November 2015 Volume 95, Issue 2
KI-Notes Kiwanis Club of Danville
Club Officers
2014-2015 •
President: Jim Livingston
President-Elect: Jerry Conner
Secretary: Jay Hayes
Treasurer: Dillon Barnett
Past President: Tom Meadows
2013-2015 •
Joe Franks
John Mason
Tommy Pruett
Upcoming Meetings November 6, 2014 Where: Stratford Courtyard Conference Center Dinner: 6:30 P.M. Invocation: Dick Inlow Program: Paulette Dean, Danville Humane Society November 20, 2014 Where: Stratford Courtyard Conference Center Dinner: 6:30 P.M. Invocation: Dillon Barnett Program: Dustin Whittle, YMCA Director of Marketing
Mark Your Calendar World War I Memorial Rededication: Tuesday, November 11 at 11:00 a.m. Citizenship Night: Thursday, December 4 at 6:30 p.m., Danville Golf Club Pancake Sale: Saturday, December 6, First Baptist Church
2014-2016 •
Gordon Ballard
Stetson Franklin
Wayne Davis
Club Meeting: Thursday, December 11, Stratford Courtyard Conference Center (This is the second Thursday not the third Thursday) Detroit 100th Anniversary Celebration: January 23-24, 2015 Capital District Convention: April 10-12, 2015 in Roanoke, Virginia
Jamie Arca: Ki-Notes Editor
Contact Us: P.O. Box 1701 Danville, VA 24543
Kiwanis International Convention: June 25-28, 2015 in Indianapolis, Indiana
Don’t forget to stop by our Facebook page. We can be found at Kiwanis Club of Danville Va.
Club History
“But the freedom that they fought for, and the country grand they wrought for, Is their monument to-day, and for aye..” ~Thomas Dunn English
The date is Saturday, November 11, 1922. (Henry Johnson is a mere lad, eight years old) On this day, the Kiwanis Club of Danville (only two years old), made a contribution to the City that has lasted for 92 years and as Paul Harvey used to say, "And now, the rest of the story". If you have ever walked down West Main Street you might have noticed the bronze plaque at the entrance of Virginia Avenue. A duplicate plaque is at the beginning of Mt. Vernon Avenue at the corner of Montague Street directly behind the cannon. November11, 1922 was the fourth anniversary of the Armistice marking the end of World War I. I am going to paraphrase the role our Club played that day from an article that appeared in the Danville Bee on Monday, November 13, 1922. A small rostrum was built at the intersection of Mt. Vernon Avenue and Virginia Avenue. The Kiwanis who conceived and carried out this unique form of memorializing the dead were out in full force each one wearing a white carnation. After several speeches were made, the task of planting 4l trees was begun. The trees were planted in honor of the men who either fell in combat or died from wounds and disease during their enlistment period. Pits had been dug for them and white markers given the name of each man stood by it. Groups of Kiwanis with shovels placed the earth about the roots of the trees while Mr. Talbot (Frank Talbott was the President of the Club at that time) proceeding from one tree to another cited much authentic data on the war records of each man as it had been possible to procure. At many of the trees stood relatives of the men thus honored. The whole service lasted about an hour and was brought to a conclusion by the rifle squad and Sergeant Sweatt who sounded the familiar "soldier's good-night". The white markers were replaced with bronze markers, each bearing the K emblem and the soldier's name. As time went on, those trees got huge and many of them fell during storms or had to be cut due to disease and have been replaced. Many of the plaques were destroyed or went missing. On 11/11 at ll:00 a.m. our Club, American Legion Post 1097 and the City of Danville Public Works Dept. will take part in a re-dedication ceremony of the WWI Memorial on Mt. Vernon Avenue at the cannon. President Jim Livingston will give the welcome, Kiwanis Foundation President, Glenn Giles, will give a history of the Memorial and Landon Wyatt will close the ceremony with the playing of Taps, the "soldier's good-night". The Kiwanis Foundation has purchased name plaques to replace the old ones. Past President, Loretta Aron, has graciously offered to purchase a long stem white carnation to be placed at every new plaque and the Foundation will have a white carnation for every Kiwanian, just like in 1922. For 93 years the Kiwanis Club of Danville has played and continues to play a significant role in the life of Danville and the surrounding area so wear your K with pride. Hope to see you on the 11th and at our meetings on the first and third Thursdays. ~D.B.
Club Corner On December 6th from 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m., there will be an ALS fund raiser walk for Vicki and Gary Ferguson. At the last meeting, I announced that Vicki asked that the funds we raised in the Ice Bucket Challenge go toward the walk. Their goal is $50,000. The money will go to the VA-DC-MD chapter which has provided equipment and services for Vicki. We raised a little over $2000 and next week I will be turning over the money to the organizers of this walk. Thanks to all of you who made a contribution to honor Vicki and to help find a cure for this dreaded disease and a special thank you to Pete Brown and Budge Kent for their participation. At the last meeting, Secretary Jay handed out perfect attendance tabs. Budge received a pin for 50 years of perfect attendance, a truly remarkable feat. Our last two members to reach that level were Dr. Paul Hodge and Mac Choate and that was some time ago. Congratulations!!!!
Sponsors Lee Wayland Volunteer-Consultant Chemistry-Genealogy-History
Danny Jones Patron
Kevin R. Keys Maddyzac Marketing 336-580-5397
Christopher West Office of Congressman Robert Hurt
ERA Holley & Gibson Realty Janet Holley Donna Gibson
The McDonald’s Coffee Club Bill, Russ, Dick, Tom, and Pete
Townes Funeral Home David L. Fuquay John S. Garwood Gordon Darkis
Harry T. Kolendrianos Patron
N’Tended For Kids Dance Too Merle Norman Cosmetics Frances P. Harper, Owner
Landon Wyatt Patron
Raywood Landscape Center Newton Ray, Jr.
Sheilds Auction & Realty George H. Shields, Jr.
Carter Bank & Trust John G. Wales Vice President
David T. Clark Patron
Ken Miller Patron
E. Budge Kent, Jr. Patron
Dillon Barnett Patron
Harris Harvey Neal & Co. Certified Public Accountants W. Joe Foster, CPA
Airpark Storage Bob Warren
Janet Laughlin Patron
Jim Livingston Dominion Eye Center 799-3232
Bogies Prayer-KPG Sam Ferguson-President Chris West-Vice President Budge Kent, John Mason, Janet Holley, David Zook, Joe Franks, Don Cairnes
Gus S. Dolianitis First Citizens Bank Vice President Business Banker 434-792-1870