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Spring Break: The Break we All Need

www.DanvilleLivingCA.com @DanvilleLivingCA #DanvilleLivingCA

By Michael Copeland, Discovery Counseling Center

Spring Break is just the break I need to break from the monotonous routine I find myself in this time of year. Like many of my readers, both of you, I get up (when it’s still dark outside), make school lunches, eat breakfast, see the kids off, drive to work, put in an exhausting day at the salt mines, drive home (in the dark), eat dinner, read a little, watch some TV and go to bed. Fear not, this isn’t a “Woe is me” article, although it could be if I added the stuff about bill paying, dog walking and helping with homework. I know Spring Break was designed to give students a one week break from their studies, but believe me when I say, Spring Break can’t come soon enough for this suburban superhero.

In years past, my family and I have gone to Lake Tahoe, Washington D.C., New York City, and we even did a Caribbean cruise with the in-laws one year. One more day on a ship with my mother-in-law and I would have been dangerously close to jumping overboard. It really doesn’t matter where your ultimate destination is as long as we get out of Dodge for a week. We don’t actually live in Dodge, but you get my drift. Marshall Dillon and Miss Kitty once lived in Dodge on the long running western, Gunsmoke. I wonder if they actually “got out of Dodge” during Spring Break? You have to admit, “Get out of Dodge” sounds a lot better than “Get out of Danville.” Danville is where Phineas and Ferb live. Phineas and Ferb is a delightful Disney Channel series. I know that because my sad routine includes occasionally watching cartoons. I bet even Phineas and Ferb want to get out of Danville for Spring Break.

I’m not complaining, I’m commiserating. Who’s with me? We don’t actually have to go on our Spring Break vacation together, unless you want to, but metaphorically speaking, aren’t we all ready for a Spring Break? A break from our lives, our jobs, and our commitments is a good thing. It can recharge the battery, stoke the fire or just save your sanity.

See where these Danville residents are planning to go for Spring Break this year:

"Hawaii. Who doesn’t love Hawaii?" Monica C.

"A college road trip with my high school son. Utah, Colorado, Nevada & Arizona." Eric O.

"Disneyland. It’s the happiest place on earth." Cindy G.

"Skiing in Tahoe. If there’s enough snow. Is there enough snow?" Jason A.

"Huntington Beach for some sun and fun." George P.

"We’re doing a San Francisco “Staycation”. We’ll be sightseeing in the city like some underdressed European Tourists." Mike B.

"I’ve always wanted to go to spring training in Arizona and this year it’s happening." Mike B.

"We’re heading to San Diego for the zoo and other cool attractions." Julie R.

There may have been a time in my younger days when a swim suit, wet suit or my birthday suit were the body surfing/bon fire party apparel options of a wild time at pick-a-name beach somewhere along the California coast. I was the king of the Beer- Bong, the Body Shot and the Ice Breaker. Now, if my teen daughters ask what those vile terms mean, I tell them they’re games invented by the devil and most assuredly cause cancer. It would be an interesting case study to dissect what we recklessly enjoyed as young adults and how we don’t want our 17-22 years old to experience any of it. As the head of our family, my job is to show the kids a part of the country and cherish the quality time I get to spend with my girls. With college looming, I fear that they’ll be exposed to Spring Break boys like I used to be all too soon.

Maybe this year we’ll just throw all our stuff in the car and head to places unknown without a pre-set destination. Yea, like that could ever happen. We’re all about the preparation, anticipation and the execution of the Spring Break. We’re a “tion” family. Granted, the theme and destination of my Spring Breaks may have been altered since the craziness of my youth, but they are still an important staple in my life. It’s a break we all need right now.

www.DanvilleLivingCA.com @DanvilleLivingCA #DanvilleLivingCA

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