1 minute read
“What did you do?
Our answer cannot just be that we did everything we could. It has to be more than that. There is really only one answer: We did everything that was necessary.
And in the difference between those two lies humanity's destiny.”
Christiana Figueres Paris Climate Agreement
In 2020, the weight of global anthropogenic mass was calculated to surpass the weight of global biomass. As a result of human activity and (in)activity in responding to the climate crisis and the crossing of this threshold with no return, the planet inches closer to the brink of widespread environmental catastrophe with each passing day. With the construction industry directly responsible for nearly 40% of global greenhouse gas emissions and a planet moving toward 1.5 degrees of warming, it is not only the responsibility of architects to find design solutions for a cleaner future, it is our imperative. The Uninhabitable Earth contends with the paradox of our simultaneous needs to build and to stop consuming non-renewable resources at exorbitant rates.
In the coming years, the architect will find itself at a crossroads, and time is running out (very high confidence)
What road will we take?
_CONTENTS p. / 04 p. / 14
II. (the) RISING SEA LEVELS p. / 22
III. (the) FOOD SHORTAGE p. / 26
IV. (the) MASS EXTINCTION p. / 34
V. (the) UNBREATHABLE AIR p. / 40