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Kuder Journey Webinar: Feb 19 What is Kuder Journey? It’s a comprehensive online resource that helps service members plan for the future by learning about their interests, skills and work values. Students receive a personal career plan, options to explore occupational and educational information, and guidance to plan for transition and future employment success.
Join the DANTES Kuder Webinar: Kuder Journey 101 for Counselors Wednesday, February 19, 2020, 1000/1100 CST/EST
Register at https://kuder.webex. com/kuder/onstage/g.php?MTID=e02c8e53983dd5210010d8c09d448563a or go to www.kuder.com/events and in the “search the calendar” box, type DANTES, and register.
We encourage all VolEd professionals to attend and learn how to use the DANTES-sponsored College & Career Planning System, known as Kuder Journey. The webinar will assist you in helping service members with career and education planning. You’ll also learn how to use the administra
DANTES Information Bulletin tive component of the website to better support service members better.
CLEP Webinar: Apr 1 College Board’s College Level Examination Program (CLEP) has served thousands of military service members over the past 40 years. Discover how to support service members’ educational goals with this Credit-by-Examination program, and find out what’s new with CLEP, where to find helpful resources, and how to strengthen your CLEP program.
Join the College Board CLEP Webinar: CLEP 101 for Counselors Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 1000 CST (the session will be recorded for those who are unable to attend at this time).
Registration link: CLEP 101: Benefits and Steps to Executing a Successful Credit-by-Exam Program. Password: iCLEP20 Register today! https:// collegeboardtraining.webex.com/collegeboardtraining/onstage/g.php?MTID=e15bcd2f9f5c1a8adccb39f6e551f31c3