2 minute read
Earn College Credit for What You Already Know
Program Eligibility
Exams are funded for:
• All actively-ser ving members in all military Services including the, National Guard,Reserve components and U.S. Coast Guard
• U.S. Coast Guard (active and Reserve) spouses
• U.S. Air Force civilian employees (excluding contract employees)
• Militar y Eligible Spouses using My Career Advancement Account (MyCAA) Scholarship
Easy Access And Support
• Take tests at National Test Centers worldwide
• Take tests remotely through an exam proctor
• Exam scores are included on the Joint Services Transcript (JST) and Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) transcript
• Test prep and study materials are provided at installation libraries, education centers, on-line, and via mobile apps
Save Time And Money
• Earn college credit* for prior knowledge
• Reduce course completion time; the average exam takes only a few hours versus 8 - 15 weeks in class
• Save $$$; DANTES funds one attempt per exam title
• Avoid tuition assistance costs for courses replaced by credit earned
The Department of Defense (DoD) Voluntary Education (VolEd) Program, through the Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES), offers the Credit-by-Exam program to help service members earn college credit* for knowledge gained through previous experience, independent study, and your military training.

DANTES funds credit-by-exam tests, including:
CLEP: The College Board’s College Level Examination Program
DSST: Prometric’s College Level Credit by Exam Program
Credit by Exam Program
*College credit recommendations for these exams are made through the American Council on Education (ACE) and are subject to the acceptance of individual academic institutions.
DANTES recommends contacting your Service education counselor to verify that your exam credits meet your program requirements
Learn More With Online Resources
• https://clep.collegeboard.org/clep-test-center-search
• https://clep.collegeboard.org/register-for-an-exam/ military-how-to-register-under-dantes
• https://www.dodmwrlibraries.org/continuing-education
• https://www.youtube.com/@DANTESDoD
New College Credit Website Design to Better Serve Military Members
The redesigned and vastly improved www.getcollegecredit.com is live and welcomes visitors with featured content that supports meaningful learning outcomes for service members.
With more than 37 exam titles in college subject areas such as Social Sciences, Math, Applied Technology, Business, Physical Sciences, and Humanities, DSST exams shorten the pathway to graduation while reducing college costs. The new www.getcollegecredit.com site is the best place to start!
The new site was designed to be faster than ever, easier to navigate, more user-friendly, and comprehensive in the breadth of resources available for test-takers and academic institutions. It features easy navigation for test-takers, including streamlined pathways for military personnel aiming to further their educational goals while in the service – whether deployed or on base. Service members can search for credit-awarding institutions, find their nearest test center, and register for an exam directly online. Moreover, test-takers wishing to prepare for test day can access various exam preparation resources specifically developed for military service members from Peterson’s, DSSTPrep, and EBSCO LearningExpress®. Most importantly, all this information (and more) is accessible through an intuitive and comprehensive FAQ section that answers all other questions – from ordering transcripts to test-day procedures and tips and strategies for acing an exam.
There is also a wealth of resources available to academic institutions, ranging from a step-by-step guide and application form for registering as a test center, to accessing a comprehensive portfolio of resources and marketing materials, to information about becoming fully funded. In short, whether service members are a test-taker considering shortening their college degree or an academic institution wishing to offer students all of the advantages of the DSST program, the new and refreshed www.getcollegecredit.com website is here ready to support!