1 minute read
College Credit Recommendations for Your Military Experience
Program Eligibility
Enlisted, warrant officers, officers, and veterans from all Military Services, including the National Guard, Reserve components and the U.S. Coast Guard are eligible. Air Force personnel who attended joint training offered by another Service should contact JST Operations to have a joint services transcript created.
Benefits Service Members
• Provides a head start by helping members begin college with credit
• Saves time; fewer courses are needed to complete degree requirements,
• Saves money; avoid the cost of tuition, books, and fees
• Helps prepare for college by potentially waving prerequisites for advance courses
Successful Partnerships
DANTES partners with a variety of stakeholders to evaluate your military training and occupational experiences:

• Service training commands
• ACE faculty evaluators
• JST Operations Center
• Colleges and Universities
Get College Credit for your Military Training
The Department of Defense (DoD) Voluntary Education (VolEd) Program, through the Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES), partners with the American Council on Education (ACE) to translate military learning experiences into comparable civilian postsecondary college credit. ACE evaluates military training, education and job experience to provide recommended credits on the Joint Services Transcript (JST).
ACE credit recommendations are based on evaluations conducted by college and university faculty members who are actively teaching in the areas they evaluate. These recommendations appear on the Joint Services Transcript (JST).
Visit the ACE Military Guide for details: https://militaryguide.acenet.edu/
Learn More With Online Resources
• ACE Military Guide - https://militaryguide.acenet.edu/
• JST - https://jst.doded.mil/jst/
• CCAF - https://www.airuniversity.af.edu/Barnes/CCAF/ Transcripts/