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Prior Learning Assessment
Credit by Exam
During FY22, 23,842 DANTES-funded candidates took 35,587 College Level Examination Program (CLEP) and DSST exams, earning 86,653 potential college credits, resulting in up to $18M in DoD tuition assistance cost avoidance. The Credit by Exam (CBE) program enabled DoD to evaluate, document, and translate prior learning into college credit recommendations.
The CBE team decommissioned the legacy DoD Voluntary Education System (DoDVES) Defense Business System (DBS) to improve program operations. It migrated the DANTES Academic Information Management System (DAIMS) portion of DoDVES to the Academic Institution (AI) Portal managed by the U.S. Air Force to support credit-by-exam score reporting. This effort reduced cyber risk while retaining key functionality to help service members.
Military Training and Experience Evaluation
Through a contract with the American Council on Education, the Military Training Evaluation Program (MTEP) reviewed 244 military courses and occupations for college credit equivalency, generating 3,562 college credit recommendations, documented on the Joint Services Transcript (JST). Over 325,000 JSTs were sent to educational institutions on behalf of service members and veterans to help them apply college credit recommendations they earned for knowledge gained through military education, training, and occupational experiences toward college degree requirements.
The MTEP team continued to update and enhance the modernized Military Guide. Since the new Military Guide launch in April of 2021, more than 954 academic institutions registered for new accounts. The new Military Guide offered institutions an interactive web application that facilitates the award of academic credit to students based on their military learning experience. This effort aimed to increase the credit award process’s transparency and acceptance of college credit recommendations on the JST.