Is My Boyfriend Cheating on Me

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Is My Boyfriend Cheating on Me? CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT HOW TO CATCH A CHEATING PARTNER The smell of unfamiliar perfume on your boyfriend’s shirt collar sent alarm bells ringing in your head. You took another sniff, a longer one, and this time you are certain – it has to be a lady’s perfume. Is he cheating on you? While TV soaps can make an entire convoluted plot out of that, don’t let you suspicions run amok and make a mess out of your good sense. Chances are, that wee bit of “evidence” may not mean anything. But how do you find out? Do not –for one – confront your boyfriend. Because if he was innocent, your question might be highly offensive; and if he was not innocent, your questions would put his guard up. Cheaters, even the most expert ones, tend to leave behind telltale signs of their indiscreet affairs, whether from carelessness or complacency. One sign is not enough to tell you anything but it should also make you a little more wary for more tiny bits of clues. If, from your careful observation, you came up with a string of suspicious-looking clues, then your red flag should be up. Which clues should you be on the lookout for? 1.He’s spending more time at the office. So OK, you’re boyfriend is on the way up the corporate ladder – that means he ought to be shouldering more responsibilities right? You’ll probably hear him constantly “griping” about the extra hours he had to spend at the office – late night meetings, catching up on the workload during weekends, etc. But more than his words, pay attention to his actions. And his paycheck. The overtime he claims to have been the reason he’s staying more and more and much later at the office should reflect in his salary. If it isn’t there, then the reason he’s not with you tonight is definitely not work-related.

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2.He’s keeping the credit card bills to himself. Infidelity can be costly to the cheating partner – hotel bills have to be paid, dinner had to be on him, and there’s maybe even that occasional visit to the florist. Of course, if your boyfriend is having an affair on the side, he wouldn’t want to have those lying around for you to discover. 3. His car mileage is way off the charts. If your boyfriend is cheating on you, he probably would not want to carry on the affair right under your very nose. He and his No. 2 would probably drive out for the weekend and book a motel room at the next town where they have a much lesser chance of running into someone they know. If you suspect him to be guilty of this exact same scenario, one of the most foolproof way of catching up to him is to make a daily record of his car mileage – does it report a good estimate of where your boyfriend said he would be, i.e., home-office-home? Or are there days – weekends especially – when the mileage scored excesses to the tune of some hundred miles? 4. He’s suddenly fastidious about hygiene. It’s not just that your boyfriend is trying to impress someone that’s why he’s suddenly more conscious about neatness and overall hygiene. He’s also probably covering something up. The most telltale signs of an afternoon tryst with a third party would, after all, be on his own body – the smell of another’s perfume, the smell of sex, and lipstick marks to name a few. And the best way to get rid of that is to take a shower and scrub it all off. Is he also suddenly so secretive about his laundry? If that’s the case, you are on to something here. 5. His sexual habits and patterns are suddenly unpredictable. One of the things that excite straying boyfriends about their illicit affair is the sex. It’s also one area where you might find the most obvious of clues.

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As I see it, there are two possible ways that a typical male will react to his official partner if he’s also getting sex from somewhere else: 1) your sex life suddenly becomes stale, or even non-existent; or 2) your sex life gets infused with renewed passion, and you may even be taught a new thing or two. The former seems pretty much expected; but the latter? Call it a quirk of your boyfriend’s nature but he may have learned that new trick from somewhere and would want to test drive – so to speak – this new discovery with you.

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