"Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism Bucharest - Romania
Editors: PhD Architect Angelica Stan, associate professor PhD Landscape Urbanist Ana Opris, assistant teacher IMUAU DANUrB team: PhD Landscape Urbanist Ana Opris, assistant teacher PhD Architect Mihaela Harmanescu, lecturer PhD Architect Maria Enache, associate professor PhD Landscape Urbanist Laura Tucan, assistant teacher PhD Student Landscape Urbanist Andreea Simion PhD Urbanist Andreea Acasandre, assistant teacher PhD Architect Maria Bostenaru Dan, researcher PhD Urbanist Sorin Manea, assistant teacher Workshop coordinators: PhD Architect Angelica Stan, associate professor PhD Architect Mihaela Negulescu, associate professor PhD Architect Cerasella Craciun, associate professor PhD Architect Gabriel Pascariu, associate professor PhD Architect Cristina Enache, associate professor PhD Architect Claudiu Runceanu, associate professor - Dean of Faculty of Urban Planning, IMUAU Students: Vladimir Bernicu Alina Bratu Emilian Calotă Mara Teodora Catargiu Valentin Clapan Alexandra Carla Cărămizaru Smaranda Centea Anca Constan Alexandru Ioan Damian Simona Dolana Andreea Dumitru Atena Gârjoabă
Daiana Ghintuială Larisa Cristina Gonțilă Elena Grigore Daiana Gușa Ștefania Holban Ilie Marius Mihai Mazga Monica Manuță Tiberiu Moise Laura Năsui Diana Neagu Mara Nicolaescu
Graphic design Ana Opris Publisher: © 2019 "Ion Mincu" University Publishing House Academiei Str.18-20, 010014, Bucharest, Romania | tel. +4021 3077 193 All rights reserved ISBN 978-606-638-184-0
Vlad Nour Teodora Maria Stoica Mihai Surdu Liviu Șanta Alina Ștefan Bianca Tița Loredana Andreea Trifan Anemona Untaru Ana Zarif Codruț Papina Ruxandra Pușcașu Răzvan Săvan
The DANUrB Project and the cooperation of ”Ion Mincu” Faculties of Urbanism and Architecture with Giurgiu Municipality
DANUrB project
”Danube Urban Brand: a regional network building through tourism and education to strengthen the Danube cultural identity and solidarity ”
For UAUIM, the partnership within the DANURB project is an opportunity to continue and intensify a tradition of academic cooperation with other universities and similar faculties inthe field of urbanism and architecture. The meetings, workshops and exchange of ideas and best practices that took place within DANUrB, both with project partners' universities - Budapest University of Technology and Economics (the lider of consortium), Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Vienna University of Technology, Danube University Krems, University of Belgrade, University of Novi Sad - as well as with other entities from the same team (research institutes and research centers, NGOs and municipalities) have proved to be extremely useful and interesting for both teachers and student teams involved.
The implementation of the UAUIM's partnership within the DANUrB project meant for the Faculty of Urban Planning a moment of synthesis, the accumulation of more results of some workshops, summer schools and projects previously carried out having as subject the city of Giurgiu. The choice of Giurgiu as a case study for urban and landscape planning and design projects is fully justified both by the advantageous position of the city near Capital Bucharest and by its true potential of development due to its location on the Danube and at regional scale (Muntenia), on the north-south axis Ploiesti – Bucharest-Giurgiu. Moreover, being a border town and in a very favorable and connected position with Ruse through the Friendship Bridge, Giurgiu is a strategic location on cross-border cooperation on the one hand, and on the other hand it offers the opportunity to think about the integration of the two banks of the Danube, as elements of a single entity.
At the same time, this project is a new way of creating a bridge between the theoretical and academic research carried out within UAUIM by specialized teams of urbanists, architects and landscape designers, and the practical, applicative, project-sensitive and reality- in the field and to the specificity of administration of each studied city.
The research carried out by the DANUrB team together with the students of the Faculty of Urbanism, having as case study Giurgiu City, revealed the possibility of the city development by strengthening on the valorization of its urban and landscape patrimony. The field analyzes and visits in Giurgiu have revealed not only a potential coming from its protected built heritage represented by monuments of architecture and Giurgiu fortress, but more, coming from the specific Danube landscape at the contact with the city (Mocanu Island, The Cama Canal, Veriga lake, the Groapa de Cenusa lake), as well as from the artefacts of former industries that activated here (e.g. the Sugar Factory).
The DANUrB project put a special emphasis on the involvement of stakeholders from the Danube towns - especially medium and small size towns, such as Giurgiu, Calafat, Calarasi and Tulcea in Romania- aiming at identifying the latent, unseen or ignored values of cultural heritage, related, generated or stimulated by the presence of Danube. Through the synergy between stakeholders' opinions and information, students' energy and creativity, and the methodological rigor imposed by team co-ordinators, a coherent and effective framework of knowledge is created, able of being further developed and applied.
The research was not limited to Giurgiu, but it was always considered for the development of the city, the cross-border cooperation with Ruse, the Bulgarian twin city, bound through the Friendship Bridge. A special attention was paid to the more detailed understanding of the position of the two cities within the studied region thas has 3 pairs of twin cities across Danube (Turnu Magurele & Nikopol, Giurgiu & Ruse and Calarasi & Silistra), among which Giurgiu & Ruse have a pivotal and systemic role, given not only the larger dimensions of the localities, but also the good road and railway connectivity across the Danube and the regional territory. In defining the objectives of this research, not only the conceptual and motodological framework offered by DANUrB has been important, but also the way in which Giurgiu city responded to this challenge. Thus, the research was substantially supported by the collaboration with Giurgiu City Hall and especially with the Mayor of the city and the Chief-Architect, their involvement in the project focusing at realistic goals and opening the communication with a larger number of stakeholders in the city, whose ideas and options could have been known.
Research background
Methodological framework
The European Constitution defines territorial cohesion as a competence shared between the Union and the Member States. The European Spatial Development Perspective's advocacy of polycentrism and how territorial cohesion has given new impetus to pursuing this agenda (Faludi, 2006). Latest EU documents focus on development opportunities to encourage cooperation and networking and also to pay attention to strengths of areas and to the more effective targeting of policy instruments. This relates to the Lisbon Strategy of turning Europe into the most competitive area of sustainable growth in the world to which territorial cohesion policy should contribute. The Lisbon Strategy comes through loud and clear in the third Cohesion Report. In addition to competitiveness, territorial cohesion relates to sustainability (including the prevention of natural risks).
In the research carried out within the project, several specific roles have been associated with different clusters of analysis on distinct themes: 1- territorial competitivity, 2- connectivity and mobility, 3identity & livability and 4- landscape & sustainability This methodology was useful in all phases of the project - from the analysis, to the identification and assesment of the elements that can be exploited, to mapping and synthesizing data in GIS, elaborating scenarios and proposal for distinct places choosen, and the strategic spatial development plan, at the inter-municipal scale. The research questions to be answered by this research are correlated with the 4 thematic clusters: · Question 1. What is the real potential for developing this microregion formed by the Giurgiu-Ruse town pair in relation to the processes of demographic decline and high unemployment that are registered? · Question 2. How can the potential connectivity elements of the city be exploited at regional and European level so that Giurgiu can become a tourist destination on the Danube? · Question 3. How can be transformed the identified problems of the built heritage into architectural and artistic potential to development, in order to enhance the city identity and livability of the urban life? · Question 4. On what elements of the tangible and intangible landscape could rely for a cultural strategy of Giurgiu, in order to creatively develop and promote new values and unexploited resources?
In a statement on territorial cohesion, the EU Commissioner Michel Barnier (Barnier, 2004) emphasizes that EU policy already embraces aspects of territorial cohesion, and then he outlines the new directions to this policy: · Exploiting opportunities, and not just addressing problems. · Encouraging cooperation and networking. · Building on existing strengths so as to improve the targeting of cohesion policy. · Ensuring the incorporation of the sustainability agenda, including addressing the issue of natural risks. · More coherence and coordination between regional and local policies. The Danube was the major element connecting cultures, commerce and allowing travel in the history of CCE. Today, the elements of culture and the built environment testifying these rich connections are present in all settlements by the Danube, but their communities are still isolated one from the other, not fostering a better cultural understanding between the different nationalities present in the region. The large capital cities by the Danube are preferred tourist destinations in themselves, and many tourists visit more than one of these in one journey (Vienna, Bratislava, and Budapest). However, these cities do not brand themselves together as one destination, nor do they have common strategy for waterfront development. Danube' cruises are the only successful tourism products connecting this outstanding chain of cities, but without a common strategy these work only by their isolated business models, insignificantly contributing to the economic and cultural cohesion. Between the “main cores” smaller towns benefit even less from their spatial-cultural position, these often have much less cultural and economic possibilities than large cities nearby. The limited development possibilities of “rural urban” areas along the Danube makes the sustainability of the region quite a big challenge.
The research in Giurgiu used qualitative methods to answer the research questions, and each cluster-work approaches a specific method for this. However, several guidelines have been established in addressing specific research methods and tools, these being correlated with the basic elements of the DANUrB study methodology: • Spatial exploration on research site (spatial research lab) • Use the appropriate scale of study according to the thematic purpose, and if necessary work simulationiously on a multiscale level • Work in mixed teams- students architects, planners, landscape planners • Exchange with external experts and stakeholders • Presentation and exchange of ideas • Iterative development processes including falsification and verification • Visualisation of informations (plans, maps) • Creation of a variety of concluding scenarios (testing ideas) • Multilingual approach • Multicode representation Besides this, during Giurgiu workshop, the teams of students and tutors have been invited and encouraged to develop creative tools and unnconventional methods as they need in order to atteind the seached answers.
The Bachelor Programme for Urban Design and Spatial Planning (UDSP) is one of the three bachelor programmes of the Faculty of Urban Planning in Bucharest. The duration of the programme is 4 years (8 semesters) and includes a large diversity of theoretical and practical activities, cumulating 240 ECTS. The programme represents the first stage of the tertiary education (ISCO 6) and provides a general professional background for future professionals in the field of urban and territorial planning. The graduates of the programme get a qualification and a diploma of urban planner (urbanist). A graduate of the programme can continue her / his tertiary education process by applying for one of the 6 master programmes (ISCO 7) provided by the faculty or applying for a master programme elsewhere. The programme includes a large number of disciplines with a theoretical and practical character, in a rather equal proportion aiming to provide a comprehensive knowledge and information about spatial planning and its related fields, so that the future professional can approach and solve a large range of problems going from local urban design to spatial planning at larger scales, from administrative and legal issues to research and development projects. Graduation exam includes 2 components: a theoretical one aiming to check the basic knowledge and information and a practical one aiming to verify the abilities of the student to express through graphic images a spatial situation and scenarios. By the end of the 4 years, the graduate gets competencies for research and analysis of evolutive processes of settlements and territories, of specific urban and territorial functions and activities and their trends and transformations, for making use of basic concepts, methods and legal provisions in the field of spatial planning and related fields (economic, social, environment, engineering etc.) in order to solve specific problems through urban and territorial plans and projects. As the programme includes activities related to architectural field, it provides competencies allowing the future graduate to practice architecture too at smaller scale. After graduation and a professional stage of 2 years, the graduate of the UDSP programme can get the right to coordinate and sign certain studies and categories of urban plans (zonal and detailed ones).
The first version of the current study program – Landscape Design and Planning – was found in 2002-2003. The educational program was formulated according to the expected learning outcomes, correspondig to the university qualification, as well as in accordance with the requirements of the European Council of Town Planners, Association of European Schools of Planning, International Federation of Landscape Architecture, European Council of Landscape Architecture Schools.
The study program of Landscape Design and Planning is managed by the Faculty of Urban Planning of the Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urbanism (IMUAU) and has 240+10 ECTS. The Bachelor Program curriculum is structured based on the Bologna Process and the European Higher Education Area – in modular system – aiming to ensure interdisciplinarity, thus providing the possibility of common competences of the study programmes of the faculty. The Landscape Design and Planning program covers the knowledge areas and the requirements outlined in the IFLA Charter on Landscape Architectural Education and the specific requirements of Romania's educational system. In the Faculty of Urbanism of IMUAU, the core competencies of Landscape Education associated to the professional specialization of landscape planner are obtained through the Bachelor's Degree. The program has 4 years of study, structured in 8 semesters, dedicated to the basic general knowledge (theory and design practice) interrelated with the courses of Faculty of Architecture. The study program curriculum includes courses and design activities which prepared the students and the future graduates for working in multidisciplinary teams, following the learning of the specific issues (landscape, environment, ecology, sustainability, demography, statistics, topography, technical and urban equipments, geographic informational systems, urban economics, sociology, urban law). At the same time, the educational curriculum reserves an important place for training in the fields of Architecture and Urban Planning, given that the Romanian tradition and the current trends involves the inter, multi and trans-disciplinary approach.
Within this project, students were invited to meet several objectives that come not only from the technical solution of a landscaping project in an urban context but, given the involvement of UAUIM in the European partnership of the INTERREG – DANUrB, they have the opportunity to respond to integrative objectives affirmed at European level, on the need to promote the cultural dimension of Danube towns and cities, their architectural and urban heritage, and to develop sustainable tourism into their territory. The City Park project is part of the general landscape study program applied to various urban landscape components, including the park as a functional, spatial, ecological and environmental one, as well as in terms of urban life, of the everyday incidence that such a place has on its users. The project aims to develop a landscape-thinking in order to deepen the basic concepts of landscape design to strengthen a correct relationship to the assessment of the urban development potential of a site and to link it to the green city system in its entirety. The theme also aims at completing a methodological approach of urban park conception and design, through a multi-scalar approach, starting from a macro-scalar level, investigating the potential of intervention due to the immediate context of the city (zonal) and then, detailing the internal composition and organization of the urban park itself. The Project of a City Park with a cultural profile located among Danube is offering the opportunity to connect the theoretical research axes of the DANUrB Project to the creativity of our academic environment. The students discover with a fresh view, analyze and develope with unconventional tools the Danube landscape and its related patrimony, the classified and promoted touristic objectives, part of the city identity, but then they go further, and bthe latent, ignored, hidden (green) heritage of Danube cities, using not only on data contained in documents and official plans, but also empirical data, direct observations on places and people. Students' proposals will consist of questionnaires and particular answers to the various issues identified - spatial, social, ecological and cultural - verifying that there is a landscape cultural potential that does not necessarily involve extensive gestures and major investments, but rather community spirit and adherence to some principles of urban life and culture.
The project aims at capitalizing the ruins of Ladislau Fortress located near the village Coronini, Mehedinti, by landscaping the entire area, opening to the Danube and creating a better accessibility from the existing routes. Starting from the history of this place and considering this fortress a part of an old, but strong, system of defence the project bring in front the potential that this places have to offer. In the analysis of the territory are shown all the features that enrich this therritory and that can be used to capitalizing the whole area of the “Clisura Dunarii” as part of the “Iron Gates” National Park. The location add potential to the project first because there is the largest point on the Danube and that offers unique views for visitors and second there is another reactivated old fortress named “Golubac Fortress” on the other side of Danube, in Serbia. One is located at the water level ( Golubac Fortress) and the other one is on top of the hill so they are in a strong visual relation. More than that Ladislau Fortess is the one that show you a large perspective of the territory due to its high position. Transformation of the former fortress into a tourist place was designed with care for the natural habitat, through a cultural park, combining medieval historical and archeological themes with sports and recreation. This reactivate an important point in the Danube landscape
"Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism Bucharest, Romania
Author: Alina ȘTEFAN Supervisor: Angelica STAN, Andreea SIMION Academic year: 2017/2018
The project is capitalizing on the industrial platform of the former sugar factory in Giurgiu, located near the Danube bank. The functional mix with an emphasis on creative and innovative industries, the recovery and conversion of several spectacular industrial constructions and equipment, the orientation towards the water landscape, the dynamism of the designed spaces - all these make this cultural, recreational and technological Park a future point reference in the city identity. The abandoned industrial heritage represent for the city new opportunities for growing green and healthy especially for Giurgiu city: this project is the first step for a stronger relation with the water river that it can benefit from. The design of the intervention take care the activities people needs: casual, optional and essential activities, which make the project to be a dynamic one. All the pieces of the old factory was integrated in the new design and make the best of it. The main building, also the one in the best condition, was transformed into a HUB with workshops, theaters, art space etc. with a very interesting architecture design. The space around this was designed to be very flexible in order to be a park for recreation as well as a space where a lot of different events can be organized. In the structure of the factory there was some pieces that was kept just for the image they reveal such as the rail train or the shell of the containers. Another important thing that was followed within this project was the silhouette that this place reveal in relation with the city and the river.
"Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism Bucharest, Romania
Author: CodruČ› PAPINA Supervisor: Angelica STAN, Andreea SIMION Academic year: 2017/2018
The project aims at a complex and concentrated intervention on the public spaces in the historical center of Giurgiu, in order to emphasize the remarkable urban and architectural elements and to strengthen the historical, emblematic urban fabric orientation towards Danube. Also, through the diversity of the proposed activities related to the landscaping interventions aims to reactivate the public space and to guide to a re-appropriation by its citizens. This project starts at a bigger scale where was analyzed the trams of the cities located on the Danube course in order to identify different typologies. The analyze show that there are cities which start their development in a very close relation with the water like Giurgiu which reveal a radial concentric tram. An other interesting thing discovered is that Giurgiu is also a part of a twin set cities, with Ruse, and that makes to be a very important point along the Danube. In order to emphasize the green and cultural system of the urban landscape of Danube this project paid attention to the main avenue of Giurgiu city which also represent part of the route from Bucharest to Danube riverfront. Having the role of a Cardo, in the ancient roman cities, this street is reactivated within this project in order to return to its dynamics and reborn in the memory of the citizens. For that the project aims to have a well mixed and organized activities that catch a lot of users in an integrated green system, in the core of the city, and put the accent on the public space for making it more friendly both people and environment.
"Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism Bucharest, Romania
Author: Anca COSTAN Supervisor: Angelica STAN, Andreea SIMION Academic year: 2017/2018
A long time ago, the city of Călărași was tightly connected to the Danube thanks to the ports of its industrial sites. Unfortunately, today, as the industrial sites have been decommissioned or barely used, there are approximately 300 hectares of unused land in close connection to the Danube. Unlike most post-industrial sites, the site in Călărași is hiding a positive ecological dimension. Once buried by vegetation, the site was colonized by various plants and birds and its micro-climate started to slowly regenerate. The aim of this project is to capitalize the privileged position of Călărași along the Danube and bring back nature to the city using nature-based solutions and an ecological and all-encompassing approach which will elevate the attractiveness of the city. First of all, the project reinvents the existing resources of the site and the place's distinctive atmosphere and identity. The water canals, the farmland, the community gardens, local traditions, and customs are integrated into the design process. The park is thought to work like a mechanism: each part of the mechanism represents a center of interest and there is a constant transfer of goods and information between them. Consequentially, distinct routes are created to meet the needs of various population groups.
"Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism Bucharest, Romania
Author: Monica Gabriela AMUZA Supervisor: Angelica STAN, Alexandra COLȚOȘ, Raluca DUICĂ, Sorina RUSU Academic year: 2018/2019
The mechanism builds upon the existing agrarian landscape and heritage, therefore it aims to promote urban agriculture and to provide recreation and prosperity. Over time, a community can be born because the responsibility to care for a land creates a sense of place and identity. The core of the agro-park houses, among others, community gardens, an agriculture and rural heritage museum, a local market where the park's goods can be turned into profit and a wetland. The park allows people to roam freely around rice fields, forests and thematic gardens. Playgrounds, an equitation club and a labyrinth also provide recreation. Lastly, the water promenade is the place where people can take a Danube river cruise and discover the wildlife. Beyond the park function, the project initiates the economic development of the city and allows nature to reconcile with the city.
Located in the southwestern side of Călărași city, on the border of the siderurgical channel connected with the Danube, the site represents an interference area between the urbanized tissue and the wild nature. In order to obtain a balance, the place of metamorphosis between nature and anthropic element requires a good management. The urban park proposal aims to strengthen the relationship between the site, the city and the Danube and also to conserve existing ecosystems and resources. Resulting from extensive research in biology, the concept combines the plant cell (the nature) with the animal cell (the human), establishing relations of interdependence and symbiosis. The result represents a hybrid cell that combines the components of both types of cells. Thus, the site becomes a place of mediation, a quasi-natural space that makes the transition between the two areas with different characters. Urban activities and dynamics are combined with the tranquility, diversity and multitude of nature resources, harmonizing with the background of their sustainable use. The design enhances the visitor's experience by appearing as natural as possible.
"Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism Bucharest, Romania
Author: Diana NEAGU Supervisor: Angelica STAN, Alexandra COLȚOȘ, Raluca DUICĂ, Sorina RUSU Academic year: 2018/2019
Comparing with the components of the hybrid cell, the cell wall is represented in reality by a layer of vegetation and a water channel that protects and delimits the park. The nucleus corresponds to the community center, the activity area with educational and cultural spaces. Keeping the tendency of existing community gardens, the new Ecovillage can be compared with the vacuole. Near the channel, the wetland with water mirrors and lacustrine vegetation may be associated with the endoplasmic reticulum. Concerning the chloroplasts, they are represented by vegetal massifs, nurseries, thematic gardens, orchards, agricultural fields and landscapings. For a panoramic view, the park offers observation towers, like ribosomes of the cell. All areas and points of interest are interconnected through a road network, represented at cellular level by the Golgi apparatus. The name of morphobiotic park combines “morpho” - “shape” or “structure”, with “bios” – “related to life”, suggesting the link between life, as urban life and living nature, and the structure of activities, the shape in which they are designed to function.
Industry meant for most cities a trigger for a fast development. At the moment, most of industrial sites along Danube are disused or very slightly used. They represent an important resource of land and has, as an advantage, a high territorial accessibility and a close connection with Danube. The Landscape Park DIGITAL DANUBE Giurgiu Romania was created in order to give a new ecological, economic, social and cultural impulse to the old port industrial area through this restructuring project. The blue thread of this restructuring project was the Danube river, so the relation between the park and its neighbourhood is carried out in the North, using the natural element present on the “Veriga Lake” site with the opposite bank of the Plants Channel through the channel's extension along the main path, in the East with the help of a meso-territorial concept, in which is provided a green axis that ties the green areas of the city, in the South through the reactivation of the former railway destined to a visiting circuit of the park and of the area in the South of the site, in which is reactivated the port of Giurgiu tied to Danube in a meso-territorial concept, in the West, the connection is made with the help of the major natural element present on the site, Veriga Lake – Groapa de Cenuşă Lake.
"Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism Bucharest, Romania
Author: Tiberiu MOISE Supervisor: Angelica STAN, Alexandra COLȚOȘ, Raluca DUICĂ, Sorina RUSU Academic year: 2018/2019
The park has an area of 70 hectares and is located on the premises on which an industrial area was located once. This property has been transformed into a large, cohesive landscape zone in which a large part of the original industrial buildings was incorporated, therefore the zone is converted in a place destined for the creative industry that reactivates the industrial history with information about past and present. This area includes creation workshops for the steel processing, creating a relation with the site's neighbourhood (in proximity to the steel factory), community gardens that help to the enhancement of the community, a hub in which creative and recreational activities take place and a themed garden, in which the transplanted flora from the specific areas of the Danube can be found. The concept of the project presents 5 circuits that go through the park by different ways: pedestrian, by bike, aerial (adventure park), dynamic (aintball) and railway.Visitors can design a route of their choice through the park with the help of information columns and of mobile phones by scanning the QR code, which can be found to the entrance of the park at the information point. Dynamism is made through a mix of operations that draw various flows. These operations present regular or/and periodic (events, concerts, fairs) activities. This proposal implies a balanced distribution of activities, reactivating the local identity using technology.
LANDSCAPE AND TERRITORY Master's Degree Programme 2 years, 120 ECTS Credits
The main objective of the "Landscape and Territory" Masteral Program, is to give an integrated transdisciplinary specialization, in the quasi- / semi-natural landscape, anthropic / built landscape (architectural, urban, territorial) and cultural landscape at different scales of approach (macro-, mezzo-territorial and / or details). The program discuss issues and landscape specifics elements (protected, agricultural, rural, coastal, industrial, archeological, functional areas or infrastructure, cultural material, oral and immaterial, etc.) in order to identify the key issues, guidance on the potential for assessment, development, conversion, recovery and protection, including on common landscape issues, environmental protection and spatial, regional, territorial, national and / or crossborder development. In accordance with the European Landscape Convention, the Master Program provides a knowledge base necessary for projects, studies and research, specific methods and methodologies for protecting and preserving landscaping objectives, its sensitive analysis, landscape perception, evaluation and also different experiences with the implementation strategies, policies and specific territorial planning tools. Research and design themes offer the opportunity to learn, analyze, evaluate, think, plan, design, protect, preserve and develop of the resiliently and sustainable landscapes, anthropic and cultural landscapes or mezzo-/macro- territorial landscapes, for the 21st century. In order to form graduates in transdisciplinary integrated specialties, we build multidisciplinary teams for European research and projects, the two-year program of the "Landscape and Territory" Master, in complex projects, in accordance with the "Knowledge Society" not only to the graduates of landscape architecture, urbanism and architecture, but also to the following categories of graduates: ecology and environment, environmental economics, political sciences and public administration, history, anthropology, ethnography, forestry and horticulture, construction, geography, sociology, psychology, management, marketing, journalism, communication.
The projects concerned the research of the relationship between the Territory and the Landscape in all its components (semi / quasinatural, anthropic / built and cultural), on a wider territory with a particular valency of landscape, respectively the border territory afferent to the Danube, in the county Giurgiu (Romania) / Ruse (Bulgaria), a research theme chosen by the master student, which can fit into the proposed topic, in agreement with the guidance team. The study is carried out in two years, from the transition from projects that approach the large macro-territorial scale, to the scale of the mezzo-landscape, but also the landscape details, with particular importance in the respective context. The study mainly focuses on sensitive landscape reading and comprehensive and complex-integrated understanding of the landscape, including its spatial, ecological, historical evolving, technical, environmental and cultural aspects. Also, considering the interdisciplinary side of Landscape, the project will focus not only on landscape analysis and the proposal of feasible spatial solutions, but also on the analysis and interpretation of data taking into account the environmental, ecological and resilient, social, economic, mobility and transport, legislative framework, etc. (based on sector-specific analysis tools). The subject of the theoretically research, will be chosen in such a way as to subsequently substantiate scientifically and methodologically the practical / applied proposals on a real site studied. Thus, the research will be followed by an applied project and will follow three stages in successive steps: research of complex landscape issues, professional practice and final dissertation project.
In a world where we turn our backs on all the natural elements of the earth and embrace the technology and all which is manmade, can we live balanced? The answer to this question was materialized throughout this project and consists of the idea of creating a sustainable pilot complex structure and system on the Danube that embraces the principles of sustainable development. The longitudinal arrangement of the city on the Danube allows for a good relationship both with the natural elements and with the city of Ruse. In this way, cross-border cooperation will be encouraged, and proposed elements can get dynamic grades. The strategy drafts a city composed of megastructures in order to increase the percentage of green spaces to the maximum without diminishing the number of activities undertaken within a city. Activities are also undergroud, activities that do not require light: theater, cultural activities, laser tag, etc. Water plays an important role the plants development, which is why the strategy encourages the natural development of green areas in order to preserve elements of old tissue and to combine them with proposed futuristic structures.
"Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism Bucharest, Romania
Author: Vladimir BERNICU Supervisor: Mihaela HĂRMĂNESCU, Ana OPRIȘ, Andrada EFTIME, Ioana PÎNZARU Academic year: 2017/2018
The strategy is concretized in three sequences with different characters. The first sequence has recreational / sporting and living destination, the second sequence has a predominantly productive and loisir function, and the last sequence is the island with underground recreational, cultural, production and tourism activities. At ground level there are activities that do not require natural light for better development: theater, cultural activities, opera etc. Thus, each area combines two dominant functions that complement the adjacent activities, which do increases the attractiveness of each segment throughout it's synergical relation. The concepts used were to use all levels: overground, teranic and underground; use of all existing resources (waters, winds, lands); developing the concept of city of welfare; building in direct relationship with futuristic technology and, last but not least, the creation of new landscape typologies. In conclusion, the project sustains a utopian vision on the development strategy of the Danube River, which integrates a high percentage of vegetation on the ground through suspended gardens, floating gardens and classical gardens. This futuristic alternative can adapt to its space for a significant increase in green area, in a future where it risks not finding its place at ground level.
STARTING THE RESHAPING OF DANUBE'S SHORES BY REDIRECTING PEDESTRIANS FLOWS "Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism Bucharest, Romania
Author: Atena GÂRJOABĂ Supervisor: Mihaela HĂRMĂNESCU, Ana OPRIȘ, Andrada EFTIME, Ioana PÎNZARU Academic year: 2017/2018
Giurgiu's southern area, the one which is tangent to the water, is underdeveloped and the activities here are largely industrial. The present project proposes to stimulate this area by redirecting the flow of pedestrians to the Danube's shore and by increasing the attractiveness from a functional point of view. The studied area extends along the main axis of the city (Boulevard Bucuresti), which connects the main access to the city from Bucharest and the Danube. It also analyzes the artery parallel to the main one located in the west and the terrain resources (potential or current) linking the axes. The masterplan of the Giurgiu-Ruse Euroregion in this area proposes a variety of activities, including the southern area of the Plant Canal and different types of green spaces - a potential green system at the city level. The concept, depending on the potentials of the studied area, the dysfunctions and the types of pedestrian flows related to the field resources, different sequences were defined within the route. For each sequence, there were proposed activities compatible with the respective segment, and for their tangent points, landmarks marking the shift from one sequence to another. At the same time in terms of urban planning regulations the sequences are divided into territorial units each with it's own regulations, with the role of activating the two axes by the type of arrangement of functions and by creating a system of coherent green spaces. These ways of arranging activities, which are links between the two routes, are designed so that the flow from the secondary axis (the one west of Bucharest Boulevard) is redirected to the main axis and finally to the Danube. The proposed planting strategy aims at marking the defining elements for the sequences and the transitions between them. As such, the segments are marked by color, different silhouette and height of the vegetation. The chosen species have the role of highlighting the area throughout the seasons. In the warm season this marking is made especially by the red chromatic vegetation, and in the cold season by conifers and by ornamental yellow chromatic herbs. In conclusion, the project highlights both the importance of the infrastructure at a macro scale and the stimulation of the southern part of the city, which currently ignore its main natural element in the vicinity – the Danube.
The study area focused on the developed vision on the port of the city of Giurgiu, a city tangent to the Danube River. The strategy has pursued a development that targets both the environmental, the social and the economic environment, which leads to the integration of both : macro-territorial level and at the micro level. For the strategy to be put into practice, and for ease of understanding, six steps have been drawn. The first step is to capitalize on the cross-border collaboration between Bulgaria and Romania which has an important role both at national level and in tourism strategies. Thus, the reconfiguration of the bridge connecting with the city of Ruse is a priority. In this way, the access gateway in the country will be capitalized with a strong tourist and green character, being on the side of the Danube river which will be a constituent axis of the two cities. A second step of the strategy refers to protecting and developing the potential of the Danube shore, and the third is aimed at developing tourism. The fourth step of the strategy, is to increase the accessibility through the development of railways which are expected to pump up the inter-city connectivity resulting in an economic growth of the city.
"Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism Bucharest, Romania
Author: Bianca TIȚA Supervisor: Mihaela HĂRMĂNESCU, Ana OPRIȘ, Andrada EFTIME, Ioana PÎNZARU Academic year: 2017/2018
The fifth step ,brings to the commercial port area, the necessary expansion and modernization. Thus, the productive area is proposed as the non-poluting area in order to be in harmony with the adjacent functions. This port supports the area economically, and there are also offices in which various services can be carried out. The landscape approach regarding the surrounding area, spare time spaces and multifunctional areas, help define a unique character. The sixth step follows the development of sports and leisure activities that complement the tourist development of the area. Within the island, there are areas where aquatic sports can be held via targeted wind curents, wind which is needed in some more extravagand sports like kiteboaring, yachting, windsurfing etc.. Port areas have different destinations depending on their location; there are marinas and cargo stations that connect the city center with the port area activities. In conclusion, as a result of the strategy, Giurgiu city would develop in a planned manner and thus will be able to fully exploit all the natural resources that this area benefits, playing an important strategic role in the territorial sacrament.
"Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism Bucharest, Romania
Author: Oana DRAGHICI Supervisor: Mihaela HĂRMĂNESCU, Ana OPRIȘ, Andrada EFTIME, Ioana PÎNZARU Academic year: 2017/2018
The Phoenix Megastructure is a utopian solution brought by the damaged caused by the Third World War that has decimated the population. Due to the nuclear weapons that have been used, the soil became infertile and the water and air were highly polluted. The very first Phoenix Megastructure appeared both as concept and construction based on the initiative of a scientist in Giurgiu, Romania and was placed in one of the remaining craters after World War Tree. Precursors were the following structures what spread throughout the world. Nowadays, humanity has reached a Universal Peace. Although borders no longer exist, traditions were kept and respected in each region on earth. People now live in these Megastructures, while the remaining old cities have been restored and only serve for commercial or cultural purposes. In a few decades nature has taken control and brought balance. The Phoenix Megastructures and the strong healthy vegetation have purified the water, soil and air. In this time, only temporary new constructions are permitted on the old lands. The soil is occupied mainly by vegetation (the remanence combined with new strong species) and crops. Long and short distances are undertaken through suspended highspeed train lines, while underneath we have green pedestrian areas. The ground is now used solely for pedestrian traffic and in some cases, old train lines are used for old city tours. In some cases, such as Giurgiu, traffic by means of water is also suitable sustained by Agriculture and Tourism. The proposed land allocation solution involved integrating the revived lands and megastructures in harmony. The main areas in Giurgiu are based on: Agriculture, Tourism and Science. The main areas were conceived such that they may function based on their profile and also communicate in a stable system through vegetation. The special crops are used both for export and scientific reasons and spread worldwide through the "Blue Axis". Due to its main historic value and various scientific conferences, the system perfectly integrates the touristic area.
The project area includes the center of Giurgiu with the decommissioned industrial zone between the Cama Canal and the Danube and the center of Ruse. In the existing situation there is a lack of connection between the two shores of the Danube, the median area between the two city centers being devoid of activities, but with a high potential for development. The project aims at creating a link between city centers by forming a multifunctional nucleus instead of the decommissioned industrial area. The first steps in achieving this link are the homogenization of the urban weaving of the center of Giurgiu, the revitalization and proper arrangement of the two shores of the Cama Canal through pedestrian and velo, pontoons, mixed vegetation and sports activities. Strengthening the axis of connection between the two points of interest through a bridge over the Danube that includes besides the road and pedestrian space, velo route and inserts of green spaces with a role of belvedere. For a favorable perspective, a high landmark is proposed on the shore of the Ruse city. Following the proposal of a connection canal between the Cama Canal and the Danube River with pedestrian bridges, water banks layout and the doubling of the main axis with a green one, linking important areas of activities. This creates favorable views, arranges the shores of Lake Veriga and introduces mobile pontoons.
"Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism Bucharest, Romania
Author: Mara NICOLESCU Supervisor: Mihaela HĂRMĂNESCU, Ana OPRIȘ, Andrada EFTIME, Ioana PÎNZARU Academic year: 2017/2018
By proposing urban forests and thematic green spaces, the percentage of vegetation increases considerably, putting in value newly built sustainable areas through verandas and vertical gardens. These buildings are linked by a pedestrian walkway to the upper levels and footpaths and velo to the ground. The second sub-area, the eastern part, includes only cultural, relaxation and docking activities for tourists. These proposals aim at increasing accessibility between the two cities, increasing attractiveness and tourism, making full use of the potential of the tangent to the Danube.
The studied area is located in the S-V of Giurgiu city, it is crossed by the Canal of Plants, which connects the area with the Danube river, and in the south it has a direct opening to the Danube. The area is distinguished by four large sub-areas: the agricultural one (out of town), the industrial one (in the northern part of the studied area), the railway (parallel to the Canal of the Plants) and the naval- industrial one (opened to the Danube river). The concept is based on the idea of REBORNE, by using all available methods and resources, so that the area can reintegrate in the city or even become a core of its development. The development strategy of the area has a utopian character due to the need of adaptation of the area to the new environmental conditions. Starting from the idea of a "different plantation", in the most heavily contaminated area, a large research center in the field of agriculture, airfields and an agro-tourism area with ultra-modern planting systems is being created.
"Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism Bucharest, Romania
Author: Daiana GUȘĂ Supervisor: Mihaela HĂRMĂNESCU, Ana OPRIȘ, Andrada EFTIME, Ioana PÎNZARU Academic year: 2017/2018
Even though the soil can not be used and is in a continuous process of greening, the water has been cleansed much faster and is used in cultivation processes, and even it is developing in the area a hydroponic plantation center. The new planting systems are carried out in air or water, on stepped structures or rotating platforms (depending on the light requirement) and they operate without soil and 95 % less water than traditional agriculture. The entire area is structured in 10 sub-zones with complementary functions, namely: research centers with experimental crop area, biodynamic crops, hydroponic culture, agro-tourist center, tourist harbor, adventure park, promenade area, the existent living area but readjusted and the new living area for researchers and workers in newly created centers, all of which are closely linked and function as a well-related system between itself and the surrounding functions. The entire arrangement can be considered a city in the city, a single area can not function independently of the city, but as an integral part of it. The result of the arrangement is intented to be the starting point for the development of the city and also the distinctive character of the city.
As a part of our 2018 masters program, project we present the new and exciting strategy for urban development for the Romanian city, Giurgiu. Giurgiu is a city in southern Romania, It is situated on the left bank of the Danube facing the Bulgarian city of Ruse on the opposite bank. Three small islands face the city, and a larger one shelters its port, Smarda, making the core of our strategy. Our concept starts with fortifying the relations with the right bank of Bulgaria, both visible and as of terms of planning the city. In to do so we developed 3 areas with cultural activities commemorating the city and it's relations with the macro landscape. The 12 squarekilometer Island in the heart of Giurgiu inner harbor front, and also the home of the international naval port. Despite the prime location, the extension of the city is the last undeveloped quay along Giurgiu's inner waterfront. The proposal integrates a network structure of 'connectors' and 'collectors' to improve the waterfront's physical and social resilience. The recharged streets, creeks and enhanced ferry network are the 'connectors' that will become new slow and safe movement corridors to the points of collection, including adaptive open spaces that will socially recharge the area as a place for everyday gathering and civic celebration that can also provide the vital space needed for disaster assembly.
"Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism Bucharest, Romania
The proposal builds on the provisional urban life that is already on the island and proposes to replace the existing old warehouses with new and exciting public spaces , public functions such as an event hall, a gallery hall, and a cultural hub divided in 3 major places, a business center and two thematic parks. Also to increase the practicability and chaining the city with other competitive city on the Danube river commercial use will be placed in the middle of the area, which encircles a green and intimate spaces. The whole island will be flanked by a public promenade.
Author: Răzvan SĂVAN , Liviu Șanta & Anemona UNTARU Supervisor: Mihaela HĂRMĂNESCU, Ana OPRIȘ, In conclusion, the strategy wants activation of the front to water and connecting the central area with the port and the Danube. The Andrada EFTIME, Ioana PÎNZARU study area will become a pole of international attraction for tourists Academic year: 2017/2018 and an economic engine for Giurgiu.
The city of Giurgiu is situated in the southern part of Romania, being defined by the border between the city and Ruse. With the advent of the industrial revolution, Giurgiu experienced an exponential growth, but by the end of the 90's, the city's industry began to decline, Giurgiu being now classified as a shrinking city. On the Bucharest-Giurgiu axis, there is the Comana Natural Park, representing a lever of development that should be integrated into the strategy that concerns the development of the BucharestComana-Giurgiu axis. At a simple planimetric look, it is easy to see that the city of Giurgiu is developed perpendicularly on the Danube, while Ruse has developed approximately parallel. In order to better understand the context and what is currently assumed by Girgiu, an inventory of its defining elements is necessary. Among the defining elements there are the currently inoperative industries, the history of Giurgiu as a naval port, the cross-border relationship with Bulgaria, proximity to the capital and, last but not least, the great opening to the Danube River. The evolution in time of the city of Giurgiu can be divided into three major stages. The first stage is linked to the central area of the city, the area developed between 1400 and 1930, the second major stage is the evolution between the years 1930 and 1989 and the last and the third stage are the new enlargements that took place at the moment. It can be noticed that the initial tendency was to develop along the channels, while lately the development was focused on the major traffic routes leading to Bucharest and Alexandria.
"Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism Bucharest, Romania
Author: Vladimir BERNICU, Atena GÂRJOABĂ Liviu ȘANTA & Bianca TIȚA Supervisor: Mihaela HĂRMĂNESCU, Ana OPRIȘ, Andrada EFTIME, Ioana PÎNZARU Academic year: 2017/2018
It is possible to observe a clear relationship of the Danube in relation to study areas. Like the city of Giurgiu, the study area is also in a "rejection" state with the Danube, any potential interest being blocked at the moment. Another element defining the area is the docking port, space which is to be assigned as the assembly element of the proposal. The distinctive elements identified are : the diversity of natural wildlife and vegetation, the harbor area, the Danube and the ruins of the fortress. In conclusion, Giurgiu is one of the cities that benefit from a developed infrastructure, special elements of natural wildlife and vegetation and an optimistic possibility to establish relations with the city of Ruse and to strengthen the relationship with Bucharest.
In order to capitalize the good location of the land at the macroterritorial level, but also to exploit the economic potential of the area, the proposal of a fun park at the border of two countries seems to be the solution. This facilitates accessibility from several directions. Besides Romania and Bulgaria, which benefit directly from the proposed recreational pole, the opening to the Danube river is another major advantage that can be enjoyed. First of all the opening to the river offers a much more favorable landscape and the possibility of scenographic modeling of the land through vegetation and elements of the natural framework that the area already benefits from, and secondly the proposed docking area allows an increase in tourism. The amusement park features significant vegetal elements materialized in thematic gardens and vegetation with spectacular color during the summer, which increases the visual attractiveness of the area. Also the areas where the carousels are proposed are on different difficulty levels and are intended for different age categories. Thus, the park proposed is intended to satisfy the population regardless of the age segment they belong to.
"Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism Bucharest, Romania
Author: Bianca TIȚA Supervisor: Mihaela HĂRMĂNESCU, Ana OPRIȘ, Andrada EFTIME, Ioana PÎNZARU Academic year: 2017/2018
The main scroll route is marked by groups of three representative trees through coloring that play a space-guiding role; the trees with spectacular chromatics are also located in the access areas. Areas of massive vegetation are located in such a way as to help guide prospects to the areas of interest proposed; doubled by regulated visibility gauge. In order to take advantage of the pinnacle offered by the water relationship, a public dining area (restaurant) is placed on the water, having an architecture that relates to the elements of the natural frame. The route on the Danube shore connects all the points proposed and offers spectacular views of the landscape. In conclusion, the proposal of a theme park in Giurgiu, on the Danube, presents a number of benefits both for the economic and the image of the city, by increasing its competitiveness. Making cooperation with the Ruse region in Bulgaria is another important strategic point that can be achieved through the implementation of such a project.
Compared with the city of Ruse, which develops taking advantage of its tangent to the Danube, Giurgiu seems to have completely ignored this natural element and developed radially. The southern part of Giurgiu is segregated by the city through the Canal of Plants. Until now, only industrial and harbor activities have developed here, although no taxes are charged on most of the area. The study area is represented by the former shipyard, on which the industrial and storage activities are carried out, and the Veriga basin. This area is privileged in terms of accessibility, the connection with the central part of Giurgiu being made by the Bizetz Bridge in the north. This project details the eastern part of the Veriga basin and the tangent spaces. The main functions proposed were especially designed to increase the attractiveness both locally and from the city of Ruse, as well as Bucharest and internationally by the possibility of docking cruise ships (the Veriga basin being a resource in this sense). Thus, green spaces and cultural activities were proposed, and most of the land will be occupied by a theme park. The general concept applied at the level of the entire arrangement (the shipyard) was the dispersion of light. The study area is a represented by the prism, the white light being the Danube, and the resulting colors are the activities generated. At the level of detail (the facilities presented in the present project) a single "color" was elaborated - the technological part aimed at incorporating augmented reality in the proposal.
"Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism Bucharest, Romania
Author: Atena GÂRJOABĂ Supervisor: Mihaela HĂRMĂNESCU, Ana OPRIȘ, Andrada EFTIME, Ioana PÎNZARU Academic year: 2017/2018
Thus, in the area, a route can be created that can be visited in two realities: the real one and the augmented one. Within the augmented route, ideal for all ages, visitors find important aspects of the Giurgiu town from a historical point of view of the flora and fauna specific to the city and of the main national or internationally known personalities coming from the area. In conclusion, the proposed arrangement has the potential for attractiveness through its innovative character, using modern technology, illustrating in an interactive way the most important things about the city both presently and in the past.
The proposal consists of building a Nautic Park on land with special features and tangent to the Danube. The project aims activation zone, recovery and protection of the natural environment through interventions that preserve as much of the existing vegetation. Basically arrangement had the inspiration to protect vegetation and building a great value to fit Nautic Park and preserving the port city of Giurgiu. The lanscape design is designed for proper lovers of water sports and offers a variety of activities for leisure. The landscape design is provided with a large promenade area that facilitates access and direct flows travel to central catchment area – Pavilion Nautic interactive / initiation. Nautic Park has increased accessibility, as it is equipped with bike lanes all over, ensure the number of parking spaces for a large number of visitors and also provides access to the water by the dock. Regarding zoning functional, the park is equipped with green spaces in the area for walking and recreational areas Urban Beach green spaces to protect the watercourse profile prevailed for walking and recreation, and areas of activities: waterball and scuba diving, water sports, bungee jumping and flying fox area. In this area they used cranes to post installation to achieve two zip line over water and allow access from one bank to another. Nautic Park is equipped with an area with amenities and cultural activities, representative and events, but also a exhibition area and fishing. In conclusion Nautic Park has a high accessibility, has a diveristate activities for all ages, and the proposal fits into the character of the port city of Giurgiu.
"Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism Bucharest, Romania
Author: Anemona UNTARU Supervisor: Mihaela HĂRMĂNESCU, Ana OPRIȘ, Andrada EFTIME, Ioana PÎNZARU Academic year: 2017/2018
The project means to play around with geometric shapes in such a way to instil a feeling of warmth towards its visitors. There is fun to be had in geometry and that is exactly what this parc tries to prove. From the starting area of the park until its very end you will find playfull and intresting shapes on each step of the way. The geometric shapes are complimented with an arrey of colorful vegetation that can liven your step even on the most harshest of weathers. The “Pièce De Résistance” of the park is the pontoon area that is devided in three separate areas. The first one and the most important one is the one located on the interior lake. This pontoon is made on top of the existing ship wreks, using them as a main structure. The diferent hights of the structure makes it so the whole entirety of the park can be visible from this point. The other two pontoons, situated in most southers part of the park, are created in such a way that they are contraty to one another but still complement each other. One of them is made from natural materials such as wood and twigs in order to represent a more classical perspective of the Danube river. The other one is composed of more “artificial” materials and offers a modern twist to the viewing area . The central area of the park hosts the main arbor (Quercus Rubra) which is situated in the main plaza of the composition. From here the trails branch out to every area of the parc.
"Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism Bucharest, Romania
Author: Liviu ȘANTA Supervisor: Mihaela HĂRMĂNESCU, Ana OPRIȘ, Andrada EFTIME, Ioana PÎNZARU Academic year: 2017/2018
It intended purpose is to create a cozy evironment to spend time in order to attract visitors and at the same time have anough activities to keep things interesting. In conclusion the composition of the parc is playfull yet still controlled in such a manner that it compliments very well the Danube river.
ADDITION &TRANSFORMATION OF URBAN MORPHOLOGY TYPOLOGIES FOR A RESILIENT CITY "Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism Bucharest, Romania
Author: Monica MĂNUȚĂ Supervisor: Cerasella CRĂCIUN, Angelica STAN, Mihaela HĂRMĂNESCU, Sorina RUSU, Irina CIOANGHER Academic year: 2017/2018 [dissertation research project]
In order to cope with the challenges posed by the evolution of social, technological and environmental factors of the 21st century, urban planning must continually find ways to adapt to emerging issues as time is evolving. This is impossible without a revision of essential concepts that imply the sustainable development of cities and urban planning. The research aims to study the development of urban morphotypologies for cities located along the Danube, from both comparative and qualitative perspectives. Starting from the idea of the cities seen as complex, hierarchical systems, the theoretical subject will be based on the analysis of the methods by which the forms adapted to the existing tissue can be generated, applied at different scales, macro (cities developed along the Danube or inside of the country, or outside of it), mezzo (Giurgiu city) and micro (details of the interview in Giurgiu). The main problem to be solved through this project is the lack of integration of the new interventions developed over time in the existing context, which caused a difference in the scale and the use of the functional spaces of the city. The paper wishes to discuss precisely this direction of adapting new interventions to existing tissue.
Author: Andreea DUMITRU Supervisor: Cerasella CRĂCIUN, Angelica STAN, Mihaela HĂRMĂNESCU, Sorina RUSU, Irina CIOANGHER Academic year: 2017/2018 [dissertation research project]
The study aims to analyse the cross-border area and its landscape from two different perspectives that highlight the issue of crossborder landscape development in the Twin City concept, by blurring administrative barriers and spatial perceptions. Thus, the analysis of the cross-border landscape will be made from several perspectives, including the two cities as a whole, but also the perspective on them from the Danube and the mutual perspective. The main objective of this research is cooperation and cross-border collaboration between the two twin cities along the Danube river, for the purpose of territorial development. Other secondary objectives aim to create strategies, programs and projects to support city development, redevelop the Danube banks adjacent to each country, strengthen connections by creating pedestrian and cycling links between the two cities, and create social communication programs, integration and joint participation in various events to bring communities closer together. The border area is defined as a limit, whether natural or conventional, which divides the territories of some states. The idea of limit in the definition of the border comes from the necessity of framing the territory that the country possesses, establishing boundaries (borders) to the zones of meeting with the territories of the neighboring countries, thus shaping their space and their own identity. Currently, Giurgiu and Ruse are the actors of many common strategies that concern both the Danube area and other areas and elements that support the development, following both common plans aimed primarily at strengthening cooperation and development, as well as plans regarding European development, across the Union. This project proposes new strategies at various territorial scales that strengthen the idea of Twin Cities, help the balanced and harmonious development of the cities and communities, and create new ways of connecting both the symbolic and the space between the two cities and the two countries along the Danube. This proposal aimed to develop a pilot project that exploits the development potential and resources of each city, taking into account the common development and the creation of connections at both strategic and spatial, community and symbolic levels, supporting the idea of Twin Cities. What is highlighted in this paper is the need to overcome the administrative barriers in the case of cities that can develop better together and the need to direct our attention to a wider, cross-border territory for balanced and harmonious development at all scales using valuable local elements, increasing the quality.
Danubes’ natural landscape is preponderantly composed of islands, embodying the allegory of sanctuary, privileged and isolated, symbol encountered also in archetypal gardens design. Functionally, the island is an oasis among the water, used for meditation, refuge and recreation. The aim of the research is to assess the landscape of the Danube islands through scenarios and development strategies, emphasizing the spontaneous natural character and the forest landscape dominant on this islands. The methodology of the study is based on research recording through a detailed analysis resulting from the assembly and interpretation of obtained information, reaching all three territorial dimensions: macro, mezzo and micro. The study is based on the understanding of the island as a integral element of the river and its relations to the territory. This results will allow the assessment and development of the islands within a strategy and programs aimed at revitalizing the islands and sustain economic growth by creating protective areas for natural habitats and development areas for human activities. At the end of the study the relationship between the Danube and the islands will be established as the defining element that connects the river with the adjacent territories. Converting the area into a tourist area represents, for Mocanu Island and especially for Giurgiu County island complex, a possibility to promote and maximize natural resources.
"Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism Bucharest, Romania
Author: Elena GRIGORE Supervisor: Cerasella CRĂCIUN, Angelica STAN, Mihaela HĂRMĂNESCU, Sorina RUSU, Irina CIOANGHER Academic year: 2017/2018 [dissertation research project]
URBAN DESIGN Master's Degree Programme 2 years, 120 ECTS Credits
,The Urban Design Master's Degree (2 years, 120 credits) is a program based on the current urban design paradigms, one that allows architects and urbanists to develop a complex and contemporary understanding of the social, anthropologic, economic and ecologic problems faced by today's cities and societies. Through its dual-focus, both on the fundamental theoretical research in the fields of urbanism and architecture as well as on project research, the Urban Design Master's Degree provides access to a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics of today's reality, for the purpose of creating and planning the cities of the future. At the same time, it is also a rigorous platform for experimental, avant-garde urban design. The theoretical papers and the dissertation projects for which the city of Giurgiu served as a study theme were focused on three distinctive/special characteristics of this town: the city of Giurgiu is one that has developed on a radial-concentric pattern, Giurgiu the city-port which offers access to the Danube and Giurgiu the citygate which provides access to the rest of the country, at the same time offering an easy and fast access to the capital city, Bucharest. The main objectives of the projects undertaken by the urban design students were to examine and understand the development process for a problematic/challenging urban area and then apply this knowledge in order to improve, extend and transform key urban tissue sequences, such as Giurgiu's city center, the waterfront area and even an intermodal passenger transport hub - as mixed, identifiable areas in the city, with their own particular character, meant to serve as the engine for economic, social and cultural city development.
"Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism Bucharest, Romania
Author: Laura NĂSUI Supervisor: Tiberiu FLORESCU Viorel HURDUC [dissertation research project]
Central areas are the places that connect, polarize interests, activities and people; therefore their presence in an urban area is vital.The reason I chose to tackle such a problem is that currently, the city is not enjoying the advantages that such an area could offer in developing and promoting the city, the existing center is very poorly developed in terms of diversity of the activities which should be included in such an area. The site chosen for study is an area of interest for residents and local government due to its central location, and the good links with other important areas of the city. The existence of a generous size plot, free of buildings, right next to the center of the city, currently represents a problem, but can be transformed into a great development opportunity in the context in which Giurgiu is situated on the Danube river and may be considered in the near future a satellite of Bucharest. The area in study presents great urban development potential for the entire city, as it is currently a largely occupied disused railway infrastructure, thus being incompatible with the central-type activities. Also, the use of land is currently very low. This area represents the main point which can accommodate economic and residential developments in Giurgiu, and offers the possibility for an accelerated implementation. A project of urban restructuring in this area provides opportunities for a significant improvement in terms of public, residential and economic development, at the same time increasing the number of employees in the area. The real challenge of this plan is to achieve economic, physical and social development for the area, and therefore for the city, by: exploiting the potential of the site, raising the quality of life in the area, the creation of several landmarks in the city, and creating a space of both architectural and urban design quality. The vision for the new center of Giurgiu consists of a vibrant center which combines housing, retail, office, culture and leisure activities, creating a destination with a clearly defined and distinctive character. It is the place where people can live, work, and use the space daily, but also during the night, a social interaction space, a space for all types of events. Its position in relation with the whole city, but also the variety of means of transport provides an increased level of accessibility and mobility on both the north-south axis (in conjunction with Bucharest) and west-east axis (in relation to Alexandria and Russe). This extension of the center is also an attractive area for pedestrian and bicycle users.
"Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism Bucharest, Romania
Author: Alexandru Ioan DAMIAN Supervisor: Tiberiu FLORESCU Viorel HURDUC [dissertation research project]
The presence of public spaces in any new urban development has an important role in defining the image of the entire area in the minds of the users. They are in constant direct contact with the public spaces, thus are directly influenced by them. Another key component which was taken into account in defining the public spaces in the project were the edges. The project tried to define, as much as it could, active edges for the public spaces and pedestrian areas, and allow "interaction" between the buildings, public space and their users. The waterfront area generated a specific public space that is attractive thanks to the water and to a special design. The design of the streets and pedestrian paths is an attempt to influence travel behavior and encourage the use of alternative means of transportation, by creating a dense network of pedestrian paths, bike lanes, and provision of local public transport. But the project also propose a road system, with a role in ensuring optimal functionality of the new area and anchoring it to the existing street network, and to meet the wide variety of users who frequent the area. It was intended to create a balance between different means of transport. Another key element that decisively influenced the urban design process was that of water. The Danube and the new proposed channel have played a key role in forming the new urban structure. The “Veriga” channel and the newly proposed gulf are, for the whole island of Ramadan, the backbone which can support a strong urban development in relation with the element of water. In shaping the new overall urban image, I had to take into account many factors involved directly in the visual impact of the urban environment on users. Because the urban image is not a process which can take place independently, it has to be considered from the very first drafts of the planning process. Thus, every element existing in this project participates in the defining of the urban image, from the layout of streets, shape, orientation and gauge buildings, the natural geography of the land to different sizes of vegetation used and the materials used for buildings and public spaces. The site chosen for study is an area of interest for residents and local government due to its central location, and the good links with other important areas of the city. The existence of a generous size plot, free of buildings, right next to the center of the city, currently represents a problem, but can be transformed into a great development opportunity in the context in which Giurgiu is situated on the Danube river and may be considered in the near future a satellite of Bucharest.
As object of research it has been chosen the urban complex program of insertion of an intermodal passengers knot applied to a city with an impending economical reorganization and with an infrastructure that presents a possible potential. The dissertation study, the theoretical framework offers accurate information regarding the passengers' intermodality, information assumed from confirmed documents. The process follows a series of steps meant to offer enough information to establish a theoretical base for such a scale intervention. After the structure of the complex intermodal knot program, seen as an emblematic figure of the contemporary city, will be understood, are described a series of programs and projects meant to militate for this type of combined mobility. The last part of the chapter describes the essential steps in the development of a plan for passengers mobility transport and also the advanced systems that will speed the unfolding of such an action. The purpose of this study is to ensure the reliability of such an intervention by scientific argumentation of the activities developed during each step, improving so the performances and making all processes and final results more efficient.
"Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism Bucharest, Romania
Author: Alina BRATU Supervisor: Tiberiu FLORESCU Tiberiu HURDUC [dissertation research project]
The accomplishment of an intermodal passenger knot assumed the involvement of a large scale of levels that are directly or indirectly connected with the complex urban program. The idea of planned infrastructure and of knots where interchanges can easily take place can stimulate the economical growth of the city. The transport of the workforce , the attraction of commerce and other services, the contribution to the cooperation relationship between port cities are just a few of the benefits this program can bring. The strategy has been accompanied by a presumptive insertion impact study, taking into consideration the impact both at the level of close proximity neighborhoods and at the city and country level. A series of argumentations have been needed for some of the key element, among which i point out the making off the highway in the subterranean to the prejudice of the exterior which presented a series of disadvantages, the deviation of the european road in the insertion area of the train station and also the construction of the railway using pillars and not the old slope and the development of a sorting in the area of the train station for the two existent platforms.
URBAN MOBILITY Master's Degree Programme 2 years, 120 ECTS Credits
“Urban Mobility" Master programme launched, in 2011, a new specialization in Urban Planning Academic Education based on the multidisciplinary study of urban mobility, through three approaches of pioneering and challenging nature: - Holistic approach of urban mobility, integrating multidisciplinary insights on mobility issues, specific to various domains: regional, urban and landscape planning, transport, traffic and roads, environment, sociology and economics - LU&M (Land Use and Mobility) integrated approaches, exploring the mutual influences between urban form(s) and mobility schemes, and their correlated planning, at different territorial levels. - Mobility management – Integrated and sectorial mobility policies The main objective of MMU is to train specialists in planning and implementing Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans, and particularly urban planners specialized in urban mobility. “Urban Mobility” Master programme largely builds on a new theoretical and methodological - concept: the LU&M planning, coherently integrating spatial planning to mobility planning, in the logic of: - Planning urban development so as to create spatial prerequisites for a sustainable (re)shape of mobility, - Planning urban development in a logic of better exploiting and/or remodelling accessibility(ies); - Planning mobility in the logic of sustainability – meeting the exigencies of connectivity, accessibility but also of urban living quality and of environment protection - Contextualized planning of mobility, through (zonal) mobility schemes sensitive to the characteristics and demands of different urban zones/ neighbourhoods/urban clusters, so as to create premises for urban regeneration, reshape of public spaces and improvement of cities' livability – “the good mobility in the good place”.
“The Different DANUBE” - urban - regional and landscape planning at Giurgiu-Ruse cross-border territory, organized within DANUrB project (Giurgiu, dec. 2017), MMU students focussed on connectivity, mobility and accessibility issues as core prerequisites for the creation of a regional network aiming at strengthening the “Danube” cultural identity and solidarity. The main concern of their work was, beyond the regenerative planning and redesign as touristic objectives of different sites in Giurgiu, the multimodal connectivity, along and cross-Danube, at different territorial levels – European (Danube Region), national, regional, local. MMU students conceptually approached a project for the transformation of Giurgiu Railway station in a main intermodal hub on the TEN-T rail corridor IX. They also studied solutions for the local connectivity and accessibility improvement, with a special focus on the infrastructure networks and facilities for pedestrians and cyclists. A new bridge for non-motorized travels over Cama channel was proposed, improving the connectivity of the cycling network and developing a cultural route towards the site of “Groapa de Cenușă” on which a new green and solar powered garden and promenade area was proposed. A Cross-Danube cycling connection and related belle-vue platforms, between Giurgiu (Romania) and Ruse (Bulgaria), has also been addressed by MMU students, with a possible economic solution of a light metal infrastructure hanged on “Prieteniei” Bridge heavy structure.
"Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism Bucharest, Romania
Author: Alexandra Carla CARAMIZARU, Alina Stefania HOLBAN, Teodora Maria STOICA Supervisor: Mihaela NEGULESCU Academic year: 2017/2018 [workshop research project]
The Giurgiu"North Railway Station" (G-NRS) project consists in proposing the redevelopment of the North Railway Station as a main intermodal hub and the main rail gateway of the Giurgiu city. The opportunity of this projects results from the future development of the TENTH rail Corridor IX on the current railway station is located on. In this context Giurgiu North Railway Station will become the main rail connector hub of the city to the European and national streams, and in particular to the European Region of Danube. The intermodal hub will thus be the main provider of rail, high-accessibility at the territorial level. For the optimal valorization of this privileged accessibility, we propose that the area around the station becomes a business & commercial urban pole gathering activities which polarizes interest at the regional, national and continental level.
Author: Alexandra Carla CARAMIZARU, Alina Stefania HOLBAN, Teodora Maria STOICA Supervisor: Mihaela NEGULESCU Academic year: 2017/2018 [workshop research project]
The reorganization of G-NRS as the mail intermodal hub will rely on the creation of comfortable, fast, safe and pleasant conditions of transfer from the high-speed rail transport at the territorial level to an attractive, multi-modal offer of mobility at the regional (FUA) and local level, consisting of diverse transport modes : public transport, taxi, bike sharing (public bikes), car-sharing, car-rental, and parking (park & ride).The interrelated transport stations will be located in the vicinity of the train station, connected to the main, ancient and beautiful building through an underground passage. This intermodal local hub will be located on the site of former factories, which will also be reconverted into an urban pole with appropriate functions and quality of public spaces. Better connections of the G-NRS with the city and with its area of influence are also to be planned. Currently the railway station has no appropriate direct access from the main road DN5. The existent link is the under dimensioned and unbuilt Gloria Street. In this regard, we propose to improve G-NRS road connection to DN5 through a new, multi-modal route (proposal - Gara de Nord street), with adequate capacity, profile and landscape qualities. We also propose the improvement of the road and public transport connections between G-NRS and the rest of the city, including the Giurgiu passenger harbor. Another proposal of this project is the creation of "North Railway Square— area with aesthetic qualities for a pedestrian East side of the railways through an underground connection with the North Railway station building. We also propse appropiate landscaping for the Lake of the Heart, and a conection with the North Railway Station and North Railway Square. Reconstruction of the North Railway Station is beneficial for improving local accesibility and improving the tourism offer (cultural, leissure. sports. accomodation, infrastructure, etc) especially for Giurgiu-Bucharest, Giurgiu being an important tourist destination due to its positioning on the Danube and on the border with Bulgaria. Such tourist route which starts from North Railway Station requiers the creation of connections between them (for motorized journeys and especially nonmotorized), so as to help tourist routes. comfortable ambience and an offer of mobility adequated to the exigencies of valorizing the anthropic and natural heritage through the quality of the proposed public spaces.
Author: Mihai CARAMIZARU MAZGA & Alexandra RuxandraCarla, PUȘCAȘU Supervisor: HOLBAN Mihaela Alina NEGULESCU Stefania, STOICA Teodora Maria Academic Supervisor: year: NEGULESCU 2017/2018Mihaela Academic year: [workshop 2017/2018research project] [workshop research project]
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The Giurgiu"North „Groapa de Cenușă“ Railway is a Station" natural lake (G-NRS) in the project Danube consists Basin, in situated proposingatthe anredevelopment equal distanceoffrom the North the three Railway main Station industrial as a platforms main intermodal (Chemical hub Combinate and the main – Platforms rail gateway 1 and of the 2 and Giurgiu the Shipyard). city. As a result, it served for dumping the coal ash disposals from industrial processes, causing a severe The opportunity of this projects results from the future environmental impact. development of the TENTH rail Corridor IX on the current The railway surrounding station isarea located became on. for In several this context years Giurgiu the city landll. North Railway „Groapa Station de Cenușă“ will become is also part theof main a chain rail of connector industrialhub sites ofthat the lost city totheir the European former production, and nationaltransport streams, and or infrastructural in particular to functions the European in urban Region structure of Danube.with The aintermodal strong development hub will thus potential. be the main provider of rail, high-accessibility at the territorial level. For the optimal valorization of this privileged accessibility, Hence, we propose converting that the former areaindustrial around the sitesstation and brownelds becomes to a greenspaces business & commercial exhibits both urban social polebenets gathering andactivities environmental which gains, polarizes such interest as creating at the regional, new spaces national for and recreation continental in the level. city, improving quality of urban environments, creating habitats for wildlife, fostering adaptation change or simply The reorganization of G-NRStoasclimate the mail intermodal hub enhancing thethe scenic beauty of area. will rely on creation ofthe comfortable, fast, safe and pleasant conditions of transfer from the high-speed rail transport at the territorial levelrelationship to an attractive, This, along with the close withmulti-modal the rivers offer ofChanel mobility regional (FUA) and de local level, (Cama and at thethe Danube) grants „Groapa Cenușă“ consisting of diverse transport modes and its surrounding area a place in :apublic futuretransport, touristic taxi, bikealong sharing (public bikes), car-sharing, car-rental, network the Danube. Furthermore, by improving its and parking with (park ride).The interrelated connectivity the&modal points on the citytransport (Giurgiu stations Port will of bePassengers, located in the vicinity of the train station, Central, connected to the main,it ancient and beautiful building Giurgiu-Ruse Bridge) may potentially become the through an underground passage. This intermodal local recreational area of Giurgiu. hub will be located on the site of former factories, which will also lack be reconverted intomodern an urban poletransport with appropriate The of a dense and public system in functions and quality of public spaces. Giurgiu leads to discontinuities in spatial relations and, therefore, signicant parts of the city are left behind. This is also Better connections G-NRS with the city and with its area the case of „Groapaof dethe Cenușă“. of influence are also to be planned. Currently the railway station has no appropriate direct access from the main road DN5. The This project proposal focuses on sustainable mobility solutions existent link is the under dimensioned unbuilt Gloria Street. for improving connectivity at variousand scales (local, regional, In this regard, we propose to improve as G-NRS connection national, international/European) well road as increasing to DN5 through new, multi-modal route (proposal - Garaare de attractivity of theacity. Forgotten places (Groapa de Cenua) Nord street), adequate profileattraction and landscape brought to lifewith creating new capacity, and appealing points qualities. We also propose the improvement of the road and (Clean Energy Park) while exploring the clean energy potential public transport connections of Southern Romania and thebetween Danube G-NRS corridor.and the rest of the city, including the Giurgiu passenger harbor.
Author:CARAMIZARU Mihai MAZGA Alexandra & Ruxandra PUȘCAȘU Author: Carla, Supervisor: Mihaela NEGULESCU HOLBAN Alina Stefania, STOICA Teodora Maria Academic year: 2017/2018Mihaela Supervisor: NEGULESCU [workshop research project] Academic year: 2017/2018 [workshop research project]
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Since connectivity is anStation" essential part of urban mobility, The Giurgiu"North Railway (G-NRS) project consists in this proposal focuses on green innovative proposing the redevelopment of theand North Railway solutions Station as to a improve connections and ofenhance the main intermodal hub and across the mainthe rail city gateway the Giurgiu attractivity of the city of Giurgiu for both residents and city. tourists. Therefore, a network of non-motorized transportation created results between keythe locations The opportunity routes of thisisprojects from future (intermodal of points) in Giurgiu: the city development the TENTH rail Corridor IX centre on the (Giurgiu current Centralstation rail station) – the entertainment hub (Port of railway is located on. In this context Giurgiu North Passengers area) Giurgiu-Ruse Bridge (potential Railway Station will –become the main rail connector hub of the connection with EuroVelo network 6). Aand dream landscape city to the European and national streams, in particular to mixing the Region experience of water, light andhub music will the European of Danube. The intermodal will thus accompany visitorsof in rail, theirhigh-accessibility journey. be the main provider at the territorial level. For the optimal valorization of this privileged accessibility, Forpropose this purpose, railway sectors turned into green we that former the area around the are station becomes a corridors & in commercial the city and an iconic bridge for cycling and walking business urban pole gathering activities which across Cama Chanel proposed. polarizes interest at thewas regional, national and continental level. Along with the sustainable mobility provided,hub this The reorganization of G-NRS as thesolutions mail intermodal project renewable energy, light and technology will relyaims on to theuse creation of comfortable, fast, safe andto transformconditions an environmentally challenged into a clean pleasant of transfer from thearea high-speed rail energy park. Theterritorial transformation ofan theattractive, browneldsmulti-modal that lost their transport at the level to function take many forms. However, turning intolevel, parks offer of can mobility at the regional (FUA) andthem local stands for aofviable solution for bringing lost green spaces consisting diverse transport modesthe : public transport, backbike to thesharing city.Moreover, post-industrial green car-rental, spaces can taxi, (publicthebikes), car-sharing, play parking an important part&in the green infrastructure of the and (park ride).The interrelatedsystem transport city. Ourwill solutions are in sustainable ready oer an stations be located the vicinityand of the traintostation, unforgettable experience. Solar powered cycling routes connected to the main, ancient and beautiful building reachingan theunderground Port of Passengers, andlocal LED through passage.solar This powered intermodal installations lightingon the shores Camafactories, Channel as well will as a hub will be located the site ofofformer which solarbe powered night garden and coloured windappropriate turbines are also reconverted into an urban polelitwith only part and of the new attractions of Groapa de Cenua (Clean functions quality of public spaces. Energy Park). The striking self-illuminating paths help pedestrian and cyclists ndG-NRS their way in the dark. Better connections of the with city and with its area of influence are also to be planned. Currently the railway station Thisnoproposed man-made landscape is particularly appealing has appropriate direct access from the main road DN5. The during night-time, whendimensioned everything seems to come to life. This existent link is the under and unbuilt Gloria Street. experience depicts the beauty of nature and Inmysterious this regard, we propose to improve G-NRS road through connection encounter between man, music and(proposal technology. tounique DN5 through a new, multi-modal route - Gara de Nord street), with adequate capacity, profile and landscape This mysterious the beauty of nature qualities. We also experience propose the depicts improvement of the road and through and unique encounter between man, and public transport connections between G-NRS and themusic rest of the technology. together modern technology, nature and city, includingBringing the Giurgiu passenger harbor. urban environments our proposal highlights the poetry and beauty of technology while keeping the environment at the forefront of our approach. This project creates the perfect conditions for visitors to experience the magic of nature and its potential for a better future through an exemplary model of a smart landscapes.
The Master Programme for Territorial Planning and Regional Development (TPRD) is one of the six 6 master programmes (ISCO 7) provided by the Faculty of Urban Planning in Bucharest. The duration of the programme is of 2 years (4 semesters) and includes a diversity of theoretical and practical activities of general and specific interest, cumulating 120 ECTS. The programme aims to provide a specialised tertiary education for graduates from urban planning and related fields – such as geography, economy, social sciences, engineering, ecology bachelor programmes. The programme is also looked after by architects who want to get a 2nd specialisation. The structure and content of the 4-teaching semesters is different: the 1st one is more theoretical and provides a range of general knowledge and information, common to a large extent to all 6 master programmes. The next 2 semesters are dedicated to the specialisation of students in the specific area of the programme and include courses and studio activities, whereas the last semester is almost entirely dedicated to the preparation of the final project and includes mainly practical activities (studio, seminars, study visits etc.). By the end of the programme the students get acquainted and understand the means and methods to approach strategic planning and solve spatial development challenges at larger territorial scales. The programme provides a unique perspective by integrating spatial planning and regional development principles, concepts and tools, underlining the role of multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches. During the last years the student had the opportunity to study different Romanian regions in comparison with some other European ones including the Southern cross-border Danubian area and the Black Sea littoral one. The graduation project is defended in front of a commission and includes a written part and a graphical one. The written part is a comprehensive work which presents a theoretical and methodological background for the applicative part – the project – which refers to a concrete territory and proposes some spatial development scenarios. After graduation and a professional stage of 1 year, the graduate of the TPRD programme can get the right to coordinate and sign certain studies and categories of territorial and urban plans yet depending on the basic initial qualification
The analysis of Giurgiu County at national and regional level is extremely relevant due to its location on a very important development axis for the Southern part of Romania, the Ploiești – Bucharest – Giurgiu structural axis. Moreover, this axis is a major connector for other significant axes for Southern Romania such as: the west – east axos from Craiova to Bucharest and Constanța (Black Sea), as well as the Eastern diagonal Bucharest - Iasi (Moldova) axis. There is a distinctive place in terms of attractions for the local community where history and landscape are combined in a major destination. This is the Comana Natural Park, including an important part of the Neajlov Delta. There are unique fauna and flora species in a landscape of rare beauty. In the proximity of this shelters, there are also a series of historic locations. The Battle of Călugăreni took place in the Neajlov Delta, with the old Comana monastery being the place where prince Vlad the Impaler was killed and buried. The city of Giurgiu has a strategic location in this cross-border area of the Danube River, due to the relationship with the city of Ruse. The twin cities Giurgiu-Ruse are major urban poles in this area. Due to their location, all the spatial planning documents achieved so far at national and regional level suggest a specialization of these two poles by capitalizing on the most important distinctive competence: location on both sides of the Danube River. Moreover, the city of Giurgiu benefits from its rapid connection with the capital city Romania, Bucharest.
"Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism Bucharest, Romania
Author: Smaranda CENTEA, Simona DOLANA,
Daiana GHINTUIALĂ, Vlad NOUR, Larisa Cristina GONȚILĂ, Mihai SURDU, Loredana Andreea TRIFAN Supervisor: Gabriel PASCARIU, Laura TUCAN Academic year: 2017/2018 [workshop research project]
After analysing the existing potential of the region we came to the conclusion that the best way for unlocking the potential of the region would be by exploiting the cultural heritage and natural resources through thematic touristic routes that will contribute to the territorial cohesion in the cross-border area and will strengthen the collaboration between the two cities by exploring common ground cultural assets, traditions and natural landscapes towards and along the Danube. On a territorial level, we imagined a network of touristic routes in the region considering the Bucharest-Giurgiu-Ruse axis and beyond, on a west-east axis. The network will link the different cities and villages and will reveal a connected territory through its culture and history.
The main concept of the project is the Metamorphosis. It is based on the idea that the area already has the resources that it needs to be developed and through metamorphosis, through a fundamental change in the structure, function and management of these resources, the potential of the area will be unlocked and could become a gift that also attracts the economic development. Considering the extended research we made on Giurgiu, and the main role it has in the territorial context of cross-border cooperation and territorial development between Romania and Bulgaria, we concluded that the city must also go through a metamorphosis in terms of economy, culture and nature, it must be developed and marketed as a business and research destination, as a cultural hub in the region, alongside with Ruse, and as a recreational destination for tourists, residents and foreign visitors. Having that in mind we focused on creating a brand for the city, a brand that will not only take into account the local assets of the city, but will also have as a main characteristic the idea of cooperation. As a symbol for this we used the Friendship Bridge, the longest bridge over the Danube, built between 1952 and 1954. First, there will be the idea of cooperation between the city of Giurgiu and the city of Ruse that are united through the bridge, and second, there will be the cooperation between tradition and innovation, between the already existing historical heritage and the new amenities and improvements we are proposing.
"Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism Bucharest, Romania
Author: Smaranda CENTEA, Simona DOLANA,
Daiana GHINTUIALĂ, Vlad NOUR, Larisa Cristina GONȚILĂ, Mihai SURDU, Loredana Andreea TRIFAN Supervisor: Gabriel PASCARIU, Laura TUCAN Academic year: 2017/2018 [workshop research project]
The touristic potential of the region is obvious, presenting a mix of opportunities for cultural, leisure, religious, culinary, adventure a n d e c o - t o u r i s m . To e n s u r e t h e e ffi c i e n c y o f t h e METAMORPHOSIS scenario of the Giurgiu County and to optimize the effect of territorial actions undertaken by various stakeholders in the region, several touristic axes have been drawn.
"Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism Bucharest, Romania
Author: Marius ILIE, Diana NEAGU, Mara NICOLAESCU, Răzvan SĂVAN, Anemona UNTARU & Ana ZARIF Supervisor: Cerasella CRĂCIUN, Ana OPRIȘ Academic year: 2017/2018 [workshop research project]
The landscape is a transdisciplinary area, located at the border between science, art and knowledge, between quasi- / seminatural, urban and cultural. From a cultural point of view, sensitive landscape analysis, is representative, specific and particular to a place. Thus, in the European context of this research, the Danube River can be considered a morphological and structural seed, a germ of development in the landscape, in all its components, including the cultural one. The analysis of the cultural landscape is subject to specific research methods and methodologies, of the transdisciplinary heuristic and meta-heuristic epistemological typologies, including sensible methods of landscape analysis. The landscape is a repository of evolutionary ancestral knowledge, evolving history and the memory of a place in sense of genius-loci, of tradition, culture and handcrafts, of the material landscape and of local customs, but also of the orally or immaterial landscape. Generally, these cultural landscape typologies have inscribed elements that have developed in parallel and are similar in Danubian space, as well as cross-border specific landscape in a similar form, which did not necessarily take into account the existing administrative boundaries of countries, counties, etc. Thus, the landscape is not only "the surface, the human perception of which is the result of the actions and interactions of natural and / or antropic factors", according to the European Landscape Convention (Florence, 2000), but also a cultural construction. The landscape does not only design of "a part of the territory perceived as such by the population, the character of which is the result of the action and interaction of natural and / or human factors", but also a cultural participative product, as a result of the interaction between natural / between nature / culture, the evolution of knowledge, but also technological knowledge. In the applied exercise / workshop as a case study for the Giurgiu City from Romania, the students coordinated by Bucharest “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urban Planning teachers from Urban Faculty, developed a methodology for sensible analysis of the cultural landscape, focused on several layers, visual represented by an artistic installation named THE MULTI-LAYERSD ART INSTALLATION OF GIURGIU CULTURAL LANDSCAPE. In this cluster there has also been conducted a sensory analysis, which has developed in sound representation of some of the most iconic urban landmarks in Giurgiu, by associating the landmark to sound, both physically ( the sound map ) and virtually (Youtube online platform ).
"Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism Bucharest, Romania
Author: Marius ILIE, Diana NEAGU, Mara NICOLAESCU, Răzvan SĂVAN, Anemona UNTARU & Ana ZARIF Supervisor: Cerasella CRĂCIUN, Ana OPRIȘ Academic year: 2017/2018 [workshop research project]
In the applied exercise / workshop as a case study for the Giurgiu City from Romania, the students coordinated by Bucharest “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urban Planning teachers from Urban Faculty, developed a methodology for sensible analysis of the cultural landscape, focused on several layers, visual represented by an artistic installation. The installation integrates several layers, which are components of the multi-criteria sensitivity analysis of the cultural landscape, namely: LAYER 1. The history and the initial evolution of the site - from macro- and mezzo-landscape to landscape detail of the different scale, from the relationship with the water front to the Danube River, to the relationship with the developed cities in the adjacent area of the present city of Giurgiu and the relationship cross-border with the city of Ruse in Bulgaria LAYER 2. Quasi- and semi-natural landscape – limits, boundaries and particular elements (green areas and natural heritage areas, wetlands, beach areas, development directions with the urban water front, vegetation species, etc.) LAYER 3. Urban and Architectural Landscape - evolutionary plans of Giurgiu City, through successive plans for development and evolution of urban history, including monuments, harbor port, industrial areas, communication ways (railways, traffic and road networks, pedestrian crossing over the Danube, etc.), urban altimetry that has developed spatially and temporally in historic evolution of the town. LAYER 4. The Cultural Landscape - the memory of the place / genius loci (the central area "the plate", the fortresses in this area, the historical trails, the churches as areas that have focused the community development, the tower from the central area, the existing bridges, etc.), symbolic and significant elements of aesthetic, spirituality and religion level, agricultural crops in the area, etc.), the local personalities and their works with direct reference to the town, the stories and legends of the place, the agricultural rural landscape, etc.
"Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism Bucharest, Romania
Author: Vladimir BERNICU, Emilian CALOTĂ
Mara Teodora CATARGIU , Valentin CLAPAN, Codrut PAPINA , Liviu ȘANTA & Bianca TIȚA Supervisor: Cristina ENACHE, Andreea SIMION Academic year: 2017/2018 [workshop research project]
How can be transform the identified problems of the built heritage into architectural and artistic potential through unconventional ways? Considering the recent history of the city developed as an industrial centre due to the location - both in terms of location on Danube River and as a border town - Giurgiu offers a vast heritage of mostly non-functional and abandoned sites and buildings that can become an important potential and also shaping a new identity. The main objective of this cluster was to investigate the typological and morphological variety of the built heritage especially architectural and post-industrial by looking at the layers that time left in the city's structure. Looking at a transversal section through the history – post-war/ post-industrial/ contemporary this workshop investigate cases/ examples of good practices and also propose new solution for compatible integration of modern activities into existing culture and landscape. The vision of sustainable development aims to highline the possibility of further evolution by connecting the other postindustrial areas or unfinished structures in the cultural, social and leisure network. Another important aspect is represented by correlation of functional levels of the urban organism – like mobility (pedestrian, cyclable, railway, naval), natural and urban landscape. The proposal will also contribute as a social binder, becoming a dynamic network activity, and at the same time capitalizing on the cultural valence of the city as part of the process of creating a new regional identity. The study of the abandoned / unused / unfinished heritage (especially oriented on post-industrial sites) which occupies a considerable area within Giurgiu territory, has led to a network – based strategy that exploits both affected area and part of existing structures (industrial structures, halls). Starting from a sustainable approach the existing built heritage is preserved and capitalized, in the first place and abandoned production sites are made greener, in the second– because of their passive and polluting presence in the city's structure.
"Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism Bucharest, Romania
Author: Vladimir BERNICU, Emilian CALOTĂ
Mara Teodora CATARGIU , Valentin CLAPAN, Codrut PAPINA , Liviu ȘANTA & Bianca TIȚA Supervisor: Cristina ENACHE, Andreea SIMION Academic year: 2017/2018 [workshop research project]
The concept of continuity starts from the idea of sustainability, preserving the architecture of the post-industrial sites, (also considering a continuity at the level of urban memory), by revitalizing some elements - part of the regional economic specific of Giurgiu - such as the Sugar Factory, the naval shipyard and the Textile Factory - proposed sites selected to capitalize their cultural assets during „THE DIFFERENT DANUBE" Giurgiu Workshop. Textile factory -“DUNAREANA”- Established in 1970, the Danube Confectionery Company was the Giurgiu factory with the largest number of employees, about 7,000. It was built at the entrance of the city stretching over several thousand square meters. People worked in several weavers in three laps. After the Revolution, the company restricted its activity, some of the buildings being leased to the various companies. At this time there are about 100 employees. Other giurgiuvens "factories and factories" from communism: Sugar Factory, ICMUG, Chemical Combinator, Giurgiu CET, Beer Factory, Fructonil. All these are today ruins. The concept was based on changing park typology, from an industrial park to an active and dynamic cultural park that sustains and promotes educational activities, creative industries and art in all its forms. Thus, it was proposed a zoning based on activity typologies, and creating a unitary path of the park. In the south area we proposed the conversion of the three former water reservoirs in constructions meant to support theatrical performances, exhibitions and contemporary art exhibitions. Also in the entrance area, it was proposed a space for the exhibition to sell in order to economically support the ensemble and the small artisans who can promote and valorise their work. The central space is intended for a museum in memory of the first railway in Romania, Bucharest-Giurgiu and is provided with both an exhibition space and an interactive space where visitors can understand the mechanism of a train. A significant proportion of buildings are proposed for conversion, resulting in an interactive entertainment park that will serve as the main attraction point that will support other activities. The green spaces are meant to create a living atmosphere and to anime the industrial area. Also, these spaces can serve outdoor cultural activities. We believe that this conversion of the park can bring a significant, both economic and qualitative increase of the Giurgiu north area and can serve as an important point of attraction both for the inhabitants and for those outside the city.