EAST COAST 2013: CERTIFICATION INTENSIVE COURSE May 13-15, 2013 • Newport, RI Newport Harbor Hotel & Marina
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HEALTH ETHICS TRUST a division of the
Council of Ethical Organizations 214 South Payne St. Alexandria, VA 22314 T: 703.683.7916 F: 703.299.8836
THE CERTIFICATION INTENSIVE COURSE The Newport Harbor Hotel and Marina, Newport, RI • May 13 - 15, 2013
Compliance Professionals: This year mark's the 10th anniversary of the Certification Intensive Course. We believe the continued popularity of this course is due to the fact that it provides the best way for compliance professionals to meet their educational objectives while satisfying the educational requirements to gain or renew their professional certification. Not all compliance professional certifications were created equal. We created the first certification program for compliance professionals over a decade ago and we have increased the value of the Certified Compliance Professional (CCP) and Certified Compliance Executive credentials (CCE) every year since then. What makes these credentials valuable is that they were created by recognized compliance professionals to mark a level of accomplishment worthy of the status of compliance as a profession. These are not credentials for vendors of compliance services; they are for working compliance professionals. Our credentialing programs reflect the following basic assumptions: 1. Individuals of many backgrounds become effective compliance officers. This diversity is a positive attribute of the field. 2. Certification is an objective, independent credential intended to raise the status of compliance as a field of professional endeavor. 3. Certification has both educational and experiential components. 4. Ethics and integrity are essential to the success of compliance professionals. The Newport program will include a faculty of compliance professionals and experts who have proven themselves as presenters in prior courses. Call 888-683-7917 or go to http://www.healthethicstrust.com/intensivetuition to ensure acceptance in this limited enrollment program. This program will be held at the Newport Harbor Hotel and Marina in Newport RI. We have negotiated a room rate of $159/night for those who register in time.
THE CERTIFICATION INTENSIVE COURSE The Newport Harbor Hotel and Marina, Newport, RI • May 13 - 15, 2013
May 13: BREAK THE ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE CODE Experienced compliance professionals know that checking the box on the seven elements does not produce an effective compliance program. The culture of the organization needs to be one of compliance if the compliance program is to produce its intended results. This program segment addresses several approaches intended to influence organizational culture change.
As enforcement drills ever deeper into the pursuit of fraud, waste and abuse recoveries, compliance professionals need to address new compliance risks with new tools. For example, the Federal government has made it clear that it is the job of compliance professionals to oversee arrangements with physicians. This program segment looks at new tools for addressing these types of new challenges.
May 15: EMERGING RISKS AND CHALLENGES Compliance professionals are often so busy with the daily chores of maintaining a compliance program that there is little time to reflect on new and emerging compliance risks. This program segment will identify some of these risks and as well as means for staying abreast of new compliance risk areas.
FACULTY: INVITED & CONFIRMED • Wanda Andrews, Facility Compliance/Business Integrity Officer, VISN 1, VHA • John Belknap, Director, Corporate Compliance, Massachusetts General Hospital • Jane Cangeme, Network Compliance/Business Integrity Officer, VISN 1, VHA • Mallory Davis, Associate Director, Corporate Compliance, Massachusetts General Hospital • Laura Macaluso, Executive Director,Compliance & IA, Southcoast Hospitals Group • Mark Pastin, President, Health Ethics Trust • Lesley Reynolds, Partner, Fulbright & Jaworski • Eric Rubenstein, Special Agent with HHS- OIG • Claire Seguin, Clinical Compliance Specialist, Massachusetts General Hospital • Michael Walker, Chief Audit & Compliance Officer, University of Connecticut • More faculty to be announced
THE CERTIFICATION INTENSIVE COURSE The Newport Harbor Hotel and Marina, Newport, RI • May 13 - 15, 2013
Hotel accommodations are not included in tuition. The entire course will be held at The Newport Harbor Hotel and Marina. Accommodations are available at a discounted rate of $159. Please make your arrangements directly with the hotel by calling 800-955-2558 or 401-847-9000. Additionally, attendees can make reservations online at www.newporthotel.com by entering the Attendee Code: CEO2013code The Newport Harbor Hotel and Marina 49 America's Cup Ave, Newport, RI 02840
The most convenient airport to The Newport Harbor Hotel and Marina is the T. F. Green Airport which is about 30 miles from the hotel.
1. ONLINE at www.HealthEthicsTrust.com in our new store - safe, secure and encrypted. 2. E-MAIL your completed registration form to: swright@corporateethics.com. 3. FAX your completed registration form to HET at:703-299-8836. 4. MAIL your completed registration form to: Health Ethics Trust, 214 South Payne St., Alexandria, VA 22314
TUITION ❒ HET Members: $1,500 ❒ Non-Members: $2,000 ❒ VHA/Academic: $1,250 ADD MEMBERSHIP ❒ Individual Membership: $200 ❒ Basic Org. Membership: $1,100 ❒ Premium Org. Membership: $2,400 CANCELLATION POLICY The Trust is committed to offering the highest level of compliance education at the lowest feasible price. In order to do this, the Cancellation Policy must be strictly enforced. Registration for Health Ethics Trust courses is an agreement to pay the applicable course tuition. Tuition for cancellations two weeks before the course is refunded less an administrative fee of $200. Tuition for cancellation after the deadline is not refundable, but a credit toward tuition for a future Trust program (tuition less the administrative fee; must be used within 12 months) will be issued in some cases. Those who cancel after the deadline must still pay the tuition that they agreed to pay by registering for the course even if they have not yet paid their tuition at the time of cancellation.
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