2 minute read
Residents, Schools and Local Business Raise Money for a Great Cause
By Carrie Rivera, Resident since 2001
Six months ago my kids and I came across a man in Tahoe, struggling to walk. My daughter said, as we were approaching him on an isolated street, “Mom, don’t bother him.” I promised my daughter I wouldn’t unless he needed us. As we got closer we noticed he was trembling on his walker and he asked me to grab his car parked in his driveway a hundred yards away. By the time I got the car close enough, my daughter and I could not lift his weak body into the car and he had to lower himself to the ground, which was so awful for him. A neighbor was able to lift him into his car eventually, where his hand controls are located, but at this point he was exhausted. We could not shake this experience, and we were inspired by the drive this man had to try and walk given his Neurological disorder, which impairs the bottom half of his body. Later we learned, in his 40’s, he was diagnosed with a rare neurological disorder that mimics MS.
My kids and I decided to start a fundraiser called Change of Change. We have motivated soccer opponents at my kids games to bring change to raise money for a good cause along with some old fashioned door to door collections. These small strong girls who fought a good battle on the soccer field ALL celebrated on behalf of bringing change for Scott. Though one team won and one lost, it felt like a WIN all the way around that day! Their huge smiles at the end of the battle was proof of coming together for a greater cause!
Another club was started at SRVHS by Kennedy Rivera, It’s called “Walk For Scott.” She has about 30 members so far and will continue fundraising for the rest of the year. Scott was the inspiration, but she will be raising money for other causes in the future. We hope to raise money for people like Scott, who never asked for a thing. He has since learned of the hard work all these kids put forth on his behalf. It made him feel overwhelmed with gratitude, that he, unknowingly, was inspiring others.
He still needs a few things like new flooring and adjustments to his car. I am a member of Fitness 19, and thankfully they jumped on board to support this cause. My kids made signs and there is a jar at Fitness 19 explaining a bit about the fundraiser. Sebastian, the manager at Fitness 19, was so great to support the cause and agreed to continue collecting change through January. I love the support our local gym has shown, and we are so grateful for our healthy, strong bodies.The day we met Scott changed our lives for the better. Thank you to everyone who has contributed. If you would like to contribute to our fundraiser please contact me @ carrie3765@gmail.com.