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Rocket Launch at Patrick Space Force Base Thank you from Mr Allen, DANTES Director / 6

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Training sessions were specifically designed for counselors and education service officers by the VolEd PDI Working Group. The PDI Working Group consists of representatives from each Service. The topics for this year’s PDI included: counseling outcomes and career coaching, how to receive buy-in for new projects, virtual counseling techniques, conflict management, leading across generations, and leading in the telework environment. The Department of Labor presented outlooks for careers and the Department of Veteran Affairs presented in-depth training on the GI Bill. Survey results show that the session focused on developing the VolEd professional community had a significant impact, with many counselors saying they will be working on certifications as a result of the information provided.

Rocket Launch at Patrick Space Force Base

The PDI was concluded with participants and speakers joining for a rocket launch at Patrick Space Force Base. If you are interested in sharing your thoughts and ideas to enhance next year’s PDI, please contact your Services POC to let them know you would like to serve on or support the planning committee. We look forward to seeing you next year!

Check Out Pictures from the PDI

The PDI was a great success!

Some of the PDI Working Group


VolEd Team, We are very appreciative and pleased that you were able to participate in the 2022 DoD Voluntary Education (VolEd) Professional Development Institute (PDI). Whether you attended in-person or virtually, it was time well spent to sharpen our tools and collaborate with each other on strategies and best practices to enhance the Department’s VolEd support to warfighters. We trust you enjoyed the two days of outstanding training, engagement and networking. We covered a lot of ground … 19 total training sessions on a wide variety of topics with one aim in mind … to better equip you to serve our most important customer … the warfighter.

Special thanks to the PDI Working Group for planning an outstanding event and to PDI attendees for taking the time to participate. We’re already planning next year’s PDI and look forward to seeing you there!

Jeff Allen Director, DANTES

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