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Pdi kickoff....
Nearly 250 DoD VolEd Counselors attended the 2023 DoD VolEd PDI from across the Services at DEOMI Training Facility at Patrick SFB, in Cocoa Beach, FL. This year's PDI kicked off with a Presentation of the Colors, and the National Anthem.
DoD Voluntary Education Service Chiefs

Anthony Clark
(Panel: Dr. Wes Smith, USA; Bart McMillan, USMC; Jim Johnson, USN; Laurie Murphy, USAF; Stephen Keck, USCG)

Ever wonder how the different branches of our military approach education? This captivating panel discussion brought together the Army, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. Each panelist presented a unique lens to view the diverse strategies and innovations within their respective branches. The exchange of ideas in this session was as electrifying as a squadron of fighter jets streaking across the sky!
Leadership Development
Derius Swinton
Focusing Inward: In this session, the spotlight turned to self-reflection. This session emphasized the value of personal growth in shaping influential leaders, drawing parallels between military and educational leadership. After all, self-awareness and introspection are as critical on the battlefield as they are in the boardroom or the classroom.
Counseling Skills
Dr. Kimberly Smith
Going the Extra Mile: Rounding off the event was a session that took us beyond the basics of education and career counseling. This session empowered attendees to redefine their approach to counseling, offering innovative strategies to help service members navigate their educational journey and career transitions. Like a trusted compass, this session guided participants towards a deeper understanding of their crucial role in propelling service members to success.

DoD Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Schools Installation: Access Rules of the Road
This pivotal session demystified the rules and regulations surrounding the MOU Schools Installation Access. With a clear roadmap, attendees learned how to effectively navigate the complexities of installation access, ensuring a seamless integration of educational opportunities within military installations.

Supporting First Generation Military Students
Chrissy Jones
This heartening session delved into the unique challenges and opportunities presented by first-generation military students. Panelists shared valuable insights and strategies to create a supportive, inclusive environment that nurtures the academic success and personal growth of these pioneering learners.
DoD Digital Social Media Marketing and Research
In the digital age, social media has become a powerful tool to engage and inform. This session presented the latest research on leveraging digital and social media platforms to enhance outreach and engagement within the military education community.
Trusted Tools to Support Advising Opportunities for Service Member Academic Success
Michelle Spires
This workshop unveiled a toolkit of resources and strategies to enhance the academic advising process. Participants learned how to utilize these tools to better support service members in achieving their academic goals.

Department of Education Update Dawn Bilodeau, Department of Education
In this informative session, a representative from the Department of Education provided an update on the landscape of higher education. Participants received critical information about policy changes, funding opportunities, and key initiatives that directly impact military learners.
Trends in Higher Education Panel
Dr. Jonathan Woods

(Panel: Dr. Kimberly Smith; Dr. Chrissy Jones, Keith Hauk, Chritine Carpenter, Derrick Anderson)
This enlightening panel discussion brought together thought leaders from the higher education sector. They examined current trends and future directions in higher education, exploring the implications for military voluntary education.
Education Counselor Toolkit
(Panel: Keisha Hoffman,USA; Brian Elliott, USAR; John Begley, USN; Ted Byerly, AF; Debra Stancliff, USCG)
This interactive panel shared essential tools and best practices for education counseling. With insights from seasoned service education officers and counselors, attendees left equipped with practical strategies to enhance their counseling skills.

Post 9/11 GI Bill Update
Michael Marks, VA
The Post 9/11 GI Bill is a crucial resource for many service members. This session provided an important update on the bill, clarifying changes and illuminating the many ways it can support service members’ educational journeys.

Navigating Education Services Career Advancement
Career progression isn’t a one-size-fits-all journey. This session offered valuable guidance on navigating the diverse pathways to career advancement within education services.

Career Path Decide and TA Decide
Interactive Panels
Marc Ekhardt & Tim Groves, Vantage Point
In these dynamic panel discussions, experts offered a deep-dive into the Career Path Decide and TA Decide tools. Attendees gained practical knowledge on how to use these resources to better guide service members in their career and educational decisions.
Counseling a Diverse Workforce Dr. Aaron Hamilton, DEOMI

This session embraced the diversity inherent in the military workforce. Participants gained insights into the unique needs and strengths of a diverse military population, fostering a more inclusive, empathetic approach to counseling.

Both of sessions are available via Zoom for DoD attendees to access virtually.

This year’s PDI, provided a wealth of knowledge and insights, empowering participants to better serve our nation’s service members in their academic and career pursuits. From understanding policy updates to embracing the diversity of our military learners, the DoD Voluntary Education PDI 2023 truly encompassed a holistic approach to military voluntary education. The DoD Voluntary Education PDI 2023 served as a dynamic platform for learning, growth, and collaboration. It not only sharpened the tools of educators, counselors, and leaders alike, but also underscored the collective commitment to uplift the educational opportunities for our nation’s heroes. As we look forward to the next PDI, we carry the knowledge and insights from this event, ready to make an even more significant impact on military voluntary education.
The presentation slide decks are available for download on milSuite with CAC-access required at https://www.milsuite.mil/book/groups/defense-activity-for-non-traditional-education-services
The slides are also available on the mobile app, www.dantes.mil/app - with the access code provided by contacting Emily Bachman at emily.a.bachman.civ@us.navy.mil or the DANTES Outreach box at DANTES_outreach@us.navy.mil
Checkout education counselor testimonials on how they help Service members get their education.....

Click on the videos above to see what these counselors have to offer!