speaker of the Irish House of Commons built the house as a hunting lodge in 1725 with stone from the original passage tomb. The building is thus said to be cursed e.g. the slate roof was blew off in a storm shortly after it was built and replaced with the stone roof you now see Fire Club was founded by Richard Parsons, the 1st Earl of Rosse in 1735 and the 'club' acquired the lodge about that time
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The very first meeting was at Sir Francis family home in West Wycombe and was held on Walpurgis Night, 1752 was a much larger meeting and that was quiet a failure and no large-scale meetings were ever held again, they now would meet 2 times a month and with the annual board meeting lasting at least a week or more. They would call each other brother or buck and the leader, which would change regularly abbot (the annual meeting board would be the week they would choose who there next abbot is going to be) during there meetings they would wear ritual clothing: white trousers, jacket and cap and the abbot would wear a red ensemble of the same style. The rumor’s that were going around and were circulating around that time were they same for Whartons clubs that in these clubs the members would have Black Masses, Orgies or Satan or demon worshipping when the clubs were around, The clubs in Ireland and Scotland were rumored to take part in far more dubious activities the rumors around for all the clubs were that female “guests” also know as prostitutes were referred as Nuns by the members. All these meetings often were about mock rituals, items of a pornographic nature, allot of drinking and banqueting.
When we went to the hellfire club it was on a sunny day and its rich history didn’t show at all with graffiti now marking a few walls, water on the ground from the day before and all the sacrifices that took place at this place don’t show now it serves more like another place to drink for kids at night without anyone disturbing them and serves as a hangout spot....
To be honest when we got there and I still didn’t know the history it of the place it didn’t feel like a place were these things have had happened it just feels like another old abandoned mansion its quiet old and it shows with architecture dating way back from the outside on side it looks like a church with its high roof and the other side it looks like it could have been a very fancy mansion with its giant center window and the 4 smaller ones on the side of it (course the windows had no glass in them due to the buildings age and if it did kids properly would broken it anyway). From the inside it’s a different story its creepy in every way! The rooms are usually lid by 1 window and some have a fireplace you cant help but think this place was build for the sole purpose of sick parties, sacrifices and other things the main reason for the windows being quiet small could have been to stop from people peeking inside and finding out what is happening, the main room has spaces in the wall that look fit for a dancer or some offering of some sort and having a fireplace which was properly not used for heat but also to throw objects or maybe even people in.. we don’t know… 7-:;6!3,6<:=>?6
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The place is abandoned and in bad state it would take months to restore if someone would try to restore it, there is graffiti on some of the walls, water on the floor if it has had rain so presumable the roof would be in need of fixing as well but it is understandable for people not wanting to restore the building into its original state with its history but its history and if you don’t preserve history will people eventually forget? …..
The Hellfire Club on the summit of Mount Pelier is a beautiful spot in the Dublin Mountains from where you have a great view over the city. There is a little carpark at the just off the Killakee road, around 200 m further up from Killakee House, and from there you can either walk straight up the mountain to the top, or take the less demanding but longer forest path that zig-zags its way up the mountain. If you are brave enough then go there. The view of Dublin is brilliant. At dusk it is an eerie place. caution it is not a good idea to travel alone as there can be a few modern young “brother” or “buck” having the odd cider party
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The Easter Uprising took place in April 1916 in Dublin and is one of the pivotal events in modern Irish history. At the end of the Easter Uprising, 15 men identified as leaders were executed at Kilmainham Jail. To some, these men were traitors, to others they became heroes. Why did a small group of people try to take on the military might of what was then one of the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s major powers?
The main cells where most of the prisoners whereK'$"##1'%-')*"'/03*)L0-')*"'$%//0.%/'01'2"/"' corridor with 5 cells where (*"'&+0-'$"##'2"/"'&%1)'%8')*"'6/01%-"/1'2"/"'="6)< kept,you might have seen it in a few movies like 1%&"'6/01%-"/1'2%,#.'1#""6'+12"##'%-'*+5' prisoners were kept (*"'."103-'6/%80.".'+'HIIJ'70"2'08'5%,'2"/"'0-')*"' the italian job 08')*"'6/01%-'2%,#.-)'*+7"'"-%,3*'16+$" &0..#"'%8'"7"/5'$"##
Kilmainham Gaol (Jail) is one of the largest unoccupied gaols in Europe, it was involved in some of the most heroic and tragic events in Ireland's history and its emergence as a modern nation from 1780s to the 1920s. seph Plunkett and Thomas Clarke. When it was built in 1796, Kilmainham Gaol was referred to as the 'New Gaol' to distinguish it from the old gaol it was designed to replace. Over the 128 years it served as a prison, its cells held many of the most famous people involved in the campaign for Irish independence. The British imprisoned and executed the leaders of the 1916 Easter Rising here including Padraig Pearse.
over key points such as the Four Courts, the College of Surgeons overlooking St Stephen's Green, and Boland's Mills. It was Easter Monday, and there were few people in the centre of Dublin to witness the rising. Many army officers had gone to the Fairyhouse races.
The Leaders
Almost all the revolutionary leaders were members of the secret Irish Republican Brotherhood. The outbreak of war had persuaded them that in England's difficulties lay Ireland's opportunity. As earlier rebels had looked to France for help, they now turned to Germany, which promised to send arms. In addition to the small Irish on 24 April 1916, Patrick Pearse stood outside the Citizen Army, formed in 1913 to defend General Post Office in Dublin and read a proclamation announcing the establishment of an Irish repub- workers against police harassment, there were thousands of Irish Volunteers, a body lic under a provisional government. Among the formed in response to the Ulster Volunteer seven signatories of the proclamation was James Connolly, head of the para-military Irish Citizen Army, Force. Like the UVF, the Volunteers carried out a successful gun-running exploit, who had earlier led a successful occupation of the building. Elsewhere in Dublin, armed men had taken landing arms at Howth, near Dublin, a few days before war was declared. 7-:;6!3,6<:=>?6
The Volunteers had been infiltrated by members of the IRB, which had secretly fixed Easter Sunday as the date for the rising. The Volunteers' leader, Eoin MacNeill, only discovered the plan on 20 April. Two days later, he learned that a German ship bringing arms had been scuttled. Realising that a rising was doomed to failure, he cancelled all Volunteer manoeuvres. Despite this setback, and knowing that their forces would be limited to a modest number of Dublin Volunteers as well as the ICA, Pearse and Connolly decided that a rising must take place,
Entrance to kilmainham jail, with balcony there were 2 more balconys next to this one where people would be hanged from in public. It was quiet a “show” back then people from the city would come out and see it
Stonebreakers yard is where everyone was excecuted
In different circumstances the rebels might have been treated more mercifully, but Britain was at war, and the army and police had suffered geater casualties than Pearse's men. Ireland was still under martial law, and Maxwell was at liberty to inflict retribution. On 3 May, just four days after the surrender, a terse announcement was made that Pearse and two other signatories of the republican proclamation had been tried by court martial and shot. By 12 May the total of executions had reached fifteen, including Connolly and the three other signatories. Another seventyfive rebels had the death penalty commuted to penal servitude, including Countess Constance Markievicz, who would later become the first woman elected to the Westminster parliament.
The start of the end
Cross marking the place of execution of the leaders of the 1916 Easter Rising. which won the sympaty of the people.
In halting the executions, the government was responding to a wave of public revulsion, but the damage had been done. Ireland had a new gallery of martyrs, and earlier apathy or even hostility towards republicanism was replaced by sympathy for the independence cause. Of some 3 ,400 arrested following the surrender, more than half were imprisoned or interned in England, where they plotted a new onslaught on British rule the damage was already done. 7-:;6!3,6<:=>?6
scary stories we have been told or have read about!
is issues story comes from Sandra Bolland
just wanted to share some things that have been going on my house with people that I knew would appreciate it. Before I start let me give you some background info. My family and I live in a very Historic part of Dublin.I believe that most of what goes on is due to poltergeist activity and not actual haunting's, but we have seen apparitions from time to time. Also, the people who owned the house before us, fought all the time and eventually got divorced, they left a lot of negative energy behind them when they left. Well, I have 10 years worth of experiences, but I'll try to highlight the main ones. When we first moved in my dog refused to go in the basement, she barks and growls at the basement door at random times. One day when she was doing this, we heard a huge bang down there, it sounded like someone was throwing all of our unpacked boxes around, but when we went to investigate everything was as it should be. My dog won't go down there unless we make her, she terrified of it. The scary part about my dog barking is she's an Australian bark less dog, she never ever barks!
Now comes the really creepy stuff... Our first floor is very open with the kitchen dining room and rec room just flowing into one another. One night we were watching TV and 2 lamps that hang on the wall in our breakfast nook flew off the wall. They didn't fall, it as if they were thrown, the cords were even yanked out of the wall. No one was in the kitchen but several people saw it happen. One night a few months ago we were woken up in the middle of the night by all of our fire alarms going off. There was no fire, and the alarms we had didn't have a Carbon Monoxide tester. The batteries didn't need to be replaced either. After unhooking all of them from the wall and removing the batteries the alarms were still going strong. We had to wrap them in blankets and hide them in a closet in our basement so that we could go back to sleep.
One time when I was about 16, my mom and I were in the foyer fighting, full out screaming at each other, I don't even remember what it was about now. The chandelier above us started swinging back and forth really hard and 2 bulbs burst. I have felt and seen an oppressive black shadowy figure in my room. I could move and speak when I saw it, but it frightened me so much that I didn't sleep in there until I put up protective measures. One if those measures I read about a while ago: You get glass orbs and paint the inside silver while whispering blessings over it. You then hang the orbs by every entrance to your room or home and they block out evil spirits. This actually worked until about a year ago... I felt the presence again and had to sleep on the couch, the next day when I went into my room the mounting and wires for the orbs were there but all of the orbs were missing. I never found them, they were just gone. I haven't been able to sleep in there much since, I stay at my boyfriend's or I sleep on the couch. The few times that I have stayed in there I have been plagued by horrible nightmares.
Thats one scary experience Gemma thanks for sharing it with us! have you got a scary story/experience that you would like to share or have any thoughts? Email us at hauntedtourist@hotmail.com and we just might print your story in the next issue!
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4#-&!L*+(-MMMM We would like to thank everyone reading and creating this magazine we hope you enjoyed reading the articles and looking at the images/photos and found something useful out of it and hope you go out to these locations and maybe do a tour, go with a paranormal group or just buy more things in this field cause its quiet interesting and wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t you like to know what you ancestors might have say to you... Support the community! Thanks again everyone who has helped us in creating this. We would like to thank all the paranormal groups, location supervisors, guides, paranormal investigators, interviewees, people that have contributed images/photos and anyone else we have forgotten to thanks during this quiet hectic and very demanding project! We would like to point out no all of the copyright owners were found were there images/photos were used but we would like to thank them for contribution, opinions giving in this magazine may not be the corporate one and is only that of the author All images are copyright to there rightful owner, this is only used for college purpose and not for commercial use or in any other way were profit is made, if you would like to use certain images/text please contact there rightful owners.