TOMY Whack’em Racers Toy Vehicle is advertising with recent price $ 24.99, TOMY Whackem Racers Toy Vehicle item has several valuable Reviews on TOMY Whack’em Racers Toy Vehicle is really the best TOMY Whackem Racers Toy Vehicle item it is possible to order online. The description of TOMY Whack’em Racers Toy Vehicle
TOMY Whack’em Racers Toy Vehicle
Things to bang and race – what more could a little boy want? Wacky Racers is this and so much more. Place the racing drivers at the top of the start line, make sure their cars are lined up beneath and BANG.Bash them through the hole, into their cars, and watch as they speed off.Brilliant fun.The ramps can then be folded up with the cars and balls inside for storage. Developmental Benefits: Promotes muscle development, improves attention and encourages co-operation and turn taking…. Read more
The features of TOMY Whack’em Racers Toy Vehicle Hit the ‘character’ balls through the holes using the soft hammer provided Race car themed characters and vehicles Promotes muscle development, teaches cause and effect and improves attention Wacky Racers is a fun hammering toy for little hands Watch as they fall into their cars and zoom off down the ramp. Check Out TOMY Whack’em Racers Toy Vehicle at the best price available today.
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